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Hugo container image

Hugo is a fast and flexible static site generator. For further reference and usage tips, see https://gohugo.io.

Running the image

Hugo needs access to your Hugo project directory to compile your static site.

To do so, cd into your project directory and run:

podman run --rm -v $(pwd):/var/lib/hugo/site:Z -p 1313:1313 IMAGE COMMAND

The command above is complete, intended to support project compilation or running the internal hugo server in the container, binding it to your host 1313 port, just like the hugo server command would.

Setting an alias with the example command above may aid speeding up development.



This is the image workdir, where the Hugo project directory in your host machine should be mounted in this image.



This port is used to expose the hugo builtin web server for test purposes through

podman run --rm -v $(pwd):/var/lib/hugo/site:Z -p 1313:1313 IMAGE server