
Memcached is High Performance, Distributed Memory Object Cache

How to use the container

Pull the image from Docker Hub:

$ sudo docker pull

Run the container

docker run -it -p 11211:11211 --name memcached modularitycontainers/memcached

If you would like to debug memcached, use container option =e MEMCACHED_DEBUG_MODE:

docker run -it -p 11211:11211
--name memcached modularitycontainers/memcached

If you would like to change memcached options, like cache_size, connections or threads, use environment variable -e MEMCACHED_CACHE_SIZE, -e MEMCACHED_CONNECTIONS, -e MEMCACHED_THREADS respectively:

docker run -it -p 11211:11211
[-e MEMCACHED_CONNECTIONS=<max_simultaneous_connections>]
[-e MEMCACHED_THREADS=<max_concurrent_threads>]
--name memcached modularitycontainers/memcached

A demo

Here is a simple demo how to run memcached

  • Copy systemd service which will take care of memcached container: bash $ sudo cp -av memcached-container.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/ $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  • We can start memcached now: bash $ sudo systemctl start memcached-container

  • You should be able to test memcached by commands (taken from bash set Test 0 100 10 JournalDev STORED get Test VALUE Test 0 10 JournalDev END replace Test 0 100 4 Temp STORED get Test VALUE Test 0 4 Temp END stats items STAT items:1:number 1 STAT items:1:age 19 STAT items:1:evicted 0 STAT items:1:evicted_time 0 STAT items:1:outofmemory 0 STAT items:1:tailrepairs 0 END flush_all OK get Test END version VERSION 1.4.25 quit

Repository structure

  • Dockerfile - build container image with memcached.
  • openshift-template.yml - Template for OpenShift to memcached.