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SystemTap running in a container.


You can use atomic command to run systemtap container:

$ atomic run candidate-registry.fedoraproject.org/f26/systemtap:latest

Once you are in the shell, you can try some simple systemtap scripts:

  1. "hello world" with systemtap: $ stap -e 'probe begin { println("hello world"); }' hello world ^C

  2. script to print backtrace from a selected kernel function: [root@3fe0ab87451e /]# stap -e 'probe kernel.function("generic_make_request") { prinbacktrace() }' 0xffffffff9b3dd2f0 : generic_make_request+0x0/0x2d0 [kernel] 0x0 (inexact) 0xffffffff9b3dd2f0 : generic_make_request+0x0/0x2d0 [kernel] 0x0 (inexact)

For complete guide to this container, please see the help page.