b311b95 Upgrade to f33

Authored and Committed by sbergmann 3 years ago
    Upgrade to f33
    ...where java is no longer part of the flatpak-runtime.  (At libreoffice flatpak
    build time, the java-11-openjdk rpm will populate /etc/alternatives (even though
    that is outside /app) with symlinks to /app/lib/jvm, so that the symlink chain
    /app/lib/jvm/java -> /etc/alternatives/java_sdk/ ->
    /app/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk- (or
    whatever the latter's exact name) will work.  But at flatpak composition time,
    those non-/app files will be dropped from the resulting flatpak, so that
    container.yaml needs to set up the /app/lib/jvm/jre-flatpak symlink for
    --env=JAVA_HOME=/app/lib/jvm/jre-flatpak to find the Java installation under a
    stable name, as then the /app/lib/jvm/jre -> /etc/alternatives/jre/ symlink will
    be dangling.)
file modified
+2 -0
file modified
+204 -189