EPEL repos for Fedora

The epelX-repos packages contain repositories for Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL).

The repositories are disabled by default and can be used e.g. with repoquery:

$ repoquery --repo=epel8 --whatrequires 'python(abi) = 3.6'

Or to download packages with dnf:

$ dnf --repo=epel7 download python36-rpm

Note that the "base" RHEL/CentOS repos are not included.


  1. All epel- repositories were renamed to epelX- (e.g. epel8-modular) to avoid conflicts with other EPEL versions.
  2. All -testing repositories were renamed to -testingx (e.g. epel7-testingx) to avoid mistakes with commands like dnf distro-sync --enablerepo='*-testing'.