b599883 Change the selinux-policy package versioning scheme

Authored and Committed by zpytela 3 years ago
    Change the selinux-policy package versioning scheme
    The selinux-policy package version scheme now follows the model
    <Fedora version>.<package version number since split>-<rpm release>
    <Fedora version> changes when the development branch in the
    https://github.com/fedora-selinux/selinux-policy repository
    starts to diverge from the latest stable release
    <package version number since split> is increased with each new package
    in the same branch when there was a change in the repository content
    <rpm release> is increased with every rpm packaging change;
    change like this is not propagated to the fedora-selinux/selinux-policy repo
    35.1-1 is the first release of the first selinux-policy package version
    in the f35 branch since it diverged from f34.
file modified
+5 -2