mizdebsk / rpms / maven

Forked from rpms/maven 5 years ago

680881b Fix #667625 #667614 and #667636

Authored and Committed by Stanislav Ochotnicky 13 years ago
    Fix #667625 #667614 and #667636
    - Install maven metadata so they are not downloaded when mvn is run (667625)
      repo-metadata.tar.xz will have to be updated as additional plugins need new metadata
    - Make sure JavadirWorkspaceReader is used when building model (patch update)
      Needed because WorkspaceReader is not used early when building mvn project
      and this causes problems
    - JavadirWorkspaceReader doesn't pretend to resolve non-existent artifacts anymore
      Instead it returns null (artifact not found) so that reactor/local resolver can work as expected
file modified
+91 -21
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+10 -1
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+34 -1
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+24 -2
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empty file added