Name: akmods Version: 0.5.7 Release: 7%{?dist} Summary: Automatic kmods build and install tool License: MIT URL: # We are upstream, these files are maintained directly in pkg-git Source0: 95-akmods.preset Source1: akmods Source2: akmodsbuild Source3: akmods.h2m Source5: akmodsposttrans Source6: Source7: akmods-shutdown Source8: akmods-shutdown.service Source9: README Source10: LICENSE Source11: akmods@.service Source12: akmods-ostree-post Source13: 95-akmodsposttrans.install Source14: akmods.log Source15: README.secureboot Source16: Source17: akmods-kmodgenca Source18: Source19: akmods-keygen@.service Source20: %{name}-tmpfiles.conf BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: help2man # not picked up automatically %if 0%{?rhel} == 6 Requires: %{_bindir}/nohup %endif Requires: %{_bindir}/flock Requires: %{_bindir}/time # needed for actually building kmods: Requires: %{_bindir}/rpmdev-vercmp Requires: kmodtool >= 1.1-1 # needed to create CA/Keypair to sign modules Requires: openssl # this should track in all stuff that is normally needed to compile modules: Requires: bzip2 coreutils diffutils file findutils gawk gcc grep Requires: gzip make sed tar unzip util-linux which rpm-build # On EL, kABI list was renamed %if 0%{?rhel} %if 0%{?rhel} >= 8 Requires: (kernel-abi-stablelists or kernel-abi-whitelists) %else Requires: kernel-abi-whitelists %endif %endif %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} > 7 # We use a virtual provide that would match either # kernel-devel or kernel-PAE-devel Requires: kernel-devel-uname-r # kernel-devel-matched enforces the same kernel version as the -devel %if 0%{?fedora} >= 36 || 0%{?rhel} >= 9 Requires: (kernel-debug-devel-matched if kernel-debug-core) Requires: (kernel-devel-matched if kernel-core) Requires: (kernel-lpae-devel-matched if kernel-lpae-core) %else Suggests: (kernel-debug-devel if kernel-debug) Suggests: (kernel-devel if kernel) Suggests: (kernel-lpae-devel if kernel-lpae) %endif Suggests: (kernel-PAE-devel if kernel-PAE) Suggests: (kernel-PAEdebug-devel if kernel-PAEdebug) # Theses are from planetccrma-core or rhel-7-server-rt-rpms Suggests: (kernel-rt-devel if kernel-rt) Suggests: (kernel-rtPAE-devel if kernel-rtPAE) %else # There is no much variant there, so using a sane default Requires: kernel-devel %endif # we create a special user that used by akmods to build kmod packages Requires(pre): shadow-utils # systemd unit requirements. BuildRequires: systemd Requires(post): systemd Requires(preun): systemd Requires(postun): systemd # Optional but good to have on recent kernel Requires: pkgconfig(libelf) %description Akmods startup script will rebuild akmod packages during system boot, while its background daemon will build them for kernels right after they were installed. %prep %setup -q -c -T cp -p %{SOURCE9} %{SOURCE10} %{SOURCE15} . %build # Nothing to build %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_usrsrc}/%{name} \ %{buildroot}%{_sbindir} \ %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rpm \ %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pki/%{name}/certs \ %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pki/%{name}/private \ %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/kernel/postinst.d \ %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d \ %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/cache/%{name} \ %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name} \ %{buildroot}%{_tmpfilesdir} install -pm 0755 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/ install -pm 0755 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/ install -pm 0755 %{SOURCE12} %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/ install -pm 0755 %{SOURCE5} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/kernel/postinst.d/ install -pm 0644 %{SOURCE14} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}.conf install -pm 0640 %{SOURCE16} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pki/%{name}/ install -pm 0755 %{SOURCE17} %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/kmodgenca install -pm 0644 %{SOURCE20} %{buildroot}%{_tmpfilesdir}/%{name}.conf install -dpm 0770 %{buildroot}%{_rundir}/%{name}/ mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/kernel/install.d install -pm 0755 %{SOURCE13} %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/kernel/install.d/ mkdir -p \ %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} \ %{buildroot}%{_presetdir} sed "s|@SERVICE@|display-manager.service|" %{SOURCE6} >\ %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/akmods.service install -pm 0644 %{SOURCE0} %{buildroot}%{_presetdir}/ install -pm 0755 %{SOURCE7} %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/ install -pm 0644 %{SOURCE8} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/ install -pm 0644 %{SOURCE11} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/ install -pm 0644 %{SOURCE18} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/ install -pm 0644 %{SOURCE19} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/ # Generate and install man pages. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1 help2man -N -i %{SOURCE3} -s 1 \ -o %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/akmods.1 \ %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/akmods help2man -N -i %{SOURCE3} -s 1 \ -o %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/akmodsbuild.1 \ %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/akmodsbuild %pre # create group and user getent group akmods >/dev/null || groupadd -r akmods getent passwd akmods >/dev/null || \ useradd -r -g akmods -d /var/cache/akmods/ -s /sbin/nologin \ -c "User is used by akmods to build akmod packages" akmods %post %systemd_post akmods.service %systemd_post akmods@.service %systemd_post akmods-shutdown.service %preun %systemd_preun akmods.service %systemd_preun akmods@.service %systemd_preun akmods-shutdown.service %postun %systemd_postun akmods.service %systemd_postun akmods@.service %systemd_postun akmods-shutdown.service %files %doc README README.secureboot %license LICENSE %{_sbindir}/akmodsbuild %{_sbindir}/akmods %{_sbindir}/akmods-ostree-post %{_sbindir}/kmodgenca %dir %attr(750,root,akmods) %{_sysconfdir}/pki/%{name}/certs %dir %attr(750,root,akmods) %{_sysconfdir}/pki/%{name}/private %config(noreplace) %attr(640,root,akmods) %{_sysconfdir}/pki/%{name}/ %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}.conf %{_sysconfdir}/kernel/postinst.d/akmodsposttrans %{_unitdir}/akmods.service %{_unitdir}/akmods@.service %{_sbindir}/akmods-shutdown %{_unitdir}/akmods-shutdown.service %{_prefix}/lib/kernel/install.d/95-akmodsposttrans.install %attr(0644,root,root) %{_unitdir}/ %attr(0644,root,root) %{_unitdir}/akmods-keygen@.service %dir %attr(0770,root,akmods) %{_rundir}/%{name} %{_tmpfilesdir}/%{name}.conf # akmods was enabled in the default preset by f28 %if 0%{?rhel} %{_presetdir}/95-akmods.preset %else %exclude %{_presetdir}/95-akmods.preset %endif %{_usrsrc}/akmods %dir %attr(-,akmods,akmods) %{_localstatedir}/cache/akmods %dir %attr(0775,root,akmods) %{_localstatedir}/log/%{name} %{_mandir}/man1/* %changelog * Wed Mar 09 2022 Timothée Ravier - 0.5.7-7 - Use 'Require' instead of 'Suggest' for kernel*-devel packages. * Thu Jan 27 2022 Nicolas Viéville - 0.5.7-6 - Adapt usage of lockfile to systemd-tmpfiles - Re-locate akmods logs in /var/log * Wed Jan 26 2022 Timothée Ravier - 0.5.7-5 - Use kernel*-core variants in conditional Suggests * Wed Jan 19 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.5.7-4 - Rebuilt for * Mon Dec 20 2021 Nicolas Chauvet - 0.5.7-3 - Drop perl-interpeter - Drop akmodsinit - Only use preset on rhel - kernel-devel-matched support see also * Fri Dec 10 2021 Nicolas Chauvet - 0.5.7-2 - Bump kmodtool requirement - Rename kABI list - Drop EL6 support - Switch to distro agnostic deps * Fri Oct 22 2021 Nicolas Viéville - 0.5.7-1 - Add local akmods CA signing keys and support tools to sign modules for Secure boot thanks to Stanislas Leduc - Add akmods-keygen service to generate MOK key pair on first run * Fri Oct 22 2021 Nicolas Viéville - 0.5.6-29 - Remove trailing spaces and clean-up - Use %%{name} when possible - Convert if statement from "[!] $variable" to "[!] -n $variable" - Fix kernel list build when parsing command line options - Ensure to build for grub default kernel - Improve detection of already installed (weak-)modules in akmods (RHEL) - akmods uses logrotate and clean-up /var/cache/akmods sub-directories of old logs and rpm files from no more installed kmod packages (rhbz #1542658). * Wed Jul 21 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.5.6-28 - Rebuilt for * Mon Jan 25 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.5.6-27 - Rebuilt for * Mon Jul 27 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.5.6-26 - Rebuilt for * Tue Jan 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.5.6-25 - Rebuilt for * Wed Nov 20 2019 Nicolas Viéville - 0.5.6-24 - Check kernel presence differently for systemd-boot machines - rhbz#1769144 * Wed Oct 16 2019 Leigh Scott - 0.5.6-23 - Add requires kernel-abi-whitelists for RHEL * Wed Jul 24 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.5.6-22 - Rebuilt for * Mon May 20 2019 Nicolas Chauvet - 0.5.6-21 - Add check for rhel8 * Wed May 15 2019 Nicolas Viéville - 0.5.6-20 - Fix akmodsposttrans after kernel update/install on Fedora >= 28 and RHEL >= 7 - rhbz#1709055 * Thu Feb 28 2019 Alexander Larsson - 0.5.6-19 - Support ostree/silverblue builds - rhbz#1667014 * Thu Feb 28 2019 Hans de Goede - Do not fail when the old initscripts pkg is not installed - rhbz#1680121 * Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.5.6-18 - Rebuilt for * Mon Nov 05 2018 Nicolas Chauvet - 0.5.6-17 - Don't enforce target arch - rhbz#1644430 - Rework log file path - Avoid using /usr/lib/modules for el6 compat * Thu Jul 12 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.5.6-16 - Rebuilt for * Mon Mar 26 2018 Nicolas Chauvet - 0.5.6-15 - Add inihibitor for akmods@.service - Use restart on akmodsposttrans * Mon Mar 26 2018 Nicolas Chauvet - 0.5.6-14 - Switch to always retry by default - Drop akmods preset by f28 - Don't enable service on ah - Test a rw directory * Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.5.6-13 - Rebuilt for * Wed Dec 13 2017 Nicolas Chauvet - 0.5.6-12 - Update kernel posttrans method - rhbz#1518401 * Thu Aug 03 2017 Nicolas Chauvet - 0.5.6-11 - Rework kernel-devel requires on el * Thu Aug 03 2017 Nicolas Chauvet - 0.5.6-10 - Enable suggests on fedora - Add back el6 support in spec - Add Requires elfutils-libelf-devel * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.5.6-9 - Rebuilt for * Thu Jul 13 2017 Petr Pisar - 0.5.6-8 - perl dependency renamed to perl-interpreter * Thu May 4 2017 Hans de Goede - 0.5.6-7 - "udevadm trigger" may have bad side-effects (rhbz#454407) instead look for modalias files under /sys/devices and call modprobe directly - Fix exit status when no akmod packages are installed, so that systemd does not consider the akmods.service as having failed to start * Wed May 3 2017 Hans de Goede - 0.5.6-6 - Run "udevadm trigger" and "systemctl restart systemd-modules-load.service" when new kmod packages have been build and installed so that the new modules may be used immediately without requiring a reboot * Mon Mar 6 2017 Hans de Goede - 0.5.6-5 - Add LICENSE file (rhbz#1422918) * Fri Feb 24 2017 Hans de Goede - 0.5.6-4 - Replace %%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-preset with %%{_presetdir} * Thu Feb 16 2017 Hans de Goede - 0.5.6-3 - Submit to Fedora for package review * Mon Nov 28 2016 Nicolas Chauvet - 0.5.6-2 - Use Suggests kernel-devel weak-dependency - see rfbz#3386 * Fri Oct 14 2016 Richard Shaw - 0.5.6-1 - Disable shutdown systemd service file by default. - Remove modprobe line from main service file. * Wed Aug 17 2016 Sérgio Basto - 0.5.4-3 - New release * Sun Jan 03 2016 Nicolas Chauvet - 0.5.4-2 - Revert conflicts kernel-debug-devel * Thu Jul 23 2015 Richard Shaw - 0.5.4-1 - Do not mark a build as failed when only installing the RPM fails. - Run akmods-shutdown script instead of akmods on shutdown. - Add systemd preset file to enable services by default. * Wed Jul 15 2015 Richard Shaw - 0.5.3-2 - Add package conflicts to stop pulling in kernel-debug-devel, fixes BZ#3386. - Add description for the formatting of the parameter, BZ#3580. - Update static man pages and clean them up. - Fixed another instance of TMPDIR causing issues. - Added detection of dnf vs yum to akmods, fixed BZ#3481. * Wed Apr 1 2015 Richard Shaw - 0.5.2-1 - Fix temporary directory creation when TMPDIR environment variable is set, fixes BZ#2596. - Update systemd scripts to use macros. - Fix akmods run on shutdown systemd unit file, fixes BZ#3503. * Sun Nov 16 2014 Nicolas Chauvet - 0.5.1-4 - Fix akmods on armhfp - rfbz#3117 - Use yum instead of rpm to install packages - rfbz#3350 Switch to a better date format * Fri Jan 11 2013 Richard Shaw - 0.5.1-3 - Really fix * Fri Jun 01 2012 Richard Shaw - 0.5.1-2 - Add service file to run again on shutdown. - Add conditional for Fedora 18 to specify correct systemd graphical service. * Thu Apr 12 2012 Nicolas Chauvet - 0.4.0-4 - Rebuilt * Tue Mar 20 2012 Richard Shaw - 0.4.0-3 - Add additional error output if the needed kernel development files are not installed. (Fixes #561) * Mon Mar 05 2012 Richard Shaw - 0.4.0-2 - Remove remaining references to previous Fedora releases - Remove legacy SysV init script from CVS. - Added man page for akmods and cleaned up man page for akmodsbuild. * Tue Feb 07 2012 Nicolas Chauvet - 0.4.0-1 - Update for UsrMove support - Remove unused references to older fedora - Change Requires from kernel-devel to kernel-devel-uname-r