packit / rpms / anaconda

Forked from rpms/anaconda 2 years ago

5b309cb New version 26.17-1

Authored and Committed by m4rtink 7 years ago
    New version 26.17-1
    - Fix a GTK Widget related deprecation warning (mkolman)
    - Fix GTK screen/display related deprecation warnings (mkolman)
    - Fix GObject and GLib deprecation warnings (mkolman)
    - Fix selection of no software environment (#1400045) (vponcova)
    - Use signals for Spoke & Hub entry/exit callbacks (mkolman)
    - Fix the name of StorageDiscoveryConfig attribute (#1395350) (vponcova)
    - Iutil PEP8 & formatting fixes (mkolman)
    - Add inst.ksstrict option to show kickstart warnings as errors. (vponcova)
    - Use the structured installation task classes (mkolman)
    - Improved password quality checking (mkolman)
    - Add unit tests for password quality checking (mkolman)
    - Use Enum for password status constants (mkolman)
    - Use a sane unified password checking policy (mkolman)
    - Add install task processing classes and unit tests (mkolman)
    - Add a signal/slot implementation (mkolman)
    - Set correctly the default partitioning. (vponcova)
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+1 -0
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+19 -4
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