module Gem class << self ## # Returns a string representing that part or the directory tree that is # common to all specified directories. def common_path(dirs) paths = dirs.collect {|dir| dir.split(File::SEPARATOR)} uncommon_idx = paths.transpose.each_with_index.find {|dirnames, idx| dirnames.uniq.length > 1}.last paths[0][0 ... uncommon_idx].join(File::SEPARATOR) end private :common_path ## # Default gems locations allowed on FHS system (/usr, /usr/share). # The locations are derived from directories specified during build # configuration. def default_locations @default_locations ||= { :system => common_path([ConfigMap[:vendorlibdir], ConfigMap[:vendorarchdir]]), :local => common_path([ConfigMap[:sitelibdir], ConfigMap[:sitearchdir]]) } end ## # For each location provides set of directories for binaries (:bin_dir) # platform independent (:gem_dir) and dependent (:ext_dir) files. def default_dirs @default_dirs ||= Hash[default_locations.collect do |destination, path| [destination, { :bin_dir => File.join(path, ConfigMap[:bindir].split(File::SEPARATOR).last), :gem_dir => File.join(path, ConfigMap[:datadir].split(File::SEPARATOR).last, 'gems'), :ext_dir => File.join(path, ConfigMap[:libdir].split(File::SEPARATOR).last, 'gems') }] end] end ## # RubyGems default overrides. def default_dir if Process.uid == 0 Gem.default_dirs[:local][:gem_dir] else Gem.user_dir end end def default_path path = default_dirs.collect {|location, paths| paths[:gem_dir]} path.unshift Gem.user_dir if File.exist? Gem.user_home end def default_bindir if Process.uid == 0 Gem.default_dirs[:local][:bin_dir] else File.join [Dir.home, 'bin'] end end def default_ext_dir_for base_dir dirs = Gem.default_dirs.detect {|location, paths| paths[:gem_dir] == base_dir} dirs && File.join(dirs.last[:ext_dir], 'exts') end end end