Blob Blame History Raw
From 9baca08d9f0b1e2902d39fd98805a4c37cb4eab6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Søren Sandmann Pedersen <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 02:54:03 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] fix Render with window sources

 fb/fbpict.c |   78 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------
 1 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/fb/fbpict.c b/fb/fbpict.c
index 2fbef15..2d91f2f 100644
--- a/fb/fbpict.c
+++ b/fb/fbpict.c
@@ -268,54 +268,41 @@ create_conical_gradient_image (PictGradient *gradient)
-static DrawablePtr 
-copy_drawable (DrawablePtr pDraw)
+static pixman_image_t *
+image_from_window (pixman_format_code_t format, DrawablePtr pDraw)
     ScreenPtr pScreen = pDraw->pScreen;
-    PixmapPtr pPixmap;
-    GCPtr pGC;
+    pixman_image_t *image;
     int width, height;
-    ChangeGCVal gcv[2];
+    uint32_t *bits;
     width = pDraw->width;
     height = pDraw->height;
-    pPixmap = (*pScreen->CreatePixmap) (pScreen, width, height, pDraw->depth, 0);
-    if (!pPixmap)
-	return NULL;
-    pGC = GetScratchGC (pDraw->depth, pScreen);
-    if (!pGC)
-    {
-	(*pScreen->DestroyPixmap) (pPixmap);
+    image = pixman_image_create_bits (format, width, height, NULL, -1);
+    if (!image)
 	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* First fill the pixmap with zeros */
-    gcv[0].val = 0x00000000;
-    gcv[1].val = IncludeInferiors;
-    dixChangeGC (NullClient, pGC, GCBackground | GCSubwindowMode, NULL, gcv);
-    ValidateGC ((DrawablePtr)pPixmap, pGC);
-    miClearDrawable ((DrawablePtr)pPixmap, pGC);
+    bits = pixman_image_get_data (image);
-    /* Then copy the window there */
-    ValidateGC(&pPixmap->drawable, pGC);
-    (* pGC->ops->CopyArea) (pDraw, &pPixmap->drawable, pGC, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0);
-    FreeScratchGC (pGC);
-    return &pPixmap->drawable;
+    (*pScreen->GetImage) (pDraw,
+			  0, 0, width, height, ZPixmap,
+			  ~0L,
+			  (pointer) bits);
+    return image;
 static void
 destroy_drawable (pixman_image_t *image, void *data)
     DrawablePtr pDrawable = data;
-    ScreenPtr pScreen = pDrawable->pScreen;
-    pScreen->DestroyPixmap ((PixmapPtr)pDrawable);
+    if (!pDrawable)
+        return;
+    pDrawable->pScreen->DestroyPixmap ((PixmapPtr)pDrawable);
 static pixman_image_t *
@@ -330,20 +317,23 @@ create_bits_picture (PicturePtr pict,
     DrawablePtr drawable;
     if (is_src && pict->pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW)
-	drawable = copy_drawable (pict->pDrawable);
+    {
+	image = image_from_window (pict->format, pict->pDrawable);
+    }
+    {
 	drawable = pict->pDrawable;
-    fbGetDrawable (drawable, bits, stride, bpp, xoff, yoff);
-    bits = (FbBits*)((CARD8*)bits +
-		     (drawable->y + yoff) * stride * sizeof(FbBits) +
-		     (drawable->x + xoff) * (bpp / 8));
-    image = pixman_image_create_bits (
-	pict->format, drawable->width, drawable->height,
-	(uint32_t *)bits, stride * sizeof (FbStride));
+	fbGetDrawable (drawable, bits, stride, bpp, xoff, yoff);
+	bits = (FbBits*)((CARD8*)bits +
+			 (drawable->y + yoff) * stride * sizeof(FbBits) +
+			 (drawable->x + xoff) * (bpp / 8));
+	image = pixman_image_create_bits (
+	    pict->format, drawable->width, drawable->height,
+	    (uint32_t *)bits, stride * sizeof (FbStride));
+    }
 #if FB_SHIFT==5