spike / rpms / 389-ds-base

Forked from rpms/389-ds-base 2 years ago

8abaf54 backed out - added template-initconfig to %files - this change is for the

Authored and Committed by rmeggins 14 years ago
    backed out - added template-initconfig to %files - this change is for the
        next major release bump version to 1.2.2 fix reopened 509472 db2index
        all does not reindex all the db backends correctly fix 518520 - pre
        hashed salted passwords do not work (F-10 and F-11 only) fix 518418 -
        Package rename shuts down server, results in unconfigured package see
        https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=518519 for the list of bugs
        fixed in 1.2.2
file modified
+1 -0
file modified
+10 -3
file modified
+1 -1