Blob Blame History Raw
%global intro %{expand:
This package exists only to obsolete other packages which need to be
removed from the distribution. Packages are listed here when they
become uninstallable and must be removed to allow upgrades to proceed
cleanly, or when there is some other strong reason to uninstall the
package from user systems. The package being retired (and becoming
unavailable in future releases of Fedora) is not a reason to include
it here, as long as it doesn't cause upgrade problems.}

# Provenpackagers are welcome to modify this package, but please don't
# obsolete packages unless there's a good reason, as described above.
# A bugzilla ticket or a link to package retirement commit should be
# always included.

# In particular, when a *subpackage* is removed, but not other
# subpackages built from the same source, it is usually better to add
# the Obsoletes to some other sibling subpackage built from the same
# source package.

# Please remember to add all of the necessary information. See below the
# Source0: line for a description of the format. It is important that
# everything be included; yanking packages from an end-user system is "serious
# business" and should not be done lightly or without making everything as
# clear as possible.

Name:       fedora-obsolete-packages
# Please keep the version equal to the targeted Fedora release
Version:    36
Release:    %autorelease
Summary:    A package to obsolete retired packages

# This package has no actual content; there is nothing to license.
License:    Public Domain
BuildArch:  noarch

Source0:    README

# ===============================================================================
# Skip down below these convenience macros
%define obsolete_ticket() %{lua:
    local ticket = rpm.expand('%1')

    -- May need to declare the master structure
    if type(obs) == 'nil' then
        obs = {}

    if ticket == '%1' then
        rpm.expand('%{error:No ticket provided to obsolete_ticket}')

    if ticket == 'Ishouldfileaticket' then
        ticket = nil

    -- Declare a new set of obsoletes
    local index = #obs+1
    obs[index] = {}
    obs[index].ticket = ticket
    obs[index].list = {}

%define obsolete() %{lua:
    local pkg = rpm.expand('%1')
    local ver = rpm.expand('%2')
    local pkg_
    local ver_
    local i
    local j

    if pkg == '%1' then
        rpm.expand('%{error:No package name provided to obsolete}')
    if ver == '%2' then
        rpm.expand('%{error:No version provided to obsolete}')

    if not string.find(ver, '-') then
        rpm.expand('%{error:You must provide a version-release, not just a version.}')

    print('Obsoletes: ' .. pkg .. ' < ' .. ver)

    -- Check if the package wasn't already obsoleted
    for i = 1,#obs do
        for j = 1,#obs[i].list do
            pkg_, ver_ = table.unpack(obs[i].list[j])
            if pkg == pkg_ then
                rpm.expand('%{error:' .. pkg ..' obsoleted multiple times (' .. ver_ .. ' and ' .. ver ..').}')

    -- Append this obsolete to the last set of obsoletes in the list
    local list = obs[#obs].list
    list[#list+1] = {pkg, ver}

%define list_obsoletes %{lua:
    local i
    local j
    for i = 1,#obs do
        for j = 1,#obs[i].list do
            pkg, ver = table.unpack(obs[i].list[j])
            print('  ' .. pkg .. ' < ' .. ver .. '\\n')
        if obs[i].ticket == nil then
            print('  (No ticket was provided!)\\n\\n')
            print('  (See ' .. obs[i].ticket .. ')\\n\\n')

# ===============================================================================
# Add calls to the obsolete_ticket and obsolete macros below, along with a note
# indicating the Fedora version in which the entries can be removed. This is
# generally three releases beyond whatever release Rawhide is currently. The
# macros make this easy, and will automatically update the package description.

# A link with information is important. Please don't add things here without
# having a filed ticket in bugzilla, or a link to package retirement commit,
# or similiar.

# All Obsoletes: entries MUST be versioned (including the release), with the
# version being higher (!) than the last version-release of the obsoleted package.
# This allows the package to return to the distribution later. The best possible
# thing to do is to find the last version-release which was in the distribution,
# add one to the release, and add that version without using a dist tag.
# This allows a rebuild with a bumped Release: to be installed.

# And don't forget to update the package description!

# Template:
# Remove in F37
# %%obsolete_ticket
# %%obsolete foo 3.5-7

# Remove in F37
# Removed packages with broken dependencies on Python 3.9
%obsolete autoarchive 1.4.1-3
%obsolete bugzilla2fedmsg 1.0.0-6
%obsolete cura-lulzbot 1:3.6.22-4
%obsolete custodia 0.6.0-16
%obsolete execdb 0.1.0-8
%obsolete flatcam 8.5-23
%obsolete gfal2-util 1.6.0-4
%obsolete git-up 2.0.1-4
%obsolete glom 1.30.4-24
%obsolete glom-devel 1.30.4-24
%obsolete glom-libs 1.30.4-24
%obsolete gnome-gmail 2.4.1-14
%obsolete gr-fcdproplus-devel 3.8.0-4
%obsolete gr-fcdproplus-doc 3.8.0-4
%obsolete koschei-admin 2.4.0-11
%obsolete koschei-backend 2.4.0-11
%obsolete koschei-backend-copr 2.4.0-11
%obsolete koschei-backend-fedora 2.4.0-11
%obsolete koschei-common 2.4.0-11
%obsolete koschei-common-copr 2.4.0-11
%obsolete koschei-common-fedora 2.4.0-11
%obsolete koschei-frontend 2.4.0-11
%obsolete koschei-frontend-copr 2.4.0-11
%obsolete koschei-frontend-fedora 2.4.0-11
%obsolete lcm-devel 1.4.0-2
%obsolete libstoragemgmt-netapp-plugin 1.8.5-4
%obsolete libstoragemgmt-nfs-plugin-clibs 1.8.5-4
%obsolete lulzbot-marlin-firmware 1:
%obsolete lulzbot-marlin-firmware-bio 1:
%obsolete lulzbot-marlin-firmware-pro 1:
%obsolete mkdocs-alabaster 0.8.0-6
%obsolete mkdocs-bootstrap 1.1-7
%obsolete mkdocs-bootswatch 1.1-5
%obsolete mkdocs-cinder 1.0.3-6
%obsolete mkdocs-material 5.0.2-6
%obsolete mozilla-iot-gateway-addon-python 0.9.0-5
%obsolete pipsi 0.9-18
%obsolete python-bna 4.1.0-17
%obsolete python3-MDAnalysis 0.20.1-6
%obsolete python3-XStatic-jQuery
%obsolete python3-XStatic-jquery-ui
%obsolete python3-abclient 0.2.3-16
%obsolete python3-aiostream 0.4.1-6
%obsolete python3-aiozmq 0.9.0-2
%obsolete python3-aiozmq+rpc 0.9.0-2
%obsolete python3-ansible-review 0.13.9-7
%obsolete python3-arcus-lulzbot 3.6.21-12
%obsolete python3-blindspin 2.0.1-12
%obsolete python3-cliapp 1.20180121-10
%obsolete python3-cocotb 1.5.2-2
%obsolete python3-congressclient 2.0.1-3
%obsolete python3-congressclient-tests 2.0.1-3
%obsolete python3-couchbase 2.5.5-9
%obsolete python3-coverage-test-runner 1.15-11
%obsolete python3-custodia 0.6.0-16
%obsolete python3-databay 0.1.6-3
%obsolete python3-descartes 1.1.0-17
%obsolete python3-diskcache 5.2.1-3
%obsolete python3-django-helpdesk 0.2.22-3
%obsolete python3-django-nose 1.4.7-4
%obsolete python3-django-post_office 3.4.0-6
%obsolete python3-django-registration 2.1.2-17
%obsolete python3-django-storages+azure 1.8-5
%obsolete python3-django-storages+boto 1.8-5
%obsolete python3-flask-assets 0.10-23
%obsolete python3-flask-autoindex 0.6.6-5
%obsolete python3-flask-babelex 0.9.4-5
%obsolete python3-flask-gravatar 0.5.0-13
%obsolete python3-flask-oauth 0.13-18
%obsolete python3-flask-paranoid 0.2.0-14
%obsolete python3-flask-principal 0.4.0-27
%obsolete python3-flask-pymongo 2.3.0-3
%obsolete python3-flask-rstpages 0.3-25
%obsolete python3-flask-script 2.0.6-11
%obsolete python3-flask-security 3.0.0-13
%obsolete python3-flask-silk 0.2-15
%obsolete python3-flask-sphinx-themes 1.0.2-13
%obsolete python3-fn 0.4.3-23
%obsolete python3-furl 1.2-12
%obsolete python3-glusterfs-api 1.2-10
%obsolete python3-gntp 1.0.3-16
%obsolete python3-google-compute-engine 2.8.12-10
%obsolete python3-holidays 0.10.4-2
%obsolete python3-iptables 0.12.0-12
%obsolete python3-jabberpy 0.5-0.50
%obsolete python3-jose+pycrypto 3.2.0-5
%obsolete python3-jsonfield 3.1.0-6
%obsolete python3-jsonrpcserver 4.0.5-6
%obsolete python3-kyotocabinet 1.22-4
%obsolete python3-langdetect 1.0.8-2
%obsolete python3-lcm 1.4.0-2
%obsolete python3-libtaskotron 0.10.4-5
%obsolete python3-libyang 1.0.225-2
%obsolete python3-losant-rest 1.11.0-3
%obsolete python3-lunr 0.5.8-6
%obsolete python3-lunr+languages 0.5.8-6
%obsolete python3-lzo 1.09-21
%obsolete python3-mdp 3.5-20
%obsolete python3-mdx_gh_links 0.2-6
%obsolete python3-meld3 2.0.0-7
%obsolete python3-minibelt 0.1.1-19
%obsolete python3-mtg 1.6.1-18
%obsolete python3-neo4j-driver 1.6.2-12
%obsolete python3-neotime 1.0.0-13
%obsolete python3-nnpy 1.4.2-8
%obsolete python3-nose-cov 1.6-23
%obsolete python3-nose-exclude 0.5.0-12
%obsolete python3-nose-progressive 1.5.1-24
%obsolete python3-npyscreen 4.10.5-7
%obsolete python3-nss 1.0.1-24
%obsolete python3-openexr 2.5.5-2
%obsolete python3-openstack-doc-tools 1.8.0-13
%obsolete python3-opentelemetry-ext-zipkin 0.8.0-6
%obsolete python3-orderedmultidict 1.0-12
%obsolete python3-pika-pool 0.1.3-22
%obsolete python3-positional 1.1.1-19
%obsolete python3-pyinsane2 2.0.13-11
%obsolete python3-pykafka 2.6.0-0.14
%obsolete python3-pymdown-extensions 7.0-5
%obsolete python3-pyqtrailer 0.6.2-26
%obsolete python3-pysctp 0.6-27
%obsolete python3-pysendfile 2.0.1-18
%obsolete python3-pytest-catchlog 1.2.2-20
%obsolete python3-pytest-faulthandler 1.6.0-7
%obsolete python3-pytest-helpers-namespace 2019.1.8-10
%obsolete python3-pytest-relaxed 1.1.5-12
%obsolete python3-pytest4 4.6.11-4
%obsolete python3-pytoml 0.1.18-12
%obsolete python3-pytrailer 0.6.1-18
%obsolete python3-qhexedit2 0.8.9-4
%obsolete python3-qhexedit2-devel 0.8.9-4
%obsolete python3-rdkit 2019.03.3-15
%obsolete python3-ryu 4.29-11
%obsolete python3-schedule 0.6.0-4
%obsolete python3-setuptools-lint 0.6.0-10
%obsolete python3-setuptools_hg 0.4-17
%obsolete python3-shadowsocks 2.9.1-16
%obsolete python3-shortuuid 1.0.1-5
%obsolete python3-simplepam 0.1.5-21
%obsolete python3-siosocks 0.1.0-7
%obsolete python3-soco 0.19-3
%obsolete python3-sphinxcontrib-adadomain 0.2-15
%obsolete python3-sphinxcontrib-issuetracker 0.11-24
%obsolete python3-tinycss 0.3-28
%obsolete python3-transitions 0.8.7-2
%obsolete python3-twilio 6.32.0-6
%obsolete python3-txamqp 0.8.1-15
%obsolete python3-uranium-lulzbot 3.6.21-6
%obsolete python3-urlobject 2.4.3-16
%obsolete python3-uwsgidecorators 2.0.18-17
%obsolete python3-vcversioner
%obsolete python3-vrpn 07.33-24
%obsolete python3-webassets 0.12.1-20
%obsolete pyxtrlock 0.2-26
%obsolete qtile 0.14.2-5
%obsolete rdkit 2019.03.3-15
%obsolete rdkit-devel 2019.03.3-15
%obsolete rdkit-doc 2019.03.3-15
%obsolete rdkit-postgresql 2019.03.3-15
%obsolete regindexer 0.6.2-4
%obsolete taskotron-runner 0.10.4-5
%obsolete taskotron-trigger 0.7.0-9
%obsolete uwsgi-plugin-python3 2.0.18-17
%obsolete uwsgi-plugin-python3-gevent 2.0.18-17
%obsolete uwsgi-plugin-python3-greenlet 2.0.18-17

# Remove in F37
%obsolete eclipse-mylyn 3.25.0-4
%obsolete ocaml-ppxfind 1.4-12
%obsolete ocaml-ppx-tools-versioned 5.4.0-11
%obsolete ocaml-ppx-tools-versioned-devel 5.4.0-11

# Remove in F37
%obsolete perl-Debug-Client 0.31-14

# Remove in F37
%obsolete_ticket Ishouldfileaticket
%obsolete perl-Mozilla-LDAP 1.5.3-37

# Remove in F37
%obsolete perl-Padre 0.90-35

# Remove in F37
%obsolete perl-RDF-Trine-redland 1.019-14

# Remove in F37
%obsolete texlive-einfuehrung-doc 9:svn54080-39
%obsolete texlive-einfuehrung2-doc 9:svn54080-39
%obsolete texlive-knuth-doc 9:svn32899.0-39
%obsolete texlive-latex-bib-ex-doc 9:svn25831.0-39
%obsolete texlive-latex-bib2-ex-doc 9:svn40098-39
%obsolete texlive-latex-referenz-doc 9:svn36671.2-39
%obsolete texlive-latex-tabellen-doc 9:svn16979.0-39
%obsolete texlive-latex-tds-doc 9:svn54758-39
%obsolete texlive-math-e-doc 9:svn20062.0-39
%obsolete texlive-presentations-doc 9:svn43949-39
%obsolete texlive-presentations-en-doc 9:svn29803.0-39
%obsolete texlive-tabulars-e-doc 9:svn21191.1.0-39
%obsolete texlive-texlive-docindex 9:svn54903-39
%obsolete texlive-texlive-docindex-doc 9:svn54903-39
%obsolete texlive-updmap-map 9:svn56618-39

# Remove in F37
%obsolete cbi-plugins 1.1.7-11
%obsolete eclipse-cdt 2:9.11.1-11
%obsolete eclipse-cdt-arduino 2:9.11.1-11
%obsolete eclipse-cdt-llvm 2:9.11.1-11
%obsolete eclipse-cdt-native 2:9.11.1-11
%obsolete eclipse-cdt-qt 2:9.11.1-11
%obsolete eclipse-cdt-sdk 2:9.11.1-11
%obsolete eclipse-cdt-terminal 2:9.11.1-11
%obsolete eclipse-ecf-core 3.14.19-3
%obsolete eclipse-egit 5.11.0-2
%obsolete eclipse-emf-core 1:2.25.0-2
%obsolete eclipse-emf-runtime 1:2.25.0-2
%obsolete eclipse-emf-xsd 1:2.25.0-2
%obsolete eclipse-equinox-osgi 1:4.19-4
%obsolete eclipse-findbugs 3.0.1-24
%obsolete eclipse-findbugs-contrib 7.4.7-7
%obsolete eclipse-gef 3.11.0-17
%obsolete eclipse-jdt 1:4.19-4
%obsolete eclipse-jgit 5.11.0-2
%obsolete eclipse-license1 1.0.1-14
%obsolete eclipse-license2 2.0.2-4
%obsolete eclipse-m2e-core 1.17.2-2
%obsolete eclipse-m2e-workspace 0.4.0-18
%obsolete eclipse-m2e-workspace-javadoc 0.4.0-18
%obsolete eclipse-mpc 1.9.1-2
%obsolete eclipse-p2-discovery 1:4.19-4
%obsolete eclipse-pde 1:4.19-4
%obsolete eclipse-platform 1:4.19-4
%obsolete eclipse-pydev 1:8.0.0-3
%obsolete eclipse-remote 3.0.1-7
%obsolete eclipse-subclipse 4.3.3-3
%obsolete eclipse-swt 1:4.19-4
%obsolete eclipse-webtools-common 3.21.0-2
%obsolete eclipse-webtools-servertools 3.21.0-2
%obsolete eclipse-webtools-sourceediting 3.21.0-2
%obsolete tycho 2.2.0-5

# Remove in F37
%obsolete glassfish-hk2-class-model 2.5.0-7

# Remove in F37
%obsolete arduino 1.8.13-6
%obsolete arduino-core 1.8.13-6
%obsolete arduino-devel 1.8.13-6

# This package won't be installed, but will obsolete other packages
Provides: libsolv-self-destruct-pkg()

%description %intro

Currently obsoleted packages:


%autosetup -c -T
cp %SOURCE0 .

