RUNNING RACKTABLES ON A FEDORA SYSTEM ===================================== Most files in Fedora package of RackTables application reside in the /usr/share/RackTables directory regardless of package version. It is assumed, that this directory is never directly used in httpd's "document root" setting. Instead a symlink or a PHP "require" construct should be used for the index.php (and ONLY index.php) file based on some other directory, which is actually used as wwwroot. This greatly improves security and allows for the two use cases described below. 1. Single RackTables instance per server. By default the application expects its configuration files (mandatory secret.php and optional local.php) in /etc/RackTables directory, which is a part of the RPM. In a fresh installation both files are missing, no MySQL database is setup and there is no symlink. Setting up the symlink is simple: one needs to decide on the URL of the RackTables system and map it to filesystem path. For example, the commands below are likely to enable access through "http://localhost/racktables/": # mkdir /var/www/html/racktables # ln -s /usr/share/RackTables/wwwroot/index.php /var/www/html/racktables After that opening the URL in a browser will bring up RackTables installer, which will fill in /etc/RackTables/secret.php file and the contents of the MySQL database. After that the setup is complete. 2. Multiple RackTables instances per server. The application is designed to be able to serve many independent MySQL databases with the same codebase, but different configuration files. This requires a separate config directory per each instance. Each of the directories will feature an own secret.php file configured for its own MySQL database. For example, 3 virtual hosts should provide an independent RackTables application each. It is assumed, that httpd is already configured for the virtual hosts using respective directories: /var/www/vhosts/ /var/www/vhosts/ /var/www/vhosts/ The configuration directories could be: # mkdir /etc/RackTables/example[123] The "wwwroot" directories will require a short PHP wrapper file each. The wrappers will differ only in the value of $racktables_confdir setting: # cat > /var/www/vhosts/ << EOF Once the wrapper files are installed, setup of each instance must be completed independently through the HTTP installer. Once this is done, every instance can be independently maintained, backed up and even deleted.