%global singulardir %{_libdir}/Singular %global upstreamver 4-1-1 %global downstreamver %(tr - . <<< %{upstreamver}) %global patchver p3 %if 0%{?fedora} %global ntl8 1 %endif %bcond_with python %if %{with python} # Singular installs python files into nonstandard places %global _python_bytecompile_extra 0 %endif # Use this to build without polymake support if polymake is broken. %bcond_without polymake Name: Singular Version: %{downstreamver}%{?patchver} Release: 16%{?dist} Summary: Computer Algebra System for polynomial computations # License analysis: # - factory/readcf.cc, Singular/grammar.cc, and Singular/grammar.h are # nominally GPLv3+, but they are generated by bison, so the bison special # exception applies # - The following files are BSD, which is subsumed by both GPLv2 and GPLv3: # o Singular/links/ndbm.cc # o Singular/links/ndbm.h # o Singular/svd/*.{c,h} # - Everything else is marked either "GPLv2 or GPLv3" or "GPLv2 or later", with # the former more strict than the latter License: GPLv2 or GPLv3 Source0: http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/ftp/pub/Math/Singular/SOURCES/%{upstreamver}/singular-%{version}.tar.gz # Java sources omitted from the source tarball. To recreate this: # - git clone https://github.com/Singular/Sources.git # - cd Sources # - git checkout spielwiese # - git reset --hard c4532ad56fe482b30e500057ca76121dac774af2 # - tar cJf surfex.tar.xz Singular/LIB/surfex Source1: surfex.tar.xz URL: https://www.singular.uni-kl.de/ BuildRequires: bison BuildRequires: boost-devel %if %{with python} BuildRequires: boost-python2-devel %endif BuildRequires: cddlib-devel BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: doxygen BuildRequires: emacs BuildRequires: environment(modules) BuildRequires: flex BuildRequires: flint-devel BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: gmp-devel BuildRequires: java-devel BuildRequires: javapackages-tools BuildRequires: libgfan-devel BuildRequires: libnormaliz-devel BuildRequires: libtool BuildRequires: ntl-devel%{?ntl8: >= 8.0} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libxml-2.0) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(mathicgb) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(ncurses) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(readline) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(zlib) %if %{with polymake} BuildRequires: polymake-singular %endif %if %{with python} BuildRequires: python2-devel %endif # Need uudecode for documentation images in tarball BuildRequires: sharutils BuildRequires: texinfo-tex BuildRequires: tex(latex) Requires: %{name}-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: environment(modules) Requires: less Requires: surf-geometry # Support ARM and S390(x) architectures Patch0: %{name}-arches.patch # Fix both underlinking and overlinking Patch1: %{name}-link.patch # Fix the desktop files Patch2: %{name}-desktop.patch # Adapt to new template code in NTL 8 Patch3: %{name}-ntl8.patch # Fix code that can overflow a character buffer with sprintf Patch4: %{name}-format.patch # Add missing parentheses that can change code meaning in a macro Patch5: %{name}-parens.patch # Unbundle gfanlib Patch6: %{name}-gfanlib.patch # Fix code that violates the strict aliasing rules Patch7: %{name}-alias.patch # Let ESingular read a compressed singular.hlp file Patch8: %{name}-emacs.patch # Adapt to polymake >= 3.3 Patch9: %{name}-polymake.patch # Adapt to flint 2.6 Patch10: %{name}-flint.patch # Adapt to Java 11 Patch11: %{name}-javac.patch %description Singular is a computer algebra system for polynomial computations, with special emphasis on commutative and non-commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and singularity theory. %package libs Summary: Singular library Requires: %{name}-libpolys%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description libs This package contains the main Singular library. %package devel Summary: Singular development files Requires: %{name}-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-libpolys-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description devel This package contains the Singular development files. %package doc Summary: Singular documentation files Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description doc This package contains the Singular documentation files. %package emacs Summary: (X)Emacs interface to Singular Requires: emacs-common Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description emacs Emacs and XEmacs interface to Singular. %package -n factory Summary: C++ class library for multivariate polynomial data Requires: factory-gftables = %{version}-%{release} %description -n factory Factory is a C++ class library that implements a recursive representation of multivariate polynomial data. It handles sparse multivariate polynomials over different coefficient domains, such as Z, Q and GF(q), as well as algebraic extensions over Q and GF(q) in an efficient way. Factory includes algorithms for computing univariate and multivariate gcds, resultants, chinese remainders, and algorithms to factorize multivariate polynomials and to compute the absolute factorization of multivariate polynomials with integer coefficients. %package -n factory-devel Summary: Development files for the Singular factory Requires: factory%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: gmp-devel%{?_isa} %description -n factory-devel Development files for the Singular factory. %package -n factory-gftables Summary: Singular factory addition tables BuildArch: noarch %description -n factory-gftables Factory uses addition tables to calculate in GF(p^n) in an efficient way. %package libpolys Summary: C++ class library for polynomials in Singular Requires: factory%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description libpolys Libpolys contains the data structures and basic algorithms for polynomials in Singular. %package libpolys-devel Summary: Development files for libpolys Requires: %{name}-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: factory-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: flint-devel%{?_isa} %description libpolys-devel Development files for libpolys. %package polymake Summary: Singular interface to polymake Requires: polymake%{_isa} Requires: TOPCOM%{_isa} %description polymake Singular interface to polymake. %package surfex Summary: Singular java interface Requires: java Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description surfex This package contains the Singular java interface. %prep %setup -q -n singular-%{downstreamver} %setup -q -n singular-%{downstreamver} -T -D -a 1 %autopatch -p1 %if %{with python} # Fix the name of the boost_python library sed -ri 's/(lboost_python)-\$\{PYTHON_VERSION\}/\1%{python2_version_nodots}/' \ Singular/dyn_modules/python/Makefile.am %endif # Do not force the use of c++11, since the polymake code requires c++14 sed -i 's/-std=c++11//' m4/ntl-check.m4 # Regenerate configure due to patches 0, 1, and 6 autoreconf -fi # Do not use the prebuilt surfex.jar rm -f Singular/LIB/surfex/surfex.jar %build export CPPFLAGS="-I%{_includedir}/flint -I%{_includedir}/gfanlib" %if %{with python} pyincdir=$(python2 -Esc "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_paths()['include'])") CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$pyincdir" %endif export CFLAGS="%{optflags} -fPIC -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks" export CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" # Cannot use RPM_LD_FLAGS, as -Wl,-z,now breaks lazy module loading export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,relro" %configure \ --bindir=%{singulardir} \ --disable-silent-rules \ --disable-optimizationflags \ --disable-static \ --enable-p-procs-dynamic \ --enable-gfanlib \ %if %{with polymake} --enable-polymake \ %else --disable-polymake \ %endif %if %{with python} --enable-python_module \ %else --disable-python_module \ %endif --enable-streamio \ --with-gmp \ --with-ntl \ --with-flint \ --with-mathicgb \ %if %{with python} --with-python=%{__python2} \ %else --without-python \ %endif --with-readline \ --disable-doc \ --with-malloc=system make %{?_smp_mflags} make %{?_smp_mflags} -C dox html pushd Singular/LIB/surfex ./make_surfex popd %install make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install # Do not install gfanlib; it is packaged separately rm -fr %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/gfanlib rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libgfan* # Install surfex.jar mkdir %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/singular/LIB/surfex cp -p Singular/LIB/surfex/surfex.jar %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/singular/LIB/surfex # Validate the desktop files desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/Singular.desktop desktop-file-validate \ %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/Singular-manual.desktop # We don't want the libtool files rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.la rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/singular/MOD/*.la # Remove files we don't want in the installed tree rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/singular/emacs/{ChangeLog,COPYING,NEWS} # Move the config scripts mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir} mv %{buildroot}%{singulardir}/*-config %{buildroot}%{_bindir} # Move the index and help files to where sagemath wants them mv %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc/singular.idx %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/singular # remove script that calls surf; we don't ship it rm -f %{buildroot}%{singulardir}/singularsurf # create a script also setting SINGULARPATH cat > %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/Singular << EOF #!/bin/sh . /etc/profile.d/modules.sh module load surf-geometry-%{_arch} export SINGULAR_DATA_DIR=%{_datadir} exec %{singulardir}/Singular "\$@" EOF chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/Singular # TSingular cat > %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/TSingular << EOF #!/bin/sh . /etc/profile.d/modules.sh module load surf-geometry-%{_arch} exec %{singulardir}/TSingular --singular %{_bindir}/Singular "\$@" EOF chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/TSingular # surfex cat > %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/surfex << EOF #!/bin/sh . /etc/profile.d/modules.sh module load surf-geometry-%{_arch} exec %{singulardir}/surfex %{singulardir}/LIB/surfex "\$@" EOF chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/surfex # ESingular cat > %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ESingular << EOF #!/bin/sh . /etc/profile.d/modules.sh module load surf-geometry-%{_arch} export ESINGULAR_EMACS_DIR=%{_datadir}/singular/emacs exec %{singulardir}/ESingular --singular %{_bindir}/Singular "\$@" EOF chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ESingular %if %{with python} # Byte compile the python files %py_byte_compile %{__python2} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/singular/LIB %endif %check export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%{buildroot}%{_libdir} make check %files %doc README.md %{_bindir}/Singular %{_bindir}/TSingular %{_infodir}/singular.hlp* %{_mandir}/man1/Singular.1* %{_mandir}/man1/TSingular.1* %{_datadir}/applications/Singular.desktop %{_datadir}/icons/Singular.png %{_datadir}/singular/singular.idx %docdir %{_datadir}/singular/html/ %{_datadir}/singular/html/ %{singulardir}/Singular %{singulardir}/TSingular %files libs %doc libpolys/README %license COPYING %license GPL2 %license GPL3 %{_libdir}/libSingular-4.1.1.so %{_libexecdir}/singular/ %exclude %{_libexecdir}/singular/MOD/polymake.so %dir %{_datadir}/singular/ %{_datadir}/singular/LIB/ %exclude %{_datadir}/singular/LIB/polymake.lib %exclude %{_datadir}/singular/LIB/surfex.lib %exclude %{_datadir}/singular/LIB/surfex %files devel %doc kernel/ChangeLog %{_bindir}/libsingular-config %{_includedir}/singular/kernel/ %{_includedir}/singular/Singular/ %{_includedir}/singular/singularconfig.h %{_libdir}/libSingular.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/Singular.pc %files doc %doc dox/html/ %doc dox/*.html %doc dox/*.png %doc dox/*.css %doc dox/tags %{_datadir}/applications/Singular-manual.desktop %files emacs %license emacs/COPYING %doc emacs/ChangeLog %doc emacs/NEWS %{_bindir}/ESingular %{_mandir}/man1/ESingular.1* %{_datadir}/singular/emacs/ %{singulardir}/ESingular %files surfex %{_bindir}/surfex %{_datadir}/singular/LIB/surfex.lib %{_datadir}/singular/LIB/surfex/ %files -n factory %license factory/COPYING %doc factory/README %doc factory/NEWS %{_libdir}/libfactory-4.1.1.so %{_libdir}/libomalloc-0.9.6.so %{_libdir}/libsingular_resources-4.1.1.so %files -n factory-devel %doc factory/ChangeLog %doc factory/examples %{_includedir}/factory/ %{_includedir}/omalloc/ %{_includedir}/resources/ %{_libdir}/libfactory.so %{_libdir}/libomalloc.so %{_libdir}/libsingular_resources.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/factory.pc %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/omalloc.pc %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/singular_resources.pc %files -n factory-gftables %{_datadir}/factory/ %files libpolys %license libpolys/COPYING %doc libpolys/README %{_libdir}/libpolys-4.1.1.so %files libpolys-devel %{_bindir}/libpolys-config %dir %{_includedir}/singular/ %{_includedir}/singular/coeffs/ %{_includedir}/singular/libpolysconfig.h %{_includedir}/singular/misc/ %{_includedir}/singular/polys/ %{_includedir}/singular/reporter/ %{_libdir}/libpolys.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libpolys.pc %files polymake %{_libexecdir}/singular/MOD/polymake.so %{_datadir}/singular/LIB/polymake.lib %changelog * Thu Jul 23 2020 Jerry James - 4.1.1p3-16 - Add -javac patch for better JDK 11 support * Sat Jul 11 2020 Jiri Vanek - 4.1.1p3-15 - Rebuilt for JDK-11, see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Java11 * Thu Jul 9 2020 Jerry James - 4.1.1p3-14 - Rebuild with polymake support * Wed Jul 8 2020 Jerry James - 4.1.1p3-13.1 - Rebuild for flint 2.6.0 and normaliz 3.8.6 without polymake support - Add -flint patch * Wed Mar 4 2020 Jerry James - 4.1.1p3-13 - Rebuild for polymake 4.0 * Tue Jan 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1.1p3-12 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 9 2020 Jerry James - 4.1.1p3-11 - Rebuild for ntl 11.4.3 * Mon Dec 2 2019 Jerry James - 4.1.1p3-10 - Rebuild for polymake 3.6 * Fri Oct 11 2019 Jerry James - 4.1.1p3-9 - Rebuild for mpfr 4 * Tue Sep 24 2019 Jerry James - 4.1.1p3-8 - Rebuild for ntl 11.3.4 * Fri Sep 6 2019 pcpa - 4.1.1p3-7 - Disable the python interface (#1741426) * Wed Jul 24 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1.1p3-6 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jul 10 2019 Jerry James - 4.1.1p3-5 - Add -polymake patch to fix polymake plugin * Sun Feb 17 2019 Igor Gnatenko - 4.1.1p3-4 - Rebuild for readline 8.0 * Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1.1p3-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jan 30 2019 Jonathan Wakely - 4.1.1p3-2 - Rebuilt for Boost 1.69 * Wed Oct 24 2018 Jerry James - 4.1.1p3-1 - New upstream version - Drop upstreamed -polymake, -sagemath, and -python patches * Sat Oct 13 2018 Jerry James - 4.1.0p3-15 - Rebuild for ntl 11.3.0 and cddlib 0.94j * Fri Aug 10 2018 Jerry James - 4.1.0p3-14 - Rebuild with polymake support * Fri Aug 10 2018 Jerry James - 4.1.0p3-13 - Rebuild for ntl 11.2.1, without polymake support to bootstrap * Thu Jul 12 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1.0p3-12 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jul 3 2018 Jerry James - 4.1.0p3-11 - Rebuild with polymake support * Tue Jul 3 2018 Jerry James - 4.1.0p3-10.1 - Rebuild for ntl 11.1.0 without polymake support - Remove scriptlets that call install-info - Follow new packaging guidelines for python files in nonstandard places * Sat Jun 2 2018 Jerry James - 4.1.0p3-10 - Rebuild with polymake support * Sat Jun 2 2018 Jerry James - 4.1.0p3-9.1 - Rebuild for ntl 11.0.0 - Unbundle gfanlib - Bootstrap without polymake support * Tue May 01 2018 Jonathan Wakely - 4.1.0p3-9 - Add BuildRequires: boost-python2-devel to fix build with boost-1.66.0-7.fc29 * Wed Feb 14 2018 Jerry James - 4.1.0p3-8 - Add -python patch to adapt to changed boost python interface * Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1.0p3-8 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Sep 29 2017 Jerry James - 4.1.0p3-7 - Rebuild for cddlib and ntl 10.5.0 - Break gfanlib out as a separate package for use by the gfan package * Wed Aug 02 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1.0p3-6 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1.0p3-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jul 19 2017 Jonathan Wakely - 4.1.0p3-4 - Rebuilt for s390x binutils bug * Tue Jul 18 2017 Jonathan Wakely - 4.1.0p3-3 - Rebuilt for Boost 1.64 * Tue May 23 2017 pcpa - 4.1.0p3-2 - Revert a function changed to static in p3 due to sagemath requiring it * Mon May 1 2017 Jerry James - 4.1.0p3-1 - New upstream version - Add -emacs patch to fix ESingular - Build and install surfex.jar * Tue Apr 18 2017 pcpa - 4.1.0p2-2 - Correct Singular script - Correct path of Singular lib files * Wed Apr 5 2017 Jerry James - 4.1.0p2-1 - New upstream version (bz 1181772, 1321077) - Drop upstreamed patches: -destdir, -headers, -doc, -builddid, -undefined, and -semaphore - Add patches: -desktop, -format, -parens, -sequence-point, -alias, -polymake - libpolys subpackage replaces libfac - Rework the Emacs support * Fri Feb 10 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.7-12 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 12 2017 Igor Gnatenko - 3.1.7-11 - Rebuild for readline 7.x * Wed Nov 9 2016 Paul Howarth - 3.1.7-10 - Bootstrap build for ppc64 * Thu Oct 20 2016 Jerry James - 3.1.7-9 - Rebuild for ntl 10.1.0 * Mon Sep 5 2016 Jerry James - 3.1.7-8 - Rebuild for ntl 9.11.0 * Tue Jul 26 2016 Jerry James - 3.1.7-7 - Rebuild with polymake support * Mon Jul 25 2016 Jerry James - 3.1.7-6 - Rebuild for ntl 9.10.0 * Thu Jun 2 2016 Jerry James - 3.1.7-5 - Rebuild for ntl 9.9.1 * Fri Apr 29 2016 Jerry James - 3.1.7-4 - Rebuild for ntl 9.8.0 * Tue Apr 12 2016 Jerry James - 3.1.7-3 - Rebuild for polymake 3.0r1 * Sat Mar 19 2016 Jerry James - 3.1.7-2 - Rebuild for ntl 9.7.0 * Sat Feb 20 2016 Jerry James - 3.1.7-1 - Update to 3.1.7; fixes FTBFS (bz 1307301) - Drop upstreamed -flint24 and -gcc5 patches - Add -boolean patch to fix a malformed boolean expression * Wed Feb 03 2016 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.6-21 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Dec 4 2015 Jerry James - 3.1.6-20 - Rebuild for ntl 9.6.2 - Drop obsolete ntl6 patch * Fri Oct 16 2015 Jerry James - 3.1.6-19 - Rebuild for ntl 9.4.0 * Sat Oct 3 2015 Jerry James - 3.1.6-18 - Rebuild with polymake support * Sat Sep 19 2015 Jerry James - 3.1.6-17 - Rebuild for flint 2.5.2 and ntl 9.3.0 * Sun Jul 19 2015 pcpa - 3.1.6-16 - Disable polymake due to broken dependency cycle - Correct previous perl warning that is now an error - Use interactive bash on wrappers to work with other login shells (#1243580) * Tue Jun 16 2015 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.6-15 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild * Mon May 18 2015 Jerry James - 3.1.6-14 - Rebuild for ntl 9.1.1 and cddlib-094h * Sat May 9 2015 Jerry James - 3.1.6-13 - Rebuild for ntl 9.1.0 * Sun Apr 26 2015 pcpa - 3.1.6-12 - Update arches patch to support aarch64 (#1213484) * Thu Apr 2 2015 pcpa - 3.1.6-11 - Rebuild for rawhide gcc5 and c++ string and list abi * Mon Feb 2 2015 Jerry James - 3.1.6-10 - Rebuild for ntl 8.1.2 * Thu Jan 15 2015 Jerry James - 3.1.6-9 - Rebuild for ntl 8.1.0 - Add Singular-ntl8.patch to adapt * Tue Oct 28 2014 Jerry James - 3.1.6-8 - Rebuild for ntl 6.2.1 * Thu Sep 11 2014 Jerry James - 3.1.6-7 - Rebuild for polymake -2.13-8.git20140811 * Fri Aug 15 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.6-6 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jun 17 2014 Jerry James - 3.1.6-5 - Update Singular-ntl6.patch to instantiate more missing functions * Fri Jun 06 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.6-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild * Thu May 29 2014 Jerry James - 3.1.6-3 - Rebuild with polymake support - Fix libsingular.h permissions * Sun May 18 2014 pcpa - 3.1.6-2 - Merge with RFE 3.1.6 update (#1074590) - Remove patches applied upstream - Disable polymake to allow interface rebootstrap * Tue Apr 29 2014 Jerry James - 3.1.5-14 - Rebuild for polymake-2.13 * Wed Apr 2 2014 Jerry James - 3.1.5-13 - Rebuild for polymake-2.12-15.svn20140326 * Wed Apr 2 2014 Jerry James - 3.1.5-12 - Rebuild for NTL 6.1.0 - Fix default paths - Add ability to rebuild without polymake * Mon Mar 10 2014 Rex Dieter - 3.1.6-1 - 3.1.6 * Mon Mar 10 2014 Rex Dieter - 3.1.5-11 - fix/workaround char=unsigned char assumptions - (more) consistently use RPM_OPT_FLAGS - --with-flint --with-polymake * Tue Jan 14 2014 Jerry James - 3.1.5-10 - Update normaliz interface for normaliz 2.8 and later * Mon Nov 25 2013 Rex Dieter - 3.1.5-9 - ExclusiveArch: %%ix86 x86_64 * Fri Aug 16 2013 pcpa - 3.1.5-8 - Correct underlink problem (#991920#c1) * Thu Aug 01 2013 Rex Dieter - 3.1.5-7 - rebuild * Tue May 21 2013 Rex Dieter - 3.1.5-6 - factory-gftables.noarch subpkg (#965655) * Mon May 6 2013 Jerry James - 3.1.5-5 - Rebuild for ntl 6.0.0 - Fix semaphore code - Fix underlinked library * Wed Feb 13 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.5-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Nov 11 2012 pcpa - 3.1.5-3 - Rebuild to have factory include path patch in rawhide package * Tue Aug 7 2012 pcpa - 3.1.5-2 - Do not build conflicts with factory-devel neither libfac-devel (#842407) * Sat Aug 4 2012 pcpa - 3.1.5-1 - Update to Singular 3.1.5, based on sagemath trac ticket #13237 - Remove already applied patches from sagemath Singular spkg - Rediff Fedora rpm build patches - Rediff factory and libfac patches for Macaulay2 * Thu Jul 19 2012 Rex Dieter - 3.1.3-8 - macaulay2 patches for libfac/factory - omit duplicate %%description sections * Wed Jul 18 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.3-7 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Jul 8 2012 pcpa - 3.1.3-6 - Update license field to match valid values. - Provide newer libfac-devel matching Singular version (#819264). - Provide newer factory-devel matching Singular version (#819264). - Remove platform specific factoryconf.h file as only platform specific contents it has is "#define INT64 long long int" what is not really correct, neither completely wrong... * Sun Jul 1 2012 pcpa - 3.1.3-5 - Do not conflict Singular-devel with libfac-devel. * Sun Jul 1 2012 pcpa - 3.1.3-4 - Update license information to match COPYING information. * Wed May 9 2012 pcpa - 3.1.3-3 - Correct unresolved mmInit symbol in libsingular.so. * Sun May 6 2012 pcpa - 3.1.3-2 - Install singular factory headers in singular devel directory. - Tag singular-doc files as documentation. * Sat May 5 2012 pcpa - 3.1.3-1 - Initial Singular spec.