Blob Blame History Raw
From b963494f41fe75463a14c127e9ded5760cb09cec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jakub Filak <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 20:34:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] daemon: trigger dump location cleanup after detection

This commit restores the old behaviour where the cleanup algorithm was
started right after new dump directory is created. This prevents piling
up of new dump directories which could lead to consumption of too much
disk space. The piling up of dump directories is currently prevented by
the plugins removing old dump directories on their own, which is in fact
problematic because the plugins don't know about each other and that causes
race conditions.

The post-create EVENT execution was moved from abrtd to abrt-server in
commit b6640620e27a029b3f1f8dcec22fb4c95e48db2a in order to replace the
inotify watch in abrtd with the /creation_notification method of

What are the cases we must deal with

1) an old directory is to be removed
2) one of the queued directory is to be removed
3) currently processing directory is to be removed

The case 1) is not problematic at all (except removing directories that
are currently being handled by users).

The case 2) would cause an error message produced by abrt-handle-event
waked up from waiting for post-create.lock - the error message could be
avoided by ignoring the error in case of running post-create EVENT.

The case 3) is extremely problematic and must be avoid in all situation.
There is no other way how to avoid this case without a central
synchronization algorithm. One could claim that we should lock the
currently processed dump directory and don't removed the locked ones but
libreport's locking algorithm doesn't support recursive locking between
processes - however, the recursive inter process locking would get rid
of the case 1). Or abrt-handle-event could write the handled directory
name to a new file but it is not clear where the file would be consumed
as there is no authority doing the cleanup. And, what is the worst,
communication trough files will lead to another type race conditions.

What this patch introduces

This patch adds communication between abrtd and its child processes
abrt-server. When abrt-server is asked to run post-create EVENT, it
sends the "NEW_PROBLEM_DETECTED: $DUMP_DIR" message to abrtd over
STDERR. STDERR is used because STDOUT is occupied by the socket (we
might want to make it less obfuscated in future and use a FIFO
or something else, but now I am happy with using STDERR). abrtd
then pushes the abrt-server process to a queue used to track abrt-server
processes wanting to run post-create EVENT. When a process from the
queue is to be executed abrtd sends it SIGUSR1 signal. If a dump
directory of any of queued process was removed, abrtd sends the relevant
abrt-server process SIGINT signal.

Resolves #1132459

Signed-off-by: Jakub Filak <>

 src/daemon/abrt-server.c | 129 ++++++++++++++++++++
 src/daemon/abrtd.c       | 303 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 420 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/daemon/abrt-server.c b/src/daemon/abrt-server.c
index afd9fd3..a0faef6 100644
--- a/src/daemon/abrt-server.c
+++ b/src/daemon/abrt-server.c
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 #include "problem_api.h"
+#include "abrt_glib.h"
 #include "libabrt.h"
 /* Maximal length of backtrace. */
@@ -71,10 +72,75 @@ MANDATORY ITEMS:
 You can send more messages using the same KEY=value format.
+static int g_signal_pipe[2];
+struct waiting_context
+    GMainLoop *main_loop;
+    const char *dirname;
+    int retcode;
+    enum abrt_daemon_reply
+    {
+    } reply;
 static unsigned total_bytes_read = 0;
 static uid_t client_uid = (uid_t)-1L;
+static void
+handle_signal(int signo)
+    int save_errno = errno;
+    uint8_t sig_caught = signo;
+    if (write(g_signal_pipe[1], &sig_caught, 1))
+        /* we ignore result, if () shuts up stupid compiler */;
+    errno = save_errno;
+static gboolean
+handle_signal_pipe_cb(GIOChannel *gio, GIOCondition condition, gpointer user_data)
+    gsize len = 0;
+    uint8_t signals[2];
+    for (;;)
+    {
+        GError *error = NULL;
+        GIOStatus stat = g_io_channel_read_chars(gio, (void *)signals, sizeof(signals), &len, NULL);
+        if (stat == G_IO_STATUS_ERROR)
+            error_msg_and_die(_("Can't read from gio channel: '%s'"), error ? error->message : "");
+        if (stat == G_IO_STATUS_EOF)
+            return FALSE; /* Remove this GLib source */
+        if (stat == G_IO_STATUS_AGAIN)
+            break;
+        /* G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL */
+        for (unsigned signo = 0; signo < len; ++signo)
+        {
+            /* we did receive a signal */
+            struct waiting_context *context = (struct waiting_context *)user_data;
+            log_debug("Got signal %d through signal pipe", signals[signo]);
+            switch (signals[signo])
+            {
+                case SIGUSR1: context->reply = ABRT_CONTINUE; break;
+                case SIGINT:  context->reply = ABRT_INTERRUPT; break;
+                default:
+                {
+                    error_msg("Bug - aborting - unsupported signal: %d", signals[signo]);
+                    abort();
+                }
+            }
+            g_main_loop_quit(context->main_loop);
+            return FALSE; /* remove this event */
+        }
+    }
+    return TRUE; /* "please don't remove this event" */
 /* Remove dump dir */
 static int delete_path(const char *dump_dir_name)
@@ -153,6 +219,24 @@ static pid_t spawn_event_handler_child(const char *dump_dir_name, const char *ev
     return child;
+static gboolean emit_new_problem_signal(gpointer data)
+    struct waiting_context *context = (struct waiting_context *)data;
+    const size_t wrote = fprintf(stderr, "NEW_PROBLEM_DETECTED: %s\n", context->dirname);
+    fflush(stderr);
+    if (wrote <= 0)
+    {
+        error_msg("Failed to communicate with the daemon");
+        context->retcode = 503;
+        g_main_loop_quit(context->main_loop);
+    }
+    log_notice("Emitted new problem signal, waiting for SIGUSR1|SIGINT");
+    return FALSE;
 static int run_post_create(const char *dirname)
     /* If doesn't start with "g_settings_dump_location/"... */
@@ -179,6 +263,51 @@ static int run_post_create(const char *dirname)
+    /*
+     * The post-create event cannot be run concurrently for more problem
+     * directories. The problem is in searching for duplicates process
+     * in case when two concurrently processed directories are duplicates
+     * of each other. Both of the directories are marked as duplicates
+     * of each other and are deleted.
+     */
+    log_debug("Creating glib main loop");
+    struct waiting_context context = {0};
+    context.main_loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);
+    context.dirname = dirname;
+    log_debug("Setting up a signal handler");
+    /* Set up signal pipe */
+    xpipe(g_signal_pipe);
+    close_on_exec_on(g_signal_pipe[0]);
+    close_on_exec_on(g_signal_pipe[1]);
+    ndelay_on(g_signal_pipe[0]);
+    ndelay_on(g_signal_pipe[1]);
+    signal(SIGUSR1, handle_signal);
+    signal(SIGINT, handle_signal);
+    GIOChannel *channel_signal = abrt_gio_channel_unix_new(g_signal_pipe[0]);
+    g_io_add_watch(channel_signal, G_IO_IN | G_IO_PRI, handle_signal_pipe_cb, &context);
+    g_idle_add(emit_new_problem_signal, &context);
+    g_main_loop_run(context.main_loop);
+    g_main_loop_unref(context.main_loop);
+    g_io_channel_unref(channel_signal);
+    close(g_signal_pipe[1]);
+    close(g_signal_pipe[0]);
+    log_notice("Waiting finished");
+    if (context.retcode != 0)
+        return context.retcode;
+    if (context.reply != ABRT_CONTINUE)
+        /* The only reason for the interruption is removed problem directory */
+        return 413;
+    /*
+     * The post-create event synchronization done.
+     */
     int child_stdout_fd;
     int child_pid = spawn_event_handler_child(dirname, "post-create", &child_stdout_fd);
diff --git a/src/daemon/abrtd.c b/src/daemon/abrtd.c
index b79e940..ff0565c 100644
--- a/src/daemon/abrtd.c
+++ b/src/daemon/abrtd.c
@@ -55,9 +55,42 @@ static int s_signal_pipe_write = -1;
 static unsigned s_timeout;
 static bool s_exiting;
+GList *s_processes;
+GList *s_dir_queue;
 static GIOChannel *channel_socket = NULL;
 static guint channel_id_socket = 0;
-static int child_count = 0;
+struct abrt_server_proc
+    pid_t pid;
+    int fdout;
+    char *dirname;
+    GIOChannel *channel;
+    guint watch_id;
+    enum {
+        AS_UKNOWN,
+        AS_POST_CREATE,
+    } type;
+/* Returns 0 if proc's pid equals the the given pid */
+static gint abrt_server_compare_pid(struct abrt_server_proc *proc, pid_t *pid)
+    return proc->pid != *pid;
+/* Returns 0 if proc's fdout equals the the given fdout */
+static gint abrt_server_compare_fdout(struct abrt_server_proc *proc, int *fdout)
+    return proc->fdout != *fdout;
+/* Returns 0 if proc's dirname equals the the given dirname */
+static gint abrt_server_compare_dirname(struct abrt_server_proc *proc, const char *dirname)
+    return g_strcmp0(proc->dirname, dirname);
 /* Helpers */
 static guint add_watch_or_die(GIOChannel *channel, unsigned condition, GIOFunc func)
@@ -69,9 +102,212 @@ static guint add_watch_or_die(GIOChannel *channel, unsigned condition, GIOFunc f
     return r;
-static void increment_child_count(void)
+static void stop_abrt_server(struct abrt_server_proc *proc)
+    kill(proc->pid, SIGINT);
+static void dispose_abrt_server(struct abrt_server_proc *proc)
+    close(proc->fdout);
+    free(proc->dirname);
+    if (proc->watch_id > 0)
+        g_source_remove(proc->watch_id);
+    if (proc->channel != NULL)
+        g_io_channel_unref(proc->channel);
+static void notify_next_post_create_process(struct abrt_server_proc *finished)
+    if (finished != NULL)
+        s_dir_queue = g_list_remove(s_dir_queue, finished);
+    while (s_dir_queue != NULL)
+    {
+        struct abrt_server_proc *n = (struct abrt_server_proc *)s_dir_queue->data;
+        if (n->type == AS_POST_CREATE)
+            break;
+        if (kill(n->pid, SIGUSR1) >= 0)
+        {
+            n->type = AS_POST_CREATE;
+            break;
+        }
+        /* This could happen only if the notified process disappeared - crashed?
+         */
+        perror_msg("Failed to send SIGUSR1 to %d", n->pid);
+        log_warning("Directory '%s' will not be processed", n->dirname);
+        /* Remove the problematic process from the post-crate directory queue
+         * and go to try to notify another process.
+         */
+        s_dir_queue = g_list_delete_link(s_dir_queue, s_dir_queue);
+    }
+/* Queueing the process will also lead to cleaning up the dump location.
+ */
+static void queue_post_craete_process(struct abrt_server_proc *proc)
+    load_abrt_conf();
+    struct abrt_server_proc *running = s_dir_queue == NULL ? NULL
+                                                           : (struct abrt_server_proc *)s_dir_queue->data;
+    if (g_settings_nMaxCrashReportsSize == 0)
+        goto consider_processing;
+    const char *full_path_ignored = running != NULL ? running->dirname
+                                                    : proc->dirname;
+    const char *ignored = strrchr(full_path_ignored, '/');
+    if (NULL == ignored)
+        /* Paranoia, this should not happen. */
+        ignored = full_path_ignored;
+    else
+        /* Move behind '/' */
+        ++ignored;
+    char *worst_dir = NULL;
+    const double max_size = 1024 * 1024 * g_settings_nMaxCrashReportsSize;
+    while (get_dirsize_find_largest_dir(g_settings_dump_location, &worst_dir, ignored) >= max_size
+           && worst_dir)
+    {
+        const char *kind = "old";
+        char *deleted = concat_path_file(g_settings_dump_location, worst_dir);
+        GList *proc_of_deleted_item = NULL;
+        if (proc != NULL && strcmp(deleted, proc->dirname) == 0)
+        {
+            kind = "new";
+            stop_abrt_server(proc);
+            proc = NULL;
+        }
+        else if ((proc_of_deleted_item = g_list_find_custom(s_dir_queue, deleted, (GCompareFunc)abrt_server_compare_dirname)))
+        {
+            kind = "unprocessed";
+            struct abrt_server_proc *removed_proc = (struct abrt_server_proc *)proc_of_deleted_item->data;
+            s_dir_queue = g_list_delete_link(s_dir_queue, proc_of_deleted_item);
+            stop_abrt_server(removed_proc);
+        }
+        log("Size of '%s' >= %u MB (MaxCrashReportsSize), deleting %s directory '%s'",
+                g_settings_dump_location, g_settings_nMaxCrashReportsSize,
+                kind, worst_dir);
+        free(worst_dir);
+        worst_dir = NULL;
+        struct dump_dir *dd = dd_opendir(deleted, DD_FAIL_QUIETLY_ENOENT);
+        if (dd != NULL)
+            dd_delete(dd);
+        free(deleted);
+    }
+    /* If the process survived cleaning up the dump location, append it to the
+     * post-create queue.
+     */
+    if (proc != NULL)
+        s_dir_queue = g_list_append(s_dir_queue, proc);
+    /* If there were no running post-crate process before we added the
+     * currently handled process to the post-create queue, start processing of
+     * the currently handled process.
+     */
+    if (running == NULL)
+        notify_next_post_create_process(NULL/*finished*/);
+static gboolean abrt_server_output_cb(GIOChannel *channel, GIOCondition condition, gpointer user_data)
+    int fdout = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(channel);
+    GList *item = g_list_find_custom(s_processes, &fdout, (GCompareFunc)abrt_server_compare_fdout);
+    if (item == NULL)
+    {
+        log_warning("Closing a pipe fd (%d) without a process assigned", fdout);
+        close(fdout);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    struct abrt_server_proc *proc = (struct abrt_server_proc *)item->data;
+    if (condition & G_IO_HUP)
+    {
+        log_debug("abrt-server(%d) closed its pipe", proc->pid);
+        proc->watch_id = 0;
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    for (;;)
+    {
+        gchar *line;
+        gsize len = 0;
+        gsize pos = 0;
+        GError *error = NULL;
+        /* We use buffered channel so we do not need to read from the channel in a
+         * loop */
+        GIOStatus stat = g_io_channel_read_line(channel, &line, &len, &pos, &error);
+        if (stat == G_IO_STATUS_ERROR)
+            error_msg_and_die("Can't read from pipe of abrt-server(%d): '%s'", proc->pid, error ? error->message : "");
+        if (stat == G_IO_STATUS_EOF)
+        {
+            log_debug("abrt-server(%d)'s output read till end", proc->pid);
+            proc->watch_id = 0;
+            return FALSE; /* Remove this event */
+        }
+        if (stat == G_IO_STATUS_AGAIN)
+            break;
+        /* G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) */
+        line[pos] = '\0';
+        if (g_str_has_prefix(line, "NEW_PROBLEM_DETECTED: "))
+        {
+            if (proc->dirname != NULL)
+            {
+                log_warning("abrt-server(%d): already handling: %s", proc->pid, proc->dirname);
+                free(proc->dirname);
+                /* Because process can be only once in the dir queue */
+                s_dir_queue = g_list_remove(s_dir_queue, proc);
+            }
+            proc->dirname = xstrdup(line + strlen("NEW_PROBLEM_DETECTED: "));
+            log_notice("abrt-server(%d): handling new problem: %s", proc->pid, proc->dirname);
+            queue_post_craete_process(proc);
+        }
+        else
+            log("abrt-server(%d): not recognized message: '%s'", proc->pid, line);
+        g_free(line);
+    }
+    return TRUE; /* Keep this event */
+static void add_abrt_server_proc(const pid_t pid, int fdout)
-    if (++child_count >= MAX_CLIENT_COUNT)
+    struct abrt_server_proc *proc = xmalloc(sizeof(*proc));
+    proc->pid = pid;
+    proc->fdout = fdout;
+    proc->dirname = NULL;
+    proc->type = AS_UKNOWN;
+    proc->channel = abrt_gio_channel_unix_new(proc->fdout);
+    proc->watch_id = g_io_add_watch(proc->channel,
+                                    G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP,
+                                    abrt_server_output_cb,
+                                    proc);
+    GError *error = NULL;
+    g_io_channel_set_flags(proc->channel, G_IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK, &error);
+    if (error != NULL)
+        error_msg_and_die("g_io_channel_set_flags failed: '%s'", error->message);
+    g_io_channel_set_buffered(proc->channel, TRUE);
+    s_processes = g_list_append(s_processes, proc);
+    if (g_list_length(s_processes) >= MAX_CLIENT_COUNT)
         error_msg("Too many clients, refusing connections to '%s'", SOCKET_FILE);
         /* To avoid infinite loop caused by the descriptor in "ready" state,
@@ -84,11 +320,29 @@ static void increment_child_count(void)
 static gboolean server_socket_cb(GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gpointer ptr_unused);
-static void decrement_child_count(void)
+static void remove_abrt_server_proc(pid_t pid, int status)
-    if (child_count)
-        child_count--;
-    if (child_count < MAX_CLIENT_COUNT && !channel_id_socket)
+    GList *item = g_list_find_custom(s_processes, &pid, (GCompareFunc)abrt_server_compare_pid);
+    if (item == NULL)
+        return;
+    struct abrt_server_proc *proc = (struct abrt_server_proc *)item->data;
+    item->data = NULL;
+    s_processes = g_list_delete_link(s_processes, item);
+    if (proc->type == AS_POST_CREATE)
+        notify_next_post_create_process(proc);
+    else
+    {   /* Make sure out-of-order exited abrt-server post-create processes do
+         * not stay in the post-create queue.
+         */
+        s_dir_queue = g_list_remove(s_dir_queue, proc);
+    }
+    dispose_abrt_server(proc);
+    free(proc);
+    if (g_list_length(s_processes) < MAX_CLIENT_COUNT && !channel_id_socket)
         log_info("Accepting connections on '%s'", SOCKET_FILE);
         channel_id_socket = add_watch_or_die(channel_socket, G_IO_IN | G_IO_PRI | G_IO_HUP, server_socket_cb);
@@ -107,17 +361,27 @@ static gboolean server_socket_cb(GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gpo
     log_notice("New client connected");
     fflush(NULL); /* paranoia */
+    int pipefd[2];
+    xpipe(pipefd);
     pid_t pid = fork();
     if (pid < 0)
+        close(pipefd[0]);
+        close(pipefd[1]);
         return TRUE;
     if (pid == 0) /* child */
-        xmove_fd(socket, 0);
-        xdup2(0, 1);
+        xdup2(socket, STDIN_FILENO);
+        xdup2(socket, STDOUT_FILENO);
+        close(socket);
+        close(pipefd[0]);
+        xmove_fd(pipefd[1], STDERR_FILENO);
         char *argv[3];  /* abrt-server [-s] NULL */
         char **pp = argv;
@@ -129,9 +393,12 @@ static gboolean server_socket_cb(GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gpo
         execvp(argv[0], argv);
         perror_msg_and_die("Can't execute '%s'", argv[0]);
     /* parent */
-    increment_child_count();
+    close(pipefd[1]);
+    add_abrt_server_proc(pid, pipefd[0]);
     return TRUE;
@@ -149,9 +416,21 @@ static gboolean handle_signal_cb(GIOChannel *gio, GIOCondition condition, gpoint
             s_exiting = 1;
-            while (safe_waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0)
+            pid_t cpid;
+            int status;
+            while ((cpid = safe_waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)) > 0)
-                decrement_child_count();
+                if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
+                    log_debug("abrt-server(%d) signaled with %d", cpid, WTERMSIG(status));
+                else if (WIFEXITED(status))
+                    log_debug("abrt-server(%d) exited with %d", cpid, WEXITSTATUS(status));
+                else
+                {
+                    log_debug("abrt-server(%d) is being debugged", cpid);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                remove_abrt_server_proc(cpid, status);