#3 Update to latest version
Merged 9 months ago by eclipseo. Opened 9 months ago by bbhtt.
rpms/ bbhtt/adobe-source-code-pro-fonts update  into  rawhide

file modified
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ 




+ /source-code-pro-2.042R-u-1.062R-i-1.026R-vf.tar.gz

@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ 

+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+ <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd">

+ <fontconfig>


+     <!-- Aliasing monospace to prefer Source Code Pro -->

+     <alias>

+         <family>monospace</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>


+     <!-- Defaults if Source Code Pro isn't available -->

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         <default>

+             <family>monospace</family>

+         </default>

+     </alias>


+     <!-- Specifying each style and weight for Source Code Pro -->

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code Pro Regular</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code Pro Italic</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code Pro Bold</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code Pro Bold Italic</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code Pro Light</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code Pro Light Italic</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code Pro Medium</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code Pro Medium Italic</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code Pro Semibold</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code Pro Semibold Italic</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code Pro ExtraLight</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code Pro ExtraLight Italic</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code Pro Black</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code Pro</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code Pro Black Italic</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>

+ </fontconfig>

61-adobe-source-code-vf-fonts-fontconfig.conf adobe-source-code-pro-fonts-fontconfig.conf
file renamed
+30 -13
@@ -1,16 +1,33 @@ 

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

- <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">

+ <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd">


-   <alias>

-     <family>monospace</family>

-     <prefer>

-       <family>Source Code Pro</family>

-     </prefer>

-   </alias>

-   <alias>

-     <family>Source Code Pro</family>

-     <default>

-       <family>monospace</family>

-     </default>

-   </alias>

+     <!-- Aliasing monospace to prefer Source Code VF -->

+     <alias>

+         <family>monospace</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code VF</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>


+     <!-- Defaults if Source Code VF isn't available -->

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code VF</family>

+         <default>

+             <family>monospace</family>

+         </default>

+     </alias>


+     <!-- Specifying each style for Source Code VF -->

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code VF</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code VF Upright</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>

+     <alias>

+         <family>Source Code VF</family>

+         <prefer>

+             <family>Source Code VF Italic</family>

+         </prefer>

+     </alias>


@@ -1,59 +1,60 @@ 

- %global fontname adobe-source-code-pro

- %global fontconf 61-%{fontname}.conf

+ %global foundry           adobe

+ %global fontlicense       OFL-1.1

+ %global fontlicenses      LICENSE.md

+ %global fontdocs          README.md

+ %global fontdocsex        %{fontlicenses}



+ %global fontfamily        Source Code Pro

+ %global fontsummary       A set of mono-spaced OpenType fonts designed for coding environments

+ %global fontpkgheader    %{expand:

+ Suggests: font(sourcecodevf)}

+ %global fonts             OTF/*.otf

+ %global fontconfs         %{SOURCE10}

+ %global fontdescription   %{expand:

+ This font was designed by Paul D. Hunt as a companion to Source Sans. It has

+ the same weight range as the corresponding Source Sans design.  It supports

+ a wide range of languages using the Latin script, and includes all the

+ characters in the Adobe Latin 4 glyph set.}


- %global version_roman  2.030

- %global version_italic 1.050

+ %global fontfamily2       Source Code VF

+ %global fontsummary2      OpenType fonts designed for coding environments, variable versions

+ %global fontpkgheader1    %{expand:

+ Suggests: font(sourcecodepro)}

+ %global fonts2            VF/*.otf

+ %global fontconfs2        %{SOURCE11}

+ %global fontdescription2  %{expand:

+ %{fontdescription}


- Name:           %{fontname}-fonts

- Version:        %{version_roman}.%{version_italic}

- Release:        %autorelease

- Summary:        A set of mono-spaced OpenType fonts designed for coding environments

+ This is the variable versions of the font Source Code Pro.}}


- License:        OFL-1.1

+ %global version_roman  2.042

+ %global version_italic 1.062

+ %global version_vf     1.026


+ Version:        %{version_roman}.%{version_italic}.%{version_vf}

+ Release:        %autorelease

  URL:            https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro

- Source0:        https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro/archive/%{version_roman}R-ro%2f%{version_italic}R-it.tar.gz#/SourceCodePro-%{version_roman}R-ro-%{version_italic}R-it.tar.gz

- Source1:        %{name}-fontconfig.conf

- Source2:        %{fontname}.metainfo.xml


- BuildArch:      noarch

- BuildRequires:  fontpackages-devel

- Requires:       fontpackages-filesystem


- %description

- This font was designed by Paul D. Hunt as a companion to Source Sans. It has

- the same weight range as the corresponding Source Sans design.  It supports

- a wide range of languages using the Latin script, and includes all the

- characters in the Adobe Latin 4 glyph set.

+ Source:         https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro/archive/%{version_roman}R-u/%{version_italic}R-i/%{version_vf}R-vf.tar.gz#/source-code-pro-%{version_roman}R-u-%{version_italic}R-i-%{version_vf}R-vf.tar.gz

+ Source10:       61-%{name}-fontconfig.conf

+ Source11:       61-%{fontpkgname2}-fontconfig.conf


+ %fontpkg -a



- %setup -qn source-code-pro-%{version_roman}R-ro-%{version_italic}R-it

- sed -i 's/\r//' LICENSE.txt

- chmod 644 LICENSE.txt

+ %autosetup -n source-code-pro-%{version_roman}R-u-%{version_italic}R-i-%{version_vf}R-vf



+ %fontbuild -a



- install -m 0755 -d %{buildroot}%{_fontdir}

- install -m 0644 -p OTF/*.otf %{buildroot}%{_fontdir}


- install -m 0755 -d %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_templatedir} \

-                    %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_confdir}


- install -m 0644 -p %{SOURCE1} \

-         %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_templatedir}/%{fontconf}

- ln -s %{_fontconfig_templatedir}/%{fontconf} \

-       %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_confdir}/%{fontconf}


- # Add AppStream metadata

- install -Dm 0644 -p %{SOURCE2} \

-         %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/appdata/%{fontname}.metainfo.xml

+ %fontinstall -a


- %_font_pkg -f %{fontconf} *.otf

- %{_datadir}/appdata/%{fontname}.metainfo.xml

+ %check

+ %fontcheck -a


- %doc README.md

- %license LICENSE.txt

+ %fontfiles -a




@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ 

- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

- <!-- Copyright 2014 Richard Hughes <richard@hughsie.com> -->

- <component type="font">

-   <id>adobe-source-code-pro</id>

-   <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>

-   <name>Source Code</name>

-   <summary>A set of mono-spaced fonts designed for coding environments</summary>

- </component>

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 

- 8120607f75da3b25cb8e34b64f02af9c  SourceCodePro-2.030R-ro-1.050R-it.tar.gz

+ SHA512 (source-code-pro-2.042R-u-1.062R-i-1.026R-vf.tar.gz) = 2cc2373c8f5ec817ee44e2c754735a4d21d989fd581bf1cdb764ba98a26b186574d7f583ebe0da905c4db029d12fd4df54ace43a191e274f76995940a618a91c

The macros need porting according to the latest template but I'm not sure how to do that

I don't think I can resolve the CI issue, fedpkg is trying to download the source from https://src.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/rpms/adobe-source-code-pro-fonts/ and I can't push the new tarball there

rebased onto e1625cf

9 months ago

I would also include the change from https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/adobe-source-code-pro-fonts/pull-request/2 in your PR.

That is use SPDX Licensing.

License: OFL-1.1

Another cool stuff you could add in a separate PR is convert to autorelease/autochangelog with rpmautospec convert

pretty please pagure-ci rebuild

rebased onto 8602cfb

9 months ago

Ok I kind of heavily reworked your update to match the latest Font packaging guidelines: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/FontsPolicy/#_packaging_a_font_family_in_multiple_opentype_formats_application_support_2

Also adding the VF otf files implies declaring a new family Source Code VF, with a new fontconfig file, and thus a new subpackage.

Awesome, thanks for the help!

4 new commits added

  • Update to
  • Convert License tag to SPDX.
  • Convert to %autorelease and %autochangelog
  • Remove archive from GIT
9 months ago

rebased onto cef61d0

9 months ago

Pull-Request has been merged by eclipseo

9 months ago