062398a - POTFILES.in: rename time.py to time_spoke.py (bcl)

Authored and Committed by bcl 10 years ago
    - POTFILES.in: rename time.py to time_spoke.py (bcl)
    - Only move INSTALL_TREE when it is mounted (#888196) (bcl)
    - Use ksdata.method.seen (#986069) (bcl)
    - Threaded Koji RPM lookups and downloads (mkolman)
    - Fix the langcode parsing regexp (vpodzime)
    - Move tests to old_tests and add some new, working tests (vpodzime)
    - Replace hostname with hostnamectl (#989584) (rvykydal)
    - Require fcoe-utils only on ix86 and x86_64 architectures (#989913) (vpodzime)
    - Fix searching for local RPMs with no version required (vpodzime)
    - Expand the '~' in the RPM_FOLDER_NAME (vpodzime)
    - Set system date and time with our own function (vpodzime)
    - Remove the useless, confusing and lying PoolsNote (vpodzime)
    - Use tiny, fast and thread-safe ntplib module instead of ntpdate (vpodzime)
    - For vnc require network in intramfs (#989156) (rvykydal)
    - Fix makeupdates' package fetching when no version is specified (vpodzime)
    - Make it clear on the summary dialog that changes take effect later. (clumens)
    - Don't mark the summary dialog's tree view as insensitive. (clumens)
    - Work with files in a more pythonic way in makeupdates (vpodzime)
    - Honor hostname set in kickstart (#988483) (rvykydal)
    - Do not automatically set UTC mode on kickstart installs. (clumens)
    - Add automatic fetching of RPMs for new Defines & Requires (mkolman)
    - Don't prompt for ssh on s390x if doing an image install. (#983056) (sbueno)
    - Rename tz spoke to avoid potential conflict with std 'time' module. (sbueno)
file modified
+1 -0
file modified
+28 -4
file modified
+1 -1