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The autossh systemd service uses configuration files from the
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/etc/autossh directory. Each configuration file should define a single
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variable OPTIONS, which contains all command line options to pass to
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the respective autossh service instance. The configuration file is the
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name of the service instance suffixed with .conf, for example
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autossh@myconnection.service loads its configuration from the
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/etc/autossh/myconnection.conf file. For example (all on one line,
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wrapped here for readability):
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Fabio Alessandro Locati 4b1c7e8
    OPTIONS=-M 0 -NT
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        -o "ServerAliveInterval 60" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3"
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        -l autossh -i /path/to/id_rsa -L 7474:
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Note that it is not necessary to configure everything related to the
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actual connection in $OPTIONS, instead just as with regular ssh(1)
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use, the -F option can be used there to load them from separate
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configuration files. For example:
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    OPTIONS=-M 0 -N -F /path/to/myconnection_ssh_config srv.example.com
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The services run as the autossh user by default. This means that
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functionality requiring root access, for example forwarding local
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privileged ports, is not available to them. If root functionality is
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required, it can be accomplished through the systemd unit override
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mechanisms, see systemd.unit(5).