Rex Dieter 12c0a9c
Index: avogadro-1.1.1/CMakeLists.txt
Rex Dieter 12c0a9c
Rex Dieter 12c0a9c
--- avogadro-1.1.1.orig/CMakeLists.txt
Rex Dieter 12c0a9c
+++ avogadro-1.1.1/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
Rex Dieter 12c0a9c
Rex Dieter 12c0a9c
 find_package(Qt4 4.6.0 REQUIRED) # find and setup Qt4 for this project
Rex Dieter 12c0a9c
 find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED) # find and setup OpenGL
-find_package(X11) # find and setup X11 (not required for Mac and Windows)
Rex Dieter 12c0a9c
+find_package(X11 REQUIRED) # find and setup X11
Rex Dieter 12c0a9c
 find_package(Linguist) # find and setup Linguist
Rex Dieter 12c0a9c
 if(NOT Linguist_FOUND)
Rex Dieter 12c0a9c
   message(WARNING " Qt4 Linguist not found, please install it if you want Avogadro translations")