Blob Blame History Raw
# Temporarily disabling tests in rawhide until upstream has support for
# Python 3.11.
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 37
%bcond_with     tests
%bcond_without  tests

# telemetry and testsdk don't follow azure-cli's versioning scheme.
# They have their own versions in the main repository.
%global         telemetry_version   1.0.7
# testsdk follows its own versioning scheme.
%global         testsdk_version     0.3.0

%global         srcname     azure-cli
%global         forgeurl
Version:        2.39.0
%global         tag         %{srcname}-%{version}
%global         distprefix  %{nil}

Name:           %{srcname}
Release:        %autorelease
Summary:        Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools
License:        MIT
URL:            %forgeurl
Source0:        %forgesource

BuildArch:      noarch

%if 0%{?fedora}
# Only Fedora has antlr4 packages.
# Because antlr4 requires the JDK, it is not available on i686 in F37+. See:
# Note that dropping i686 does not require a tracking bug due to:
ExclusiveArch:  %{java_arches} noarch

BuildRequires:  antlr4

BuildRequires:  python3-devel
BuildRequires:  python3-pip
BuildRequires:  python3-setuptools
BuildRequires:  python3-wheel
BuildRequires:  pyproject-rpm-macros

%if %{with tests}
BuildRequires:  python3dist(azure-devtools)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(azure-mgmt-managedservices)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(decorator)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(pkginfo)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(pytest)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(pytest-rerunfailures)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(pytest-xdist)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(vcrpy)

Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools

# python-azure-cli-core
%package -n python3-%{srcname}-core
Summary:        Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Core Module
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n python3-%{srcname}-core
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Core Module

# python-azure-cli-telemetry
%package -n python3-%{srcname}-telemetry
Summary:        Microsoft Azure CLI Telemetry Package
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n python3-%{srcname}-telemetry
Microsoft Azure CLI Telemetry Package

# python-azure-cli-testsdk
%package -n python3-%{srcname}-testsdk
Summary:        Microsoft Azure CLI SDK testing tools
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n python3-%{srcname}-testsdk
Microsoft Azure CLI SDK testing tools

%forgeautosetup -p1

# Remove upper version boundaries on anything that isn't azure-related.
# Upstream has strict requirements on azure SDK packages, but many of the
# other requirements are set to versions too old for Fedora.
sed -i '/azure/!s/==/>=/' src/azure-cli/requirements.py3.Linux.txt
sed -i '/azure/!s/~=/>=/' src/azure-cli/
sed -i '/azure/!s/~=/>=/' src/azure-cli-core/

# Namespace packages are no longer needed after Python 3.7, but upstream
# insists on carrying them.
sed -i '/nspkg/d' src/azure-cli/requirements.py3.Linux.txt

# The requirements file has requirements set for azure-cli-{core,telemetry,testsdk}
# but we can't install those until we actually build this package.
sed -i '/azure-cli.*/d' src/azure-cli/requirements.py3.Linux.txt

# Allow an older psutil. See BZ 2036137.
sed -i 's/psutil>=5.9/psutil>=5.8/' \
    src/azure-cli/requirements.py3.Linux.txt \

# Allow an older PyNaCl. See BZ 2038614.
sed -i 's/PyNaCl>=1.5/PyNaCl>=1.4/' \
    src/azure-cli/requirements.py3.Linux.txt \

# Allow an older websocket-client. See BZ 2100908.
sed -i 's/websocket-client>=1.3.1/websocket-client>=1.2.3/' \
    src/azure-cli/requirements.py3.Linux.txt \
    src/azure-cli/ \

# Allow an older markupsafe. See BZ 2105301.
sed -i 's/MarkupSafe.=.*$/MarkupSafe>=1.1.1/' \

# certifi's version is irrelevant since the package is empty in Fedora.
sed -i 's/certifi.=.*$/certifi/' \

# Fedora 35 and epel9 have older versions of Jinja2, but they work fine.
sed -i 's/Jinja2.=.*$/Jinja2/' \

# Fedora 35 has an older version of pkginfo that works fine.
sed -i 's/pkginfo.=.*$/pkginfo/' \

# Remove the unnecessary secure extra from urllib3.
sed -i 's/urllib3\[secure\]/urllib3/' src/azure-cli/

# Temporarily allow newer -core versions in rawhide.
sed -i 's/^azure-core==.*$/azure-core==1.24.2/' src/azure-cli/requirements.py3.Linux.txt
sed -i 's/^azure-mgmt-core==.*$/azure-mgmt-core==1.3.1/' src/azure-cli/requirements.py3.Linux.txt

# Allow for older EPEL 9 packages.
%if 0%{?rhel}
sed -i 's/cffi.=.*$/cffi>=1.14.5/'              src/azure-cli/requirements.py3.Linux.txt
sed -i 's/distro.=.*$/distro>=1.5.0/'           src/azure-cli/requirements.py3.Linux.txt
sed -i 's/jmespath.=.*$/jmespath>=0.9.4/'       src/azure-cli/requirements.py3.Linux.txt
sed -i 's/packaging.=.*$/packaging>=20.9/'      src/azure-cli/requirements.py3.Linux.txt
sed -i 's/requests\[socks\].=.*$/requests\[socks\]>=2.25.1/' src/azure-cli/requirements.py3.Linux.txt
sed -i 's/urllib3.=.*$/urllib3>=1.26.5/'        src/azure-cli/requirements.py3.Linux.txt

# EPEL9 omits servicebus because it requires uamqp, which currently lacks
# OpenSSL 3.x support. 😢
# See
# See
%if 0%{?rhel}
rm -rf src/azure-cli/azure/cli/command_modules/servicebus

%pyproject_buildrequires -N src/azure-cli/requirements.py3.Linux.txt

%if 0%{?fedora}
# Regenerate ANTLR files in Fedora only.
pushd src/azure-cli/azure/cli/command_modules/monitor/grammar/autoscale
antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 AutoscaleCondition.g4
cd ../metric_alert
antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 MetricAlertCondition.g4

PROJECTS=("azure-cli azure-cli-core azure-cli-telemetry azure-cli-testsdk")
for PROJECT in ${PROJECTS[@]}; do
    pushd src/${PROJECT}


# Batch scripts are only for Windows.
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/az.bat

# Install the az bash completion script properly.
install -Dp %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions/%{name}
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/

%if %{with tests}
echo -e "[pytest]\naddopts = -p no:warnings --reruns 5" > pytest.ini

# Test azure-cli-core.
# Client tests skipped due to upstream bug:
# Parser/command tests skipped due to upstream bug:
%pytest -n auto src/azure-cli-core \
    --ignore=src/azure-cli-core/azure/cli/core/tests/ \
    -k "not test_help_loads \
        and not test_get_mgmt_service_client \
        and not test_ext_not_in_index \
        and not test_no_exts_in_index \
        and not test_update_extension_no_updates"

# Test azure-cli-telemetry.
%pytest -n auto src/azure-cli-telemetry

# Test azure-cli and command modules.
pushd src/azure-cli/azure/cli/command_modules/

# Upstream requires that some tests are run without concurrency.
%pytest appservice/tests/latest
%pytest botservice/tests/latest
%pytest cloud/tests/latest
%pytest network/tests/latest \
    -k "not test_network_app_gateway_with_identity \
        and not test_network_virtual_appliance \
        and not test_network_security_partner_provider \
        and not test_private_endpoint_connection_service_bus"

# Concurrency is okay for the other tests.
%pytest -n auto acr/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto acs/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto advisor/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto ams/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto apim/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto appconfig/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto aro/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto backup/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto batchai/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto batch/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto billing/tests/latest
# Botservice is still in preview.
# %%pytest -n auto botservice/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto cdn/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto cognitiveservices/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto config/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto configure/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto consumption/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto container/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto cosmosdb/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto databoxedge/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto deploymentmanager/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto dla/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto dls/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto dms/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto eventgrid/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto eventhubs/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto find/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto hdinsight/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto identity/tests/latest
# test_certificate_lifecycle requires the azure-iot extension, which is not
# currently packaged.
%pytest -n auto iot/tests/latest \
    -k "test_certificate_lifecycle"
%pytest -n auto keyvault/tests/latest \
    -k "test_keyvault_hsm_key_release_policy"
%pytest -n auto kusto/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto lab/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto managedservices/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto maps/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto marketplaceordering/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto monitor/tests/latest \
    -k "not test_monitor_private_link_scope_scenario"
%pytest -n auto natgateway/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto netappfiles/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto policyinsights/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto privatedns/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto profile/tests/latest \
    -k "not test_login_validate_tenant"
%pytest -n auto rdbms/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto redis/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto relay/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto reservations/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto resource/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto role/tests/latest \
    -k "not test_create_for_rbac_create_cert"
%pytest -n auto search/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto security/tests/latest

# EPEL9 omits servicebus because it requires uamqp, which currently lacks
# OpenSSL 3.x support. 😢
# See
# See
%if 0%{?fedora}
%pytest -n auto servicebus/tests/latest

%pytest -n auto serviceconnector/tests/latest \
%pytest -n auto servicefabric/tests/latest \
    --ignore=src/azure-cli/azure/cli/command_modules/servicefabric/tests/latest/ \
    -k "not test_cert_and_ext \
        and not test_create_cluster_with_separate_kv"
%pytest -n auto signalr/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto sql/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto sqlvm/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto storage/tests/latest \
    -k "not test_storage_blob_upload_small_file"
%pytest -n auto synapse/tests/latest
%pytest -n auto util/tests/latest


# The VM tests import stuff from azure.cli.command_modules.vm.tests, so the
# paths need some adjustments here.
PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}:src/azure-cli/ \
    %pytest -n auto src/azure-cli/azure/cli/command_modules/vm/tests/latest


%license LICENSE
# Executable-related files/directories.
# Bash completions.
%dir %{_datadir}/bash-completion
%dir %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions
# Python sitelib files and directories.
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/azure
# Prevent azure-cli from grabbing all of the files underneath azure/cli.
%exclude %{python3_sitelib}/azure/cli/core
%exclude %{python3_sitelib}/azure/cli/telemetry
%exclude %{python3_sitelib}/azure/cli/testsdk

%files -n python3-%{srcname}-core

%files -n python3-%{srcname}-testsdk

%files -n python3-%{srcname}-telemetry
