ea0d494 - 20080705; new upstream at http://bash-completion.alioth.debian.org/

Authored and Committed by scop 15 years ago
    - 20080705; new upstream at http://bash-completion.alioth.debian.org/
    - Perl, Debian, and scp patches applied upstream.
    - Patch to improve man completion: more sections, better filename handling.
    - Patch to speed up yum install/deplist completion (#478784).
    - Patch to fix and speed up rpm installed packages completion.
    - Update mock completion.
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bash-completion-20080705-getent.patch bash-completion-20060301-getent.patch
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bash-completion-20080705-gzip.patch bash-completion-20060301-gzip.patch
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bash-completion-20080705-lzma.patch bash-completion-20060301-lzma.patch
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bash-completion-20080705-rpm-backups.patch bash-completion-20060301-rpm-backups.patch
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bash-completion-20080705-svn-filenames-430059.patch bash-completion-20060301-svn-filenames-430059.patch
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