# Options you can adjust for all Raspberry Pi Revisions # https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/config_txt.html # Raspberry Pi Zero 2W [pi02] kernel=rpi3-u-boot.bin dtoverlay=upstream # Raspberry Pi 2 [pi2] kernel=rpi2-u-boot.bin dtoverlay=upstream # Raspberry Pi 3 [pi3] kernel=rpi3-u-boot.bin dtoverlay=upstream # Raspberry Pi 4 [pi4] kernel=rpi4-u-boot.bin dtoverlay=upstream-pi4 # For RPi400 and newer rev RPi4s arm_boost=1 # Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver # dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d-pi4 dtoverlay=cma,cma-256 max_framebuffers=2 # 4K display support - RPi4 only, only one port possible # hdmi_enable_4kp60=1 # Raspberry Pi CM4 [cm4] otg_mode=1 # Default Fedora configs for all Raspberry Pi Revisions [all] # Enable UART # Only enable UART if you're going to use it as it has speed implications # Serial console is ttyS0 on RPi3 and ttyAMA0 on all other variants # u-boot will auto detect serial and pass corrent options to kernel if enabled # Speed details: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=141195 # Terrible hack to work around U-Boot issues on most devices enable_uart=1 # Early boot delay in the hope monitors are initialised enough to provide EDID bootcode_delay=1 # We need this to be 32Mb to support VCHI services and drivers which use them # but this isn't used by mainline VC4 driver so reduce to lowest supported value # You need to set this to at least 80 for using the camera gpu_mem=32 # Use eXtended firmware by default start_x=1 # Automatically load overlays for detected cameras camera_auto_detect=1 # Automatically load overlays for detected DSI displays display_auto_detect=1 # Stop the RPi turning on HDMI monitors on reboot hdmi_ignore_cec_init=1 # HAT and DT overlays. Documentation at Raspberry Pi here: # https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/device-tree.md # Each dtoverlay line is an individual HAT/overlay, multiple lines allowed # dtoverlay=rpi-sense # To use this on Fedora you need to use firmware provided device tree, not kernel # For this functionality follow the following guide: # https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Architectures/ARM/Raspberry_Pi/HATs