#222 Add clang-devel(major) provides
Merged 4 months ago by tuliom. Opened 5 months ago by mystro256.
rpms/ mystro256/clang rawhide  into  rawhide

Add clang-devel(major) provides
Jeremy Newton • 5 months ago  
file modified
+5 -1
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ 


  Name:		%pkg_name

  Version:	%{clang_version}%{?rc_ver:~rc%{rc_ver}}%{?llvm_snapshot_version_suffix:~%{llvm_snapshot_version_suffix}}

- Release:	1%{?dist}

+ Release:	2%{?dist}

  Summary:	A C language family front-end for LLVM


  License:	Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception OR NCSA
@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ 

  # The clang CMake files reference tools from clang-tools-extra.

  Requires: %{name}-tools-extra%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}


+ Provides: %{name}-devel(major) = %{maj_ver}


  %description devel

  Development header files for clang.
@@ -623,6 +624,9 @@ 




+ * Mon Dec 18 2023 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt at hotmail dot com> - 17.0.6-2

+ - Add clang-devel(major) provides


  * Tue Nov 28 2023 Tulio Magno Quites Machado Filho <tuliom@redhat.com> - 17.0.6-1

  - Update to LLVM 17.0.6


When building ROCm components, we need to pull in specific llvm and
clang devel package versions. This add clang-devel(major) in the style
of llvm-devel(major), as they can be used as a build requires.

rebased onto 46db673

5 months ago

Build succeeded.

@mystro256 thank you for this PR. For how long do you want to depend on a specific version of Clang?

So I've been working with upstream, and they said they can lag 3-6 months at most depending on development cycles.

I was having a chat with @tstellar and @tuliom, and I'm told the future goal is to keep one older version of llvm around for compatibility in fedora, so this should be fine.

The concern that came up is that ROCm requires llvm, clang, lld, and compiler-rt, but the last one isn't in scope for the compat packages.

As discussed in our chat, this would make it easier for downstream packagers to depend on a specific clang-devel package because today compat packages and default packages have different provide names, e.g. clang-devel vs. clang16-devel.

Considering the lack of objection, I'm merging this.

Pull-Request has been merged by tuliom

4 months ago