#!/bin/sh REGDOMAIN=/etc/sysconfig/regdomain CLOCK=/etc/sysconfig/clock if [ -f $REGDOMAIN ] then # This should set COUNTRY . $REGDOMAIN if [ -n "$COUNTRY" ] then /sbin/iw reg set $COUNTRY exit fi fi if [ -f $CLOCK ] then # This should set ZONE . $CLOCK else echo "Timezone information not found! Unable to set regulatory domain." exit fi if [ -z "$ZONE" ] then echo "Timezone information not set! Unable to set regulatory domain." exit fi COOKED_ZONE=$(echo $ZONE | sed -e 's/ /_/') COUNTRY=$(grep $COOKED_ZONE /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab | awk '{ print $1 }') if [ -z "$COUNTRY" ] then echo "Could not determine country! Unable to set regulatory domain." exit fi /sbin/iw reg set $COUNTRY