#!/usr/bin/python3 """ * File: claes * Version : 1.0 * License : BSD * * Copyright (c) 2022 * Ralf Senderek, Ireland. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Ralf Senderek. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * """ import sys, os from binascii import * # error return codes ERR_CL = -1 OK = 0 ERR_NOBYTES = 1 ERR_PERM = 2 ERR_PASSWORD = 3 ERR_INSTALL = 4 ERR_WRONGKEY = 5 ERR_DECODE = 6 ERR_SIZE = 7 ERR_ENCRYPT = 8 ERR_DECRYPT = 9 ERR_CORRUPT = 10 ERR_INCOMPLETE = 11 ERR_INPUT = 12 ERR_DATATYPE = 13 try: from cryptlib_py import * except: ERR_IMPORT = """ The python3 library is not installed. You need to install the packages cryptlib-python3 and cryptlib. You will find them for a variety of operating systems here: https://senderek.ie/cryptlib or in the Fedora repository. """ print( ERR_IMPORT ) exit( ERR_INSTALL ) Version = "1.0" DEBUG = False BINARY = False MaxBytes = 150000000 MaxBufferSize = MaxBytes + 4000 Source = "file" Mode = "pgp" Text = "" InputBytes = "" AESblocksize = 16 NumberOfBlocks = 0 # we try to read all bytes in a single pass ReadMoreBytes = False FileName = "" MinPasswordLength = 8 MaxPasswordLength = 64 DECRYPTION = False ENVELOPE = True KEY128 = False ASKPASS = "/bin/systemd-ask-password" if not os.path.isfile(ASKPASS) : print ("Error: Please install " + ASKPASS + " to ensure safe password input") exit(ERR_INSTALL) #-------------------------------------------------# def print_help(): Help = """ claes encrypts or decrypts data in OpenPGP, CMS or OpenSSL format using files or standard input with a passphrase-based AES cipher. usage: claes [-debug] [-cms | -openssl [-128]] [OPTION] [FILE | -] If no FILE or "-" is given, data is read from standard input. The input size is limited to 150 MByte. Options are: -help display this message -version display version information -debug print debugging information to stderr -cms produce CMS enveloped and encrypted data instead of OpenPGP -openssl produce encrypted data using pbkdf2 in openssl format -128 forces the use of 128 bit AES keys with -openssl (256 bits is the default) -decrypt decrypts an encrypted message (default is encrypt) Full documentation This program depends on two packages providing the cryptlib shared object library and the python3-bindings to this library. You can download both packages in RPM and DEB format at: https://senderek.ie/cryptlib/downloads Or in FEDORA you can install the packages cryptlib and cryptlib-python3 directly from the repository. In addition the program /bin/systemd-ask-password is used to read sensible data from stdin. This program is part of the systemd package. INTEROPERABILITY gpg2: Without any options claes produces OpenPGP (base64-encoded) encrypted messages using AES-128. It can decrypt any message produced by GnuPG with the following ciphers: AES, AES192, AES256, 3DES and CAST-128. openssl: In OpenSSL mode claes writes (base64-encoded) encrypted messages in the proprietary OpenSSL format using AES256 as the default. These messages can be decrypted with openssl : openssl aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -d -a -in FILE.asc The use of AES-128 can be forced by the additional option -128. """ print( Help ) #-----------------------------------------------------------# def print_debug ( message ): if DEBUG: sys.stderr.write( "Debug: " ) sys.stderr.write( message + "\n" ) #-----------------------------------------------------------# def get_proper_filename(): global OutFilename if (not DECRYPTION) : if (Source == "file") : if ("cms" in Mode) : OutFilename = FileName + ".cms" else: if (BINARY) : OutFilename = FileName + ".gpg" else: OutFilename = FileName + ".asc" if (os.path.isfile(OutFilename)) : RET = input("Overwrite " + OutFilename + " ? [y/n] ") if (RET != "y") : OutFilename = input("File name to write : ") else: # source is standard input, write to claes.asc OutFilename = "./claes.asc" else: # Decryption if (Source == "file") : if ((FileName[-4:] == ".asc") or (FileName[-4:] == ".cms") or (FileName[-4:] == ".gpg") or (FileName[-4:] == ".pgp")) : OutFilename = FileName[:-4] else: # get a proper file name to write to OutFilename = input("File name to write : ") if (os.path.isfile(OutFilename)) : RET = input("Overwrite " + OutFilename + " ? [y/n] ") if (RET != "y") : OutFilename = input("Filename to write : ") #-----------------------------------------------------------# def unix (command) : if os.name == "posix" : Pipe = os.popen(command, "r") Result = Pipe.read() Pipe.close() return Result #-----------------------------------------------# def crc24(data): # input bytearray, output int INIT = 0xB704CE POLY = 0x1864CFB crc = INIT for c in data : octet = c crc ^= (octet << 16) for i in range(8) : crc <<= 1 if crc & 0x1000000 : crc ^= POLY return crc & 0xFFFFFF #-----------------------------------------------# def crc24_encoding(buff): # input string C = crc24( buff ) BC = C.to_bytes(3,'big') return "=" + str( b2a_base64(BC).decode() ) #-----------------------------------------------# def write_pgp_message(buff, pathname): # writes an encrypted bytearray into a file try: F = open(pathname,'w') F.write("-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n") F.write("Version: claes " + Version + " with cryptlib "+ CryptlibVersion +"\n\n") ASCII = b2a_base64(buff) ASCII = ASCII[:-1] #print("ASCII : "+str(ASCII)) i = 0 while i < len(ASCII) : line = ASCII[i:i+64] i = i + 64 F.write(line.decode()) if i < len(ASCII) : F.write("\n") F.write("\n") F.write(crc24_encoding(buff)) F.write("-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n") unix("chmod 600 " + pathname) except: print (str( sys.exc_info()[0]) ) print ("Error: cannot write to " + pathname) #-----------------------------------------------# def write_openssl_message(salt, buff, pathname): # writes a CMS encrypted buffer into a file try: F = open(pathname,'w') OUT = bytearray(b'Salted__') OUT.extend(salt) OUT.extend(buff) ASCII = b2a_base64(OUT) i = 0 while i < len(ASCII) : line = ASCII[i:i+64] i = i + 64 F.write(line.decode()) if i < len(ASCII) : F.write("\n") unix("chmod 600 " + pathname) except: print (str( sys.exc_info()[0]) ) print ("Error: cannot write to " + pathname) #-----------------------------------------------# def write_cms_message(buff, pathname): # writes a CMS encrypted buffer into a file try: F = open(pathname,'w') F.write("-----BEGIN CMS-----\n") ASCII = b2a_base64(buff) i = 0 while i < len(ASCII) : line = ASCII[i:i+64] i = i + 64 F.write(line.decode()) if i < len(ASCII) : F.write("\n") F.write("-----END CMS-----\n") unix("chmod 600 " + pathname) except: print (str( sys.exc_info()[0]) ) print ("Error: cannot write to " + pathname) #-----------------------------------------------# def analyze_PGP_data( data ): global BINARY print ("Trying to read OpenPGP data") start = end = 0 PGP_BEGIN = bytearray(b"-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n") PGP_END = bytearray(b"-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n") begin = False Length = len( data ) ASCII = bytearray() i = j = 0 while ( (not begin) and (i < Length) ) : while ((i < Length) and (data[i] != 45)) : i = i + 1 if (i < Length) : begin = True # hit first - j = 0 while ((j < (len(PGP_BEGIN) -1)) and begin and (i < Length)) : if (data[i] != PGP_BEGIN[j]) : begin = False i = i + 1 j = j + 1 if (begin) : # skip version line, if it exists i = i + 1 if (data[i] == 86) : while ((i < Length) and (data[i] != 10)) : i = i + 1 i = i + 1 start = i # found beginning of the block # find -----END begin = False while ( (not begin) and (i < Length) ) : while ((i < Length) and (data[i] != 45)) : i = i + 1 if (i < Length) : begin = True # hit first - j = 0 while ((j < (len(PGP_END) -1)) and begin and (i < Length)) : if (data[i] != PGP_END[j]) : begin = False i = i + 1 j = j + 1 if (begin) : end = i - len(PGP_END) -6 # determine CRC code # copy start to end to ASCII block i = start j = 0 while (i < end) : if (data[i] != 10) : ASCII.append( data[i] ) j = j + 1 i = i + 1 ASCII.append(58) ASCII.append(data[end+2]) ASCII.append(data[end+3]) ASCII.append(data[end+4]) ASCII.append(data[end+5]) if ( (start == 0) and (end == 0) ) : # data is probably binary input print_debug("Found binary input data.") BINARY = True return data return ASCII #-----------------------------------------------# def analyze_CMS_data( data ): global BINARY print ("Trying to read CMS data") start = end = 0 CMS_BEGIN = bytearray(b"-----BEGIN CMS-----\n") CMS_END = bytearray(b"-----END CMS-----\n") begin = False Length = len( data ) ASCII = bytearray() if (Mode == "openssl") : # copy start to end to ASCII block i = start j = 0 while (i < len (Data)) : if (data[i] != 10) : ASCII.append( data[i] ) i = i + 1 # check if data is base64("Sal") if ((data[0] == 83) and (data[1] == 97) and data[2] == 108) : print_debug("Found binary data") # use the original data input BINARY = True ASCII = Data else: i = j = 0 while ( (not begin) and (i < Length) ) : while ((i < Length) and (data[i] != 45)) : i = i + 1 if (i < Length) : begin = True # hit first - j = 0 while ((j < (len(CMS_BEGIN) -1)) and begin and (i < Length)) : if (data[i] != CMS_BEGIN[j]) : begin = False i = i + 1 j = j + 1 if (begin) : i = i + 1 start = i # found beginning of the block # find -----END begin = False while ( (not begin) and (i < Length) ) : while ((i < Length) and (data[i] != 45)) : i = i + 1 if (i < Length) : begin = True # hit first - j = 0 while ((j < (len(CMS_END) -1)) and begin and (i < Length)) : if (data[i] != CMS_END[j]) : begin = False i = i + 1 j = j + 1 if (begin) : end = i - len(CMS_END) # copy start to end to ASCII block i = start j = 0 while (i < end) : if (data[i] != 10) : ASCII.append( data[i] ) i = i + 1 ASCII.append(58) ASCII.append(110) ASCII.append(111) ASCII.append(110) ASCII.append(101) return ASCII #-----------------------------------------------------------# def get_random_bytes ( num ): # this function does not need to produce cryptographically secure random numbers try: from random import randbytes return randbytes( num ) except: RandomBuffer = bytearray(b' '*num) RandomContext_object = cryptCreateContext( cryptUser, CRYPT_ALGO_AES ) RandomContext = int( RandomContext_object ) cryptSetAttribute( RandomContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_MODE, CRYPT_MODE_CFB ) cryptGenerateKey( RandomContext ) cryptEncrypt( RandomContext, RandomBuffer ) cryptDestroyContext( RandomContext ) return RandomBuffer #-----------------------------------------------------------# def pbkdf2 ( salt ): from hashlib import pbkdf2_hmac iterations = 10000 # the password is available globally if ( Mode == "openssl" ) and salt : #generate session key and iv from password and salt using pbkdf2 # 256 bit AES is the default dk = pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', password, salt, iterations, 48) if (KEY128) : # use 256 bit AES key dk = pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', password, salt, iterations, 32) KeyandIV = bytearray() KeyandIV.extend( dk ) return KeyandIV return "" #-----------------------------------------------------------# def envelope_info(): global Envelope # check the ALGO used RESULT = bytearray() ALGO = bytearray(b' ') cryptGetAttributeString( Envelope, CRYPT_CTXINFO_NAME_ALGO, ALGO ) i = 0 while ( (ALGO[i] != 32) and (i < len(ALGO)) ) : RESULT.append(ALGO[i]) i = i + 1 RESULT.extend(b' ') KEYSIZE = bytearray() KEYSIZE = cryptGetAttribute( Envelope, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEYSIZE ) RESULT.extend(str(KEYSIZE*8).encode()) RESULT.extend(b' ') MODE = bytearray(b' ') cryptGetAttributeString( Envelope, CRYPT_CTXINFO_NAME_MODE, MODE ) RESULT.extend(MODE) print(RESULT.decode()) #-----------------------------------------------------------# def context_info(): global AESContext # check the ALGO used RESULT = bytearray() ALGO = bytearray(b' ') cryptGetAttributeString( AESContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_NAME_ALGO, ALGO ) i = 0 while ( (ALGO[i] != 32) and (i < len(ALGO)) ) : RESULT.append(ALGO[i]) i = i + 1 RESULT.extend(b' ') KEYSIZE = bytearray() KEYSIZE = cryptGetAttribute( AESContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEYSIZE ) RESULT.extend(str(KEYSIZE*8).encode()) RESULT.extend(b' ') MODE = bytearray(b' ') cryptGetAttributeString( AESContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_NAME_MODE, MODE ) RESULT.extend(MODE) print(RESULT.decode()) #-----------------------------------------------------------# def clean_envelope(): global Envelope global password try: print_debug("Cleaning envelope before exit") password = get_random_bytes( len(password) ) cryptDestroyEnvelope( Envelope ) cryptEnd() except: pass #-----------------------------------------------------------# def clean_context(): global AESContext global password try: print_debug("Cleaning context before exit") password = get_random_bytes( len(password) ) cryptDestroyContext( AESContext ) cryptEnd() except: pass ############################################################# if ( len(sys.argv) > 1 ): # legitimate options or a file name is in the parameter list if "-debug" in sys.argv : DEBUG = True sys.argv.remove( "-debug" ) if "-cms" in sys.argv : Mode = "cms" sys.argv.remove( "-cms" ) if "-openssl" in sys.argv : Mode = "openssl" LowLevelCrypto = True ENVELOPE = False sys.argv.remove( "-openssl" ) if "-128" in sys.argv : KEY128 = True sys.argv.remove( "-128" ) if "-help" in sys.argv : print_help() exit( OK ) if "-version" in sys.argv : print ( Version ) exit( OK ) if "-decrypt" in sys.argv : DECRYPTION = True MaxBytes = 200000000 MaxBufferSize = MaxBytes + 4000 sys.argv.remove( "-decrypt" ) # all options are processed if len(sys.argv) > 1 : if sys.argv[1] == "-": try: Text = sys.stdin.read( MaxBytes ) Source = "stdin" FileName = "-" except: exit ( ERR_PERM ) elif os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]) : FileName = sys.argv[1] try: F = open( FileName, "rb" ) InputBytes = F.read( MaxBytes ) F.close() except: print( "cannot open file " + str(FileName) ) exit ( ERR_PERM ) else: print ("No such file: " + sys.argv[1] ) exit ( ERR_INPUT ) else: try: Text = sys.stdin.read( MaxBytes ) Source = "stdin" FileName = "-" except: exit ( ERR_PERM ) OutFilename = FileName get_proper_filename () ##### Begin Cryptlib code ##### cryptInit() # get Cryptlib Version Major = cryptGetAttribute(CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_OPTION_INFO_MAJORVERSION) Minor = cryptGetAttribute(CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_OPTION_INFO_MINORVERSION) Step = cryptGetAttribute(CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_OPTION_INFO_STEPPING) CryptlibVersion = str(Major)+"."+str(Minor)+"."+str(Step) cryptUser = CRYPT_UNUSED if (not DECRYPTION) : if Mode == "pgp" : Envelope_object = cryptCreateEnvelope( cryptUser, CRYPT_FORMAT_PGP ) else: Envelope_object = cryptCreateEnvelope( cryptUser, CRYPT_FORMAT_CMS ) else: Envelope_object = cryptCreateEnvelope( cryptUser, CRYPT_FORMAT_AUTO ) # now an Envelope_object exists try: Envelope = int( Envelope_object ) except: print ("Cryptlib error.") cryptEnd() exit (ERR_CL) # get Data. Data must be modifiable Buffer Data = bytearray() if Text: Data.extend( Text.encode() ) # randomize Text Text = get_random_bytes( len (Text)) else: Data.extend( InputBytes ) # randomize InputBytes InputBytes = get_random_bytes( len (InputBytes) ) # read a user-supplied passphrase of sufficient quality # because either encryption or decryption will use it anyway password = bytearray() password.extend( unix(ASKPASS).encode() ) if len( password ) >= MinPasswordLength and len( password ) <= MaxPasswordLength : password = password[:-1] if ( ENVELOPE and (not DECRYPTION) ) : try: # add the encryption password to the envelope cryptSetAttributeString( Envelope, CRYPT_ENVINFO_PASSWORD, password ) except CryptException as e : status, message = e.args if (status == CRYPT_ERROR_WRONGKEY) : print("Error: " + message) clean_envelope() exit( ERR_WRONGKEY ) # randomize password buffer as it is no longer needed password = get_random_bytes( len(password) ) print_debug (str(len(password)) + " bytes used as password") else: print ("Error: Your password must have at least " + str(MinPasswordLength) + " characters. Nothing done.") clean_envelope() # terminate the program exit (ERR_PASSWORD) if (not DECRYPTION) : # ENCRYPTION # expand the internal buffer which is set to 32K by default. This limits the input data size. try: cryptSetAttribute( Envelope, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_BUFFERSIZE, MaxBufferSize ) except CryptException as e : status, message = e.args if status != CRYPT_ENVELOPE_RESOURCE : print( "Error: cannot set BufferSize to " + str(MaxBufferSize) ) clean_envelope() exit( ERR_SIZE ) # encrypt the input if Data : print ( "Performing encryption of input data" ) else: print( "Your message is empty. Nothing to encrypt." ) clean_envelope() exit( ERR_SIZE ) Buffer = bytearray() if (ENVELOPE) : # the password has been supplied already to the envelope if (len( Data ) < MaxBytes) : # we only need one pass, no looping required print_debug ( "processing " + str( len( Data)) + " bytes of input data") cryptSetAttribute( Envelope, CRYPT_ENVINFO_DATASIZE, len( Data ) ) try: bytesCopied = cryptPushData( Envelope, Data ) except CryptException as e : status, message = e.args if status != CRYPT_ENVELOPE_RESOURCE : print( "Your message is too large. The limit is " + str(MaxBufferSize-4000) ) clean_envelope() exit( ERR_SIZE ) print_debug ("Pushed " +str(bytesCopied) + " bytes into the envelope") if len( Data ) != bytesCopied : # user information and proceed print ( "Error: message did not fit into the envelope completely." ) try: cryptFlushData( Envelope ) except CryptException as e : status, message = e.args if status != CRYPT_ENVELOPE_RESOURCE : print( "Encryption error: " + message ) clean_envelope() exit( ERR_ENCRYPT ) # randomize cleartext data Data = get_random_bytes( len (Data) ) # prepare the cryptogram DataBufferSize = MaxBytes envelopedData = bytearray( b' ' * DataBufferSize ) bytesCopied = cryptPopData( Envelope, envelopedData, DataBufferSize ) print_debug ("Retrieving " + str(bytesCopied) + " encrypted bytes from envelope") Buffer = envelopedData[:bytesCopied] # Buffer holds the encrypted data else: print_debug( "Input is too big" ) ReadMoreBytes = True clean_envelope() exit( ERR_SIZE ) else: # USE ONLY CRYPT-CONTEXT and NO ENVELOPES if (Mode == "openssl") : # get an AEScontext from a password and salt crypt_object = cryptCreateContext( cryptUser , CRYPT_ALGO_AES ) AESContext = int ( crypt_object ) # get 8 bytes of random data for the salt SALT = bytearray() # USE internal cryptContext to generate SALT try: SaltBuffer = bytearray(b'Cryptlib') SaltContext_object = cryptCreateContext( cryptUser, CRYPT_ALGO_AES ) SaltContext = int( SaltContext_object ) cryptSetAttribute( SaltContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_MODE, CRYPT_MODE_CFB ) cryptGenerateKey( SaltContext ) cryptEncrypt( SaltContext, SaltBuffer ) cryptDestroyContext( SaltContext ) SALT.extend(SaltBuffer[:8]) except CryptException as e : status, message = e.args print( "CL random failed" + message ) keyandiv = pbkdf2( SALT ) sessionkey = keyandiv[:32] iv = keyandiv[32:] if (KEY128) : sessionkey = keyandiv[:16] iv = keyandiv[16:] # make sure that len(Data) is a multiple of the AES Blocksize # use PKCS#7 padding NumberOfBlocks = int( len(Data)/AESblocksize ) reminder = int ( AESblocksize - (len(Data) % AESblocksize) ) for i in range(reminder) : Data.append( reminder ) NumberOfBlocks = NumberOfBlocks + 1 if (sessionkey) : cryptSetAttribute( AESContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_MODE, CRYPT_MODE_CBC ) cryptSetAttribute( AESContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEYSIZE, AESblocksize ) cryptSetAttributeString( AESContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY, sessionkey ) cryptSetAttributeString( AESContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_IV, iv ) # encrypt Data in the context try: status = cryptEncrypt( AESContext, Data ) except CryptException as e : status, message = e.args print_debug( "Encryption error while encrypting data ...") print_debug(str(status) + message ) clean_context() exit( ERR_ENCRYPT ) # if encryption was successful, the encrypted data is in-place cryptDestroyContext( AESContext ) print_debug( "Retrieving " + str(len(Data)) + " encrypted bytes." ) Buffer = Data # Buffer holds the encrypted data if ( Buffer ) : # write the encrypted Buffer into the file system if Mode == "pgp" : print("writing " + OutFilename) write_pgp_message(Buffer , OutFilename) elif Mode == "openssl" : print("writing " + OutFilename) write_openssl_message(SALT, Buffer , OutFilename) else : print("writing " + OutFilename) write_cms_message(Buffer , OutFilename) else: # ENCRYPTION failed print ("Encryption failed.") clean_context() exit ( ERR_ENCRYPT ) else: # DECRYPTION print ("Performing decryption of input data") # get the raw data from ascii armoured Data print_debug( "decrypting " + str(len(Data)) + " bytes of input" ) if ( Mode == "pgp" ) : Data = analyze_PGP_data( Data ) else: Data = analyze_CMS_data( Data ) # expand the internal buffer which is set to 32K by default. This limits the input data size try: cryptSetAttribute( Envelope, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_BUFFERSIZE, MaxBufferSize ) except CryptException as e : status, message = e.args if status != CRYPT_ENVELOPE_RESOURCE : print( "Cannot set BufferSize to " + str(MaxBufferSize) ) clean_envelope() exit( ERR_SIZE ) Cleartext = bytearray() if (ENVELOPE) : # the password has been supplied but not added to the decryption envelope if len( Data ) <= MaxBytes : # we only need one pass, no looping required if (not BINARY) : ASCII = Data[:-5] CRC = Data[-4:] # base64 decode ASCII try: Buffer = a2b_base64( ASCII ) except: print ( "Error: cannot decode message block" ) clean_envelope() exit (ERR_DECODE) else: # binary input Buffer = Data print_debug ( "Processing " + str( len( Buffer ) ) + " bytes of input data" ) if ( (Mode == "pgp") and (not BINARY) ) : # check the CRC24 on the blob. Checksum = bytearray() S = crc24_encoding( Buffer )[1:-1] Checksum.extend( S.encode() ) if ( Checksum != CRC ) : print( "Integrity check failed." ) # decrypt the buffer # push buffer into envelope if ( len(Buffer) > 0 ) : try: bytesCopied = cryptPushData( Envelope, Buffer ) except CryptException as e : # catch the advisory exception, that the key is still missing status, message = e.args if status != CRYPT_ENVELOPE_RESOURCE : print( "Decryption error while pushing bytes into the envelope. " + message ) print( "Possibly inconsistent PGP message or unsupported crypto." ) clean_envelope() exit( ERR_DECRYPT ) else: # nothing to decrypt print( "Error: no valid input found." ) clean_envelope() exit( ERR_DECODE ) try: status = cryptFlushData( Envelope ) print_debug( "Flushed." ) except CryptException as e : status, message = e.args print_debug( "Flushing data ... " + message ) if (status == CRYPT_ERROR_WRONGKEY) : print( "Error: " + message ) clean_envelope() exit( ERR_WRONGKEY ) # insert the password try: cryptSetAttributeString( Envelope, CRYPT_ENVINFO_PASSWORD, password ) # randomize password buffer password = get_random_bytes( len(password) ) print_debug ( str(len(password)) + " bytes used as password" ) except CryptException as e : status, message = e.args if (status == CRYPT_ERROR_WRONGKEY) : print( "Error: " + message ) clean_envelope() exit( ERR_WRONGKEY ) # check the ALGO used envelope_info() DataBufferSize = MaxBytes Cleartext = bytearray( b' ' * DataBufferSize ) try: bytesCopied = cryptPopData( Envelope, Cleartext, DataBufferSize ) except CryptException as e : status, message = e.args print( "Decryption error: " + message ) cryptDestroyEnvelope( Envelope ) cryptEnd() exit( ERR_DECRYPT ) print_debug ( str(bytesCopied) + " decrypted bytes retrieved from envelope" ) Cleartext = Cleartext[:bytesCopied] # Cleartext holds the decrypted data ContentType = bytearray() ContentType = cryptGetAttribute( Envelope, CRYPT_ENVINFO_CONTENTTYPE ) if (ContentType != CRYPT_CONTENT_DATA) : if (ContentType == CRYPT_CONTENT_COMPRESSEDDATA) : print_debug( "Found compressed data." ) try: DeCompress_object = cryptCreateEnvelope( cryptUser, CRYPT_FORMAT_AUTO ) DeCompressEnvelope = int ( DeCompress_object ) bytesCopied = cryptPushData( DeCompressEnvelope, Cleartext ) cryptFlushData( DeCompressEnvelope ) bytesCopied = cryptPopData( DeCompressEnvelope, Cleartext, DataBufferSize ) cryptDestroyEnvelope( DeCompressEnvelope ) Cleartext = Cleartext[:bytesCopied] print_debug( "Decompression successful" ) except CryptException as e : status, message = e.args print( "Decryption error: " + message ) print_debug( "Decompression FAILED." ) clean_envelope() exit ( ERR_DECRYPT ) else: print_debug("Other non-ordinary data found. Aborting") clean_envelope() exit ( ERR_DATATYPE ) else: print_debug( "Input is too large." ) ReadMoreBytes = True clean_envelope() exit( ERR_SIZE ) else: # USE ONLY A AES CONTEXT TO DECRYPT Data if ( Mode == "openssl" ) : # get an AEScontext from a password and salt crypt_object = cryptCreateContext( cryptUser , CRYPT_ALGO_AES ) AESContext = int ( crypt_object ) # decode the input Buffer = bytearray(b' '*len(Data)) if ( not BINARY ) : try: Buffer = a2b_base64( Data ) except: print ( "Error: cannot decode message block" ) exit ( ERR_DECODE ) else: Buffer = Data print_debug ( "Processing " + str( len( Buffer ) ) + " bytes of input data" ) # read the salt from Buffer SALT = bytearray() CryptoBuffer = bytearray() if ( ( Buffer[:8] == b'Salted__' ) and (len (Buffer) > 1) ) : SALT = Buffer[8:16] i = 0 for i in range(len(Buffer)-16) : CryptoBuffer.append(Buffer[i+16]) else: print( "Decryption error: inconsistent encrypted message format." ) keyandiv = pbkdf2( SALT ) sessionkey = keyandiv[:32] iv = keyandiv[32:] if ( KEY128 ) : sessionkey = keyandiv[:16] iv = keyandiv[16:] if (sessionkey) : cryptSetAttribute( AESContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_MODE, CRYPT_MODE_CBC ) cryptSetAttribute( AESContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEYSIZE, AESblocksize ) cryptSetAttributeString( AESContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_IV, iv ) cryptSetAttributeString( AESContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY, sessionkey ) # decrypt Data in the context try: if ( (len(CryptoBuffer) % AESblocksize ) != 0 ) : print( "This input data may be corrupt" ) clean_context() exit ( ERR_CORRUPT ) cryptDecrypt( AESContext, CryptoBuffer ) # CryptoBuffer holds the decrypted clear text and must be randomized below except CryptException as e : status, message = e.args print_debug( "Decryption error while decrypting data ... " + message ) clean_context() exit( ERR_DECRYPT ) context_info() # if decryption was successful, the decrypted data is in-place cryptDestroyContext( AESContext ) print_debug ( "Retrieving " + str(len(CryptoBuffer)) + " encrypted bytes." ) # use PKCS#7 padding to remove padding bytes from the tail of the clear text Last = int( CryptoBuffer[ len(CryptoBuffer) -1 ] ) if Last > 16 : print ( "This data is not AES-256 encrypted." ) exit ( ERR_DECRYPT ) for X in range( Last ) : del CryptoBuffer[ len(CryptoBuffer) -1 ] Cleartext = CryptoBuffer # randomize Buffer CryptoBuffer = get_random_bytes( len (CryptoBuffer) ) # Cleartext holds the decrypted data if (Cleartext) : # write decrypted bytes to file system try: F = open( OutFilename, "wb" ) F.write( Cleartext ) F.close() unix("chmod 600 " + OutFilename) print("Clear text written to " + OutFilename) except: print( "Error: cannot write decrypted bytes to " + OutFilename ) clean_envelope() exit( ERR_PERM ) else: # DECRYPTION failed. print( "Decryption failed." ) clean_envelope() exit ( ERR_DECRYPT ) # randomize Data Cleartext = get_random_bytes( len (Cleartext) ) # normal clean up # randomize the password buffer, because it is no longer needed password = get_random_bytes( len(password) ) del password try: cryptDestroyEnvelope( Envelope ) cryptEnd() except CryptException as e : status, message = e.args print("Error: " + message) exit ( ERR_INCOMPLETE ) exit( OK )