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# Declarations
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    type port_t;
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    type system_dbusd_var_run_t;
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    type urandom_device_t;
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    type krb5_conf_t;
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    attribute port_type;
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type cyphesis_port_t, port_type;
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type cyphesis_t;
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type cyphesis_exec_t;
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# To disable the transition to the protected domain (which
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# effectively disables the policy), use:
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# setsebool cyphesis_disable_trans 1
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init_daemon_domain(cyphesis_t, cyphesis_exec_t)
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# pid files
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type cyphesis_var_run_t;
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# log files
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type cyphesis_var_log_t;
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# cyphesis local policy
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# Check in /etc/selinux/refpolicy/include for macros to use instead of allow rules.
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# Note: /usr/share/selinux/devel/include/support/obj_perm_sets.spt contains
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# the definitions of many permissions, such as 'rw_dir_perms'
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# Some common macros (you might be able to remove some)
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## internal communication is often done using fifo and unix sockets.
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allow cyphesis_t self:fifo_file { read write };
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allow cyphesis_t self:unix_stream_socket create_stream_socket_perms;
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# pid file
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allow cyphesis_t cyphesis_var_run_t:file manage_file_perms;
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allow cyphesis_t cyphesis_var_run_t:sock_file manage_file_perms;
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allow cyphesis_t cyphesis_var_run_t:dir rw_dir_perms;
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files_pid_filetrans(cyphesis_t,cyphesis_var_run_t, { file sock_file })
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# log files
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allow cyphesis_t cyphesis_var_log_t:file create_file_perms;
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allow cyphesis_t cyphesis_var_log_t:sock_file create_file_perms;
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allow cyphesis_t cyphesis_var_log_t:dir { rw_dir_perms setattr };
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logging_log_filetrans(cyphesis_t,cyphesis_var_log_t,{ sock_file file dir })
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## Networking basics (adjust to your needs!)
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allow cyphesis_t self:tcp_socket { listen accept };
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# The application expects cyphesis_port_t to be port 13327.
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# The port is defined using semanage:
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# semanage port -a -t cyphesis_port_t -p tcp 6767
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# semanage port -a -t cyphesis_port_t -p tcp 6769
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# semanage port -a -t cyphesis_port_t -p udp 32771
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allow cyphesis_t cyphesis_port_t:tcp_socket { name_bind };
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# ??
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allow cyphesis_t self:netlink_route_socket { bind create getattr nlmsg_read read write };
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allow cyphesis_t self:unix_dgram_socket { connect create write };
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# Init script handling
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# Misc rules that are needed.  I don't understand the meaning of some
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# of these, and for others I don't yet understand why the game needs
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# them
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# cyphesis wants to talk to avahi via dbus
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allow cyphesis_t system_dbusd_t:unix_stream_socket connectto;
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allow cyphesis_t system_dbusd_var_run_t:dir search;
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allow cyphesis_t system_dbusd_var_run_t:sock_file write;
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allow cyphesis_t self:process { setsched signal };
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allow cyphesis_t tmp_t:sock_file create;
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allow cyphesis_t urandom_device_t:chr_file { getattr ioctl read };
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allow cyphesis_t krb5_conf_t:file { getattr read };
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allow cyphesis_t proc_t:file { getattr read };