[Unit] Description=Direwolf Sound Card-based AX.25 TNC After=sound.target [Service] EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/direwolf User=direwolf # You may want to set the audio levels of your radio-connected soundcard # prior to starting direwolf. To do so, copy this file to /etc/systemd/system/ # and edit the ExecStartPre line to point to your preferred method of # doing so. Then run systemctl daemon-reload so systemd uses your updated # copy of this service file. #ExecStartPre=/some/script.sh ExecStart=/bin/bash -ce "exec /usr/bin/direwolf $DIREWOLF_ARGS >>/var/log/direwolf/stdout 2>>/var/log/direwolf/stderr" Restart=always StandardOutput=null StandardError=null ProtectSystem=strict ProtectHome=true ReadWritePaths=/var/log/direwolf [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target