Initially upon install, Drupal requires two additional installation steps: 1. DB setup To begin with, install php-mysql or php-pgsql, depending on which db backend you intend to use. Then, follow the installation instructions in INSTALL.*.txt to complete the setup of and connection of Drupal to the required database, including chmod 666 on /etc/drupal7/default/settings.php, uncommenting the appropriate line in /etc/httpd/conf.d/drupal7.conf, and restarting httpd. Once these steps have been completed, you should be ready to connect to http://yourhost/drupal7 to complete the initial setup. Remember to change the /etc/drupal7/default/settings.php permissions back to 644 when you've finished the initial setup. 2. Enable remote access Drupal ships in Fedora with all non-localhost access disabled. Comment and uncomment lines in /etc/httpd/conf.d/drupal7.conf as appropriate, and restart httpd. Regarding the file layout: Pay careful attention to the placement of the directories as established by the package. If you need to relocate files due to size, for custom modules not included in Fedora, or for large custom site data, be careful to do so without altering any of the symlinks owned by the package. Most configurations should not run into problems, but if any symlinks are changed, they will be re-written when the package is upgraded, which could break the site until you re-change the symlink. 2a. SELinux configuration If running with SELinux in Enforcing mode, you'll need run the following to allow drupal to send mail from httpd using sendmail: /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail 1 3. SSL/TLS usage. CVE-2008-3661 relates to the security of session cookies and SSL/TLS. To help mitigate this, uncomment the following line in /etc/httpd/conf.d/drupal7.conf: #php_flag session.cookie_secure on 4. Upgrading Prior to upgrading to a new version, log into each site with the first/admin user, upgrade the rpm, and then run the database upgrader by navigating to http://site/update.php. If upgrading to version 6.9-2 or later, please note that the locations for the sites' files directories has changed, and that you'll need to move them and symlink accordingly. A script is included in the doc folder: /usr/share/drupal7-VERSION/ Please use this script as a guideline for the changes you'll need to make. Essentially, the site folders will stay in /etc/drupal7, but from there the files folders will be moved to /var/lib/drupal7/files/SITENAME, and symlinked accordingly. This is done for SELinux reasons, see Patches to the script are welcome! 5. Modules There are some drupal modules in Fedora. These will install in /usr/share/drupal7/modules, and you should install your modules there as well. 6. Cron job By default, the drupal cron job is not executed. The log shows 'Cron could not run because an invalid key was used.' This happens because cron invocation is protected by a cron_key parameter. The drupal7 rpm includes a /etc/cron.hourly/drupal7 file, which must be edited to include the cron_key parameter.