Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
Index: batch/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/
Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
RCS file: /cvsroot/eclipse/org.eclipse.jdt.core/batch/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/,v
Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
retrieving revision 1.546.2.23
Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
diff -u -r1.546.2.23
Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
--- batch/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/	8 Feb 2007 15:04:43 -0000	1.546.2.23
Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
+++ batch/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/	26 Feb 2007 18:21:06 -0000
Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
@@ -249,3 +249,8 @@
Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
 template.restrictedAccess.constructor = The constructor {0} is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry {1}
Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
 template.restrictedAccess.field = The field {0} from the type {1} is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry {2}
Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
 template.restrictedAccess.method = The method {0} from the type {1} is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry {2}
Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
+# GCCMain messages.
Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
+gcc.zipArg=-fzip-target requires argument
Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
+gcc.zipDepArg=-fzip-dependency requires argument
Ben Konrath f8f9d6c
+gcc.noClasspath=no classpath specified
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Index: batch/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
RCS file: batch/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
diff -N batch/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+++ batch/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+ * 
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+ */
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.batch;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+import java.util.ArrayList;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+import java.util.HashSet;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+import java.util.Iterator;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+import java.util.Map;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.InvalidInputException;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ClassFile;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.AccessRule;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.AccessRuleSet;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Messages;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.SuffixConstants;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+ * This is an alternate entry point for the command-line compiler which
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+ * is simpler to integrate into GCC.  In particular the option processing
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+ * is more GNU-like and the recognized options are similar to those supported
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+ * by other GCC front ends.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+ */
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+public class GCCMain extends Main {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	// All the compilation units specified on the command line.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private HashSet commandLineCompilationUnits = new HashSet();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	// True if we are only checking syntax.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private boolean syntaxOnly;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	// If not null, the name of the output zip file.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	// If null, we are generating class files in the file system,
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	// not a zip file.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private String zipDestination;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	// The zip stream to which we're writing, or null if it hasn't been opened.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private ZipOutputStream zipStream;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	// If not null, the name of the zip file to which dependency class files
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	// should be written.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private String zipDependencyDestination;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	// The zip stream to which dependency files should be written.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private ZipOutputStream zipDependencyStream;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	public GCCMain(PrintWriter outWriter, PrintWriter errWriter,
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			boolean systemExitWhenFinished) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		super(outWriter, errWriter, systemExitWhenFinished);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		this.logger.setEmacs();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	public GCCMain(PrintWriter outWriter, PrintWriter errWriter,
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			boolean systemExitWhenFinished, Map customDefaultOptions) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		super(outWriter, errWriter, systemExitWhenFinished,
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				customDefaultOptions);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		this.logger.setEmacs();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private void fail(Exception t) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		this.logger.logException(t);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		System.exit(1);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	public CompilationUnit[] getCompilationUnits() throws InvalidInputException {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		CompilationUnit[] units = super.getCompilationUnits();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		for (int i = 0; i < units.length; ++i)
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			this.commandLineCompilationUnits.add(units[i]);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		return units;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private String combine(char[] one, char[] two) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		b.append(one);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		b.append(two);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		return b.toString();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private ZipOutputStream getZipOutput() throws IOException {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		if (this.zipDestination != null && this.zipStream == null) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			OutputStream os;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			if ("-".equals(this.zipDestination)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				os = System.out;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				os = new FileOutputStream(this.zipDestination);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(os));
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			zipStream.setMethod(ZipOutputStream.STORED);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		return zipStream;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private ZipOutputStream getDependencyOutput() throws IOException {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		if (this.zipDependencyDestination != null && this.zipDependencyStream == null) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(zipDependencyDestination);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			zipDependencyStream = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(os));
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			zipDependencyStream.setMethod(ZipOutputStream.STORED);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		return zipDependencyStream;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	public void outputClassFiles(CompilationResult unitResult) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		if (this.syntaxOnly) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			return;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		if (this.zipDestination == null) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			// Nothing special to do here.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			super.outputClassFiles(unitResult);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			return;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		if (unitResult == null || unitResult.hasErrors()) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			return;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		// If we are compiling with indirect dispatch, we don't need
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		// any dependent classes.  If we are using the C++ ABI, then we
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		// do need the dependencies in order to do proper layout.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		boolean gcjCompile = this.commandLineCompilationUnits.contains(unitResult.getCompilationUnit());
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		if (this.zipDependencyDestination == null && !gcjCompile) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			return;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		try {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			ZipOutputStream dest = gcjCompile ? getZipOutput() : getDependencyOutput();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			ClassFile[] classFiles = unitResult.getClassFiles();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			for (int i = 0; i < classFiles.length; ++i) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				ClassFile classFile = classFiles[i];
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				String filename = combine(classFile.fileName(), SuffixConstants.SUFFIX_class);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				if (this.verbose)
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					this.out.println(
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+							Messages.bind(
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+									Messages.compilation_write,
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+									new String[] {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+								String.valueOf(this.exportedClassFilesCounter+1),
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+								filename
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+							}));
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(filename);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				byte[] contents = classFile.getBytes();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				crc.update(contents);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				entry.setSize(contents.length);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				entry.setCrc(crc.getValue());
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				dest.putNextEntry(entry);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				dest.write(contents);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				dest.closeEntry();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		} catch (IOException err) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			fail(err);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private String getArgument(String option) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		int index = option.indexOf('=');
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		return option.substring(index + 1);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private void addPath(ArrayList result, String currentClasspathName) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		String customEncoding = null;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		AccessRule[] accessRules = new AccessRule[0];
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		String templates[] = new String[AccessRuleSet.MESSAGE_TEMPLATES_LENGTH];
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		templates[0] = this.bind(
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			"template.restrictedAccess.type", //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			new String[] {"{0}", currentClasspathName}); //$NON-NLS-1$ 
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		templates[1] = this.bind(
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			"template.restrictedAccess.constructor", //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			new String[] {"{0}", currentClasspathName}); //$NON-NLS-1$ 
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		templates[2] = this.bind(
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			"template.restrictedAccess.method", //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			new String[] {"{0}", "{1}", currentClasspathName}); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ 
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		templates[3] = this.bind(
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			"template.restrictedAccess.field", //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			new String[] {"{0}", "{1}", currentClasspathName}); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ 
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		AccessRuleSet accessRuleSet = new AccessRuleSet(accessRules, templates);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		FileSystem.Classpath currentClasspath = FileSystem
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				.getClasspath(currentClasspathName,
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+						customEncoding, accessRuleSet);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		if (currentClasspath != null) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			result.add(currentClasspath);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private void parsePath(ArrayList result, String path) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		StringTokenizer iter = new StringTokenizer(path, File.pathSeparator);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		while (iter.hasMoreTokens()) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			addPath(result, iter.nextToken());
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	protected void handleWarningToken(String token, boolean isEnabling,
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			boolean useEnableJavadoc) throws InvalidInputException {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		// Recognize this for compatibility with older versions of gcj.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		if ("deprecated".equals(token)) //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			token = "deprecation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		else if ("static-access".equals(token)   //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				|| "dep-ann".equals(token) //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				|| "over-ann".equals(token)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			// Some exceptions to the warning naming rule.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		} else if ("extraneous-semicolon".equals(token)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			// Compatibility with earlier versions of gcj.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			token = "semicolon"; //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		} else {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			// Turn "foo-bar-baz" into eclipse-style "fooBarBaz".
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			StringBuffer newToken = new StringBuffer(token.length());
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(token, "-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			boolean first = true;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				String next = t.nextToken();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				if (first) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					newToken.append(next);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					first = false;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				} else {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					newToken.append(Character.toUpperCase(next.charAt(0)));
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					newToken.append(next.substring(1));
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			token = newToken.toString();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		super.handleWarningToken(token, isEnabling, useEnableJavadoc);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+	private void turnWarningsToErrors() {
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		Object[] entries = this.options.entrySet().toArray();
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		for (int i = 0, max = entries.length; i < max; i++) {
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+			Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) entries[i];
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+			if (!(entry.getKey() instanceof String))
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+				continue;
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+			if (!(entry.getValue() instanceof String))
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+				continue;
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+			if (((String) entry.getValue()).equals(CompilerOptions.WARNING)) {
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+				this.options.put(entry.getKey(), CompilerOptions.ERROR);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+			}
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		}
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+	}
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	/**
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	 * Set the debug level to the indicated value.  The level should be
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	 * between 0 and 2, inclusive, but this is not checked.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	 * @param level the debug level
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	 */
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private void setDebugLevel(int level) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		this.options.put(
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				CompilerOptions.OPTION_LocalVariableAttribute,
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				level > 1 ? CompilerOptions.GENERATE : CompilerOptions.DO_NOT_GENERATE);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		this.options.put(
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				CompilerOptions.OPTION_LineNumberAttribute,
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				level > 0 ? CompilerOptions.GENERATE : CompilerOptions.DO_NOT_GENERATE);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		this.options.put(
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				CompilerOptions.OPTION_SourceFileAttribute,
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				CompilerOptions.GENERATE);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private void readFileList(String file, ArrayList result) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		try {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			String line;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			while ((line = b.readLine()) != null) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				if (line.endsWith(SUFFIX_STRING_java))
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					result.add(line);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			b.close();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		} catch (IOException err) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			fail(err);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	private void readAllFileListFiles(ArrayList fileList, ArrayList result) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		Iterator it = fileList.iterator();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		while (it.hasNext()) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			readFileList((String), result);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+	private void handleWall(boolean enable) throws InvalidInputException {
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		// A somewhat arbitrary list.  We use the GCC names
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		// here, and the local handleWarningToken translates
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		// for us.
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("constructor-name", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("pkg-default-method", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("masked-catch-block", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("all-deprecation", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("unused-local", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("unused-label", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("static-receiver", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("indirect-static", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("no-effect-assign", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("char-concat", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("useless-type-check", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("final-bound", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("assert-identifier", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("enum-identifier", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("finally", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("varargs-cast", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("unused", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		handleWarningToken("forbidden", enable, false);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+	}
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	public void configure(String[] argv) throws InvalidInputException {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		if ((argv == null) || (argv.length == 0)) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			// This is a "can't happen".
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			System.exit(1);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		ArrayList files = new ArrayList();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		ArrayList otherFiles = new ArrayList();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		String classpath = null;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		boolean haveFileList = false;
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		boolean inhibitAllWarnings = false;
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		boolean treatWarningsAsErrors = false;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; ++i) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			String currentArg = argv[i];
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			if (currentArg.startsWith("-fencoding=")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				// Simply accept the last one.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				String encoding = getArgument(currentArg);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				try { // ensure encoding is supported
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]), encoding);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					throw new InvalidInputException(
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+						this.bind("configure.unsupportedEncoding", encoding)); //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				this.options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Encoding, encoding);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.startsWith("-foutput-class-dir=")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				String arg = getArgument(currentArg);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				if (this.destinationPath != null) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					StringBuffer errorMessage = new StringBuffer();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					errorMessage.append("-d"); //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					errorMessage.append(' ');
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					errorMessage.append(arg);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					throw new InvalidInputException(
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+						this.bind("configure.duplicateOutputPath", errorMessage.toString())); //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				this.destinationPath = arg;
Ben Konrath 3e2ed94
+				this.generatePackagesStructure = true;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.startsWith("-fbootclasspath=")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				classpath = getArgument(currentArg);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.equals("-fzip-target")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				++i;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				if (i >= argv.length)
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+					throw new InvalidInputException(this.bind("gcc.zipArg")); //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				this.zipDestination = argv[i];
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.equals("-fzip-dependency")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				++i;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				if (i >= argv.length)
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+					throw new InvalidInputException(this.bind("gcc.zipDepArg")); //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				this.zipDependencyDestination = argv[i];
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.startsWith("-g")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				if (currentArg.equals("-g0")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					setDebugLevel(0);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				} else if (currentArg.equals("-g2") || currentArg.equals("-g3") //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+						|| currentArg.equals("-g")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					setDebugLevel(2);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				} else {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					// Handle -g1 but also things like -gstabs.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					setDebugLevel(1);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				}
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+			} else if (currentArg.equals("-Werror")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+				treatWarningsAsErrors = true;
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+			} else if (currentArg.equals("-Wno-error")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+				treatWarningsAsErrors = false;
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+			} else if (currentArg.equals("-Wall")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+				handleWall(true);
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+			} else if (currentArg.equals("-Wno-all")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+				handleWall(false);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.startsWith("-Wno-")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				handleWarningToken(currentArg.substring(5), false, false);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.startsWith("-W")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				handleWarningToken(currentArg.substring(2), true, false);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.equals("-w")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+				inhibitAllWarnings = true;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.startsWith("-O")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				// Ignore.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.equals("-v")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				this.verbose = true;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.equals("-fsyntax-only")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				this.syntaxOnly = true;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.startsWith("-fsource=")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				currentArg = getArgument(currentArg);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				if (currentArg.equals("1.3")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					this.options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_3);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				} else if (currentArg.equals("1.4")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					this.options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				} else if (currentArg.equals("1.5") || currentArg.equals("5") || currentArg.equals("5.0")) { //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					this.options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_5);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				} else if (currentArg.equals("1.6") || currentArg.equals("6") || currentArg.equals("6.0")) { //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					this.options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_6);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				} else {
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+					throw new InvalidInputException(this.bind("configure.source", currentArg)); //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.startsWith("-ftarget=")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				currentArg = getArgument(currentArg);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				if (currentArg.equals("1.1")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					this.options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_1);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				} else if (currentArg.equals("1.2")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					this.options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_2);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				} else if (currentArg.equals("1.3")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					this.options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_3);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				} else if (currentArg.equals("1.4")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					this.options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				} else if (currentArg.equals("1.5") || currentArg.equals("5") || currentArg.equals("5.0")) { //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					this.options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_5);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				} else if (currentArg.equals("1.6") || currentArg.equals("6") || currentArg.equals("6.0")) { //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					this.options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_6);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				} else if (currentArg.equals("jsr14")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+					this.options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_JSR14);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				} else {
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+					throw new InvalidInputException(this.bind("configure.targetJDK", currentArg)); //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.equals("-ffilelist-file")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				haveFileList = true;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.endsWith(SuffixConstants.SUFFIX_STRING_java)) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				files.add(currentArg);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else if (currentArg.charAt(0) == '-'){
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				// FIXME: error if not a file?
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			} else {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				otherFiles.add(currentArg);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		// Read the file list file.  We read them all, but really there
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		// will only be one.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		if (haveFileList)
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			readAllFileListFiles(otherFiles, files);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		this.filenames = (String[]) files.toArray(new String[0]);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		this.encodings = new String[this.filenames.length];
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		this.destinationPaths = new String[this.filenames.length];
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		for (int i = 0; i < this.filenames.length; ++i)
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+			this.destinationPaths[i] = this.destinationPath;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		// Classpath processing.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		if (classpath == null)
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+			throw new InvalidInputException(this.bind("gcc.noClasspath")); //$NON-NLS-1$
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		parsePath(result, classpath);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		// We must always create both output files, even if one is not used.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		// That way we will always pass valid zip file on to jc1.
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		try {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			getZipOutput();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			getDependencyOutput();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		} catch (IOException err) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			fail(err);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		if (inhibitAllWarnings)
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+			disableWarnings();
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+		if (treatWarningsAsErrors)
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
+			turnWarningsToErrors();
Ben Konrath e9c9d5e
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		this.checkedClasspaths = new FileSystem.Classpath[result.size()];
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		result.toArray(this.checkedClasspaths);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		this.logger.logCommandLineArguments(argv);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		this.logger.logOptions(this.options);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		this.logger.logClasspath(this.checkedClasspaths);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		this.repetitions = 1;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	public boolean compile(String[] argv) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		boolean result = super.compile(argv);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		try {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			if (zipStream != null) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				zipStream.finish();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				zipStream.close();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			if (zipDependencyStream != null) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				zipDependencyStream.finish();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+				zipDependencyStream.close();
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		} catch (IOException err) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+			fail(err);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		return result;
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	public static void main(String[] argv) {
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		boolean result = new GCCMain(new PrintWriter(System.out), new PrintWriter(System.err), false).compile(argv);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+		System.exit(result ? 0 : 1);
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a
+	}
Andrew Overholt 9fa962a