Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Index: templates/package-build/
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
RCS file: templates/package-build/
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
diff -N templates/package-build/
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+++ templates/package-build/	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
Andrew Overholt 465153c
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then 
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+  echo "usage: $0 <path to source dir> <path to build dir>"
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+  exit 1
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+if [ ! -d $1 ]; then
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+  echo "usage: $0 <path to source dir> <path to build dir>"
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+  exit 1
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 465153c
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+echo "preparing files in $1 for buildfile generation ..."
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+mkdir -p $BUILDDIR
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+# make some ant build files to extract the id from the feature.xml, plugin.xml or the fragment.xml
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+mkdir -p $BUILDDIR/tmp
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+echo "<project default=\"main\">
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+	<target name=\"main\">
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+               	<xmlproperty file=\"@type@.xml\" collapseAttributes=\"true\"/>
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+		<fail unless=\"\" message=\" not set\"/>
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+               	<echo message=\"\${}\" />
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+        </target>
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+</project>" > $BUILDFILE
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+for type in feature plugin fragment; do
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+  CURBUILDFILE=$BUILDDIR/tmp/$type-build.xml
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+  cat $BUILDFILE | sed "s|@type@|$type|" > $CURBUILDFILE
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+# make the directories eclipse is expecting 
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+echo "  making the 'features' and 'plugins' directories"
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+mkdir -p $BUILDDIR/features $BUILDDIR/plugins
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+# make symlinks for the features
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+FEATURES=$(find $SOURCEDIR -name feature.xml)
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+find $SOURCEDIR -name feature.xml | while read f; do
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+  PROJECTDIR=$(dirname "$f")
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+  PROJECTNAME=$(ant -Dbasedir="$PROJECTDIR" -f $BUILDDIR/tmp/feature-build.xml 2>&1 | grep echo | cut --delimiter=' ' -f 7)
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+  ERROR=""
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+  if [ -z "$PROJECTNAME" ]; then
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+    echo "ERROR: could not determine the feature id for $PROJECTDIR"
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+    if [ $TESTING != true ]; then
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+      exit 1
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+    else
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+      ERROR="yes"
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+    fi
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+  fi
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+  if [ "x$ERROR" != "xyes" ]; then
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+    if [[ $TESTING != true || `echo $PROJECTNAME | grep "org.eclipse"` ]]; then
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+    echo "  making symlink: $BUILDDIR/features/$PROJECTNAME -> $PROJECTDIR"
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+    ln -sf "$PROJECTDIR" $BUILDDIR/features/"$PROJECTNAME"
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+    fi
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+  fi
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+# make symlinks for plugins and fragments
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+PLUGINDIRS=$(find $SOURCEDIR -name plugin.xml -o -name fragment.xml -o -name MANIFEST.MF | sed "s/plugin.xml//g" | sed "s/fragment.xml//g" | sed "s/META-INF\/MANIFEST.MF//" | sort | uniq)
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+find $SOURCEDIR -name plugin.xml -o -name fragment.xml -o -name MANIFEST.MF | sed "s/plugin.xml//g" | sed "s/fragment.xml//g" | sed "s/META-INF\/MANIFEST.MF//" | sort | uniq | while read dir; do
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+  ERROR=""
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+  if [ -e "$dir/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" ]; then
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+    PROJECTNAME=$(grep Bundle-SymbolicName $dir/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | cut --delimiter=';' -f 1 | cut --delimiter=' ' -f 2)
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+  elif [ -e "$dir/plugin.xml" ]; then
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+    PROJECTNAME=$(ant -Dbasedir=$dir -f $BUILDDIR/tmp/plugin-build.xml 2>&1 | grep echo | cut --delimiter=' ' -f 7)
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+  elif [ -e "$dir/fragment.xml" ]; then
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+    PROJECTNAME=$(ant -Dbasedir=$dir -f $BUILDDIR/tmp/fragment-build.xml 2>&1 | grep echo | cut --delimiter=' ' -f 7)
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+  fi
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+  if [ -z "$PROJECTNAME"  ]; then
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+    echo "ERROR: could not determine the plugin or fragment id for $dir"
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+    if [ $TESTING != true ]; then
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+      exit 1
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+    else
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+      ERROR="yes"
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+    fi
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+  fi
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+  if [ "x$ERROR" != "xyes" ]; then
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+    if [[ $TESTING != true || `echo $PROJECTNAME | grep "org.eclipse"` ]]; then
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+    echo "  making symlink: $BUILDDIR/plugins/$PROJECTNAME -> $dir"
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+    ln -sf $dir $BUILDDIR/plugins/"$PROJECTNAME"
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+    fi
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+  fi;
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+rm -rf $BUILDDIR/tmp
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+echo done 
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Index: templates/package-build/customTargets-assemble-target.xml
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
RCS file: templates/package-build/customTargets-assemble-target.xml
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
diff -N templates/package-build/customTargets-assemble-target.xml
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+++ templates/package-build/customTargets-assemble-target.xml	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="assemble.@id@">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+		<ant antfile="${assembleScriptName}" dir="${buildDirectory}"/>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Index: templates/package-build/customTargets.xml
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
RCS file: templates/package-build/customTargets.xml
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
diff -N templates/package-build/customTargets.xml
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+++ templates/package-build/customTargets.xml	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+<project name="Build specific targets and properties" default="noDefault">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<fail unless="type" message="Please set the ${type} property to 'feature', 'plugin' or 'fragment'." />
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<fail unless="id" message="Please set the ${id} property to the feature, plugin or fragment id of the plugin you are building." />
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<fail unless="sourceDirectory" message="Please set the ${sourceDirectory} property to the directory that has the source plugins." />
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<copy file="${builder}/customTargets-assemble-target.xml" tofile="${buildDirectory}/customTargets-${id}-assemble-target.xml" /> 
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<replace file="${buildDirectory}/customTargets-${id}-assemble-target.xml" token="@id@" value="${id}" />
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<import file="${buildDirectory}/customTargets-${id}-assemble-target.xml" />
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="allElements">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+		<ant antfile="${genericTargets}" target="${target}">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+			<property name="type" value="${type}" />
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+			<property name="id" value="${id}" />
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+		</ant>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="getMapFiles">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="clean" unless="noclean">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+		<antcall target="allElements">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+			<param name="target" value="cleanElement" />
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+		</antcall>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="preSetup">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="postSetup">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="preFetch">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="postFetch">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="preGenerate">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+   		plugin projects to be in the 'plugins' directory. The build infrastructure 
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+		normally arranges the projects during the fetch stage. Since we aren't doing
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+ 		the fetch stage, we have to manually arrange the files -->
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+		<exec dir="${builder}" executable="/bin/sh">
Andrew Overholt 465153c
+			<arg line=" ${sourceDirectory} ${buildDirectory} ${testing}" />
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+		</exec>
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+		<exec dir="${builder}" executable="/bin/sh">
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+		    <arg line=" ${buildDirectory} ${orbitDepsDir}" />
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+		</exec> 
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="postGenerate">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+		<antcall target="clean" />
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="preProcess">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="postProcess">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="preAssemble">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="postAssemble">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="prePackage">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="postPackage">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="postBuild">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="test">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="publish">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	<target name="noDefault">
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+		<echo message="You must specify a target when invoking this file" />
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+	</target>
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Index: templates/package-build/
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
RCS file: templates/package-build/
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
diff -N templates/package-build/
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+++ templates/package-build/	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
Andrew Overholt 58053f3
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Index: templates/package-build/
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
RCS file: templates/package-build/
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
diff -N templates/package-build/
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+++ templates/package-build/	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+#!/bin/sh -x
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then 
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+  echo "usage: $0 <path to build dir> <dependencies>"
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+  exit 1
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+if [ ! -d $1 ]; then
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+  echo "usage: $0 <path to build dir> <dependencies>"
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
+  exit 1
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
Ben Konrath 02a0b82
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+pushd $BUILDDIR/plugins
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+  for dep in `ls $DEPENDENCIESDIR`; do
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+      echo "ln -s $DEPENDENCIESDIR/$dep"
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+      ln -s $DEPENDENCIESDIR/$dep
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0
+  done
Andrew Overholt 1fcf3f0