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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Copyright 2016 Jonny Heggheim <> -->
<component type="desktop">
  <project_license>MIT and BSD</project_license>
  <summary>A lightweight Bitcoin Client</summary>
	    Electrum is an easy to use Bitcoin client. It protects you from losing
	    coins in a backup mistake or computer failure, because your wallet can
	    be recovered from a secret phrase that you can write on paper or learn
	    by heart. There is no waiting time when you start the client, because
	    it does not download the Bitcoin block chain.

    <screenshot type="default">
      <caption>Main window on after the wizard is done</caption>
      <caption>Install wizard connect to server</caption>
      <caption>Install wizard wallet type</caption>
      <caption>Install wizard keystore</caption>
      <caption>Install wizard generation seed</caption>
      <caption>Install wizard password</caption>
      <caption>Receive bitcoin</caption>
      <caption>Send bitcoin</caption>
      <caption>URL integration</caption>
      <caption>Main window after several transactions</caption>

  <url type="homepage"></url>