Timothée Floure 22b86ce
%global realname erlware_commons
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
%global upstream erlware
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Name:     erlang-%{realname}
Timothée Floure 7cb47a4
Version:  1.3.1
Timothée Floure 7cb47a4
Release:  1%{?dist}
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Summary:  Extension to Erlang's standard library
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
License:  MIT
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
URL:      https://github.com/%{upstream}/%{realname}
Timothée Floure 7cb47a4
Source0:  https://repo.hex.pm/tarballs/%{realname}-%{version}.tar
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
# The "color" test does not play well with Fedora's build system
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Patch0:   erlang-erlware_commons-disable-color_test.patch
Timothée Floure 7cb47a4
BuildArch:     noarch
Timothée Floure 7cb47a4
BuildRequires: erlang-rebar
Timothée Floure 7cb47a4
BuildRequires: erlang-cf
Timothée Floure 7cb47a4
Requires:      erlang-rebar
Timothée Floure 7cb47a4
Requires:      erlang-cf
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 7cb47a4
%setup -c -q
Timothée Floure 773484b
tar xzf contents.tar.gz # contained in source0
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
cp -arv priv/ %{buildroot}%{erlang_appdir}/
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 7cb47a4
%doc README.md
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
Timothée Floure 7cb47a4
* Tue Feb 05 2019 Timothée Floure <fnux@fedoraproject.org> - 1.3.1-1
Timothée Floure 7cb47a4
- New upstream release
Timothée Floure 7cb47a4
- Use source archive from hex.pm since upstream did not provide 'github release'
Timothée Floure 7cb47a4
- Switch to noarch (Changes/TrueNoarchErlangPackages)
Timothée Floure 7cb47a4
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1.2.0-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
* Sat Jul 14 2018 Timothée Floure <fnux@fedoraproject.org> - 1.2.0-1
Timothée Floure 22b86ce
- Let there be package