David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
;;;  Site specific initialization file for Festival
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
;; Note that many configuration settings are better made in
David Zeuthen d76c415
;; individual ~/.festivalrc files. For example, if you want to
David Zeuthen d76c415
;; enable ESD audio and do it here, it'll break screen reading
David Zeuthen d76c415
;; on the login screen. Instead, put the (uncommented) line
David Zeuthen d76c415
;(Parameter.def 'Audio_Method 'esdaudio)
David Zeuthen d76c415
;; in your individual initialization file.
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
;; You can change the default voice with something like:
David Zeuthen d76c415
;(set! voice_default 'voice_nitech_us_awb_arctic_hts)
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
;; If you want to install voices into a non-default location,
David Zeuthen d76c415
;; see sitevars.scm for the appropriate settings.
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
(provide 'siteinit)