David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
;;;  Site specific variable settings for Festival
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
;; The system-voice-path is an additional path in which to look
David Zeuthen d76c415
;; for voices. If you install voices not provided in the form of
David Zeuthen d76c415
;; rpm package, you should then set this to match. The default
David Zeuthen d76c415
;; provided here, "/usr/local/share/festival/lib/voices/", is
David Zeuthen d76c415
;; probably a good choice. You could also set this in
David Zeuthen d76c415
;; ~/.festivalvarsrc, if you want to use a voice not provided to
David Zeuthen d76c415
;; the system as a whole.
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
(set! system-voice-path '("/usr/local/share/festival/lib/voices/"))
David Zeuthen d76c415
(set! system-voice-path-multisyn
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
David Zeuthen d76c415
(provide 'sitevars)