Blob Blame History Raw
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/Cargo.toml.cubeb-pulse-arm firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/Cargo.toml
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/Cargo.toml.cubeb-pulse-arm	2017-07-31 18:20:49.000000000 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/Cargo.toml	2017-08-04 13:37:46.383821740 +0200
@@ -7,7 +7,11 @@ description = "Cubeb backed for PulseAud
 pulse-dlopen = ["pulse-ffi/dlopen"]
+crate-type = ["staticlib", "rlib"]
 cubeb-ffi = { path = "cubeb-ffi" }
 pulse-ffi = { path = "pulse-ffi" }
+pulse = { path = "pulse-rs" }
 semver = "^0.6"
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/cubeb-ffi/src/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/cubeb-ffi/src/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/cubeb-ffi/src/	2017-07-31 18:20:49.000000000 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/cubeb-ffi/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.384821737 +0200
@@ -11,45 +11,45 @@ pub enum Context {}
 pub enum Stream {}
 // These need to match cubeb_sample_format
-pub const SAMPLE_S16LE: c_int = 0;
-pub const SAMPLE_S16BE: c_int = 1;
-pub const SAMPLE_FLOAT32LE: c_int = 2;
-pub const SAMPLE_FLOAT32BE: c_int = 3;
 pub type SampleFormat = c_int;
+pub const SAMPLE_S16LE: SampleFormat = 0;
+pub const SAMPLE_S16BE: SampleFormat = 1;
+pub const SAMPLE_FLOAT32LE: SampleFormat = 2;
+pub const SAMPLE_FLOAT32BE: SampleFormat = 3;
 #[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
-pub const SAMPLE_S16NE: c_int = SAMPLE_S16LE;
+pub const SAMPLE_S16NE: SampleFormat = SAMPLE_S16LE;
 #[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
-pub const SAMPLE_FLOAT32NE: c_int = SAMPLE_FLOAT32LE;
+pub const SAMPLE_FLOAT32NE: SampleFormat = SAMPLE_FLOAT32LE;
 #[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
-pub const SAMPLE_S16NE: c_int = SAMPLE_S16BE;
+pub const SAMPLE_S16NE: SampleFormat = SAMPLE_S16BE;
 #[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
-pub const SAMPLE_FLOAT32NE: c_int = SAMPLE_FLOAT32BE;
+pub const SAMPLE_FLOAT32NE: SampleFormat = SAMPLE_FLOAT32BE;
 pub type DeviceId = *const c_void;
 // These need to match cubeb_channel_layout
-pub const LAYOUT_UNDEFINED: c_int = 0;
-pub const LAYOUT_DUAL_MONO: c_int = 1;
-pub const LAYOUT_DUAL_MONO_LFE: c_int = 2;
-pub const LAYOUT_MONO: c_int = 3;
-pub const LAYOUT_MONO_LFE: c_int = 4;
-pub const LAYOUT_STEREO: c_int = 5;
-pub const LAYOUT_STEREO_LFE: c_int = 6;
-pub const LAYOUT_3F: c_int = 7;
-pub const LAYOUT_3F_LFE: c_int = 8;
-pub const LAYOUT_2F1: c_int = 9;
-pub const LAYOUT_2F1_LFE: c_int = 10;
-pub const LAYOUT_3F1: c_int = 11;
-pub const LAYOUT_3F1_LFE: c_int = 12;
-pub const LAYOUT_2F2: c_int = 13;
-pub const LAYOUT_2F2_LFE: c_int = 14;
-pub const LAYOUT_3F2: c_int = 15;
-pub const LAYOUT_3F2_LFE: c_int = 16;
-pub const LAYOUT_3F3R_LFE: c_int = 17;
-pub const LAYOUT_3F4_LFE: c_int = 18;
-pub const LAYOUT_MAX: c_int = 19;
 pub type ChannelLayout = c_int;
+pub const LAYOUT_UNDEFINED: ChannelLayout = 0;
+pub const LAYOUT_DUAL_MONO: ChannelLayout = 1;
+pub const LAYOUT_DUAL_MONO_LFE: ChannelLayout = 2;
+pub const LAYOUT_MONO: ChannelLayout = 3;
+pub const LAYOUT_MONO_LFE: ChannelLayout = 4;
+pub const LAYOUT_STEREO: ChannelLayout = 5;
+pub const LAYOUT_STEREO_LFE: ChannelLayout = 6;
+pub const LAYOUT_3F: ChannelLayout = 7;
+pub const LAYOUT_3F_LFE: ChannelLayout = 8;
+pub const LAYOUT_2F1: ChannelLayout = 9;
+pub const LAYOUT_2F1_LFE: ChannelLayout = 10;
+pub const LAYOUT_3F1: ChannelLayout = 11;
+pub const LAYOUT_3F1_LFE: ChannelLayout = 12;
+pub const LAYOUT_2F2: ChannelLayout = 13;
+pub const LAYOUT_2F2_LFE: ChannelLayout = 14;
+pub const LAYOUT_3F2: ChannelLayout = 15;
+pub const LAYOUT_3F2_LFE: ChannelLayout = 16;
+pub const LAYOUT_3F3R_LFE: ChannelLayout = 17;
+pub const LAYOUT_3F4_LFE: ChannelLayout = 18;
+pub const LAYOUT_MAX: ChannelLayout = 256;
 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ impl Default for Device {
 // These need to match cubeb_state
-pub const STATE_STARTED: c_int = 0;
-pub const STATE_STOPPED: c_int = 1;
-pub const STATE_DRAINED: c_int = 2;
-pub const STATE_ERROR: c_int = 3;
 pub type State = c_int;
+pub const STATE_STARTED: State = 0;
+pub const STATE_STOPPED: State = 1;
+pub const STATE_DRAINED: State = 2;
+pub const STATE_ERROR: State = 3;
 pub const OK: i32 = 0;
 pub const ERROR: i32 = -1;
@@ -249,32 +249,42 @@ pub struct LayoutMap {
 // cubeb_mixer.h
+pub type Channel = c_int;
 // These need to match cubeb_channel
-pub const CHANNEL_INVALID: c_int = -1;
-pub const CHANNEL_MONO: c_int = 0;
-pub const CHANNEL_LEFT: c_int = 1;
-pub const CHANNEL_RIGHT: c_int = 2;
-pub const CHANNEL_CENTER: c_int = 3;
-pub const CHANNEL_LS: c_int = 4;
-pub const CHANNEL_RS: c_int = 5;
-pub const CHANNEL_RLS: c_int = 6;
-pub const CHANNEL_RCENTER: c_int = 7;
-pub const CHANNEL_RRS: c_int = 8;
-pub const CHANNEL_LFE: c_int = 9;
-pub const CHANNEL_MAX: c_int = 256;
-pub type Channel = c_int;
+pub const CHANNEL_INVALID: Channel = -1;
+pub const CHANNEL_MONO: Channel = 0;
+pub const CHANNEL_LEFT: Channel = 1;
+pub const CHANNEL_RIGHT: Channel = 2;
+pub const CHANNEL_CENTER: Channel = 3;
+pub const CHANNEL_LS: Channel = 4;
+pub const CHANNEL_RS: Channel = 5;
+pub const CHANNEL_RLS: Channel = 6;
+pub const CHANNEL_RCENTER: Channel = 7;
+pub const CHANNEL_RRS: Channel = 8;
+pub const CHANNEL_LFE: Channel = 9;
+pub const CHANNEL_MAX: Channel = 10;
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
 pub struct ChannelMap {
     pub channels: c_uint,
-    pub map: [Channel; 256],
+    pub map: [Channel; CHANNEL_MAX as usize],
 impl ::std::default::Default for ChannelMap {
     fn default() -> Self {
         ChannelMap {
             channels: 0,
-            map: unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() },
+            map: [CHANNEL_INVALID,
+                  CHANNEL_INVALID,
+                  CHANNEL_INVALID,
+                  CHANNEL_INVALID,
+                  CHANNEL_INVALID,
+                  CHANNEL_INVALID,
+                  CHANNEL_INVALID,
+                  CHANNEL_INVALID,
+                  CHANNEL_INVALID,
+                  CHANNEL_INVALID],
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-ffi/src/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-ffi/src/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-ffi/src/	2017-07-31 18:20:49.000000000 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-ffi/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.384821737 +0200
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ macro_rules! cstr {
 #[cfg(not(feature = "dlopen"))]
 mod static_fns {
-    use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_double, c_int, c_float, c_uint, c_void};
     use super::*;
+    use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_double, c_float, c_int, c_uint, c_void};
     #[link(name = "pulse")]
     extern "C" {
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ mod static_fns {
                                                 userdata: *mut c_void)
                                                 -> *mut pa_operation;
         pub fn pa_context_set_state_callback(c: *mut pa_context, cb: pa_context_notify_cb_t, userdata: *mut c_void);
+        pub fn pa_context_errno(c: *mut pa_context) -> c_int;
         pub fn pa_context_set_subscribe_callback(c: *mut pa_context,
                                                  cb: pa_context_subscribe_cb_t,
                                                  userdata: *mut c_void);
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ mod static_fns {
                                     cb: pa_context_success_cb_t,
                                     userdata: *mut c_void)
                                     -> *mut pa_operation;
+        pub fn pa_context_ref(c: *mut pa_context) -> *mut pa_context;
         pub fn pa_context_unref(c: *mut pa_context);
         pub fn pa_cvolume_set(a: *mut pa_cvolume, channels: c_uint, v: pa_volume_t) -> *mut pa_cvolume;
         pub fn pa_cvolume_set_balance(v: *mut pa_cvolume,
@@ -80,12 +82,20 @@ mod static_fns {
         pub fn pa_mainloop_api_once(m: *mut pa_mainloop_api,
                                     callback: pa_mainloop_api_once_cb_t,
                                     userdata: *mut c_void);
-        pub fn pa_operation_get_state(o: *const pa_operation) -> pa_operation_state_t;
+        pub fn pa_strerror(error: pa_error_code_t) -> *const c_char;
+        pub fn pa_operation_ref(o: *mut pa_operation) -> *mut pa_operation;
         pub fn pa_operation_unref(o: *mut pa_operation);
+        pub fn pa_operation_cancel(o: *mut pa_operation);
+        pub fn pa_operation_get_state(o: *const pa_operation) -> pa_operation_state_t;
+        pub fn pa_operation_set_state_callback(o: *mut pa_operation,
+                                               cb: pa_operation_notify_cb_t,
+                                               userdata: *mut c_void);
         pub fn pa_proplist_gets(p: *mut pa_proplist, key: *const c_char) -> *const c_char;
         pub fn pa_rtclock_now() -> pa_usec_t;
         pub fn pa_stream_begin_write(p: *mut pa_stream, data: *mut *mut c_void, nbytes: *mut usize) -> c_int;
         pub fn pa_stream_cancel_write(p: *mut pa_stream) -> c_int;
+        pub fn pa_stream_is_suspended(s: *const pa_stream) -> c_int;
+        pub fn pa_stream_is_corked(s: *const pa_stream) -> c_int;
         pub fn pa_stream_connect_playback(s: *mut pa_stream,
                                           dev: *const c_char,
                                           attr: *const pa_buffer_attr,
@@ -112,6 +122,7 @@ mod static_fns {
         pub fn pa_stream_get_latency(s: *const pa_stream, r_usec: *mut pa_usec_t, negative: *mut c_int) -> c_int;
         pub fn pa_stream_get_sample_spec(s: *const pa_stream) -> *const pa_sample_spec;
         pub fn pa_stream_get_state(p: *const pa_stream) -> pa_stream_state_t;
+        pub fn pa_stream_get_context(s: *const pa_stream) -> *mut pa_context;
         pub fn pa_stream_get_time(s: *const pa_stream, r_usec: *mut pa_usec_t) -> c_int;
         pub fn pa_stream_new(c: *mut pa_context,
                              name: *const c_char,
@@ -123,6 +134,7 @@ mod static_fns {
         pub fn pa_stream_set_state_callback(s: *mut pa_stream, cb: pa_stream_notify_cb_t, userdata: *mut c_void);
         pub fn pa_stream_set_write_callback(p: *mut pa_stream, cb: pa_stream_request_cb_t, userdata: *mut c_void);
         pub fn pa_stream_set_read_callback(p: *mut pa_stream, cb: pa_stream_request_cb_t, userdata: *mut c_void);
+        pub fn pa_stream_ref(s: *mut pa_stream) -> *mut pa_stream;
         pub fn pa_stream_unref(s: *mut pa_stream);
         pub fn pa_stream_update_timing_info(p: *mut pa_stream,
                                             cb: pa_stream_success_cb_t,
@@ -148,8 +160,6 @@ mod static_fns {
         pub fn pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(m: *mut pa_threaded_mainloop);
         pub fn pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(m: *mut pa_threaded_mainloop);
         pub fn pa_usec_to_bytes(t: pa_usec_t, spec: *const pa_sample_spec) -> usize;
-        pub fn pa_xfree(ptr: *mut c_void);
-        pub fn pa_xstrdup(str: *const c_char) -> *mut c_char;
         pub fn pa_xrealloc(ptr: *mut c_void, size: usize) -> *mut c_void;
@@ -159,9 +169,9 @@ pub use self::static_fns::*;
 #[cfg(feature = "dlopen")]
 mod dynamic_fns {
-    use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_double, c_int, c_float, c_uint, c_void};
-    use libc::{dlclose, dlopen, dlsym, RTLD_LAZY};
     use super::*;
+    use libc::{RTLD_LAZY, dlclose, dlopen, dlsym};
+    use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_double, c_float, c_int, c_uint, c_void};
     pub struct LibLoader {
@@ -287,6 +297,13 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
+            PA_CONTEXT_ERRNO = {
+                let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_context_errno"));
+                if fp.is_null() {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                fp
+            };
                 let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_context_set_subscribe_callback"));
                 if fp.is_null() {
@@ -301,6 +318,13 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
+            PA_CONTEXT_REF = {
+                let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_context_ref"));
+                if fp.is_null() {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                fp
+            };
             PA_CONTEXT_UNREF = {
                 let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_context_unref"));
                 if fp.is_null() {
@@ -336,8 +360,15 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
-            PA_OPERATION_GET_STATE = {
-                let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_operation_get_state"));
+            PA_STRERROR = {
+                let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_strerror"));
+                if fp.is_null() {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                fp
+            };
+            PA_OPERATION_REF = {
+                let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_operation_ref"));
                 if fp.is_null() {
                     return None;
@@ -350,6 +381,27 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
+            PA_OPERATION_CANCEL = {
+                let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_operation_cancel"));
+                if fp.is_null() {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                fp
+            };
+            PA_OPERATION_GET_STATE = {
+                let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_operation_get_state"));
+                if fp.is_null() {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                fp
+            };
+                let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_operation_set_state_callback"));
+                if fp.is_null() {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                fp
+            };
             PA_PROPLIST_GETS = {
                 let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_proplist_gets"));
                 if fp.is_null() {
@@ -378,6 +430,20 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
+            PA_STREAM_IS_SUSPENDED = {
+                let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_stream_is_suspended"));
+                if fp.is_null() {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                fp
+            };
+            PA_STREAM_IS_CORKED = {
+                let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_stream_is_corked"));
+                if fp.is_null() {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                fp
+            };
                 let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_stream_connect_playback"));
                 if fp.is_null() {
@@ -462,6 +528,13 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
+            PA_STREAM_GET_CONTEXT = {
+                let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_stream_get_context"));
+                if fp.is_null() {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                fp
+            };
             PA_STREAM_GET_TIME = {
                 let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_stream_get_time"));
                 if fp.is_null() {
@@ -511,6 +584,13 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
+            PA_STREAM_REF = {
+                let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_stream_ref"));
+                if fp.is_null() {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                fp
+            };
             PA_STREAM_UNREF = {
                 let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_stream_unref"));
                 if fp.is_null() {
@@ -623,20 +703,6 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
-            PA_XFREE = {
-                let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_xfree"));
-                if fp.is_null() {
-                    return None;
-                }
-                fp
-            };
-            PA_XSTRDUP = {
-                let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_xstrdup"));
-                if fp.is_null() {
-                    return None;
-                }
-                fp
-            };
             PA_XREALLOC = {
                 let fp = dlsym(h, cstr!("pa_xrealloc"));
                 if fp.is_null() {
@@ -837,6 +903,12 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
                                                *mut c_void)>(PA_CONTEXT_SET_STATE_CALLBACK))(c, cb, userdata)
+    static mut PA_CONTEXT_ERRNO: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn pa_context_errno(c: *mut pa_context) -> c_int {
+        (::std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(*mut pa_context) -> c_int>(PA_CONTEXT_ERRNO))(c)
+    }
     static mut PA_CONTEXT_SET_SUBSCRIBE_CALLBACK: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
     pub unsafe fn pa_context_set_subscribe_callback(c: *mut pa_context,
@@ -863,6 +935,12 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
                                                -> *mut pa_operation>(PA_CONTEXT_SUBSCRIBE))(c, m, cb, userdata)
+    static mut PA_CONTEXT_REF: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn pa_context_ref(c: *mut pa_context) -> *mut pa_context {
+        (::std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(*mut pa_context) -> *mut pa_context>(PA_CONTEXT_REF))(c)
+    }
     static mut PA_CONTEXT_UNREF: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
     pub unsafe fn pa_context_unref(c: *mut pa_context) {
@@ -907,6 +985,30 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
                                                *mut c_void)>(PA_MAINLOOP_API_ONCE))(m, callback, userdata)
+    static mut PA_STRERROR: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn pa_strerror(error: pa_error_code_t) -> *const c_char {
+        (::std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(pa_error_code_t) -> *const c_char>(PA_STRERROR))(error)
+    }
+    static mut PA_OPERATION_REF: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn pa_operation_ref(o: *mut pa_operation) -> *mut pa_operation {
+        (::std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(*mut pa_operation) -> *mut pa_operation>(PA_OPERATION_REF))(o)
+    }
+    static mut PA_OPERATION_UNREF: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn pa_operation_unref(o: *mut pa_operation) {
+        (::std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(*mut pa_operation)>(PA_OPERATION_UNREF))(o)
+    }
+    static mut PA_OPERATION_CANCEL: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn pa_operation_cancel(o: *mut pa_operation) {
+        (::std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(*mut pa_operation)>(PA_OPERATION_CANCEL))(o)
+    }
     static mut PA_OPERATION_GET_STATE: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
     pub unsafe fn pa_operation_get_state(o: *const pa_operation) -> pa_operation_state_t {
@@ -915,10 +1017,15 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
                                                -> pa_operation_state_t>(PA_OPERATION_GET_STATE))(o)
-    static mut PA_OPERATION_UNREF: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
+    static mut PA_OPERATION_SET_STATE_CALLBACK: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
-    pub unsafe fn pa_operation_unref(o: *mut pa_operation) {
-        (::std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(*mut pa_operation)>(PA_OPERATION_UNREF))(o)
+    pub unsafe fn pa_operation_set_state_callback(o: *mut pa_operation,
+                                                  cb: pa_operation_notify_cb_t,
+                                                  userdata: *mut c_void) {
+        (::std::mem::transmute::<_,
+                                 extern "C" fn(*mut pa_operation,
+                                               pa_operation_notify_cb_t,
+                                               *mut c_void)>(PA_OPERATION_SET_STATE_CALLBACK))(o, cb, userdata)
     static mut PA_PROPLIST_GETS: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
@@ -951,6 +1058,18 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
         (::std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(*mut pa_stream) -> c_int>(PA_STREAM_CANCEL_WRITE))(p)
+    static mut PA_STREAM_IS_SUSPENDED: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn pa_stream_is_suspended(s: *const pa_stream) -> c_int {
+        (::std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(*const pa_stream) -> c_int>(PA_STREAM_IS_SUSPENDED))(s)
+    }
+    static mut PA_STREAM_IS_CORKED: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn pa_stream_is_corked(s: *const pa_stream) -> c_int {
+        (::std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(*const pa_stream) -> c_int>(PA_STREAM_IS_CORKED))(s)
+    }
     static mut PA_STREAM_CONNECT_PLAYBACK: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
     pub unsafe fn pa_stream_connect_playback(s: *mut pa_stream,
@@ -1066,6 +1185,12 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
         (::std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(*const pa_stream) -> pa_stream_state_t>(PA_STREAM_GET_STATE))(p)
+    static mut PA_STREAM_GET_CONTEXT: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn pa_stream_get_context(s: *const pa_stream) -> *mut pa_context {
+        (::std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(*const pa_stream) -> *mut pa_context>(PA_STREAM_GET_CONTEXT))(s)
+    }
     static mut PA_STREAM_GET_TIME: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
     pub unsafe fn pa_stream_get_time(s: *const pa_stream, r_usec: *mut pa_usec_t) -> c_int {
@@ -1132,6 +1257,12 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
                                                *mut c_void)>(PA_STREAM_SET_READ_CALLBACK))(p, cb, userdata)
+    static mut PA_STREAM_REF: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn pa_stream_ref(s: *mut pa_stream) -> *mut pa_stream {
+        (::std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(*mut pa_stream) -> *mut pa_stream>(PA_STREAM_REF))(s)
+    }
     static mut PA_STREAM_UNREF: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
     pub unsafe fn pa_stream_unref(s: *mut pa_stream) {
@@ -1253,18 +1384,6 @@ mod dynamic_fns {
-    static mut PA_XFREE: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
-    #[inline]
-    pub unsafe fn pa_xfree(ptr: *mut c_void) {
-        (::std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(*mut c_void)>(PA_XFREE))(ptr)
-    }
-    static mut PA_XSTRDUP: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
-    #[inline]
-    pub unsafe fn pa_xstrdup(str: *const c_char) -> *mut c_char {
-        (::std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(*const c_char) -> *mut c_char>(PA_XSTRDUP))(str)
-    }
     static mut PA_XREALLOC: *mut ::libc::c_void = 0 as *mut _;
     pub unsafe fn pa_xrealloc(ptr: *mut c_void, size: usize) -> *mut c_void {
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-ffi/src/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-ffi/src/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-ffi/src/	2017-07-31 18:20:49.000000000 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-ffi/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.384821737 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_long, c_ulong, c_void};
+use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_long, c_uint, c_ulong, c_void};
 /* automatically generated by rust-bindgen */
 pub const PA_RATE_MAX: u32 = 48000 * 8;
@@ -74,10 +74,10 @@ pub const PA_OPERATION_DONE: c_int = 1;
 pub const PA_OPERATION_CANCELLED: c_int = 2;
 pub type pa_operation_state_t = c_int;
-pub const PA_CONTEXT_NOFLAGS: c_int = 0;
-pub const PA_CONTEXT_NOAUTOSPAWN: c_int = 1;
-pub const PA_CONTEXT_NOFAIL: c_int = 2;
-pub type pa_context_flags_t = c_int;
+pub const PA_CONTEXT_NOFLAGS: c_uint = 0;
+pub const PA_CONTEXT_NOAUTOSPAWN: c_uint = 1;
+pub const PA_CONTEXT_NOFAIL: c_uint = 2;
+pub type pa_context_flags_t = c_uint;
 pub const PA_DIRECTION_OUTPUT: c_int = 1;
 pub const PA_DIRECTION_INPUT: c_int = 2;
@@ -93,28 +93,28 @@ pub const PA_STREAM_RECORD: c_int = 2;
 pub const PA_STREAM_UPLOAD: c_int = 3;
 pub type pa_stream_direction_t = c_int;
-pub const PA_STREAM_NOFLAGS: c_int = 0x0_0000;
-pub const PA_STREAM_START_CORKED: c_int = 0x0_0001;
-pub const PA_STREAM_INTERPOLATE_TIMING: c_int = 0x0_0002;
-pub const PA_STREAM_NOT_MONOTONIC: c_int = 0x0_0004;
-pub const PA_STREAM_AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE: c_int = 0x0_0008;
-pub const PA_STREAM_NO_REMAP_CHANNELS: c_int = 0x0_0010;
-pub const PA_STREAM_NO_REMIX_CHANNELS: c_int = 0x0_0020;
-pub const PA_STREAM_FIX_FORMAT: c_int = 0x0_0040;
-pub const PA_STREAM_FIX_RATE: c_int = 0x0_0080;
-pub const PA_STREAM_FIX_CHANNELS: c_int = 0x0_0100;
-pub const PA_STREAM_DONT_MOVE: c_int = 0x0_0200;
-pub const PA_STREAM_VARIABLE_RATE: c_int = 0x0_0400;
-pub const PA_STREAM_PEAK_DETECT: c_int = 0x0_0800;
-pub const PA_STREAM_START_MUTED: c_int = 0x0_1000;
-pub const PA_STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY: c_int = 0x0_2000;
-pub const PA_STREAM_EARLY_REQUESTS: c_int = 0x0_4000;
-pub const PA_STREAM_DONT_INHIBIT_AUTO_SUSPEND: c_int = 0x0_8000;
-pub const PA_STREAM_START_UNMUTED: c_int = 0x1_0000;
-pub const PA_STREAM_FAIL_ON_SUSPEND: c_int = 0x2_0000;
-pub const PA_STREAM_RELATIVE_VOLUME: c_int = 0x4_0000;
-pub const PA_STREAM_PASSTHROUGH: c_int = 0x8_0000;
-pub type pa_stream_flags_t = c_int;
+pub const PA_STREAM_NOFLAGS: c_uint = 0x0_0000;
+pub const PA_STREAM_START_CORKED: c_uint = 0x0_0001;
+pub const PA_STREAM_INTERPOLATE_TIMING: c_uint = 0x0_0002;
+pub const PA_STREAM_NOT_MONOTONIC: c_uint = 0x0_0004;
+pub const PA_STREAM_AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE: c_uint = 0x0_0008;
+pub const PA_STREAM_NO_REMAP_CHANNELS: c_uint = 0x0_0010;
+pub const PA_STREAM_NO_REMIX_CHANNELS: c_uint = 0x0_0020;
+pub const PA_STREAM_FIX_FORMAT: c_uint = 0x0_0040;
+pub const PA_STREAM_FIX_RATE: c_uint = 0x0_0080;
+pub const PA_STREAM_FIX_CHANNELS: c_uint = 0x0_0100;
+pub const PA_STREAM_DONT_MOVE: c_uint = 0x0_0200;
+pub const PA_STREAM_VARIABLE_RATE: c_uint = 0x0_0400;
+pub const PA_STREAM_PEAK_DETECT: c_uint = 0x0_0800;
+pub const PA_STREAM_START_MUTED: c_uint = 0x0_1000;
+pub const PA_STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY: c_uint = 0x0_2000;
+pub const PA_STREAM_EARLY_REQUESTS: c_uint = 0x0_4000;
+pub const PA_STREAM_DONT_INHIBIT_AUTO_SUSPEND: c_uint = 0x0_8000;
+pub const PA_STREAM_START_UNMUTED: c_uint = 0x1_0000;
+pub const PA_STREAM_FAIL_ON_SUSPEND: c_uint = 0x2_0000;
+pub const PA_STREAM_RELATIVE_VOLUME: c_uint = 0x4_0000;
+pub const PA_STREAM_PASSTHROUGH: c_uint = 0x8_0000;
+pub type pa_stream_flags_t = c_uint;
 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
@@ -162,19 +162,19 @@ pub const PA_ERR_BUSY: c_int = 26;
 pub const PA_ERR_MAX: c_int = 27;
 pub type pa_error_code_t = c_int;
-pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_NULL: c_int = 0;
-pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SINK: c_int = 1;
-pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SOURCE: c_int = 2;
-pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SINK_INPUT: c_int = 4;
-pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_MODULE: c_int = 16;
-pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_CLIENT: c_int = 32;
-pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SERVER: c_int = 128;
-pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_AUTOLOAD: c_int = 256;
-pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_CARD: c_int = 512;
-pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_ALL: c_int = 767;
-pub type pa_subscription_mask_t = c_int;
+pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_NULL: c_uint = 0x0;
+pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SINK: c_uint = 0x1;
+pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SOURCE: c_uint = 0x2;
+pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SINK_INPUT: c_uint = 0x4;
+pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SOURCE_OUTPUT: c_uint = 0x8;
+pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_MODULE: c_uint = 0x10;
+pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_CLIENT: c_uint = 0x20;
+pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SAMPLE_CACHE: c_uint = 0x40;
+pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SERVER: c_uint = 0x80;
+pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_AUTOLOAD: c_uint = 0x100;
+pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_CARD: c_uint = 0x200;
+pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_ALL: c_uint = 0x3FF;
+pub type pa_subscription_mask_t = c_uint;
 pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SINK: c_int = 0;
 pub const PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE: c_int = 1;
@@ -244,17 +244,17 @@ pub const PA_SEEK_RELATIVE_ON_READ: c_in
 pub const PA_SEEK_RELATIVE_END: c_int = 3;
 pub type pa_seek_mode_t = c_int;
-pub const PA_SINK_NOFLAGS: c_int = 0;
-pub const PA_SINK_HW_VOLUME_CTRL: c_int = 1;
-pub const PA_SINK_LATENCY: c_int = 2;
-pub const PA_SINK_HARDWARE: c_int = 4;
-pub const PA_SINK_NETWORK: c_int = 8;
-pub const PA_SINK_HW_MUTE_CTRL: c_int = 16;
-pub const PA_SINK_DECIBEL_VOLUME: c_int = 32;
-pub const PA_SINK_FLAT_VOLUME: c_int = 64;
-pub const PA_SINK_DYNAMIC_LATENCY: c_int = 128;
-pub const PA_SINK_SET_FORMATS: c_int = 256;
-pub type pa_sink_flags_t = c_int;
+pub const PA_SINK_NOFLAGS: c_uint = 0x000;
+pub const PA_SINK_HW_VOLUME_CTRL: c_uint = 0x001;
+pub const PA_SINK_LATENCY: c_uint = 0x002;
+pub const PA_SINK_HARDWARE: c_uint = 0x004;
+pub const PA_SINK_NETWORK: c_uint = 0x008;
+pub const PA_SINK_HW_MUTE_CTRL: c_uint = 0x010;
+pub const PA_SINK_DECIBEL_VOLUME: c_uint = 0x020;
+pub const PA_SINK_FLAT_VOLUME: c_uint = 0x040;
+pub const PA_SINK_DYNAMIC_LATENCY: c_uint = 0x080;
+pub const PA_SINK_SET_FORMATS: c_uint = 0x100;
+pub type pa_sink_flags_t = c_uint;
 pub const PA_SINK_INVALID_STATE: c_int = -1;
 pub const PA_SINK_RUNNING: c_int = 0;
@@ -264,16 +264,16 @@ pub const PA_SINK_INIT: c_int = -2;
 pub const PA_SINK_UNLINKED: c_int = -3;
 pub type pa_sink_state_t = c_int;
-pub const PA_SOURCE_NOFLAGS: c_int = 0x00;
-pub const PA_SOURCE_HW_VOLUME_CTRL: c_int = 0x01;
-pub const PA_SOURCE_LATENCY: c_int = 0x02;
-pub const PA_SOURCE_HARDWARE: c_int = 0x04;
-pub const PA_SOURCE_NETWORK: c_int = 0x08;
-pub const PA_SOURCE_HW_MUTE_CTRL: c_int = 0x10;
-pub const PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME: c_int = 0x20;
-pub const PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY: c_int = 0x40;
-pub const PA_SOURCE_FLAT_VOLUME: c_int = 0x80;
-pub type pa_source_flags_t = c_int;
+pub const PA_SOURCE_NOFLAGS: c_uint = 0x00;
+pub const PA_SOURCE_HW_VOLUME_CTRL: c_uint = 0x01;
+pub const PA_SOURCE_LATENCY: c_uint = 0x02;
+pub const PA_SOURCE_HARDWARE: c_uint = 0x04;
+pub const PA_SOURCE_NETWORK: c_uint = 0x08;
+pub const PA_SOURCE_HW_MUTE_CTRL: c_uint = 0x10;
+pub const PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME: c_uint = 0x20;
+pub const PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY: c_uint = 0x40;
+pub const PA_SOURCE_FLAT_VOLUME: c_uint = 0x80;
+pub type pa_source_flags_t = c_uint;
 pub const PA_SOURCE_INVALID_STATE: c_int = -1;
 pub const PA_SOURCE_RUNNING: c_int = 0;
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/Cargo.toml.cubeb-pulse-arm firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/Cargo.toml
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/Cargo.toml.cubeb-pulse-arm	2017-08-04 13:37:46.384821737 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/Cargo.toml	2017-08-04 13:37:46.384821737 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+name = "pulse"
+version = "0.1.0"
+authors = ["Dan Glastonbury <>"]
+bitflags = "^0.7.0"
+pulse-ffi = { path = "../pulse-ffi" }
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.385821734 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.385821734 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+// Copyright © 2017 Mozilla Foundation
+// This program is made available under an ISC-style license.  See the
+// accompanying file LICENSE for details.
+use ::*;
+use ffi;
+use std::ffi::CStr;
+use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_void};
+use std::ptr;
+use util::UnwrapCStr;
+// A note about `wrapped` functions
+// C FFI demands `unsafe extern fn(*mut pa_context, ...) -> i32`, etc,
+// but we want to allow such callbacks to be safe. This means no
+// `unsafe` or `extern`, and callbacks should be called with a safe
+// wrapper of `*mut pa_context`. Since the callback doesn't take
+// ownership, this is `&Context`. `fn wrapped<T>(...)` defines a
+// function that converts from our safe signature to the unsafe
+// signature.
+// Currently, we use a property of Rust, namely that each function
+// gets its own unique type.  These unique types can't be written
+// directly, so we use generic and a type parameter, and let the Rust
+// compiler fill in the name for us:
+// fn get_sink_input_info<CB>(&self, ..., _: CB, ...) -> ...
+//     where CB: Fn(&Context, *const SinkInputInfo, i32, *mut c_void)
+// Because we aren't storing or passing any state, we assert, at run-time :-(,
+// that our functions are zero-sized:
+//	assert!(mem::size_of::<F>() == 0);
+// We need to obtain a value of type F in order to call it. Since we
+// can't name the function, we have to unsafely construct that value
+// somehow - we do this using mem::uninitialized. Then, we call that
+// function with a reference to the Context, and save the result:
+//              |       generate value        ||  call it  |
+// let result = ::std::mem::uninitialized::<F>()(&mut object);
+// Lastly, since our Object is an owned type, we need to avoid
+// dropping it, then return the result we just generated.
+//		mem::forget(object);
+//		result
+// Aid in returning Operation from callbacks
+macro_rules! op_or_err {
+    ($self_:ident, $e:expr) => {{
+        let o = unsafe { $e };
+        if o.is_null() {
+            Err(ErrorCode::from_error_code($self_.errno()))
+        } else {
+            Ok(unsafe { operation::from_raw_ptr(o) })
+        }
+    }}
+pub struct Context(*mut ffi::pa_context);
+impl Context {
+    pub fn new<'a, OPT>(api: &MainloopApi, name: OPT) -> Option<Self>
+        where OPT: Into<Option<&'a CStr>>
+    {
+        let ptr = unsafe { ffi::pa_context_new(api.raw_mut(), name.unwrap_cstr()) };
+        if ptr.is_null() {
+            None
+        } else {
+            Some(Context(ptr))
+        }
+    }
+    #[doc(hidden)]
+    pub fn raw_mut(&self) -> &mut ffi::pa_context {
+        unsafe { &mut *self.0 }
+    }
+    pub fn unref(self) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_context_unref(self.raw_mut());
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn clear_state_callback(&self) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_context_set_state_callback(self.raw_mut(), None, ptr::null_mut());
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn set_state_callback<CB>(&self, _: CB, userdata: *mut c_void)
+        where CB: Fn(&Context, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(c: *mut ffi::pa_context, userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&Context, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            let ctx = context::from_raw_ptr(c);
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&ctx, userdata);
+            forget(ctx);
+            result
+        }
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_context_set_state_callback(self.raw_mut(), Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata);
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn errno(&self) -> ffi::pa_error_code_t {
+        unsafe { ffi::pa_context_errno(self.raw_mut()) }
+    }
+    pub fn get_state(&self) -> ContextState {
+        ContextState::try_from(unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_context_get_state(self.raw_mut())
+        }).expect("pa_context_get_state returned invalid ContextState")
+    }
+    pub fn connect<'a, OPT>(&self, server: OPT, flags: ContextFlags, api: *const ffi::pa_spawn_api) -> Result<()>
+        where OPT: Into<Option<&'a CStr>>
+    {
+        let r = unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_context_connect(self.raw_mut(),
+                                    server.into().unwrap_cstr(),
+                                    flags.into(),
+                                    api)
+        };
+        error_result!((), r)
+    }
+    pub fn disconnect(&self) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_context_disconnect(self.raw_mut());
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn drain<CB>(&self, _: CB, userdata: *mut c_void) -> Result<Operation>
+        where CB: Fn(&Context, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(c: *mut ffi::pa_context, userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&Context, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            let ctx = context::from_raw_ptr(c);
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&ctx, userdata);
+            forget(ctx);
+            result
+        }
+        op_or_err!(self,
+                   ffi::pa_context_drain(self.raw_mut(), Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata))
+    }
+    pub fn rttime_new<CB>(&self, usec: USec, _: CB, userdata: *mut c_void) -> *mut ffi::pa_time_event
+        where CB: Fn(&MainloopApi, *mut ffi::pa_time_event, &TimeVal, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(a: *mut ffi::pa_mainloop_api,
+                                        e: *mut ffi::pa_time_event,
+                                        tv: *const TimeVal,
+                                        userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&MainloopApi, *mut ffi::pa_time_event, &TimeVal, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            let api = mainloop_api::from_raw_ptr(a);
+            let timeval = &*tv;
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&api, e, timeval, userdata);
+            forget(api);
+            result
+        }
+        unsafe { ffi::pa_context_rttime_new(self.raw_mut(), usec, Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata) }
+    }
+    pub fn get_server_info<CB>(&self, _: CB, userdata: *mut c_void) -> Result<Operation>
+        where CB: Fn(&Context, &ServerInfo, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(c: *mut ffi::pa_context, i: *const ffi::pa_server_info, userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&Context, &ServerInfo, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            debug_assert_ne!(i, ptr::null_mut());
+            let info = &*i;
+            let ctx = context::from_raw_ptr(c);
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&ctx, info, userdata);
+            forget(ctx);
+            result
+        }
+        op_or_err!(self,
+                   ffi::pa_context_get_server_info(self.raw_mut(), Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata))
+    }
+    pub fn get_sink_info_by_name<CB>(&self, name: &CStr, _: CB, userdata: *mut c_void) -> Result<Operation>
+        where CB: Fn(&Context, *const SinkInfo, i32, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(c: *mut ffi::pa_context,
+                                        info: *const ffi::pa_sink_info,
+                                        eol: c_int,
+                                        userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&Context, *const SinkInfo, i32, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            let ctx = context::from_raw_ptr(c);
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&ctx, info, eol, userdata);
+            forget(ctx);
+            result
+        }
+        op_or_err!(self,
+                   ffi::pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name(self.raw_mut(), name.as_ptr(), Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata))
+    }
+    pub fn get_sink_info_list<CB>(&self, _: CB, userdata: *mut c_void) -> Result<Operation>
+        where CB: Fn(&Context, *const SinkInfo, i32, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(c: *mut ffi::pa_context,
+                                        info: *const ffi::pa_sink_info,
+                                        eol: c_int,
+                                        userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&Context, *const SinkInfo, i32, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            let ctx = context::from_raw_ptr(c);
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&ctx, info, eol, userdata);
+            forget(ctx);
+            result
+        }
+        op_or_err!(self,
+                   ffi::pa_context_get_sink_info_list(self.raw_mut(), Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata))
+    }
+    pub fn get_sink_input_info<CB>(&self, idx: u32, _: CB, userdata: *mut c_void) -> Result<Operation>
+        where CB: Fn(&Context, *const SinkInputInfo, i32, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(c: *mut ffi::pa_context,
+                                        info: *const ffi::pa_sink_input_info,
+                                        eol: c_int,
+                                        userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&Context, *const SinkInputInfo, i32, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            let ctx = context::from_raw_ptr(c);
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&ctx, info, eol, userdata);
+            forget(ctx);
+            result
+        }
+        op_or_err!(self,
+                   ffi::pa_context_get_sink_input_info(self.raw_mut(), idx, Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata))
+    }
+    pub fn get_source_info_list<CB>(&self, _: CB, userdata: *mut c_void) -> Result<Operation>
+        where CB: Fn(&Context, *const SourceInfo, i32, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(c: *mut ffi::pa_context,
+                                        info: *const ffi::pa_source_info,
+                                        eol: c_int,
+                                        userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&Context, *const SourceInfo, i32, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            let ctx = context::from_raw_ptr(c);
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&ctx, info, eol, userdata);
+            forget(ctx);
+            result
+        }
+        op_or_err!(self,
+                   ffi::pa_context_get_source_info_list(self.raw_mut(), Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata))
+    }
+    pub fn set_sink_input_volume<CB>(&self,
+                                     idx: u32,
+                                     volume: &CVolume,
+                                     _: CB,
+                                     userdata: *mut c_void)
+                                     -> Result<Operation>
+        where CB: Fn(&Context, i32, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(c: *mut ffi::pa_context, success: c_int, userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&Context, i32, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            let ctx = context::from_raw_ptr(c);
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&ctx, success, userdata);
+            forget(ctx);
+            result
+        }
+        op_or_err!(self,
+                   ffi::pa_context_set_sink_input_volume(self.raw_mut(), idx, volume, Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata))
+    }
+    pub fn subscribe<CB>(&self, m: SubscriptionMask, _: CB, userdata: *mut c_void) -> Result<Operation>
+        where CB: Fn(&Context, i32, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(c: *mut ffi::pa_context, success: c_int, userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&Context, i32, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            let ctx = context::from_raw_ptr(c);
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&ctx, success, userdata);
+            forget(ctx);
+            result
+        }
+        op_or_err!(self,
+                   ffi::pa_context_subscribe(self.raw_mut(), m.into(), Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata))
+    }
+    pub fn clear_subscribe_callback(&self) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_context_set_subscribe_callback(self.raw_mut(), None, ptr::null_mut());
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn set_subscribe_callback<CB>(&self, _: CB, userdata: *mut c_void)
+        where CB: Fn(&Context, SubscriptionEvent, u32, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(c: *mut ffi::pa_context,
+                                        t: ffi::pa_subscription_event_type_t,
+                                        idx: u32,
+                                        userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&Context, SubscriptionEvent, u32, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            let ctx = context::from_raw_ptr(c);
+            let event = SubscriptionEvent::try_from(t)
+            .expect("pa_context_subscribe_cb_t passed invalid pa_subscription_event_type_t");
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&ctx, event, idx, userdata);
+            forget(ctx);
+            result
+        }
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_context_set_subscribe_callback(self.raw_mut(), Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata);
+        }
+    }
+pub unsafe fn from_raw_ptr(ptr: *mut ffi::pa_context) -> Context {
+    Context(ptr)
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.385821734 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.385821734 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// Copyright © 2017 Mozilla Foundation
+// This program is made available under an ISC-style license.  See the
+// accompanying file LICENSE for details.
+use ffi;
+use std::ffi::CStr;
+macro_rules! error_result {
+    ($t:expr, $err:expr) => {
+        if $err >= 0 {
+            Ok($t)
+        } else {
+            Err(ErrorCode::from_error_result($err))
+        }
+    }
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub struct ErrorCode {
+    err: ffi::pa_error_code_t,
+impl ErrorCode {
+    pub fn from_error_result(err: i32) -> Self {
+        debug_assert!(err < 0);
+        ErrorCode {
+            err: (-err) as ffi::pa_error_code_t,
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn from_error_code(err: ffi::pa_error_code_t) -> Self {
+        debug_assert!(err > 0);
+        ErrorCode {
+            err: err,
+        }
+    }
+    fn desc(&self) -> &'static str {
+        let cstr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ffi::pa_strerror(self.err)) };
+        cstr.to_str().unwrap()
+    }
+impl ::std::error::Error for ErrorCode {
+    fn description(&self) -> &str {
+        self.desc()
+    }
+impl ::std::fmt::Display for ErrorCode {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
+        write!(f, "{:?}: {}", self, self.desc())
+    }
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.385821734 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.385821734 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
+// Copyright © 2017 Mozilla Foundation
+// This program is made available under an ISC-style license.  See the
+// accompanying file LICENSE for details.
+extern crate bitflags;
+extern crate pulse_ffi as ffi;
+mod error;
+mod context;
+mod mainloop_api;
+mod operation;
+mod proplist;
+mod stream;
+mod threaded_mainloop;
+mod util;
+pub use context::Context;
+pub use error::ErrorCode;
+pub use ffi::pa_buffer_attr as BufferAttr;
+pub use ffi::pa_channel_map as ChannelMap;
+pub use ffi::pa_cvolume as CVolume;
+pub use ffi::pa_sample_spec as SampleSpec;
+pub use ffi::pa_server_info as ServerInfo;
+pub use ffi::pa_sink_info as SinkInfo;
+pub use ffi::pa_sink_input_info as SinkInputInfo;
+pub use ffi::pa_source_info as SourceInfo;
+pub use ffi::pa_usec_t as USec;
+pub use ffi::pa_volume_t as Volume;
+pub use ffi::timeval as TimeVal;
+pub use mainloop_api::MainloopApi;
+pub use operation::Operation;
+pub use proplist::Proplist;
+use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_uint};
+pub use stream::Stream;
+pub use threaded_mainloop::ThreadedMainloop;
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum SampleFormat {
+    Invalid = ffi::PA_SAMPLE_INVALID,
+    U8 = ffi::PA_SAMPLE_U8,
+    Alaw = ffi::PA_SAMPLE_ALAW,
+    Ulaw = ffi::PA_SAMPLE_ULAW,
+    Signed16LE = ffi::PA_SAMPLE_S16LE,
+    Signed16BE = ffi::PA_SAMPLE_S16BE,
+    Float32LE = ffi::PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32LE,
+    Float32BE = ffi::PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32BE,
+    Signed32LE = ffi::PA_SAMPLE_S32LE,
+    Signed32BE = ffi::PA_SAMPLE_S32BE,
+    Signed24LE = ffi::PA_SAMPLE_S24LE,
+    Signed24BE = ffi::PA_SAMPLE_S24BE,
+    Signed24_32LE = ffi::PA_SAMPLE_S24_32LE,
+    Signed23_32BE = ffi::PA_SAMPLE_S24_32BE,
+impl Default for SampleFormat {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        SampleFormat::Invalid
+    }
+impl Into<ffi::pa_sample_format_t> for SampleFormat {
+    fn into(self) -> ffi::pa_sample_format_t {
+        self as ffi::pa_sample_format_t
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum ContextState {
+    Unconnected = ffi::PA_CONTEXT_UNCONNECTED,
+    Connecting = ffi::PA_CONTEXT_CONNECTING,
+    Authorizing = ffi::PA_CONTEXT_AUTHORIZING,
+    SettingName = ffi::PA_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAME,
+    Ready = ffi::PA_CONTEXT_READY,
+    Failed = ffi::PA_CONTEXT_FAILED,
+    Terminated = ffi::PA_CONTEXT_TERMINATED,
+impl ContextState {
+    // This function implements the PA_CONTENT_IS_GOOD macro from pulse/def.h
+    // It must match the version from PA headers.
+    pub fn is_good(self) -> bool {
+        match self {
+            ContextState::Connecting |
+            ContextState::Authorizing |
+            ContextState::SettingName |
+            ContextState::Ready => true,
+            _ => false,
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn try_from(x: ffi::pa_context_state_t) -> Option<Self> {
+        if x >= ffi::PA_CONTEXT_UNCONNECTED && x <= ffi::PA_CONTEXT_TERMINATED {
+            Some(unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(x) })
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+impl Default for ContextState {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        ContextState::Unconnected
+    }
+impl Into<ffi::pa_context_state_t> for ContextState {
+    fn into(self) -> ffi::pa_context_state_t {
+        self as ffi::pa_context_state_t
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum StreamState {
+    Unconnected = ffi::PA_STREAM_UNCONNECTED,
+    Creating = ffi::PA_STREAM_CREATING,
+    Ready = ffi::PA_STREAM_READY,
+    Failed = ffi::PA_STREAM_FAILED,
+    Terminated = ffi::PA_STREAM_TERMINATED,
+impl StreamState {
+    // This function implements the PA_STREAM_IS_GOOD macro from pulse/def.h
+    // It must match the version from PA headers.
+    pub fn is_good(self) -> bool {
+        match self {
+            StreamState::Creating | StreamState::Ready => true,
+            _ => false,
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn try_from(x: ffi::pa_stream_state_t) -> Option<Self> {
+        if x >= ffi::PA_STREAM_UNCONNECTED && x <= ffi::PA_STREAM_TERMINATED {
+            Some(unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(x) })
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+impl Default for StreamState {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        StreamState::Unconnected
+    }
+impl Into<ffi::pa_stream_state_t> for StreamState {
+    fn into(self) -> ffi::pa_stream_state_t {
+        self as ffi::pa_stream_state_t
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum OperationState {
+    Running = ffi::PA_OPERATION_RUNNING,
+    Done = ffi::PA_OPERATION_DONE,
+    Cancelled = ffi::PA_OPERATION_CANCELLED,
+impl OperationState {
+    pub fn try_from(x: ffi::pa_operation_state_t) -> Option<Self> {
+        if x >= ffi::PA_OPERATION_RUNNING && x <= ffi::PA_OPERATION_CANCELLED {
+            Some(unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(x) })
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+impl Into<ffi::pa_operation_state_t> for OperationState {
+    fn into(self) -> ffi::pa_operation_state_t {
+        self as ffi::pa_operation_state_t
+    }
+bitflags! {
+    pub flags ContextFlags: u32 {
+    }
+impl Into<ffi::pa_context_flags_t> for ContextFlags {
+    fn into(self) -> ffi::pa_context_flags_t {
+        self.bits() as ffi::pa_context_flags_t
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum DeviceType {
+    Sink = ffi::PA_DEVICE_TYPE_SINK,
+    Source = ffi::PA_DEVICE_TYPE_SOURCE,
+impl DeviceType {
+    pub fn try_from(x: ffi::pa_device_type_t) -> Option<Self> {
+        if x >= ffi::PA_DEVICE_TYPE_SINK && x <= ffi::PA_DEVICE_TYPE_SOURCE {
+            Some(unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(x) })
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+impl Into<ffi::pa_device_type_t> for DeviceType {
+    fn into(self) -> ffi::pa_device_type_t {
+        self as ffi::pa_device_type_t
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum StreamDirection {
+    NoDirection = ffi::PA_STREAM_NODIRECTION,
+    Playback = ffi::PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK,
+    Record = ffi::PA_STREAM_RECORD,
+    StreamUpload = ffi::PA_STREAM_UPLOAD,
+impl StreamDirection {
+    pub fn try_from(x: ffi::pa_stream_direction_t) -> Option<Self> {
+        if x >= ffi::PA_STREAM_NODIRECTION && x <= ffi::PA_STREAM_UPLOAD {
+            Some(unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(x) })
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+impl Into<ffi::pa_stream_direction_t> for StreamDirection {
+    fn into(self) -> ffi::pa_stream_direction_t {
+        self as ffi::pa_stream_direction_t
+    }
+bitflags! {
+    pub flags StreamFlags : u32 {
+        const STREAM_FIX_RATE = ffi::PA_STREAM_FIX_RATE,
+    }
+impl StreamFlags {
+    pub fn try_from(x: ffi::pa_stream_flags_t) -> Option<Self> {
+        if (x &
+              ffi::PA_STREAM_NO_REMAP_CHANNELS |
+              ffi::PA_STREAM_FIX_CHANNELS |
+              ffi::PA_STREAM_EARLY_REQUESTS |
+              ffi::PA_STREAM_RELATIVE_VOLUME | ffi::PA_STREAM_PASSTHROUGH)) == 0 {
+            Some(unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(x) })
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+impl Into<ffi::pa_stream_flags_t> for StreamFlags {
+    fn into(self) -> ffi::pa_stream_flags_t {
+        self.bits() as ffi::pa_stream_flags_t
+    }
+    pub flags SubscriptionMask : u32 {
+    }
+impl SubscriptionMask {
+    pub fn try_from(x: ffi::pa_subscription_mask_t) -> Option<Self> {
+        if (x & !ffi::PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_ALL) == 0 {
+            Some(unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(x) })
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+impl Into<ffi::pa_subscription_mask_t> for SubscriptionMask {
+    fn into(self) -> ffi::pa_subscription_mask_t {
+        self.bits() as ffi::pa_subscription_mask_t
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum SubscriptionEventFacility {
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum SubscriptionEventType {
+    New,
+    Change,
+    Remove,
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct SubscriptionEvent(ffi::pa_subscription_event_type_t);
+impl SubscriptionEvent {
+    pub fn try_from(x: ffi::pa_subscription_event_type_t) -> Option<Self> {
+            Some(SubscriptionEvent(x))
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn event_facility(self) -> SubscriptionEventFacility {
+        unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(self.0 & ffi::PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_FACILITY_MASK) }
+    }
+    pub fn event_type(self) -> SubscriptionEventType {
+        unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(((self.0 & ffi::PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_TYPE_MASK) >> 4)) }
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum SeekMode {
+    Relative = ffi::PA_SEEK_RELATIVE,
+    Absolute = ffi::PA_SEEK_ABSOLUTE,
+    RelativeOnRead = ffi::PA_SEEK_RELATIVE_ON_READ,
+    RelativeEnd = ffi::PA_SEEK_RELATIVE_END,
+impl SeekMode {
+    pub fn try_from(x: ffi::pa_seek_mode_t) -> Option<Self> {
+        if x >= ffi::PA_SEEK_RELATIVE && x <= ffi::PA_SEEK_RELATIVE_END {
+            Some(unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(x) })
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+impl Into<ffi::pa_seek_mode_t> for SeekMode {
+    fn into(self) -> ffi::pa_seek_mode_t {
+        self as ffi::pa_seek_mode_t
+    }
+bitflags! {
+    pub flags SinkFlags: u32 {
+        const SINK_LATENCY = ffi::PA_SINK_LATENCY,
+        const SINK_HARDWARE = ffi::PA_SINK_HARDWARE,
+        const SINK_NETWORK = ffi::PA_SINK_NETWORK,
+        const SINK_HW_MUTE_CTRL = ffi::PA_SINK_HW_MUTE_CTRL,
+    }
+impl SinkFlags {
+    pub fn try_from(x: ffi::pa_sink_flags_t) -> Option<SinkFlags> {
+        if (x &
+              ffi::PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME |
+              ffi::PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY | ffi::PA_SOURCE_FLAT_VOLUME)) == 0 {
+            Some(unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(x) })
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum SinkState {
+    InvalidState = ffi::PA_SINK_INVALID_STATE,
+    Running = ffi::PA_SINK_RUNNING,
+    Idle = ffi::PA_SINK_IDLE,
+    Suspended = ffi::PA_SINK_SUSPENDED,
+    Init = ffi::PA_SINK_INIT,
+    Unlinked = ffi::PA_SINK_UNLINKED,
+    pub flags SourceFlags: u32 {
+    }
+impl Into<ffi::pa_source_flags_t> for SourceFlags {
+    fn into(self) -> ffi::pa_source_flags_t {
+        self.bits() as ffi::pa_source_flags_t
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum SourceState {
+    InvalidState = ffi::PA_SOURCE_INVALID_STATE,
+    Running = ffi::PA_SOURCE_RUNNING,
+    Idle = ffi::PA_SOURCE_IDLE,
+    Suspended = ffi::PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED,
+    Init = ffi::PA_SOURCE_INIT,
+    Unlinked = ffi::PA_SOURCE_UNLINKED,
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum PortAvailable {
+    Unknown = ffi::PA_PORT_AVAILABLE_UNKNOWN,
+    No = ffi::PA_PORT_AVAILABLE_NO,
+    Yes = ffi::PA_PORT_AVAILABLE_YES,
+impl PortAvailable {
+    pub fn try_from(x: ffi::pa_port_available_t) -> Option<Self> {
+        if x >= ffi::PA_PORT_AVAILABLE_UNKNOWN && x <= ffi::PA_PORT_AVAILABLE_YES {
+            Some(unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(x) })
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+impl Into<ffi::pa_port_available_t> for PortAvailable {
+    fn into(self) -> ffi::pa_port_available_t {
+        self as ffi::pa_port_available_t
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum ChannelPosition {
+    LowFreqEffects = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_LFE,
+    Aux0 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX0,
+    Aux1 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX1,
+    Aux2 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX2,
+    Aux3 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX3,
+    Aux4 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX4,
+    Aux5 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX5,
+    Aux6 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX6,
+    Aux7 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX7,
+    Aux8 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX8,
+    Aux9 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX9,
+    Aux10 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX10,
+    Aux11 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX11,
+    Aux12 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX12,
+    Aux13 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX13,
+    Aux14 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX14,
+    Aux15 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX15,
+    Aux16 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX16,
+    Aux17 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX17,
+    Aux18 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX18,
+    Aux19 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX19,
+    Aux20 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX20,
+    Aux21 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX21,
+    Aux22 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX22,
+    Aux23 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX23,
+    Aux24 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX24,
+    Aux25 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX25,
+    Aux26 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX26,
+    Aux27 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX27,
+    Aux28 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX28,
+    Aux29 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX29,
+    Aux30 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX30,
+    Aux31 = ffi::PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_AUX31,
+impl ChannelPosition {
+    pub fn try_from(x: ffi::pa_channel_position_t) -> Option<Self> {
+            Some(unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(x) })
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+impl Default for ChannelPosition {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        ChannelPosition::Invalid
+    }
+impl Into<ffi::pa_channel_position_t> for ChannelPosition {
+    fn into(self) -> ffi::pa_channel_position_t {
+        self as ffi::pa_channel_position_t
+    }
+pub type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, error::ErrorCode>;
+pub trait CVolumeExt {
+    fn set(&mut self, channels: c_uint, v: Volume);
+    fn set_balance(&mut self, map: &ChannelMap, new_balance: f32);
+impl CVolumeExt for CVolume {
+    fn set(&mut self, channels: c_uint, v: Volume) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_cvolume_set(self, channels, v);
+        }
+    }
+    fn set_balance(&mut self, map: &ChannelMap, new_balance: f32) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_cvolume_set_balance(self, map, new_balance);
+        }
+    }
+pub trait ChannelMapExt {
+    fn init() -> ChannelMap;
+    fn can_balance(&self) -> bool;
+impl ChannelMapExt for ChannelMap {
+    fn init() -> ChannelMap {
+        let mut cm = ChannelMap::default();
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_channel_map_init(&mut cm);
+        }
+        cm
+    }
+    fn can_balance(&self) -> bool {
+        unsafe { ffi::pa_channel_map_can_balance(self) > 0 }
+    }
+pub trait ProplistExt {
+    fn proplist(&self) -> Proplist;
+impl ProplistExt for SinkInfo {
+    fn proplist(&self) -> Proplist {
+        unsafe { proplist::from_raw_ptr(self.proplist) }
+    }
+impl ProplistExt for SourceInfo {
+    fn proplist(&self) -> Proplist {
+        unsafe { proplist::from_raw_ptr(self.proplist) }
+    }
+pub trait SampleSpecExt {
+    fn frame_size(&self) -> usize;
+impl SampleSpecExt for SampleSpec {
+    fn frame_size(&self) -> usize {
+        unsafe { ffi::pa_frame_size(self) }
+    }
+pub trait USecExt {
+    fn to_bytes(self, spec: &SampleSpec) -> usize;
+impl USecExt for USec {
+    fn to_bytes(self, spec: &SampleSpec) -> usize {
+        unsafe { ffi::pa_usec_to_bytes(self, spec) }
+    }
+pub fn library_version() -> *const c_char {
+    unsafe { ffi::pa_get_library_version() }
+pub fn sw_volume_from_linear(vol: f64) -> Volume {
+    unsafe { ffi::pa_sw_volume_from_linear(vol) }
+pub fn rtclock_now() -> USec {
+    unsafe { ffi::pa_rtclock_now() }
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.385821734 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.385821734 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// Copyright © 2017 Mozilla Foundation
+// This program is made available under an ISC-style license.  See the
+// accompanying file LICENSE for details.
+use ffi;
+use std::mem;
+use std::os::raw::c_void;
+type pa_once_cb_t = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(m: *mut ffi::pa_mainloop_api,
+                                                userdata: *mut c_void)>;
+fn wrap_once_cb<F>(_: F) -> pa_once_cb_t
+    where F: Fn(&MainloopApi, *mut c_void)
+    assert!(mem::size_of::<F>() == 0);
+    unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(m: *mut ffi::pa_mainloop_api, userdata: *mut c_void)
+        where F: Fn(&MainloopApi, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        let api = from_raw_ptr(m);
+        let result = mem::transmute::<_, &F>(&())(&api, userdata);
+        mem::forget(api);
+        result
+    }
+    Some(wrapped::<F>)
+pub struct MainloopApi(*mut ffi::pa_mainloop_api);
+impl MainloopApi {
+    pub fn raw_mut(&self) -> &mut ffi::pa_mainloop_api {
+        unsafe { &mut *self.0 }
+    }
+    pub fn once<CB>(&self, cb: CB, userdata: *mut c_void)
+        where CB: Fn(&MainloopApi, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        let wrapped = wrap_once_cb(cb);
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_mainloop_api_once(self.raw_mut(), wrapped, userdata);
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn time_free(&self, e: *mut ffi::pa_time_event) {
+        unsafe {
+            if let Some(f) = self.raw_mut().time_free {
+                f(e);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+pub unsafe fn from_raw_ptr(raw: *mut ffi::pa_mainloop_api) -> MainloopApi {
+    MainloopApi(raw)
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.385821734 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.385821734 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// Copyright © 2017 Mozilla Foundation
+// This program is made available under an ISC-style license.  See the
+// accompanying file LICENSE for details.
+use ffi;
+pub struct Operation(*mut ffi::pa_operation);
+impl Operation {
+    pub unsafe fn from_raw_ptr(raw: *mut ffi::pa_operation) -> Operation {
+        Operation(raw)
+    }
+    pub fn cancel(&mut self) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_operation_cancel(self.0);
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn get_state(&self) -> ffi::pa_operation_state_t {
+        unsafe { ffi::pa_operation_get_state(self.0) }
+    }
+impl Clone for Operation {
+    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+        Operation(unsafe { ffi::pa_operation_ref(self.0) })
+    }
+impl Drop for Operation {
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_operation_unref(self.0);
+        }
+    }
+pub unsafe fn from_raw_ptr(raw: *mut ffi::pa_operation) -> Operation {
+    Operation::from_raw_ptr(raw)
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.385821734 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.385821734 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Copyright © 2017 Mozilla Foundation
+// This program is made available under an ISC-style license.  See the
+// accompanying file LICENSE for details.
+use ffi;
+use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
+pub struct Proplist(*mut ffi::pa_proplist);
+impl Proplist {
+    pub fn gets<T>(&self, key: T) -> Option<&CStr>
+        where T: Into<Vec<u8>>
+    {
+        let key = match CString::new(key) {
+            Ok(k) => k,
+            _ => return None,
+        };
+        let r = unsafe { ffi::pa_proplist_gets(self.0, key.as_ptr()) };
+        if r.is_null() {
+            None
+        } else {
+            Some(unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(r) })
+        }
+    }
+pub unsafe fn from_raw_ptr(raw: *mut ffi::pa_proplist) -> Proplist {
+    return Proplist(raw);
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.386821731 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.386821731 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+// Copyright © 2017 Mozilla Foundation
+// This program is made available under an ISC-style license.  See the
+// accompanying file LICENSE for details.
+use ::*;
+use context;
+use ffi;
+use operation;
+use std::ffi::CStr;
+use std::mem;
+use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_void};
+use std::ptr;
+use util::*;
+pub struct Stream(*mut ffi::pa_stream);
+impl Stream {
+    pub fn new<'a, CM>(c: &Context, name: &::std::ffi::CStr, ss: &SampleSpec, map: CM) -> Option<Self>
+        where CM: Into<Option<&'a ChannelMap>>
+    {
+        let ptr = unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_stream_new(c.raw_mut(),
+                               name.as_ptr(),
+                               ss as *const _,
+                               to_ptr(map.into()))
+        };
+        if ptr.is_null() {
+            None
+        } else {
+            Some(Stream(ptr))
+        }
+    }
+    #[doc(hidden)]
+    pub fn raw_mut(&self) -> &mut ffi::pa_stream {
+        unsafe { &mut *self.0 }
+    }
+    pub fn unref(self) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_stream_unref(self.raw_mut());
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn get_state(&self) -> StreamState {
+        StreamState::try_from(unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_stream_get_state(self.raw_mut())
+        }).expect("pa_stream_get_state returned invalid StreamState")
+    }
+    pub fn get_context(&self) -> Option<Context> {
+        let ptr = unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_get_context(self.raw_mut()) };
+        if ptr.is_null() {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let ctx = unsafe { context::from_raw_ptr(ptr) };
+        Some(ctx)
+    }
+    pub fn get_index(&self) -> u32 {
+        unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_get_index(self.raw_mut()) }
+    }
+    pub fn get_device_name<'a>(&'a self) -> Result<&'a CStr> {
+        let r = unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_get_device_name(self.raw_mut()) };
+        if r.is_null() {
+            let err = if let Some(c) = self.get_context() {
+                c.errno()
+            } else {
+                ffi::PA_ERR_UNKNOWN
+            };
+            return Err(ErrorCode::from_error_code(err));
+        }
+        Ok(unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(r) })
+    }
+    pub fn is_suspended(&self) -> Result<bool> {
+        let r = unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_is_suspended(self.raw_mut()) };
+        error_result!(r != 0, r)
+    }
+    pub fn is_corked(&self) -> Result<bool> {
+        let r = unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_is_corked(self.raw_mut()) };
+        error_result!(r != 0, r)
+    }
+    pub fn connect_playback<'a, D, A, V, S>(&self,
+                                            dev: D,
+                                            attr: A,
+                                            flags: StreamFlags,
+                                            volume: V,
+                                            sync_stream: S)
+                                            -> Result<()>
+        where D: Into<Option<&'a CStr>>,
+              A: Into<Option<&'a BufferAttr>>,
+              V: Into<Option<&'a CVolume>>,
+              S: Into<Option<&'a mut Stream>>
+    {
+        let r = unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_stream_connect_playback(self.raw_mut(),
+                                            str_to_ptr(dev.into()),
+                                            to_ptr(attr.into()),
+                                            flags.into(),
+                                            to_ptr(volume.into()),
+                                            map_to_mut_ptr(sync_stream.into(), |p| p.0))
+        };
+        error_result!((), r)
+    }
+    pub fn connect_record<'a, D, A>(&self, dev: D, attr: A, flags: StreamFlags) -> Result<()>
+        where D: Into<Option<&'a CStr>>,
+              A: Into<Option<&'a BufferAttr>>
+    {
+        let r = unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_stream_connect_record(self.raw_mut(),
+                                          str_to_ptr(dev.into()),
+                                          to_ptr(attr.into()),
+                                          flags.into())
+        };
+        error_result!((), r)
+    }
+    pub fn disconnect(&self) -> Result<()> {
+        let r = unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_disconnect(self.raw_mut()) };
+        error_result!((), r)
+    }
+    pub fn begin_write(&self, req_bytes: usize) -> Result<(*mut c_void, usize)> {
+        let mut data: *mut c_void = ptr::null_mut();
+        let mut nbytes = req_bytes;
+        let r = unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_begin_write(self.raw_mut(), &mut data, &mut nbytes) };
+        error_result!((data, nbytes), r)
+    }
+    pub fn cancel_write(&self) -> Result<()> {
+        let r = unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_cancel_write(self.raw_mut()) };
+        error_result!((), r)
+    }
+    pub fn write(&self, data: *const c_void, nbytes: usize, offset: i64, seek: SeekMode) -> Result<()> {
+        let r = unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_write(self.raw_mut(), data, nbytes, None, offset, seek.into()) };
+        error_result!((), r)
+    }
+    pub unsafe fn peek(&self, data: *mut *const c_void, length: *mut usize) -> Result<()> {
+        let r = ffi::pa_stream_peek(self.raw_mut(), data, length);
+        error_result!((), r)
+    }
+    pub fn drop(&self) -> Result<()> {
+        let r = unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_drop(self.raw_mut()) };
+        error_result!((), r)
+    }
+    pub fn writable_size(&self) -> Result<usize> {
+        let r = unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_writable_size(self.raw_mut()) };
+        if r == ::std::usize::MAX {
+            let err = if let Some(c) = self.get_context() {
+                c.errno()
+            } else {
+                ffi::PA_ERR_UNKNOWN
+            };
+            return Err(ErrorCode::from_error_code(err));
+        }
+        Ok(r)
+    }
+    pub fn readable_size(&self) -> Result<usize> {
+        let r = unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_readable_size(self.raw_mut()) };
+        if r == ::std::usize::MAX {
+            let err = if let Some(c) = self.get_context() {
+                c.errno()
+            } else {
+                ffi::PA_ERR_UNKNOWN
+            };
+            return Err(ErrorCode::from_error_code(err));
+        }
+        Ok(r)
+    }
+    pub fn update_timing_info<CB>(&self, _: CB, userdata: *mut c_void) -> Result<Operation>
+        where CB: Fn(&Stream, i32, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(s: *mut ffi::pa_stream, success: c_int, userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&Stream, i32, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            let mut stm = stream::from_raw_ptr(s);
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&mut stm, success, userdata);
+            forget(stm);
+            result
+        }
+        let r = unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_update_timing_info(self.raw_mut(), Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata) };
+        if r.is_null() {
+            let err = if let Some(c) = self.get_context() {
+                c.errno()
+            } else {
+                ffi::PA_ERR_UNKNOWN
+            };
+            return Err(ErrorCode::from_error_code(err));
+        }
+        Ok(unsafe { operation::from_raw_ptr(r) })
+    }
+    pub fn clear_state_callback(&self) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_stream_set_state_callback(self.raw_mut(), None, ptr::null_mut());
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn set_state_callback<CB>(&self, _: CB, userdata: *mut c_void)
+        where CB: Fn(&Stream, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(s: *mut ffi::pa_stream, userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&Stream, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            let mut stm = stream::from_raw_ptr(s);
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&mut stm, userdata);
+            forget(stm);
+            result
+        }
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_stream_set_state_callback(self.raw_mut(), Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata);
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn clear_write_callback(&self) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_stream_set_write_callback(self.raw_mut(), None, ptr::null_mut());
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn set_write_callback<CB>(&self, _: CB, userdata: *mut c_void)
+        where CB: Fn(&Stream, usize, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(s: *mut ffi::pa_stream, nbytes: usize, userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&Stream, usize, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            let mut stm = stream::from_raw_ptr(s);
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&mut stm, nbytes, userdata);
+            forget(stm);
+            result
+        }
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_stream_set_write_callback(self.raw_mut(), Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata);
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn clear_read_callback(&self) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_stream_set_read_callback(self.raw_mut(), None, ptr::null_mut());
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn set_read_callback<CB>(&self, _: CB, userdata: *mut c_void)
+        where CB: Fn(&Stream, usize, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(s: *mut ffi::pa_stream, nbytes: usize, userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&Stream, usize, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            let mut stm = stream::from_raw_ptr(s);
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&mut stm, nbytes, userdata);
+            forget(stm);
+            result
+        }
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_stream_set_read_callback(self.raw_mut(), Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata);
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn cork<CB>(&self, b: i32, _: CB, userdata: *mut c_void) -> Result<Operation>
+        where CB: Fn(&Stream, i32, *mut c_void)
+    {
+        debug_assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<CB>(), 0);
+        // See: A note about `wrapped` functions
+        unsafe extern "C" fn wrapped<F>(s: *mut ffi::pa_stream, success: c_int, userdata: *mut c_void)
+            where F: Fn(&Stream, i32, *mut c_void)
+        {
+            use std::mem::{forget, uninitialized};
+            let mut stm = stream::from_raw_ptr(s);
+            let result = uninitialized::<F>()(&mut stm, success, userdata);
+            forget(stm);
+            result
+        }
+        let r = unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_cork(self.raw_mut(), b, Some(wrapped::<CB>), userdata) };
+        if r.is_null() {
+            let err = if let Some(c) = self.get_context() {
+                c.errno()
+            } else {
+                ffi::PA_ERR_UNKNOWN
+            };
+            return Err(ErrorCode::from_error_code(err));
+        }
+        Ok(unsafe { operation::from_raw_ptr(r) })
+    }
+    pub fn get_time(&self) -> Result<(u64)> {
+        let mut usec: u64 = 0;
+        let r = unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_get_time(self.raw_mut(), &mut usec) };
+        error_result!(usec, r)
+    }
+    pub fn get_latency(&self) -> Result<(u64, bool)> {
+        let mut usec: u64 = 0;
+        let mut negative: i32 = 0;
+        let r = unsafe { ffi::pa_stream_get_latency(self.raw_mut(), &mut usec, &mut negative) };
+        error_result!((usec, negative != 0), r)
+    }
+    pub fn get_sample_spec(&self) -> &SampleSpec {
+        unsafe {
+            let ptr = ffi::pa_stream_get_sample_spec(self.raw_mut());
+            debug_assert!(!ptr.is_null());
+            &*ptr
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn get_channel_map(&self) -> &ChannelMap {
+        unsafe {
+            let ptr = ffi::pa_stream_get_channel_map(self.raw_mut());
+            debug_assert!(!ptr.is_null());
+            &*ptr
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn get_buffer_attr(&self) -> &BufferAttr {
+        unsafe {
+            let ptr = ffi::pa_stream_get_buffer_attr(self.raw_mut());
+            debug_assert!(!ptr.is_null());
+            &*ptr
+        }
+    }
+pub unsafe fn from_raw_ptr(ptr: *mut ffi::pa_stream) -> Stream {
+    Stream(ptr)
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.386821731 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.386821731 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// Copyright © 2017 Mozilla Foundation
+// This program is made available under an ISC-style license.  See the
+// accompanying file LICENSE for details.
+use ErrorCode;
+use Result;
+use ffi;
+use mainloop_api;
+use mainloop_api::MainloopApi;
+pub struct ThreadedMainloop(*mut ffi::pa_threaded_mainloop);
+impl ThreadedMainloop {
+    pub unsafe fn from_raw_ptr(raw: *mut ffi::pa_threaded_mainloop) -> Self {
+        ThreadedMainloop(raw)
+    }
+    pub fn new() -> Self {
+        unsafe { ThreadedMainloop::from_raw_ptr(ffi::pa_threaded_mainloop_new()) }
+    }
+    pub fn raw_mut(&self) -> &mut ffi::pa_threaded_mainloop {
+        unsafe { &mut *self.0 }
+    }
+    pub fn is_null(&self) -> bool {
+        self.0.is_null()
+    }
+    pub fn start(&self) -> Result<()> {
+        match unsafe { ffi::pa_threaded_mainloop_start(self.raw_mut()) } {
+            0 => Ok(()),
+            _ => Err(ErrorCode::from_error_code(ffi::PA_ERR_UNKNOWN)),
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn stop(&self) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_threaded_mainloop_stop(self.raw_mut());
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn lock(&self) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(self.raw_mut());
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn unlock(&self) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(self.raw_mut());
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn wait(&self) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(self.raw_mut());
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn signal(&self) {
+        unsafe {
+            ffi::pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(self.raw_mut(), 0);
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn get_api(&self) -> MainloopApi {
+        unsafe { mainloop_api::from_raw_ptr(ffi::pa_threaded_mainloop_get_api(self.raw_mut())) }
+    }
+    pub fn in_thread(&self) -> bool {
+        unsafe { ffi::pa_threaded_mainloop_in_thread(self.raw_mut()) != 0 }
+    }
+impl ::std::default::Default for ThreadedMainloop {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        ThreadedMainloop(::std::ptr::null_mut())
+    }
+impl ::std::ops::Drop for ThreadedMainloop {
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        if !self.is_null() {
+            unsafe {
+                ffi::pa_threaded_mainloop_free(self.raw_mut());
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.386821731 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.386821731 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Copyright © 2017 Mozilla Foundation
+// This program is made available under an ISC-style license.  See the
+// accompanying file LICENSE for details.
+use std::ffi::CStr;
+use std::os::raw::c_char;
+use std::ptr;
+pub trait UnwrapCStr {
+    fn unwrap_cstr(self) -> *const c_char;
+impl<'a, U> UnwrapCStr for U
+    where U: Into<Option<&'a CStr>>
+    fn unwrap_cstr(self) -> *const c_char {
+        self.into().map(|o| o.as_ptr()).unwrap_or(0 as *const _)
+    }
+pub fn map_to_mut_ptr<T, U, F: FnOnce(&T) -> *mut U>(t: Option<&mut T>, f: F) -> *mut U {
+    match t {
+        Some(x) => f(x),
+        None => ptr::null_mut(),
+    }
+pub fn str_to_ptr(s: Option<&CStr>) -> *const c_char {
+    match s {
+        Some(x) => x.as_ptr(),
+        None => ptr::null(),
+    }
+pub fn to_ptr<T>(t: Option<&T>) -> *const T {
+    match t {
+        Some(x) => x as *const T,
+        None => ptr::null(),
+    }
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/	2017-07-31 18:20:49.000000000 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.383821740 +0200
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
 Implementation of PulseAudio backend for Cubeb written in Rust.
 [![Travis Build Status](](
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diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/README_MOZILLA.cubeb-pulse-arm firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/README_MOZILLA
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/README_MOZILLA.cubeb-pulse-arm	2017-07-31 18:20:49.000000000 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/README_MOZILLA	2017-08-04 13:37:46.383821740 +0200
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ build files for the Mozilla
 The cubeb-pulse-rs git repository is:
-The git commit ID used was dbcd7f96aea8d249a4b78f9a7597768c9dff22eb (2017-04-25 11:42:10 +1000)
+The git commit ID used was 64515819cdf54a16626df5dce5f5c7cb1220d53b (2017-06-19 17:41:30 +1000)
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/backend/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/backend/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/backend/	2017-07-31 18:20:49.000000000 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/backend/	2017-08-04 13:50:38.145480458 +0200
@@ -4,67 +4,60 @@
 // accompanying file LICENSE for details.
 use backend::*;
-use backend::cork_state::CorkState;
 use capi::PULSE_OPS;
 use cubeb;
+use pulse::{self, ProplistExt};
 use pulse_ffi::*;
 use semver;
 use std::default::Default;
-use std::ffi::CStr;
+use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
 use std::mem;
-use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_void};
+use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_void};
 use std::ptr;
-macro_rules! dup_str {
-    ($Dst: expr, $Src: expr) => {
-        if !$Dst.is_null() {
-            pa_xfree($Dst as *mut _);
-        }
-        $Dst = pa_xstrdup($Src);
-    }
-fn pa_channel_to_cubeb_channel(channel: pa_channel_position_t) -> cubeb::Channel {
-    assert_ne!(channel, PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_INVALID);
+fn pa_channel_to_cubeb_channel(channel: pulse::ChannelPosition) -> cubeb::Channel {
+    use pulse::ChannelPosition;
+    assert_ne!(channel, ChannelPosition::Invalid);
     match channel {
+        ChannelPosition::Mono => cubeb::CHANNEL_MONO,
+        ChannelPosition::FrontLeft => cubeb::CHANNEL_LEFT,
+        ChannelPosition::FrontRight => cubeb::CHANNEL_RIGHT,
+        ChannelPosition::FrontCenter => cubeb::CHANNEL_CENTER,
+        ChannelPosition::SideLeft => cubeb::CHANNEL_LS,
+        ChannelPosition::SideRight => cubeb::CHANNEL_RS,
+        ChannelPosition::RearLeft => cubeb::CHANNEL_RLS,
+        ChannelPosition::RearCenter => cubeb::CHANNEL_RCENTER,
+        ChannelPosition::RearRight => cubeb::CHANNEL_RRS,
+        ChannelPosition::LowFreqEffects => cubeb::CHANNEL_LFE,
         _ => cubeb::CHANNEL_INVALID,
-fn channel_map_to_layout(cm: &pa_channel_map) -> cubeb::ChannelLayout {
+fn channel_map_to_layout(cm: &pulse::ChannelMap) -> cubeb::ChannelLayout {
+    use pulse::ChannelPosition;
     let mut cubeb_map: cubeb::ChannelMap = Default::default();
     cubeb_map.channels = cm.channels as u32;
     for i in as usize {
-[i] = pa_channel_to_cubeb_channel([i]);
+[i] = pa_channel_to_cubeb_channel(ChannelPosition::try_from([i])
+                                                           .unwrap_or(ChannelPosition::Invalid));
     unsafe { cubeb::cubeb_channel_map_to_layout(&cubeb_map) }
 pub struct DefaultInfo {
-    pub sample_spec: pa_sample_spec,
-    pub channel_map: pa_channel_map,
-    pub flags: pa_sink_flags_t,
+    pub sample_spec: pulse::SampleSpec,
+    pub channel_map: pulse::ChannelMap,
+    pub flags: pulse::SinkFlags,
 pub struct Context {
     pub ops: *const cubeb::Ops,
-    pub mainloop: *mut pa_threaded_mainloop,
-    pub context: *mut pa_context,
+    pub mainloop: pulse::ThreadedMainloop,
+    pub context: Option<pulse::Context>,
     pub default_sink_info: Option<DefaultInfo>,
-    pub context_name: *const c_char,
+    pub context_name: Option<CString>,
     pub collection_changed_callback: cubeb::DeviceCollectionChangedCallback,
     pub collection_changed_user_ptr: *mut c_void,
     pub error: bool,
@@ -82,7 +75,7 @@ impl Drop for Context {
 impl Context {
     #[cfg(feature = "pulse-dlopen")]
-    fn _new(name: *const i8) -> Result<Box<Self>> {
+    fn _new(name: Option<CString>) -> Result<Box<Self>> {
         let libpulse = unsafe { open() };
         if libpulse.is_none() {
             return Err(cubeb::ERROR);
@@ -91,12 +84,12 @@ impl Context {
         let ctx = Box::new(Context {
                                ops: &PULSE_OPS,
                                libpulse: libpulse.unwrap(),
-                               mainloop: unsafe { pa_threaded_mainloop_new() },
-                               context: 0 as *mut _,
+                               mainloop: pulse::ThreadedMainloop::new(),
+                               context: None,
                                default_sink_info: None,
                                context_name: name,
                                collection_changed_callback: None,
-                               collection_changed_user_ptr: 0 as *mut _,
+                               collection_changed_user_ptr: ptr::null_mut(),
                                error: true,
                                version_0_9_8: false,
                                version_2_0_0: false,
@@ -106,15 +99,15 @@ impl Context {
     #[cfg(not(feature = "pulse-dlopen"))]
-    fn _new(name: *const i8) -> Result<Box<Self>> {
+    fn _new(name: Option<CString>) -> Result<Box<Self>> {
         Ok(Box::new(Context {
                         ops: &PULSE_OPS,
-                        mainloop: unsafe { pa_threaded_mainloop_new() },
-                        context: 0 as *mut _,
+                        mainloop: pulse::ThreadedMainloop::new(),
+                        context: None,
                         default_sink_info: None,
                         context_name: name,
                         collection_changed_callback: None,
-                        collection_changed_user_ptr: 0 as *mut _,
+                        collection_changed_user_ptr: ptr::null_mut(),
                         error: true,
                         version_0_9_8: false,
                         version_2_0_0: false,
@@ -122,53 +115,66 @@ impl Context {
     pub fn new(name: *const c_char) -> Result<Box<Self>> {
+        fn server_info_cb(context: &pulse::Context, info: &pulse::ServerInfo, u: *mut c_void) {
+            fn sink_info_cb(_: &pulse::Context, i: *const pulse::SinkInfo, eol: i32, u: *mut c_void) {
+                let mut ctx = unsafe { &mut *(u as *mut Context) };
+                if eol == 0 {
+                    let info = unsafe { &*i };
+                    let flags = pulse::SinkFlags::try_from(info.flags).expect("SinkInfo contains invalid flags");
+                    ctx.default_sink_info = Some(DefaultInfo {
+                                                     sample_spec: info.sample_spec,
+                                                     channel_map: info.channel_map,
+                                                     flags: flags,
+                                                 });
+                }
+                ctx.mainloop.signal();
+            }
+            let _ = context.get_sink_info_by_name(unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(info.default_sink_name) },
+                                                  sink_info_cb,
+                                                  u);
+        }
+        let name = super::try_cstr_from(name).map(|s| s.to_owned());
         let mut ctx = try!(Context::_new(name));
-        unsafe { pa_threaded_mainloop_start(ctx.mainloop) };
+        if ctx.mainloop.start().is_err() {
+            ctx.destroy();
+            return Err(cubeb::ERROR);
+        }
-        if ctx.pulse_context_init() != cubeb::OK {
+        if ctx.context_init() != cubeb::OK {
             return Err(cubeb::ERROR);
-        unsafe {
-            /* server_info_callback performs a second async query,
-             * which is responsible for initializing default_sink_info
-             * and signalling the mainloop to end the wait. */
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(ctx.mainloop);
-            let o = pa_context_get_server_info(ctx.context,
-                                               Some(server_info_callback),
-                                               ctx.as_mut() as *mut Context as *mut _);
-            if !o.is_null() {
-                ctx.operation_wait(ptr::null_mut(), o);
-                pa_operation_unref(o);
+        ctx.mainloop.lock();
+        /* server_info_callback performs a second async query,
+         * which is responsible for initializing default_sink_info
+         * and signalling the mainloop to end the wait. */
+        let user_data: *mut c_void = ctx.as_mut() as *mut _ as *mut _;
+        if let Some(ref context) = ctx.context {
+            if let Ok(o) = context.get_server_info(server_info_cb, user_data) {
+                ctx.operation_wait(None, &o);
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(ctx.mainloop);
-            assert!(ctx.default_sink_info.is_some());
+        assert!(ctx.default_sink_info.is_some());
+        ctx.mainloop.unlock();
         // Return the result.
     pub fn destroy(&mut self) {
-        if !self.context.is_null() {
-            unsafe { self.pulse_context_destroy() };
-        }
-        assert!(self.context.is_null());
+        self.context_destroy();
         if !self.mainloop.is_null() {
-            unsafe {
-                pa_threaded_mainloop_stop(self.mainloop);
-                pa_threaded_mainloop_free(self.mainloop);
-                self.mainloop = ptr::null_mut();
-            }
+            self.mainloop.stop();
-        assert!(self.mainloop.is_null());
     pub fn new_stream(&mut self,
-                      stream_name: *const c_char,
+                      stream_name: &CStr,
                       input_device: cubeb::DeviceId,
                       input_stream_params: Option<cubeb::StreamParams>,
                       output_device: cubeb::DeviceId,
@@ -178,7 +184,7 @@ impl Context {
                       state_callback: cubeb::StateCallback,
                       user_ptr: *mut c_void)
                       -> Result<Box<Stream>> {
-        if self.error && self.pulse_context_init() != 0 {
+        if self.error && self.context_init() != 0 {
             return Err(cubeb::ERROR);
@@ -221,41 +227,151 @@ impl Context {
     pub fn enumerate_devices(&self, devtype: cubeb::DeviceType) -> Result<cubeb::DeviceCollection> {
-        let mut user_data: PulseDevListData = Default::default();
-        user_data.context = self as *const _ as *mut _;
+        fn add_output_device(_: &pulse::Context, i: *const pulse::SinkInfo, eol: i32, user_data: *mut c_void) {
+            if eol != 0 {
+                return;
+            }
-        unsafe {
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(self.mainloop);
+            debug_assert!(!i.is_null());
+            debug_assert!(!user_data.is_null());
+            let mut list_data = unsafe { &mut *(user_data as *mut PulseDevListData) };
+            let info = unsafe { &*i };
+            let group_id = match info.proplist().gets("sysfs.path") {
+                Some(p) => p.to_owned().into_raw(),
+                _ => ptr::null_mut(),
+            };
+            let vendor_name = match info.proplist().gets("") {
+                Some(p) => p.to_owned().into_raw(),
+                _ => ptr::null_mut(),
+            };
+            let info_name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr( }.to_owned();
+            let info_description = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(info.description) }.to_owned();
+            let preferred = if info_name == list_data.default_sink_name {
+                cubeb::DEVICE_PREF_ALL
+            } else {
+                cubeb::DevicePref::empty()
+            };
+            let ctx = &(*list_data.context);
+            let device_id = info_name.into_raw();
+            let friendly_name = info_description.into_raw();
+            let devinfo = cubeb::DeviceInfo {
+                device_id: device_id,
+                devid: device_id as cubeb::DeviceId,
+                friendly_name: friendly_name,
+                group_id: group_id,
+                vendor_name: vendor_name,
+                devtype: cubeb::DEVICE_TYPE_OUTPUT,
+                state: ctx.state_from_port(info.active_port),
+                preferred: preferred,
+                format: cubeb::DeviceFmt::all(),
+                default_format: pulse_format_to_cubeb_format(info.sample_spec.format),
+                max_channels: info.channel_map.channels as u32,
+                min_rate: 1,
+                max_rate: PA_RATE_MAX,
+                default_rate: info.sample_spec.rate,
+                latency_lo: 0,
+                latency_hi: 0,
+            };
+            list_data.devinfo.push(devinfo);
+            ctx.mainloop.signal();
+        }
+        fn add_input_device(_: &pulse::Context, i: *const pulse::SourceInfo, eol: i32, user_data: *mut c_void) {
+            if eol != 0 {
+                return;
+            }
+            debug_assert!(!user_data.is_null());
+            debug_assert!(!i.is_null());
+            let mut list_data = unsafe { &mut *(user_data as *mut PulseDevListData) };
+            let info = unsafe { &*i };
+            let group_id = match info.proplist().gets("sysfs.path") {
+                Some(p) => p.to_owned().into_raw(),
+                _ => ptr::null_mut(),
+            };
+            let vendor_name = match info.proplist().gets("") {
+                Some(p) => p.to_owned().into_raw(),
+                _ => ptr::null_mut(),
+            };
-            let o = pa_context_get_server_info(self.context,
-                                               Some(pulse_server_info_cb),
-                                               &mut user_data as *mut _ as *mut _);
-            if !o.is_null() {
-                self.operation_wait(ptr::null_mut(), o);
-                pa_operation_unref(o);
+            let info_name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr( }.to_owned();
+            let info_description = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(info.description) }.to_owned();
+            let preferred = if info_name == list_data.default_source_name {
+                cubeb::DEVICE_PREF_ALL
+            } else {
+                cubeb::DevicePref::empty()
+            };
+            let ctx = &(*list_data.context);
+            let device_id = info_name.into_raw();
+            let friendly_name = info_description.into_raw();
+            let devinfo = cubeb::DeviceInfo {
+                device_id: device_id,
+                devid: device_id as cubeb::DeviceId,
+                friendly_name: friendly_name,
+                group_id: group_id,
+                vendor_name: vendor_name,
+                devtype: cubeb::DEVICE_TYPE_INPUT,
+                state: ctx.state_from_port(info.active_port),
+                preferred: preferred,
+                format: cubeb::DeviceFmt::all(),
+                default_format: pulse_format_to_cubeb_format(info.sample_spec.format),
+                max_channels: info.channel_map.channels as u32,
+                min_rate: 1,
+                max_rate: PA_RATE_MAX,
+                default_rate: info.sample_spec.rate,
+                latency_lo: 0,
+                latency_hi: 0,
+            };
+            list_data.devinfo.push(devinfo);
+            ctx.mainloop.signal();
+        }
+        fn default_device_names(_: &pulse::Context, info: &pulse::ServerInfo, user_data: *mut c_void) {
+            let list_data = unsafe { &mut *(user_data as *mut PulseDevListData) };
+            list_data.default_sink_name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(info.default_sink_name) }.to_owned();
+            list_data.default_source_name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(info.default_source_name) }.to_owned();
+            (*list_data.context).mainloop.signal();
+        }
+        let mut user_data = PulseDevListData::new(self);
+        if let Some(ref context) = self.context {
+            self.mainloop.lock();
+            if let Ok(o) = context.get_server_info(default_device_names, &mut user_data as *mut _ as *mut _) {
+                self.operation_wait(None, &o);
             if devtype == cubeb::DEVICE_TYPE_OUTPUT {
-                let o = pa_context_get_sink_info_list(self.context,
-                                                      Some(pulse_sink_info_cb),
-                                                      &mut user_data as *mut _ as *mut _);
-                if !o.is_null() {
-                    self.operation_wait(ptr::null_mut(), o);
-                    pa_operation_unref(o);
+                if let Ok(o) = context.get_sink_info_list(add_output_device, &mut user_data as *mut _ as *mut _) {
+                    self.operation_wait(None, &o);
             if devtype == cubeb::DEVICE_TYPE_INPUT {
-                let o = pa_context_get_source_info_list(self.context,
-                                                        Some(pulse_source_info_cb),
-                                                        &mut user_data as *mut _ as *mut _);
-                if !o.is_null() {
-                    self.operation_wait(ptr::null_mut(), o);
-                    pa_operation_unref(o);
+                if let Ok(o) = context.get_source_info_list(add_input_device, &mut user_data as *mut _ as *mut _) {
+                    self.operation_wait(None, &o);
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(self.mainloop);
+            self.mainloop.unlock();
         // Extract the array of cubeb_device_info from
@@ -282,16 +398,16 @@ impl Context {
             for dev in devices.iter_mut() {
                 if !dev.device_id.is_null() {
-                    pa_xfree(dev.device_id as *mut _);
+                    let _ = CString::from_raw(dev.device_id as *mut _);
                 if !dev.group_id.is_null() {
-                    pa_xfree(dev.group_id as *mut _);
+                    let _ = CString::from_raw(dev.group_id as *mut _);
                 if !dev.vendor_name.is_null() {
-                    pa_xfree(dev.vendor_name as *mut _);
+                    let _ = CString::from_raw(dev.vendor_name as *mut _);
                 if !dev.friendly_name.is_null() {
-                    pa_xfree(dev.friendly_name as *mut _);
+                    let _ = CString::from_raw(dev.friendly_name as *mut _);
@@ -302,115 +418,125 @@ impl Context {
                                               cb: cubeb::DeviceCollectionChangedCallback,
                                               user_ptr: *mut c_void)
                                               -> i32 {
-        unsafe extern "C" fn subscribe_success(_: *mut pa_context, success: i32, user_data: *mut c_void) {
-            let ctx = &*(user_data as *mut Context);
+        fn update_collection(_: &pulse::Context, event: pulse::SubscriptionEvent, index: u32, user_data: *mut c_void) {
+            let mut ctx = unsafe { &mut *(user_data as *mut Context) };
+            let (f, t) = (event.event_facility(), event.event_type());
+            match f {
+                pulse::SubscriptionEventFacility::Source |
+                pulse::SubscriptionEventFacility::Sink => {
+                    match t {
+                        pulse::SubscriptionEventType::Remove |
+                        pulse::SubscriptionEventType::New => {
+                            if cubeb::log_enabled() {
+                                let op = if t == pulse::SubscriptionEventType::New {
+                                    "Adding"
+                                } else {
+                                    "Removing"
+                                };
+                                let dev = if f == pulse::SubscriptionEventFacility::Sink {
+                                    "sink"
+                                } else {
+                                    "source "
+                                };
+                                log!("{} {} index {}", op, dev, index);
+                                unsafe {
+                                    ctx.collection_changed_callback.unwrap()(ctx as *mut _ as *mut _,
+                                                                             ctx.collection_changed_user_ptr);
+                                }
+                            }
+                        },
+                        _ => {},
+                    }
+                },
+                _ => {},
+            }
+        }
+        fn success(_: &pulse::Context, success: i32, user_data: *mut c_void) {
+            let ctx = unsafe { &*(user_data as *mut Context) };
             debug_assert_ne!(success, 0);
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(ctx.mainloop, 0);
+            ctx.mainloop.signal();
         self.collection_changed_callback = cb;
         self.collection_changed_user_ptr = user_ptr;
-        unsafe {
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(self.mainloop);
+        let user_data: *mut c_void = self as *mut _ as *mut _;
+        if let Some(ref context) = self.context {
+            self.mainloop.lock();
-            let mut mask: pa_subscription_mask_t = PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_NULL;
+            let mut mask = pulse::SubscriptionMask::empty();
             if self.collection_changed_callback.is_none() {
                 // Unregister subscription
-                pa_context_set_subscribe_callback(self.context, None, ptr::null_mut());
+                context.clear_subscribe_callback();
             } else {
-                pa_context_set_subscribe_callback(self.context,
-                                                  Some(pulse_subscribe_callback),
-                                                  self as *mut _ as *mut _);
-                if devtype == cubeb::DEVICE_TYPE_INPUT {
-                    mask |= PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SOURCE
+                context.set_subscribe_callback(update_collection, user_data);
+                if devtype.contains(cubeb::DEVICE_TYPE_INPUT) {
+                    mask |= pulse::SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SOURCE
-                if devtype == cubeb::DEVICE_TYPE_OUTPUT {
-                    mask |= PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SOURCE
+                if devtype.contains(cubeb::DEVICE_TYPE_OUTPUT) {
+                    mask = pulse::SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SINK
-            let o = pa_context_subscribe(self.context,
-                                         mask,
-                                         Some(subscribe_success),
-                                         self as *const _ as *mut _);
-            if o.is_null() {
+            if let Ok(o) = context.subscribe(mask, success, self as *const _ as *mut _) {
+                self.operation_wait(None, &o);
+            } else {
                 log!("Context subscribe failed");
                 return cubeb::ERROR;
-            self.operation_wait(ptr::null_mut(), o);
-            pa_operation_unref(o);
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(self.mainloop);
+            self.mainloop.unlock();
-    //
-    pub fn pulse_stream_cork(&self, stream: *mut pa_stream, state: CorkState) {
-        unsafe extern "C" fn cork_success(_: *mut pa_stream, _: i32, u: *mut c_void) {
-            let mainloop = u as *mut pa_threaded_mainloop;
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(mainloop, 0);
+    pub fn context_init(&mut self) -> i32 {
+        fn error_state(c: &pulse::Context, u: *mut c_void) {
+            let mut ctx = unsafe { &mut *(u as *mut Context) };
+            if !c.get_state().is_good() {
+                ctx.error = true;
+            }
+            ctx.mainloop.signal();
-        if stream.is_null() {
-            return;
+        if self.context.is_some() {
+            debug_assert!(self.error);
+            self.context_destroy();
-        let o = unsafe {
-            pa_stream_cork(stream,
-                           state.is_cork() as i32,
-                           Some(cork_success),
-                           self.mainloop as *mut _)
+        self.context = {
+            let name = match self.context_name.as_ref() {
+                Some(s) => Some(s.as_ref()),
+                None => None,
+            };
+            pulse::Context::new(&self.mainloop.get_api(), name)
-        if !o.is_null() {
-            self.operation_wait(stream, o);
-            unsafe { pa_operation_unref(o) };
+        let context_ptr: *mut c_void = self as *mut _ as *mut _;
+        if self.context.is_none() {
+            return cubeb::ERROR;
-    }
-    pub fn pulse_context_init(&mut self) -> i32 {
-        unsafe extern "C" fn error_state(c: *mut pa_context, u: *mut c_void) {
-            let mut ctx = &mut *(u as *mut Context);
-            if !PA_CONTEXT_IS_GOOD(pa_context_get_state(c)) {
-                ctx.error = true;
-            }
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(ctx.mainloop, 0);
+        self.mainloop.lock();
+        if let Some(ref context) = self.context {
+            context.set_state_callback(error_state, context_ptr);
+            let _ = context.connect(None, pulse::ContextFlags::empty(), ptr::null());
-        if !self.context.is_null() {
-            debug_assert!(self.error);
-            unsafe { self.pulse_context_destroy() };
+        if !self.wait_until_context_ready() {
+            self.mainloop.unlock();
+            self.context_destroy();
+            return cubeb::ERROR;
-        unsafe {
-            self.context = pa_context_new(pa_threaded_mainloop_get_api(self.mainloop),
-                                          self.context_name);
-            if self.context.is_null() {
-                return cubeb::ERROR;
-            }
-            pa_context_set_state_callback(self.context, Some(error_state), self as *mut _ as *mut _);
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(self.mainloop);
-            pa_context_connect(self.context, ptr::null(), 0, ptr::null());
-            if !self.wait_until_context_ready() {
-                pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(self.mainloop);
-                self.pulse_context_destroy();
-                assert!(self.context.is_null());
-                return cubeb::ERROR;
-            }
+        self.mainloop.unlock();
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(self.mainloop);
-        }
-        let version_str = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(pa_get_library_version()) };
-        if let Ok(version) = semver::Version::parse(version_str.to_string_lossy().as_ref()) {
+        let version_str = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(pulse::library_version()) };
+        if let Ok(version) = semver::Version::parse(&version_str.to_string_lossy()) {
             self.version_0_9_8 = version >= semver::Version::parse("0.9.8").expect("Failed to parse version");
             self.version_2_0_0 = version >= semver::Version::parse("2.0.0").expect("Failed to parse version");
@@ -420,34 +546,42 @@ impl Context {
-    unsafe fn pulse_context_destroy(&mut self) {
-        unsafe extern "C" fn drain_complete(_c: *mut pa_context, u: *mut c_void) {
-            let mainloop = u as *mut pa_threaded_mainloop;
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(mainloop, 0);
-        }
-        pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(self.mainloop);
-        let o = pa_context_drain(self.context, Some(drain_complete), self.mainloop as *mut _);
-        if !o.is_null() {
-            self.operation_wait(ptr::null_mut(), o);
-            pa_operation_unref(o);
-        }
-        pa_context_set_state_callback(self.context, None, ptr::null_mut());
-        pa_context_disconnect(self.context);
-        pa_context_unref(self.context);
-        self.context = ptr::null_mut();
-        pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(self.mainloop);
+    fn context_destroy(&mut self) {
+        fn drain_complete(_: &pulse::Context, u: *mut c_void) {
+            let ctx = unsafe { &*(u as *mut Context) };
+            ctx.mainloop.signal();
+        }
+        let context_ptr: *mut c_void = self as *mut _ as *mut _;
+        match self.context.take() {
+            Some(ctx) => {
+                self.mainloop.lock();
+                if let Ok(o) = ctx.drain(drain_complete, context_ptr) {
+                    self.operation_wait(None, &o);
+                }
+                ctx.clear_state_callback();
+                ctx.disconnect();
+                ctx.unref();
+                self.mainloop.unlock();
+            },
+            _ => {},
+        }
-    pub fn operation_wait(&self, stream: *mut pa_stream, o: *mut pa_operation) -> bool {
-        unsafe {
-            while pa_operation_get_state(o) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING {
-                pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(self.mainloop);
-                if !PA_CONTEXT_IS_GOOD(pa_context_get_state(self.context)) {
+    pub fn operation_wait<'a, S>(&self, s: S, o: &pulse::Operation) -> bool
+        where S: Into<Option<&'a pulse::Stream>>
+    {
+        let stream = s.into();
+        while o.get_state() == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING {
+            self.mainloop.wait();
+            if let Some(ref context) = self.context {
+                if !context.get_state().is_good() {
                     return false;
+            }
-                if !stream.is_null() && !PA_STREAM_IS_GOOD(pa_stream_get_state(stream)) {
+            if let Some(stm) = stream {
+                if !stm.get_state().is_good() {
                     return false;
@@ -457,36 +591,23 @@ impl Context {
     pub fn wait_until_context_ready(&self) -> bool {
-        loop {
-            let state = unsafe { pa_context_get_state(self.context) };
-            if !PA_CONTEXT_IS_GOOD(state) {
-                return false;
-            }
-            if state == PA_CONTEXT_READY {
-                break;
-            }
-            unsafe {
-                pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(self.mainloop);
+        if let Some(ref context) = self.context {
+            loop {
+                let state = context.get_state();
+                if !state.is_good() {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                if state == pulse::ContextState::Ready {
+                    break;
+                }
+                self.mainloop.wait();
-    fn state_from_sink_port(&self, i: *const pa_port_info) -> cubeb::DeviceState {
-        if !i.is_null() {
-            let info = unsafe { *i };
-            if self.version_2_0_0 && info.available == PA_PORT_AVAILABLE_NO {
-                cubeb::DeviceState::Unplugged
-            } else {
-                cubeb::DeviceState::Enabled
-            }
-        } else {
-            cubeb::DeviceState::Enabled
-        }
-    }
-    fn state_from_source_port(&self, i: *mut pa_port_info) -> cubeb::DeviceState {
+    fn state_from_port(&self, i: *const pa_port_info) -> cubeb::DeviceState {
         if !i.is_null() {
             let info = unsafe { *i };
             if self.version_2_0_0 && info.available == PA_PORT_AVAILABLE_NO {
@@ -500,62 +621,30 @@ impl Context {
-// Callbacks
-unsafe extern "C" fn server_info_callback(context: *mut pa_context, info: *const pa_server_info, u: *mut c_void) {
-    unsafe extern "C" fn sink_info_callback(_context: *mut pa_context,
-                                            info: *const pa_sink_info,
-                                            eol: i32,
-                                            u: *mut c_void) {
-        let mut ctx = &mut *(u as *mut Context);
-        if eol == 0 {
-            let info = *info;
-            ctx.default_sink_info = Some(DefaultInfo {
-                                             sample_spec: info.sample_spec,
-                                             channel_map: info.channel_map,
-                                             flags: info.flags,
-                                         });
-        }
-        pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(ctx.mainloop, 0);
-    }
-    let o = pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name(context,
-                                             (*info).default_sink_name,
-                                             Some(sink_info_callback),
-                                             u);
-    if !o.is_null() {
-        pa_operation_unref(o);
-    }
-struct PulseDevListData {
-    default_sink_name: *mut c_char,
-    default_source_name: *mut c_char,
+struct PulseDevListData<'a> {
+    default_sink_name: CString,
+    default_source_name: CString,
     devinfo: Vec<cubeb::DeviceInfo>,
-    context: *mut Context,
+    context: &'a Context,
-impl Drop for PulseDevListData {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        if !self.default_sink_name.is_null() {
-            unsafe {
-                pa_xfree(self.default_sink_name as *mut _);
-            }
-        }
-        if !self.default_source_name.is_null() {
-            unsafe {
-                pa_xfree(self.default_source_name as *mut _);
-            }
+impl<'a> PulseDevListData<'a> {
+    pub fn new<'b>(context: &'b Context) -> Self
+        where 'b: 'a
+    {
+        PulseDevListData {
+            default_sink_name: CString::default(),
+            default_source_name: CString::default(),
+            devinfo: Vec::new(),
+            context: context,
-impl Default for PulseDevListData {
-    fn default() -> Self {
-        PulseDevListData {
-            default_sink_name: ptr::null_mut(),
-            default_source_name: ptr::null_mut(),
-            devinfo: Vec::new(),
-            context: ptr::null_mut(),
+impl<'a> Drop for PulseDevListData<'a> {
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        for elem in &mut self.devinfo {
+            let _ = unsafe { Box::from_raw(elem) };
@@ -566,192 +655,7 @@ fn pulse_format_to_cubeb_format(format:
         PA_SAMPLE_S16BE => cubeb::DEVICE_FMT_S16BE,
         PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32LE => cubeb::DEVICE_FMT_F32LE,
         PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32BE => cubeb::DEVICE_FMT_F32BE,
-        _ => {
-            panic!("Invalid format");
-        },
+        // Unsupported format, return F32NE
+        _ => cubeb::CUBEB_FMT_F32NE,
-unsafe extern "C" fn pulse_sink_info_cb(_context: *mut pa_context,
-                                        i: *const pa_sink_info,
-                                        eol: i32,
-                                        user_data: *mut c_void) {
-    if eol != 0 || i.is_null() {
-        return;
-    }
-    debug_assert!(!user_data.is_null());
-    let info = *i;
-    let mut list_data = &mut *(user_data as *mut PulseDevListData);
-    let device_id = pa_xstrdup(;
-    let group_id = {
-        let prop = pa_proplist_gets(info.proplist, b"sysfs.path\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char);
-        if !prop.is_null() {
-            pa_xstrdup(prop)
-        } else {
-            ptr::null_mut()
-        }
-    };
-    let vendor_name = {
-        let prop = pa_proplist_gets(info.proplist,
-                                    b"\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char);
-        if !prop.is_null() {
-            pa_xstrdup(prop)
-        } else {
-            ptr::null_mut()
-        }
-    };
-    let preferred = if strcmp(, list_data.default_sink_name) == 0 {
-        cubeb::DEVICE_PREF_ALL
-    } else {
-        cubeb::DevicePref::empty()
-    };
-    let ctx = &(*list_data.context);
-    let devinfo = cubeb::DeviceInfo {
-        device_id: device_id,
-        devid: device_id as cubeb::DeviceId,
-        friendly_name: pa_xstrdup(info.description),
-        group_id: group_id,
-        vendor_name: vendor_name,
-        devtype: cubeb::DEVICE_TYPE_OUTPUT,
-        state: ctx.state_from_sink_port(info.active_port),
-        preferred: preferred,
-        format: cubeb::DeviceFmt::all(),
-        default_format: pulse_format_to_cubeb_format(info.sample_spec.format),
-        max_channels: info.channel_map.channels as u32,
-        min_rate: 1,
-        max_rate: PA_RATE_MAX,
-        default_rate: info.sample_spec.rate,
-        latency_lo: 0,
-        latency_hi: 0,
-    };
-    list_data.devinfo.push(devinfo);
-    pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(ctx.mainloop, 0);
-unsafe extern "C" fn pulse_source_info_cb(_context: *mut pa_context,
-                                          i: *const pa_source_info,
-                                          eol: i32,
-                                          user_data: *mut c_void) {
-    if eol != 0 || i.is_null() {
-        return;
-    }
-    debug_assert!(!user_data.is_null());
-    let info = *i;
-    let mut list_data = &mut *(user_data as *mut PulseDevListData);
-    let device_id = pa_xstrdup(;
-    let group_id = {
-        let prop = pa_proplist_gets(info.proplist, b"sysfs.path\0".as_ptr() as *mut c_char);
-        if !prop.is_null() {
-            pa_xstrdup(prop)
-        } else {
-            ptr::null_mut()
-        }
-    };
-    let vendor_name = {
-        let prop = pa_proplist_gets(info.proplist,
-                                    b"\0".as_ptr() as *mut c_char);
-        if !prop.is_null() {
-            pa_xstrdup(prop)
-        } else {
-            ptr::null_mut()
-        }
-    };
-    let preferred = if strcmp(, list_data.default_source_name) == 0 {
-        cubeb::DEVICE_PREF_ALL
-    } else {
-        cubeb::DevicePref::empty()
-    };
-    let ctx = &(*list_data.context);
-    let devinfo = cubeb::DeviceInfo {
-        device_id: device_id,
-        devid: device_id as cubeb::DeviceId,
-        friendly_name: pa_xstrdup(info.description),
-        group_id: group_id,
-        vendor_name: vendor_name,
-        devtype: cubeb::DEVICE_TYPE_INPUT,
-        state: ctx.state_from_source_port(info.active_port),
-        preferred: preferred,
-        format: cubeb::DeviceFmt::all(),
-        default_format: pulse_format_to_cubeb_format(info.sample_spec.format),
-        max_channels: info.channel_map.channels as u32,
-        min_rate: 1,
-        max_rate: PA_RATE_MAX,
-        default_rate: info.sample_spec.rate,
-        latency_lo: 0,
-        latency_hi: 0,
-    };
-    list_data.devinfo.push(devinfo);
-    pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(ctx.mainloop, 0);
-unsafe extern "C" fn pulse_server_info_cb(_context: *mut pa_context,
-                                          i: *const pa_server_info,
-                                          user_data: *mut c_void) {
-    assert!(!i.is_null());
-    let info = *i;
-    let list_data = &mut *(user_data as *mut PulseDevListData);
-    dup_str!(list_data.default_sink_name, info.default_sink_name);
-    dup_str!(list_data.default_source_name, info.default_source_name);
-    pa_threaded_mainloop_signal((*list_data.context).mainloop, 0);
-unsafe extern "C" fn pulse_subscribe_callback(_ctx: *mut pa_context,
-                                              t: pa_subscription_event_type_t,
-                                              index: u32,
-                                              user_data: *mut c_void) {
-    let mut ctx = &mut *(user_data as *mut Context);
-            if cubeb::log_enabled() {
-                    log!("Removing sink index %d", index);
-                    log!("Adding sink index %d", index);
-                }
-                    log!("Removing source index %d", index);
-                    log!("Adding source index %d", index);
-                }
-            }
-                ctx.collection_changed_callback.unwrap()(ctx as *mut _ as *mut _, ctx.collection_changed_user_ptr);
-            }
-        },
-        _ => {},
-    }
-extern "C" {
-    pub fn strcmp(cs: *const c_char, ct: *const c_char) -> c_int;
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/backend/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/backend/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/backend/	2017-07-31 18:20:49.000000000 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/backend/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.386821731 +0200
@@ -7,8 +7,16 @@ mod context;
 mod cork_state;
 mod stream;
+use std::os::raw::c_char;
+use std::ffi::CStr;
 pub type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, i32>;
 pub use self::context::Context;
 pub use self::stream::Device;
 pub use self::stream::Stream;
+// helper to convert *const c_char to Option<CStr>
+fn try_cstr_from<'str>(s: *const c_char) -> Option<&'str CStr> {
+    if s.is_null() { None } else { Some(unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(s) }) }
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/backend/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/backend/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/backend/	2017-07-31 18:20:49.000000000 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/backend/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.387821728 +0200
@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@
 use backend::*;
 use backend::cork_state::CorkState;
 use cubeb;
+use pulse::{self, CVolumeExt, ChannelMapExt, SampleSpecExt, USecExt};
 use pulse_ffi::*;
-use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_long, c_void};
+use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
+use std::os::raw::{c_long, c_void};
 use std::ptr;
 const PULSE_NO_GAIN: f32 = -1.0;
@@ -36,15 +38,12 @@ fn cubeb_channel_to_pa_channel(channel:
     MAP[idx as usize]
-fn layout_to_channel_map(layout: cubeb::ChannelLayout) -> pa_channel_map {
+fn layout_to_channel_map(layout: cubeb::ChannelLayout) -> pulse::ChannelMap {
     assert_ne!(layout, cubeb::LAYOUT_UNDEFINED);
     let order = cubeb::mixer::channel_index_to_order(layout);
-    let mut cm: pa_channel_map = Default::default();
-    unsafe {
-        pa_channel_map_init(&mut cm);
-    }
+    let mut cm = pulse::ChannelMap::init();
     cm.channels = order.len() as u8;
     for (s, d) in order.iter().zip( {
         *d = cubeb_channel_to_pa_channel(*s);
@@ -57,24 +56,27 @@ pub struct Device(cubeb::Device);
 impl Drop for Device {
     fn drop(&mut self) {
         unsafe {
-            pa_xfree(self.0.input_name as *mut _);
-            pa_xfree(self.0.output_name as *mut _);
+            if !self.0.input_name.is_null() {
+                let _ = CString::from_raw(self.0.input_name);
+            }
+            if !self.0.output_name.is_null() {
+                let _ = CString::from_raw(self.0.output_name);
+            }
 pub struct Stream<'ctx> {
     context: &'ctx Context,
-    output_stream: *mut pa_stream,
-    input_stream: *mut pa_stream,
+    output_stream: Option<pulse::Stream>,
+    input_stream: Option<pulse::Stream>,
     data_callback: cubeb::DataCallback,
     state_callback: cubeb::StateCallback,
     user_ptr: *mut c_void,
     drain_timer: *mut pa_time_event,
-    output_sample_spec: pa_sample_spec,
-    input_sample_spec: pa_sample_spec,
+    output_sample_spec: pulse::SampleSpec,
+    input_sample_spec: pulse::SampleSpec,
     shutdown: bool,
     volume: f32,
     state: cubeb::State,
@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ impl<'ctx> Drop for Stream<'ctx> {
 impl<'ctx> Stream<'ctx> {
     pub fn new(context: &'ctx Context,
-               stream_name: *const c_char,
+               stream_name: &CStr,
                input_device: cubeb::DeviceId,
                input_stream_params: Option<cubeb::StreamParams>,
                output_device: cubeb::DeviceId,
@@ -99,83 +101,167 @@ impl<'ctx> Stream<'ctx> {
                user_ptr: *mut c_void)
                -> Result<Box<Stream<'ctx>>> {
+        fn check_error(s: &pulse::Stream, u: *mut c_void) {
+            let stm = unsafe { &mut *(u as *mut Stream) };
+            if !s.get_state().is_good() {
+                stm.state_change_callback(cubeb::STATE_ERROR);
+            }
+            stm.context.mainloop.signal();
+        }
+        fn read_data(s: &pulse::Stream, nbytes: usize, u: *mut c_void) {
+            fn read_from_input(s: &pulse::Stream, buffer: *mut *const c_void, size: *mut usize) -> i32 {
+                let readable_size: i32 = s.readable_size()
+                    .and_then(|s| Ok(s as i32))
+                    .unwrap_or(-1);
+                if readable_size > 0 {
+                    if unsafe { s.peek(buffer, size).is_err() } {
+                        return -1;
+                    }
+                }
+                readable_size
+            }
+            logv!("Input callback buffer size {}", nbytes);
+            let mut stm = unsafe { &mut *(u as *mut Stream) };
+            if stm.shutdown {
+                return;
+            }
+            let mut read_data: *const c_void = ptr::null();
+            let mut read_size: usize = 0;
+            while read_from_input(s, &mut read_data, &mut read_size) > 0 {
+                /* read_data can be NULL in case of a hole. */
+                if !read_data.is_null() {
+                    let in_frame_size = stm.input_sample_spec.frame_size();
+                    let read_frames = read_size / in_frame_size;
+                    if stm.output_stream.is_some() {
+                        // input/capture + output/playback operation
+                        let out_frame_size = stm.output_sample_spec.frame_size();
+                        let write_size = read_frames * out_frame_size;
+                        // Offer full duplex data for writing
+                        stm.trigger_user_callback(read_data, write_size);
+                    } else {
+                        // input/capture only operation. Call callback directly
+                        let got = unsafe {
+                            stm.data_callback.unwrap()(stm as *mut _ as *mut _,
+                                                       stm.user_ptr,
+                                                       read_data,
+                                                       ptr::null_mut(),
+                                                       read_frames as c_long)
+                        };
+                        if got < 0 || got as usize != read_frames {
+                            let _ = s.cancel_write();
+                            stm.shutdown = true;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if read_size > 0 {
+                    let _ = s.drop();
+                }
+                if stm.shutdown {
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        fn write_data(_: &pulse::Stream, nbytes: usize, u: *mut c_void) {
+            logv!("Output callback to be written buffer size {}", nbytes);
+            let mut stm = unsafe { &mut *(u as *mut Stream) };
+            if stm.shutdown || stm.state != cubeb::STATE_STARTED {
+                return;
+            }
+            if stm.input_stream.is_none() {
+                // Output/playback only operation.
+                // Write directly to output
+                debug_assert!(stm.output_stream.is_some());
+                stm.trigger_user_callback(ptr::null(), nbytes);
+            }
+        }
         let mut stm = Box::new(Stream {
                                    context: context,
-                                   output_stream: ptr::null_mut(),
-                                   input_stream: ptr::null_mut(),
+                                   output_stream: None,
+                                   input_stream: None,
                                    data_callback: data_callback,
                                    state_callback: state_callback,
                                    user_ptr: user_ptr,
                                    drain_timer: ptr::null_mut(),
-                                   output_sample_spec: pa_sample_spec::default(),
-                                   input_sample_spec: pa_sample_spec::default(),
+                                   output_sample_spec: pulse::SampleSpec::default(),
+                                   input_sample_spec: pulse::SampleSpec::default(),
                                    shutdown: false,
                                    volume: PULSE_NO_GAIN,
                                    state: cubeb::STATE_ERROR,
-        unsafe {
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(stm.context.mainloop);
+        if let Some(ref context) = stm.context.context {
+            stm.context.mainloop.lock();
+            // Setup output stream
             if let Some(ref stream_params) = output_stream_params {
-                match stm.pulse_stream_init(stream_params, stream_name) {
-                    Ok(s) => stm.output_stream = s,
+                match Stream::stream_init(context, stream_params, stream_name) {
+                    Ok(s) => {
+                        stm.output_sample_spec = *s.get_sample_spec();
+                        s.set_state_callback(check_error, stm.as_mut() as *mut _ as *mut _);
+                        s.set_write_callback(write_data, stm.as_mut() as *mut _ as *mut _);
+                        let battr = set_buffering_attribute(latency_frames, &stm.output_sample_spec);
+                        let device_name = super::try_cstr_from(output_device as *const _);
+                        let _ = s.connect_playback(device_name,
+                                                   &battr,
+                                                   pulse::STREAM_AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE | pulse::STREAM_INTERPOLATE_TIMING |
+                                                   pulse::STREAM_START_CORKED |
+                                                   pulse::STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY,
+                                                   None,
+                                                   None);
+                        stm.output_stream = Some(s);
+                    },
                     Err(e) => {
-                        pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(stm.context.mainloop);
+                        stm.context.mainloop.unlock();
                         return Err(e);
-                stm.output_sample_spec = *pa_stream_get_sample_spec(stm.output_stream);
-                pa_stream_set_state_callback(stm.output_stream,
-                                             Some(stream_state_callback),
-                                             stm.as_mut() as *mut _ as *mut _);
-                pa_stream_set_write_callback(stm.output_stream,
-                                             Some(stream_write_callback),
-                                             stm.as_mut() as *mut _ as *mut _);
-                let battr = set_buffering_attribute(latency_frames, &stm.output_sample_spec);
-                pa_stream_connect_playback(stm.output_stream,
-                                           output_device as *mut c_char,
-                                           &battr,
-                                           PA_STREAM_AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE | PA_STREAM_INTERPOLATE_TIMING |
-                                           PA_STREAM_START_CORKED |
-                                           PA_STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY,
-                                           ptr::null(),
-                                           ptr::null_mut());
             // Set up input stream
             if let Some(ref stream_params) = input_stream_params {
-                match stm.pulse_stream_init(stream_params, stream_name) {
-                    Ok(s) => stm.input_stream = s,
+                match Stream::stream_init(context, stream_params, stream_name) {
+                    Ok(s) => {
+                        stm.input_sample_spec = *s.get_sample_spec();
+                        s.set_state_callback(check_error, stm.as_mut() as *mut _ as *mut _);
+                        s.set_read_callback(read_data, stm.as_mut() as *mut _ as *mut _);
+                        let battr = set_buffering_attribute(latency_frames, &stm.input_sample_spec);
+                        let device_name = super::try_cstr_from(input_device as *const _);
+                        let _ = s.connect_record(device_name,
+                                                 &battr,
+                                                 pulse::STREAM_AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE | pulse::STREAM_INTERPOLATE_TIMING |
+                                                 pulse::STREAM_START_CORKED |
+                                                 pulse::STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY);
+                        stm.input_stream = Some(s);
+                    },
                     Err(e) => {
-                        pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(stm.context.mainloop);
+                        stm.context.mainloop.unlock();
                         return Err(e);
-                stm.input_sample_spec = *(pa_stream_get_sample_spec(stm.input_stream));
-                pa_stream_set_state_callback(stm.input_stream,
-                                             Some(stream_state_callback),
-                                             stm.as_mut() as *mut _ as *mut _);
-                pa_stream_set_read_callback(stm.input_stream,
-                                            Some(stream_read_callback),
-                                            stm.as_mut() as *mut _ as *mut _);
-                let battr = set_buffering_attribute(latency_frames, &stm.input_sample_spec);
-                pa_stream_connect_record(stm.input_stream,
-                                         input_device as *mut c_char,
-                                         &battr,
-                                         PA_STREAM_AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE | PA_STREAM_INTERPOLATE_TIMING |
-                                         PA_STREAM_START_CORKED |
-                                         PA_STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY);
-            let r = if stm.wait_until_stream_ready() {
+            let r = if stm.wait_until_ready() {
                 /* force a timing update now, otherwise timing info does not become valid
                 until some point after initialization has completed. */
@@ -183,7 +269,7 @@ impl<'ctx> Stream<'ctx> {
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(stm.context.mainloop);
+            stm.context.mainloop.unlock();
             if !r {
@@ -191,10 +277,10 @@ impl<'ctx> Stream<'ctx> {
             if cubeb::log_enabled() {
-                if output_stream_params.is_some() {
-                    let output_att = *pa_stream_get_buffer_attr(stm.output_stream);
-                    log!("Output buffer attributes maxlength %u, tlength %u, \
-                         prebuf %u, minreq %u, fragsize %u",
+                if let Some(ref output_stream) = stm.output_stream {
+                    let output_att = output_stream.get_buffer_attr();
+                    log!("Output buffer attributes maxlength {}, tlength {}, \
+                         prebuf {}, minreq {}, fragsize {}",
@@ -202,10 +288,10 @@ impl<'ctx> Stream<'ctx> {
-                if input_stream_params.is_some() {
-                    let input_att = *pa_stream_get_buffer_attr(stm.input_stream);
-                    log!("Input buffer attributes maxlength %u, tlength %u, \
-                          prebuf %u, minreq %u, fragsize %u",
+                if let Some(ref input_stream) = stm.input_stream {
+                    let input_att = input_stream.get_buffer_attr();
+                    log!("Input buffer attributes maxlength {}, tlength {}, \
+                          prebuf {}, minreq {}, fragsize {}",
@@ -219,224 +305,250 @@ impl<'ctx> Stream<'ctx> {
     fn destroy(&mut self) {
-        self.stream_cork(CorkState::cork());
+        self.cork(CorkState::cork());
-        unsafe {
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(self.context.mainloop);
-            if !self.output_stream.is_null() {
-                if !self.drain_timer.is_null() {
-                    /* there's no pa_rttime_free, so use this instead. */
-                    let ma = pa_threaded_mainloop_get_api(self.context.mainloop);
-                    if !ma.is_null() {
-                        (*ma).time_free.unwrap()(self.drain_timer);
+        self.context.mainloop.lock();
+        {
+            match self.output_stream.take() {
+                Some(stm) => {
+                    if !self.drain_timer.is_null() {
+                        /* there's no pa_rttime_free, so use this instead. */
+                        self.context
+                            .mainloop
+                            .get_api()
+                            .time_free(self.drain_timer);
-                }
-                pa_stream_set_state_callback(self.output_stream, None, ptr::null_mut());
-                pa_stream_set_write_callback(self.output_stream, None, ptr::null_mut());
-                pa_stream_disconnect(self.output_stream);
-                pa_stream_unref(self.output_stream);
+                    stm.clear_state_callback();
+                    stm.clear_write_callback();
+                    let _ = stm.disconnect();
+                    stm.unref();
+                },
+                _ => {},
+            }
+            match self.input_stream.take() {
+                Some(stm) => {
+                    stm.clear_state_callback();
+                    stm.clear_read_callback();
+                    let _ = stm.disconnect();
+                    stm.unref();
+                },
+                _ => {},
-            if !self.input_stream.is_null() {
-                pa_stream_set_state_callback(self.input_stream, None, ptr::null_mut());
-                pa_stream_set_read_callback(self.input_stream, None, ptr::null_mut());
-                pa_stream_disconnect(self.input_stream);
-                pa_stream_unref(self.input_stream);
-            }
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(self.context.mainloop);
+        self.context.mainloop.unlock();
     pub fn start(&mut self) -> i32 {
+        fn output_preroll(_: &pulse::MainloopApi, u: *mut c_void) {
+            let mut stm = unsafe { &mut *(u as *mut Stream) };
+            if !stm.shutdown {
+                let size = stm.output_stream
+                    .as_ref()
+                    .map_or(0, |s| s.writable_size().unwrap_or(0));
+                stm.trigger_user_callback(ptr::null_mut(), size);
+            }
+        }
         self.shutdown = false;
-        self.stream_cork(CorkState::uncork() | CorkState::notify());
+        self.cork(CorkState::uncork() | CorkState::notify());
-        if !self.output_stream.is_null() && self.input_stream.is_null() {
-            unsafe {
-                /* On output only case need to manually call user cb once in order to make
-                 * things roll. This is done via a defer event in order to execute it
-                 * from PA server thread. */
-                pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(self.context.mainloop);
-                pa_mainloop_api_once(pa_threaded_mainloop_get_api(self.context.mainloop),
-                                     Some(pulse_defer_event_cb),
-                                     self as *mut _ as *mut _);
-                pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(self.context.mainloop);
-            }
+        if self.output_stream.is_some() && self.input_stream.is_none() {
+            /* On output only case need to manually call user cb once in order to make
+             * things roll. This is done via a defer event in order to execute it
+             * from PA server thread. */
+            self.context.mainloop.lock();
+            self.context
+                .mainloop
+                .get_api()
+                .once(output_preroll, self as *mut _ as *mut _);
+            self.context.mainloop.unlock();
     pub fn stop(&mut self) -> i32 {
-        unsafe {
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(self.context.mainloop);
+        {
+            self.context.mainloop.lock();
             self.shutdown = true;
             // If draining is taking place wait to finish
             while !self.drain_timer.is_null() {
-                pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(self.context.mainloop);
+                self.context.mainloop.wait();
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(self.context.mainloop);
+            self.context.mainloop.unlock();
-        self.stream_cork(CorkState::cork() | CorkState::notify());
+        self.cork(CorkState::cork() | CorkState::notify());
     pub fn position(&self) -> Result<u64> {
-        if self.output_stream.is_null() {
-            return Err(cubeb::ERROR);
-        }
+        let in_thread = self.context.mainloop.in_thread();
-        let position = unsafe {
-            let in_thread = pa_threaded_mainloop_in_thread(self.context.mainloop);
-            if in_thread == 0 {
-                pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(self.context.mainloop);
-            }
-            let mut r_usec: pa_usec_t = Default::default();
-            let r = pa_stream_get_time(self.output_stream, &mut r_usec);
-            if in_thread == 0 {
-                pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(self.context.mainloop);
-            }
-            if r != 0 {
-                return Err(cubeb::ERROR);
-            }
+        if !in_thread {
+            self.context.mainloop.lock();
+        }
-            let bytes = pa_usec_to_bytes(r_usec, &self.output_sample_spec);
-            (bytes / pa_frame_size(&self.output_sample_spec)) as u64
+        let r = match self.output_stream {
+            None => Err(cubeb::ERROR),
+            Some(ref stm) => {
+                match stm.get_time() {
+                    Ok(r_usec) => {
+                        let bytes = r_usec.to_bytes(&self.output_sample_spec);
+                        Ok((bytes / self.output_sample_spec.frame_size()) as u64)
+                    },
+                    Err(_) => Err(cubeb::ERROR),
+                }
+            },
-        Ok(position)
-    }
-    pub fn latency(&self) -> Result<u32> {
-        if self.output_stream.is_null() {
-            return Err(cubeb::ERROR);
+        if !in_thread {
+            self.context.mainloop.unlock();
-        let mut r_usec: pa_usec_t = 0;
-        let mut negative: i32 = 0;
-        let r = unsafe { pa_stream_get_latency(self.output_stream, &mut r_usec, &mut negative) };
+        r
+    }
-        if r != 0 {
-            return Err(cubeb::ERROR);
+    pub fn latency(&self) -> Result<u32> {
+        match self.output_stream {
+            None => Err(cubeb::ERROR),
+            Some(ref stm) => {
+                match stm.get_latency() {
+                    Ok((r_usec, negative)) => {
+                        debug_assert!(negative);
+                        let latency = (r_usec * self.output_sample_spec.rate as pa_usec_t / PA_USEC_PER_SEC) as u32;
+                        Ok(latency)
+                    },
+                    Err(_) => Err(cubeb::ERROR),
+                }
+            },
-        debug_assert_eq!(negative, 0);
-        let latency = (r_usec * self.output_sample_spec.rate as pa_usec_t / PA_USEC_PER_SEC) as u32;
-        Ok(latency)
     pub fn set_volume(&mut self, volume: f32) -> i32 {
-        if self.output_stream.is_null() {
-            return cubeb::ERROR;
-        }
-        unsafe {
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(self.context.mainloop);
-            while self.context.default_sink_info.is_none() {
-                pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(self.context.mainloop);
-            }
-            let mut cvol: pa_cvolume = Default::default();
-            /* if the pulse daemon is configured to use flat volumes,
-             * apply our own gain instead of changing the input volume on the sink. */
-            let flags = {
-                match self.context.default_sink_info {
-                    Some(ref info) => info.flags,
-                    _ => 0,
-                }
-            };
-            if (flags & PA_SINK_FLAT_VOLUME) != 0 {
-                self.volume = volume;
-            } else {
-                let ss = pa_stream_get_sample_spec(self.output_stream);
-                let vol = pa_sw_volume_from_linear(volume as f64);
-                pa_cvolume_set(&mut cvol, (*ss).channels as u32, vol);
-                let index = pa_stream_get_index(self.output_stream);
+        match self.output_stream {
+            None => cubeb::ERROR,
+            Some(ref stm) => {
+                if let Some(ref context) = self.context.context {
+                    self.context.mainloop.lock();
+                    let mut cvol: pa_cvolume = Default::default();
+                    /* if the pulse daemon is configured to use flat
+                     * volumes, apply our own gain instead of changing
+                     * the input volume on the sink. */
+                    let flags = {
+                        match self.context.default_sink_info {
+                            Some(ref info) => info.flags,
+                            _ => pulse::SinkFlags::empty(),
+                        }
+                    };
+                    if flags.contains(pulse::SINK_FLAT_VOLUME) {
+                        self.volume = volume;
+                    } else {
+                        let channels = stm.get_sample_spec().channels;
+                        let vol = pulse::sw_volume_from_linear(volume as f64);
+                        cvol.set(channels as u32, vol);
+                        let index = stm.get_index();
+                        let context_ptr = self.context as *const _ as *mut _;
+                        if let Ok(o) = context.set_sink_input_volume(index, &cvol, context_success, context_ptr) {
+                            self.context.operation_wait(stm, &o);
+                        }
+                    }
-                let op = pa_context_set_sink_input_volume(self.context.context,
-                                                          index,
-                                                          &cvol,
-                                                          Some(volume_success),
-                                                          self as *mut _ as *mut _);
-                if !op.is_null() {
-                    self.context.operation_wait(self.output_stream, op);
-                    pa_operation_unref(op);
+                    self.context.mainloop.unlock();
+                    cubeb::OK
+                } else {
+                    cubeb::ERROR
-            }
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(self.context.mainloop);
+            },
-        cubeb::OK
     pub fn set_panning(&mut self, panning: f32) -> i32 {
-        if self.output_stream.is_null() {
-            return cubeb::ERROR;
-        }
+        #[repr(C)]
+        struct SinkInputInfoResult<'a> {
+            pub cvol: pulse::CVolume,
+            pub mainloop: &'a pulse::ThreadedMainloop,
+        }
+        fn get_input_volume(_: &pulse::Context, info: *const pulse::SinkInputInfo, eol: i32, u: *mut c_void) {
+            let mut r = unsafe { &mut *(u as *mut SinkInputInfoResult) };
+            if eol == 0 {
+                let info = unsafe { *info };
+                r.cvol = info.volume;
+            }
+            r.mainloop.signal();
+        }
+        match self.output_stream {
+            None => cubeb::ERROR,
+            Some(ref stm) => {
+                if let Some(ref context) = self.context.context {
+                    self.context.mainloop.lock();
+                    let map = stm.get_channel_map();
+                    if !map.can_balance() {
+                        self.context.mainloop.unlock();
+                        return cubeb::ERROR;
+                    }
-        unsafe {
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(self.context.mainloop);
+                    let index = stm.get_index();
-            let map = pa_stream_get_channel_map(self.output_stream);
-            if pa_channel_map_can_balance(map) == 0 {
-                pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(self.context.mainloop);
-                return cubeb::ERROR;
-            }
+                    let mut r = SinkInputInfoResult {
+                        cvol: pulse::CVolume::default(),
+                        mainloop: &self.context.mainloop,
+                    };
-            let index = pa_stream_get_index(self.output_stream);
+                    if let Ok(o) = context.get_sink_input_info(index, get_input_volume, &mut r as *mut _ as *mut _) {
+                        self.context.operation_wait(stm, &o);
+                    }
-            let mut cvol: pa_cvolume = Default::default();
-            let mut r = SinkInputInfoResult {
-                cvol: &mut cvol,
-                mainloop: self.context.mainloop,
-            };
+                    r.cvol.set_balance(map, panning);
-            let op = pa_context_get_sink_input_info(self.context.context,
-                                                    index,
-                                                    Some(sink_input_info_cb),
-                                                    &mut r as *mut _ as *mut _);
-            if !op.is_null() {
-                self.context.operation_wait(self.output_stream, op);
-                pa_operation_unref(op);
-            }
-            pa_cvolume_set_balance(&mut cvol, map, panning);
-            let op = pa_context_set_sink_input_volume(self.context.context,
-                                                      index,
-                                                      &cvol,
-                                                      Some(volume_success),
-                                                      self as *mut _ as *mut _);
-            if !op.is_null() {
-                self.context.operation_wait(self.output_stream, op);
-                pa_operation_unref(op);
-            }
+                    let context_ptr = self.context as *const _ as *mut _;
+                    if let Ok(o) = context.set_sink_input_volume(index, &r.cvol, context_success, context_ptr) {
+                        self.context.operation_wait(stm, &o);
+                    }
-            pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(self.context.mainloop);
-        }
+                    self.context.mainloop.unlock();
-        cubeb::OK
+                    cubeb::OK
+                } else {
+                    cubeb::ERROR
+                }
+            },
+        }
     pub fn current_device(&self) -> Result<Box<cubeb::Device>> {
         if self.context.version_0_9_8 {
             let mut dev = Box::new(cubeb::Device::default());
-            if !self.input_stream.is_null() {
-                dev.input_name = unsafe { pa_xstrdup(pa_stream_get_device_name(self.input_stream)) };
+            if self.input_stream.is_some() {
+                if let Some(ref stm) = self.input_stream {
+                    dev.input_name = match stm.get_device_name() {
+                        Ok(name) => name.to_owned().into_raw(),
+                        Err(_) => {
+                            return Err(cubeb::ERROR);
+                        },
+                    }
+                }
-            if !self.output_stream.is_null() {
-                dev.output_name = unsafe { pa_xstrdup(pa_stream_get_device_name(self.output_stream)) };
+            if !self.output_stream.is_some() {
+                if let Some(ref stm) = self.output_stream {
+                    dev.output_name = match stm.get_device_name() {
+                        Ok(name) => name.to_owned().into_raw(),
+                        Err(_) => {
+                            return Err(cubeb::ERROR);
+                        },
+                    }
+                }
@@ -445,51 +557,62 @@ impl<'ctx> Stream<'ctx> {
-    fn pulse_stream_init(&mut self,
-                         stream_params: &cubeb::StreamParams,
-                         stream_name: *const c_char)
-                         -> Result<*mut pa_stream> {
+    fn stream_init(context: &pulse::Context,
+                   stream_params: &cubeb::StreamParams,
+                   stream_name: &CStr)
+                   -> Result<pulse::Stream> {
-        fn to_pulse_format(format: cubeb::SampleFormat) -> pa_sample_format_t {
+        fn to_pulse_format(format: cubeb::SampleFormat) -> pulse::SampleFormat {
             match format {
-                cubeb::SAMPLE_S16LE => PA_SAMPLE_S16LE,
-                cubeb::SAMPLE_S16BE => PA_SAMPLE_S16BE,
-                cubeb::SAMPLE_FLOAT32LE => PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32LE,
-                cubeb::SAMPLE_FLOAT32BE => PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32BE,
-                _ => panic!("Invalid format: {:?}", format),
+                cubeb::SAMPLE_S16LE => pulse::SampleFormat::Signed16LE,
+                cubeb::SAMPLE_S16BE => pulse::SampleFormat::Signed16BE,
+                cubeb::SAMPLE_FLOAT32LE => pulse::SampleFormat::Float32LE,
+                cubeb::SAMPLE_FLOAT32BE => pulse::SampleFormat::Float32BE,
+                _ => pulse::SampleFormat::Invalid,
         let fmt = to_pulse_format(stream_params.format);
-        if fmt == PA_SAMPLE_INVALID {
+        if fmt == pulse::SampleFormat::Invalid {
             return Err(cubeb::ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT);
-        let ss = pa_sample_spec {
+        let ss = pulse::SampleSpec {
             channels: stream_params.channels as u8,
-            format: fmt,
+            format: fmt.into(),
             rate: stream_params.rate,
-        let stream = if stream_params.layout == cubeb::LAYOUT_UNDEFINED {
-            unsafe { pa_stream_new(self.context.context, stream_name, &ss, ptr::null_mut()) }
-        } else {
-            let cm = layout_to_channel_map(stream_params.layout);
-            unsafe { pa_stream_new(self.context.context, stream_name, &ss, &cm) }
+        let cm: Option<pa_channel_map> = match stream_params.layout {
+            cubeb::LAYOUT_UNDEFINED => None,
+            _ => Some(layout_to_channel_map(stream_params.layout)),
-        if !stream.is_null() {
-            Ok(stream)
-        } else {
-            Err(cubeb::ERROR)
+        let stream = pulse::Stream::new(context, stream_name, &ss, cm.as_ref());
+        match stream {
+            None => Err(cubeb::ERROR),
+            Some(stm) => Ok(stm),
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn cork_stream(&self, stream: Option<&pulse::Stream>, state: CorkState) {
+        if let Some(stm) = stream {
+            if let Ok(o) = stm.cork(state.is_cork() as i32,
+                                    stream_success,
+                                    self as *const _ as *mut _) {
+                self.context.operation_wait(stream, &o);
+            }
-    fn stream_cork(&mut self, state: CorkState) {
-        unsafe { pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(self.context.mainloop) };
-        self.context.pulse_stream_cork(self.output_stream, state);
-        self.context.pulse_stream_cork(self.input_stream, state);
-        unsafe { pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(self.context.mainloop) };
+    fn cork(&mut self, state: CorkState) {
+        {
+            self.context.mainloop.lock();
+            self.cork_stream(self.output_stream.as_ref(), state);
+            self.cork_stream(self.input_stream.as_ref(), state);
+            self.context.mainloop.unlock()
+        }
         if state.is_notify() {
             self.state_change_callback(if state.is_cork() {
@@ -503,18 +626,9 @@ impl<'ctx> Stream<'ctx> {
     fn update_timing_info(&self) -> bool {
         let mut r = false;
-        if !self.output_stream.is_null() {
-            let o = unsafe {
-                pa_stream_update_timing_info(self.output_stream,
-                                             Some(stream_success_callback),
-                                             self as *const _ as *mut _)
-            };
-            if !o.is_null() {
-                r = self.context.operation_wait(self.output_stream, o);
-                unsafe {
-                    pa_operation_unref(o);
-                }
+        if let Some(ref stm) = self.output_stream {
+            if let Ok(o) = stm.update_timing_info(stream_success, self as *const _ as *mut _) {
+                r = self.context.operation_wait(stm, &o);
             if !r {
@@ -522,18 +636,9 @@ impl<'ctx> Stream<'ctx> {
-        if !self.input_stream.is_null() {
-            let o = unsafe {
-                pa_stream_update_timing_info(self.input_stream,
-                                             Some(stream_success_callback),
-                                             self as *const _ as *mut _)
-            };
-            if !o.is_null() {
-                r = self.context.operation_wait(self.input_stream, o);
-                unsafe {
-                    pa_operation_unref(o);
-                }
+        if let Some(ref stm) = self.input_stream {
+            if let Ok(o) = stm.update_timing_info(stream_success, self as *const _ as *mut _) {
+                r = self.context.operation_wait(stm, &o);
@@ -547,232 +652,162 @@ impl<'ctx> Stream<'ctx> {
-    fn wait_until_stream_ready(&self) -> bool {
-        if !self.output_stream.is_null() && !wait_until_io_stream_ready(self.output_stream, self.context.mainloop) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        if !self.input_stream.is_null() && !wait_until_io_stream_ready(self.input_stream, self.context.mainloop) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        true
-    }
-    fn trigger_user_callback(&mut self, s: *mut pa_stream, input_data: *const c_void, nbytes: usize) {
-        let frame_size = unsafe { pa_frame_size(&self.output_sample_spec) };
-        debug_assert_eq!(nbytes % frame_size, 0);
-        let mut buffer: *mut c_void = ptr::null_mut();
-        let mut r: i32;
-        let mut towrite = nbytes;
-        let mut read_offset = 0usize;
-        while towrite > 0 {
-            let mut size = towrite;
-            r = unsafe { pa_stream_begin_write(s, &mut buffer, &mut size) };
-            // Note: this has failed running under rr on occassion - needs investigation.
-            debug_assert_eq!(r, 0);
-            debug_assert!(size > 0);
-            debug_assert_eq!(size % frame_size, 0);
-            logv!("Trigger user callback with output buffer size={}, read_offset={}",
-                  size,
-                  read_offset);
-            let read_ptr = unsafe { (input_data as *const u8).offset(read_offset as isize) };
-            let got = unsafe {
-                self.data_callback.unwrap()(self as *const _ as *mut _,
-                                            self.user_ptr,
-                                            read_ptr as *const _ as *mut _,
-                                            buffer,
-                                            (size / frame_size) as c_long)
-            };
-            if got < 0 {
-                unsafe {
-                    pa_stream_cancel_write(s);
-                }
-                self.shutdown = true;
-                return;
-            }
-            // If more iterations move offset of read buffer
-            if !input_data.is_null() {
-                let in_frame_size = unsafe { pa_frame_size(&self.input_sample_spec) };
-                read_offset += (size / frame_size) * in_frame_size;
+    fn wait_until_ready(&self) -> bool {
+        fn wait_until_io_stream_ready(stm: &pulse::Stream, mainloop: &pulse::ThreadedMainloop) -> bool {
+            if mainloop.is_null() {
+                return false;
-            if self.volume != PULSE_NO_GAIN {
-                let samples = (self.output_sample_spec.channels as usize * size / frame_size) as isize;
-                if self.output_sample_spec.format == PA_SAMPLE_S16BE ||
-                   self.output_sample_spec.format == PA_SAMPLE_S16LE {
-                    let b = buffer as *mut i16;
-                    for i in 0..samples {
-                        unsafe { *b.offset(i) *= self.volume as i16 };
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    let b = buffer as *mut f32;
-                    for i in 0..samples {
-                        unsafe { *b.offset(i) *= self.volume };
-                    }
+            loop {
+                let state = stm.get_state();
+                if !state.is_good() {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                if state == pulse::StreamState::Ready {
+                    break;
+                mainloop.wait();
-            r = unsafe {
-                pa_stream_write(s,
-                                buffer,
-                                got as usize * frame_size,
-                                None,
-                                0,
-                                PA_SEEK_RELATIVE)
-            };
-            debug_assert_eq!(r, 0);
+            true
+        }
-            if (got as usize) < size / frame_size {
-                let mut latency: pa_usec_t = 0;
-                let rr: i32 = unsafe { pa_stream_get_latency(s, &mut latency, ptr::null_mut()) };
-                if rr == -(PA_ERR_NODATA as i32) {
-                    /* this needs a better guess. */
-                    latency = 100 * PA_USEC_PER_MSEC;
-                }
-                debug_assert!(r == 0 || r == -(PA_ERR_NODATA as i32));
-                /* pa_stream_drain is useless, see PA bug# 866. this is a workaround. */
-                /* arbitrary safety margin: double the current latency. */
-                debug_assert!(self.drain_timer.is_null());
-                self.drain_timer = unsafe {
-                    pa_context_rttime_new(self.context.context,
-                                          pa_rtclock_now() + 2 * latency,
-                                          Some(stream_drain_callback),
-                                          self as *const _ as *mut _)
-                };
-                self.shutdown = true;
-                return;
+        if let Some(ref stm) = self.output_stream {
+            if !wait_until_io_stream_ready(stm, &self.context.mainloop) {
+                return false;
-            towrite -= size;
-        debug_assert_eq!(towrite, 0);
-    }
-unsafe extern "C" fn stream_success_callback(_s: *mut pa_stream, _success: i32, u: *mut c_void) {
-    let stm = &*(u as *mut Stream);
-    pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(stm.context.mainloop, 0);
-unsafe extern "C" fn stream_drain_callback(a: *mut pa_mainloop_api,
-                                           e: *mut pa_time_event,
-                                           _tv: *const timeval,
-                                           u: *mut c_void) {
-    let mut stm = &mut *(u as *mut Stream);
-    debug_assert_eq!(stm.drain_timer, e);
-    stm.state_change_callback(cubeb::STATE_DRAINED);
-    /* there's no pa_rttime_free, so use this instead. */
-    (*a).time_free.unwrap()(stm.drain_timer);
-    stm.drain_timer = ptr::null_mut();
-    pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(stm.context.mainloop, 0);
-unsafe extern "C" fn stream_state_callback(s: *mut pa_stream, u: *mut c_void) {
-    let stm = &mut *(u as *mut Stream);
-    if !PA_STREAM_IS_GOOD(pa_stream_get_state(s)) {
-        stm.state_change_callback(cubeb::STATE_ERROR);
-    }
-    pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(stm.context.mainloop, 0);
-fn read_from_input(s: *mut pa_stream, buffer: *mut *const c_void, size: *mut usize) -> i32 {
-    let readable_size = unsafe { pa_stream_readable_size(s) };
-    if readable_size > 0 && unsafe { pa_stream_peek(s, buffer, size) } < 0 {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    readable_size as i32
+        if let Some(ref stm) = self.input_stream {
+            if !wait_until_io_stream_ready(stm, &self.context.mainloop) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
-unsafe extern "C" fn stream_write_callback(s: *mut pa_stream, nbytes: usize, u: *mut c_void) {
-    logv!("Output callback to be written buffer size {}", nbytes);
-    let mut stm = &mut *(u as *mut Stream);
-    if stm.shutdown || stm.state != cubeb::STATE_STARTED {
-        return;
+        true
-    if stm.input_stream.is_null() {
-        // Output/playback only operation.
-        // Write directly to output
-        debug_assert!(!stm.output_stream.is_null());
-        stm.trigger_user_callback(s, ptr::null(), nbytes);
-    }
+    fn trigger_user_callback(&mut self, input_data: *const c_void, nbytes: usize) {
+        fn drained_cb(a: &pulse::MainloopApi, e: *mut pa_time_event, _tv: &pulse::TimeVal, u: *mut c_void) {
+            let mut stm = unsafe { &mut *(u as *mut Stream) };
+            debug_assert_eq!(stm.drain_timer, e);
+            stm.state_change_callback(cubeb::STATE_DRAINED);
+            /* there's no pa_rttime_free, so use this instead. */
+            a.time_free(stm.drain_timer);
+            stm.drain_timer = ptr::null_mut();
+            stm.context.mainloop.signal();
+        }
+        if let Some(ref stm) = self.output_stream {
+            let frame_size = self.output_sample_spec.frame_size();
+            debug_assert_eq!(nbytes % frame_size, 0);
+            let mut towrite = nbytes;
+            let mut read_offset = 0usize;
+            while towrite > 0 {
+                match stm.begin_write(towrite) {
+                    Err(e) => {
+                        panic!("Failed to write data: {}", e);
+                    },
+                    Ok((buffer, size)) => {
+                        debug_assert!(size > 0);
+                        debug_assert_eq!(size % frame_size, 0);
+                        logv!("Trigger user callback with output buffer size={}, read_offset={}",
+                              size,
+                              read_offset);
+                        let read_ptr = unsafe { (input_data as *const u8).offset(read_offset as isize) };
+                        let got = unsafe {
+                            self.data_callback.unwrap()(self as *const _ as *mut _,
+                                                        self.user_ptr,
+                                                        read_ptr as *const _ as *mut _,
+                                                        buffer,
+                                                        (size / frame_size) as c_long)
+                        };
+                        if got < 0 {
+                            let _ = stm.cancel_write();
+                            self.shutdown = true;
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        // If more iterations move offset of read buffer
+                        if !input_data.is_null() {
+                            let in_frame_size = self.input_sample_spec.frame_size();
+                            read_offset += (size / frame_size) * in_frame_size;
+                        }
+                        if self.volume != PULSE_NO_GAIN {
+                            let samples = (self.output_sample_spec.channels as usize * size / frame_size) as isize;
+                            if self.output_sample_spec.format == PA_SAMPLE_S16BE ||
+                               self.output_sample_spec.format == PA_SAMPLE_S16LE {
+                                let b = buffer as *mut i16;
+                                for i in 0..samples {
+                                    unsafe { *b.offset(i) *= self.volume as i16 };
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                let b = buffer as *mut f32;
+                                for i in 0..samples {
+                                    unsafe { *b.offset(i) *= self.volume };
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        let r = stm.write(buffer,
+                                          got as usize * frame_size,
+                                          0,
+                                          pulse::SeekMode::Relative);
+                        debug_assert!(r.is_ok());
+                        if (got as usize) < size / frame_size {
+                            let latency = match stm.get_latency() {
+                                Ok((l, negative)) => {
+                                    assert_ne!(negative, true);
+                                    l
+                                },
+                                Err(e) => {
+                                    debug_assert_eq!(e, pulse::ErrorCode::from_error_code(PA_ERR_NODATA));
+                                    /* this needs a better guess. */
+                                    100 * PA_USEC_PER_MSEC
+                                },
+                            };
+                            /* pa_stream_drain is useless, see PA bug# 866. this is a workaround. */
+                            /* arbitrary safety margin: double the current latency. */
+                            debug_assert!(self.drain_timer.is_null());
+                            let stream_ptr = self as *const _ as *mut _;
+                            if let Some(ref context) = self.context.context {
+                                self.drain_timer =
+                                    context.rttime_new(pulse::rtclock_now() + 2 * latency, drained_cb, stream_ptr);
+                            }
+                            self.shutdown = true;
+                            return;
+                        }
-unsafe extern "C" fn stream_read_callback(s: *mut pa_stream, nbytes: usize, u: *mut c_void) {
-    logv!("Input callback buffer size {}", nbytes);
-    let mut stm = &mut *(u as *mut Stream);
-    if stm.shutdown {
-        return;
-    }
-    let mut read_data: *const c_void = ptr::null();
-    let mut read_size: usize = 0;
-    while read_from_input(s, &mut read_data, &mut read_size) > 0 {
-        /* read_data can be NULL in case of a hole. */
-        if !read_data.is_null() {
-            let in_frame_size = pa_frame_size(&stm.input_sample_spec);
-            let read_frames = read_size / in_frame_size;
-            if !stm.output_stream.is_null() {
-                // input/capture + output/playback operation
-                let out_frame_size = pa_frame_size(&stm.output_sample_spec);
-                let write_size = read_frames * out_frame_size;
-                // Offer full duplex data for writing
-                let stream = stm.output_stream;
-                stm.trigger_user_callback(stream, read_data, write_size);
-            } else {
-                // input/capture only operation. Call callback directly
-                let got = stm.data_callback.unwrap()(stm as *mut _ as *mut _,
-                                                     stm.user_ptr,
-                                                     read_data,
-                                                     ptr::null_mut(),
-                                                     read_frames as c_long);
-                if got < 0 || got as usize != read_frames {
-                    pa_stream_cancel_write(s);
-                    stm.shutdown = true;
-                    break;
+                        towrite -= size;
+                    },
-        }
-        if read_size > 0 {
-            pa_stream_drop(s);
-        }
-        if stm.shutdown {
-            return;
+            debug_assert_eq!(towrite, 0);
-fn wait_until_io_stream_ready(stream: *mut pa_stream, mainloop: *mut pa_threaded_mainloop) -> bool {
-    if stream.is_null() || mainloop.is_null() {
-        return false;
-    }
-    loop {
-        let state = unsafe { pa_stream_get_state(stream) };
-        if !PA_STREAM_IS_GOOD(state) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        if state == PA_STREAM_READY {
-            break;
-        }
-        unsafe { pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mainloop) };
-    }
+fn stream_success(_: &pulse::Stream, success: i32, u: *mut c_void) {
+    let stm = unsafe { &*(u as *mut Stream) };
+    debug_assert_ne!(success, 0);
+    stm.context.mainloop.signal();
-    true
+fn context_success(_: &pulse::Context, success: i32, u: *mut c_void) {
+    let ctx = unsafe { &*(u as *mut Context) };
+    debug_assert_ne!(success, 0);
+    ctx.mainloop.signal();
 fn set_buffering_attribute(latency_frames: u32, sample_spec: &pa_sample_spec) -> pa_buffer_attr {
-    let tlength = latency_frames * unsafe { pa_frame_size(sample_spec) } as u32;
+    let tlength = latency_frames * sample_spec.frame_size() as u32;
     let minreq = tlength / 4;
     let battr = pa_buffer_attr {
         maxlength: u32::max_value(),
@@ -791,34 +826,3 @@ fn set_buffering_attribute(latency_frame
-unsafe extern "C" fn pulse_defer_event_cb(_a: *mut pa_mainloop_api, u: *mut c_void) {
-    let mut stm = &mut *(u as *mut Stream);
-    if stm.shutdown {
-        return;
-    }
-    let writable_size = pa_stream_writable_size(stm.output_stream);
-    let stream = stm.output_stream;
-    stm.trigger_user_callback(stream, ptr::null_mut(), writable_size);
-struct SinkInputInfoResult {
-    pub cvol: *mut pa_cvolume,
-    pub mainloop: *mut pa_threaded_mainloop,
-unsafe extern "C" fn sink_input_info_cb(_c: *mut pa_context, i: *const pa_sink_input_info, eol: i32, u: *mut c_void) {
-    let info = &*i;
-    let mut r = &mut *(u as *mut SinkInputInfoResult);
-    if eol == 0 {
-        *r.cvol = info.volume;
-    }
-    pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(r.mainloop, 0);
-unsafe extern "C" fn volume_success(_c: *mut pa_context, success: i32, u: *mut c_void) {
-    let stm = &*(u as *mut Stream);
-    debug_assert_ne!(success, 0);
-    pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(stm.context.mainloop, 0);
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/	2017-07-31 18:20:49.000000000 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.387821728 +0200
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 use backend;
 use cubeb;
+use std::ffi::CStr;
 use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_void};
 unsafe extern "C" fn capi_init(c: *mut *mut cubeb::Context, context_name: *const c_char) -> i32 {
@@ -114,21 +115,18 @@ unsafe extern "C" fn capi_stream_init(c:
                                       state_callback: cubeb::StateCallback,
                                       user_ptr: *mut c_void)
                                       -> i32 {
+    fn try_stream_params_from(sp: *mut cubeb::StreamParams) -> Option<cubeb::StreamParams> {
+        if sp.is_null() { None } else { Some(unsafe { *sp }) }
+    }
     let mut ctx = &mut *(c as *mut backend::Context);
+    let stream_name = CStr::from_ptr(stream_name);
     match ctx.new_stream(stream_name,
-                         if input_stream_params.is_null() {
-                             None
-                         } else {
-                             Some(*input_stream_params)
-                         },
+                         try_stream_params_from(input_stream_params),
-                         if output_stream_params.is_null() {
-                             None
-                         } else {
-                             Some(*output_stream_params)
-                         },
+                         try_stream_params_from(output_stream_params),
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/	2017-07-31 18:20:49.000000000 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/src/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.387821728 +0200
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 extern crate cubeb_ffi as cubeb;
 extern crate pulse_ffi;
+extern crate pulse;
 extern crate semver;
 mod capi;
diff -up firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/
--- firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/	2017-07-31 18:20:49.000000000 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/media/libcubeb/cubeb-pulse-rs/	2017-08-04 13:37:46.383821740 +0200
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ cp -pr $1/cubeb-ffi/src/* cubeb-ffi/src/
 test -d pulse-ffi/src || mkdir -p pulse-ffi/src
 cp -pr $1/pulse-ffi/Cargo.toml pulse-ffi/
 cp -pr $1/pulse-ffi/src/* pulse-ffi/src/
+test -d pulse-rs/src || mkdir -p pulse-rs/src
+cp -pr $1/pulse-rs/Cargo.toml pulse-rs/
+cp -pr $1/pulse-rs/src/* pulse-rs/src/
 if [ -d $1/.git ]; then
   rev=$(cd $1 && git rev-parse --verify HEAD)
diff -up firefox-55.0/toolkit/library/gtest/rust/Cargo.lock.cubeb-pulse-arm firefox-55.0/toolkit/library/gtest/rust/Cargo.lock
--- firefox-55.0/toolkit/library/gtest/rust/Cargo.lock.cubeb-pulse-arm	2017-08-04 13:37:46.388821725 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/toolkit/library/gtest/rust/Cargo.lock	2017-08-04 13:59:15.592940994 +0200
@@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ name = "cubeb-pulse"
 version = "0.0.1"
 dependencies = [
  "cubeb-ffi 0.0.1",
+ "pulse 0.1.0",
  "pulse-ffi 0.1.0",
  "semver 0.6.0 (registry+",
@@ -660,6 +661,14 @@ version = "0.1.1"
 source = "registry+"
+name = "pulse"
+version = "0.1.0"
+dependencies = [
+ "bitflags 0.7.0 (registry+",
+ "pulse-ffi 0.1.0",
 name = "pulse-ffi"
 version = "0.1.0"
 dependencies = [
diff -up firefox-55.0/toolkit/library/rust/Cargo.lock.cubeb-pulse-arm firefox-55.0/toolkit/library/rust/Cargo.lock
--- firefox-55.0/toolkit/library/rust/Cargo.lock.cubeb-pulse-arm	2017-08-04 13:37:46.388821725 +0200
+++ firefox-55.0/toolkit/library/rust/Cargo.lock	2017-08-04 13:52:24.551163669 +0200
@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ name = "cubeb-pulse"
 version = "0.0.1"
 dependencies = [
  "cubeb-ffi 0.0.1",
+ "pulse 0.1.0",
  "pulse-ffi 0.1.0",
  "semver 0.6.0 (registry+",
@@ -647,6 +648,14 @@ version = "0.1.1"
 source = "registry+"
+name = "pulse"
+version = "0.1.0"
+dependencies = [
+ "bitflags 0.7.0 (registry+",
+ "pulse-ffi 0.1.0",
 name = "pulse-ffi"
 version = "0.1.0"
 dependencies = [