Blob Blame History Raw
Description: <short summary of the patch>
 TODO: Put a short summary on the line above and replace this paragraph
 with a longer explanation of this change. Complete the meta-information
 with other relevant fields (see below for details). To make it easier, the
 information below has been extracted from the changelog. Adjust it or drop
 gcl (2.6.12-39) unstable; urgency=medium
   * pathnames1.1
   * ansi-test clean target
Author: Camm Maguire <>

The information above should follow the Patch Tagging Guidelines, please
checkout to learn about the format. Here
are templates for supplementary fields that you might want to add:

Origin: <vendor|upstream|other>, <url of original patch>
Bug: <url in upstream bugtracker>
Forwarded: <no|not-needed|url proving that it has been forwarded>
Reviewed-By: <name and email of someone who approved the patch>
Last-Update: 2016-10-12

--- gcl-2.6.12.orig/h/notcomp.h
+++ gcl-2.6.12/h/notcomp.h
@@ -296,6 +296,8 @@ gcl_init_cmp_anon(void);
+#define coerce_to_filename(a_,b_) coerce_to_filename1(a_,b_,sizeof(b_))
 #include <errno.h>
 #define massert(a_) ({errno=0;if (!(a_)||errno) assert_error(#a_,__LINE__,__FILE__,__FUNCTION__);})
--- gcl-2.6.12.orig/h/protoize.h
+++ gcl-2.6.12/h/protoize.h
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ typedef void (*funcvoid)(void);
 /* unexlin.c:808:OF */ extern int write_segment (int new, register char *ptr, register char *end); /* (new, ptr, end) int new; register char *ptr; register char *end; */
 /* unixfasl.c:409:OF */ extern void gcl_init_unixfasl (void); /* () */
 /* unixfsys.c:145:OF */ extern char *getwd (char *buffer); /* (buffer) char *buffer; */
-/* unixfsys.c:209:OF */ extern void coerce_to_filename (object pathname, char *p); /* (pathname, p) object pathname; char *p; */
+/* unixfsys.c:209:OF */ extern void coerce_to_filename1 (object pathname, char *p,unsigned sz); /* (pathname, p) object pathname; char *p; */
 /* unixfsys.c:329:OF */ extern bool file_exists (object file); /* (file) object file; */
 /* unixfsys.c:359:OF */ extern FILE *backup_fopen (char *filename, char *option); /* (filename, option) char *filename; char *option; */
 /* unixfsys.c:359:OF */ extern FILE *fopen_not_dir (char *filename, char *option); /* (filename, option) char *filename; char *option; */
--- gcl-2.6.12.orig/lsp/gcl_directory.lsp
+++ gcl-2.6.12/lsp/gcl_directory.lsp
@@ -48,8 +48,12 @@
 			       (expand-wild-directory (cons :relative (cdr x)) f q e)) :directory));FIXME
 	    ((funcall f z y))))))
+(defun chdir (s)
+  (when (chdir1 (namestring (pathname s)));to expand ~/
+    (setq *current-directory* (current-directory-pathname))))
 (defun directory (p &key &aux (p (translate-logical-pathname p))(d (pathname-directory p))
-		    (c (unless (eq (car d) :absolute) (make-frame (concatenate 'string (getcwd) "/"))))
+		    (c (unless (eq (car d) :absolute) (make-frame (namestring *current-directory*))))
 		    (lc (when c (length c)))
 		    (filesp (or (pathname-name p) (pathname-type p)))
 		    (v (compile-regexp (to-regexp p)))(*up-key* :back) r)
--- gcl-2.6.12.orig/lsp/gcl_rename_file.lsp
+++ gcl-2.6.12/lsp/gcl_rename_file.lsp
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
   (check-type spec pathname-designator)
       (tp sz tm) (stat (namestring (truename spec)))
+    (declare (ignore tp sz))
     (+ tm (* (+ 17 (* 70 365)) (* 24 60 60)))))
@@ -43,5 +44,6 @@
   (check-type spec pathname-designator)
       (tp sz tm uid) (stat (namestring (truename spec)))
+    (declare (ignore tp sz tm))
     (uid-to-name uid)))
--- gcl-2.6.12.orig/lsp/gcl_top.lsp
+++ gcl-2.6.12/lsp/gcl_top.lsp
@@ -607,8 +607,13 @@ First directory is checked for first nam
 (defvar *ld* "ld")
 (defvar *objdump* "objdump --source ")
+(defvar *current-directory* *system-directory*)
+(defun current-directory-pathname nil (pathname (concatenate 'string (getcwd) "/")))
 (defun set-up-top-level (&aux (i (argc)) tem)
   (declare (fixnum i))
+  (setq *current-directory* (current-directory-pathname))
   (setq *tmp-dir* (get-temp-dir)
 	*cc* (get-path *cc*)
 	*ld* (get-path *ld*)
--- gcl-2.6.12.orig/lsp/gcl_truename.lsp
+++ gcl-2.6.12/lsp/gcl_truename.lsp
@@ -18,20 +18,18 @@
     (pathname (typep x 'logical-pathname))
     (stream (logical-pathname-designator-p (pathname x)))))
-;(defvar *current-dir* (pathname (concatenate 'string (getcwd) "/"))) FIXME sync with chdir
-(defun truename (pd &aux (ppd (translate-logical-pathname pd))(ns (namestring ppd)))
+(defun truename (pd &aux (ns (namestring (translate-logical-pathname pd))))
   (declare (optimize (safety 1)))
   (check-type pd pathname-designator)
   (when (wild-pathname-p ns)
     (error 'file-error :pathname pd :format-control "Pathname is wild"))
-  (let* ((ns (ensure-dir-string (link-expand ns))))
+  (let* ((ns (ensure-dir-string (link-expand ns)))(ppd (pathname ns)))
     (unless (or (zerop (length ns)) (stat ns))
       (error 'file-error :pathname ns :format-control "Pathname does not exist"))
     (let* ((d (pathname-directory ppd))
 	   (d1 (subst :back :up d))
 	   (ppd (if (eq d d1) ppd (make-pathname :directory d1 :defaults ppd))))
-      (if (eq (car d) :absolute) ppd (merge-pathnames ppd (concatenate 'string (getcwd) "/") nil)))))
+      (if (eq (car d) :absolute) ppd (merge-pathnames ppd *current-directory* nil)))))
 (defun probe-file (pd &aux (pn (translate-logical-pathname pd)))
--- gcl-2.6.12.orig/o/file.d
+++ gcl-2.6.12/o/file.d
@@ -351,120 +351,86 @@ open_stream(object fn,enum smmode smm, o
-  if (smm == smm_input || smm == smm_probe) {
-    if(FN1[0]=='|')
-      fp = popen(FN1+1,"r");
-    else
-      fp = fopen_not_dir(FN1, "r");
-    if ((fp == NULL) &&
-	(sSAallow_gzipped_fileA->s.s_dbind != sLnil)) {
-      union lispunion st;
-      char buf[256];
-      if (snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s.gz",FN1)<=0)
-	FEerror("Cannot write .gz filename",0);
-      set_type_of(&st,t_string);
-      if (fSstat((object)&st)!=Cnil) {
+  switch(smm) {
+  case smm_input:
+  case smm_probe:
+    if (!(fp=*FN1=='|' ? popen(FN1+1,"r") : fopen_not_dir(FN1,"r")) && sSAallow_gzipped_fileA->s.s_dbind!=Cnil) {
+      struct stat ss;
+      massert(snprintf(FN2,sizeof(FN2),"%s.gz",FN1)>0);
+      if (!stat(FN2,&ss)) {
 	FILE *pp;
 	int n;
-	if (!(fp=tmpfile()))
-	  FEerror("Cannot create temporary file",0);
-	if (snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"zcat %s.gz",FN1)<=0)
-	  FEerror("Cannot write zcat pipe name",0);
-	if (!(pp=popen(buf,"r")))
-	  FEerror("Cannot open zcat pipe",0);
-	while((n=fread(buf,1,sizeof(buf),pp)))
-	  if (!fwrite(buf,1,n,fp))
-	    FEerror("Cannot write pipe output to temporary file",0);
-	if (pclose(pp)<0)
-	  FEerror("Cannot close zcat pipe",0);
-	if (fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET))
-	  FEerror("Cannot rewind temporary file\n",0);
+	massert((fp=tmpfile()));
+	massert(snprintf(FN3,sizeof(FN2),"zcat %s",FN2)>0);
+	massert(pp=popen(FN3,"r"));
+	while ((n=fread(FN4,1,sizeof(FN3),pp)))
+	  massert(fwrite(FN4,1,n,fp)==n);
+	massert(pclose(pp)>=0);
+	massert(!fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET));
-    if (fp == NULL) {
-      if (if_does_not_exist == sKerror)
-	cannot_open(fn);
-      else if (if_does_not_exist == sKcreate) {
-	fp = fopen_not_dir(FN1, "w");
-	if (fp == NULL)
-	  cannot_create(fn);
+    if (!fp) {
+      if (if_does_not_exist==sKerror) cannot_open(fn);
+      else if (if_does_not_exist==sKcreate) {
+	if (!(fp=fopen_not_dir(FN1,"w"))) cannot_create(fn);
-	fp = fopen_not_dir(FN1, "r");
-	if (fp == NULL)
-	  cannot_open(fn);
-      } else if (if_does_not_exist == Cnil)
-	return(Cnil);
-      else
-	FEerror("~S is an illegal IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST option.",
-		1, if_does_not_exist);
+	if (!(fp=fopen_not_dir(FN1,"r"))) cannot_open(fn);
+      } else if (if_does_not_exist==Cnil) return(Cnil);
+      else FEerror("~S is an illegal IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST option.",1,if_does_not_exist);
-  } else if (smm == smm_output || smm == smm_io) {
-    if (FN1[0] == '|')
-      fp = NULL;
-    else
-      fp = fopen_not_dir(FN1, "r");
-    if (fp != NULL) {
+    break;
+  case smm_output:
+  case smm_io:
+    if ((fp=*FN1=='|' ? NULL : fopen_not_dir(FN1,"r"))) {
-      if (if_exists == sKerror)
-	FILE_ERROR(fn,"File exists");
-      else if (if_exists == sKrename) {
+      if (if_exists==sKerror) FILE_ERROR(fn,"File exists");
+      else if (if_exists==sKrename) {
-	if (smm == smm_output)
-	  fp = fopen(FN1, "w");
-	else
-	  fp = fopen(FN1, "w+");
-	if (fp == NULL)
-	  cannot_create(fn);
-      } else if (if_exists == sKrename_and_delete ||
-		 if_exists == sKnew_version ||
-		 if_exists == sKsupersede) {
-	if (smm == smm_output)
-	  fp = fopen_not_dir(FN1, "w");
-	else
-	  fp = fopen_not_dir(FN1, "w+");
-	if (fp == NULL)
-	  cannot_create(fn);
-      } else if (if_exists == sKoverwrite) {
-	fp = fopen_not_dir(FN1, "r+");
-	if (fp == NULL)
-	  cannot_open(fn);
-      } else if (if_exists == sKappend) {
-	if (smm == smm_output)
-	  fp = fopen_not_dir(FN1, "a");
-	else
-	  fp = fopen_not_dir(FN1, "a+");
-	if (fp == NULL)
+	if (!(fp=fopen(FN1,smm==smm_output ? "w" : "w+"))) cannot_create(fn);
+      } else if (if_exists==sKrename_and_delete ||
+		 if_exists==sKnew_version ||
+		 if_exists==sKsupersede) {
+	if (!(fp=fopen(FN1,smm==smm_output ? "w" : "w+"))) cannot_create(fn);
+      } else if (if_exists==sKoverwrite) {
+	if (!(fp=fopen_not_dir(FN1,"r+"))) cannot_open(fn);
+      } else if (if_exists==sKappend) {
+	if (!(fp = fopen_not_dir(FN1,smm==smm_output ? "a" : "a+")))
 	  FEerror("Cannot append to the file ~A.",1,fn);
-      } else if (if_exists == Cnil)
-	return(Cnil);
-      else
-	FEerror("~S is an illegal IF-EXISTS option.",
-		1, if_exists);
+      } else if (if_exists == Cnil) return(Cnil);
+      else FEerror("~S is an illegal IF-EXISTS option.",1,if_exists);
     } else {
       if (if_does_not_exist == sKerror)
 	FILE_ERROR(fn,"The file does not exist");
       else if (if_does_not_exist == sKcreate) {
-	if (smm == smm_output) {
-	  if(FN1[0]=='|')
-	    fp = popen(FN1+1,"w");
-	  else
-	    fp = fopen_not_dir(FN1, "w");
-	} else
-	  fp = fopen_not_dir(FN1, "w+");
-	if (fp == NULL)
+	if (!(fp=smm==smm_output ? (*FN1=='|' ? popen(FN1+1,"w") : fopen_not_dir(FN1, "w")) : fopen_not_dir(FN1, "w+")))
-      } else if (if_does_not_exist == Cnil)
-	return(Cnil);
-      else
-	FEerror("~S is an illegal IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST option.",
-		1, if_does_not_exist);
+      } else if (if_does_not_exist==Cnil) return(Cnil);
+      else FEerror("~S is an illegal IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST option.",1,if_does_not_exist);
-  } else
+    break;
+  default:
     FEerror("Illegal open mode for ~S.",1,fn);
+    break;
+  }
   x = alloc_object(t_stream);
@@ -600,10 +566,6 @@ close_stream(object strm)  {
     strm->sm.sm_fp = NULL;
     strm->sm.sm_fd = -1;
-    if (strm->sm.sm_object0 &&
-	type_of(strm->sm.sm_object0 )==t_cons &&
-	Mcar(strm->sm.sm_object0)==sSAallow_gzipped_fileA)
-      ifuncall1(sLdelete_file,Mcdr(strm->sm.sm_object0));
   case smm_file_synonym:
@@ -1762,9 +1724,7 @@ LFD(siLoutput_stream_string)()
 DEFUN_NEW("FILE-STREAM-P",object,fSfile_stream_p,SI,1,1,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object x),"") {
-  RETURN1(type_of(x)==t_stream &&
-	  (x->sm.sm_mode==smm_input || x->sm.sm_mode==smm_output || x->sm.sm_mode==smm_io || x->sm.sm_mode==smm_probe)
-	  ? Ct : Cnil);
+  RETURN1(type_of(x)==t_stream && file_synonym_stream_p(x) ? Ct : Cnil);
 DEFUN_NEW("SYNONYM-STREAM-P",object,fSsynonym_stream_p,SI,1,1,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object x),"") {
--- gcl-2.6.12.orig/o/unixfsys.c
+++ gcl-2.6.12/o/unixfsys.c
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <errno.h>
@@ -32,140 +30,17 @@ Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
 #include <pwd.h>
-#ifdef __MINGW32__ 
-#  include <windows.h> 
+#ifdef __MINGW32__
+#  include <windows.h>
 /* Windows has no symlink, therefore no lstat.  Without symlinks lstat
    is equivalent to stat anyway.  */
 #  define S_ISLNK(a) 0
 #  define lstat stat
-#ifdef BSD
-#define HAVE_RENAME
-#ifdef NEED_GETWD
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-#ifndef HAVE_GETCWD
-char dotdot[3*16+2] = "../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../.";
-#include <mnttab.h>
-static char *getwd_buf;
-static int getwd_bufp;
-static char *
-char *buffer;
-	getwd_buf = buffer;
-	getwd1(0);
-	if (getwd_bufp == 0)
-		getwd_buf[getwd_bufp++] = '/';
-	getwd_buf[getwd_bufp] = '\0';
-	return(getwd_buf);
-int n;
-	struct stat st, dev_st;
-	struct direct dir;
-	ino_t ino;
-	struct mnttab mnt;
-	FILE *fp;
-	register int i;
-	char buf[BUFSIZ];
-	static char dev_name[64];
-	if (stat(dotdot+(16-n)*3, &st) < 0)
-		FEerror("Can't get the current working directory.", 0);
-	ino = st.st_ino;
-	if (ino == 2)
-		goto ROOT;
-	getwd1(n+1);
-	fp = fopen(dotdot+(16-n-1)*3, "r");
-	if (fp == NULL)
-		FEerror("Can't get the current working directory.", 0);
-	setbuf(fp, buf);
-	fread(&dir, sizeof(struct direct), 1, fp);
-	fread(&dir, sizeof(struct direct), 1, fp);
-	for (;;) {
-		if (fread(&dir, sizeof(struct direct), 1, fp) <= 0)
-			break;
-		if (dir.d_ino == ino)
-			goto FOUND;
-	}
-	fclose(fp);
-	FEerror("Can't get the current working directory.", 0);
-	fclose(fp);
-	getwd_buf[getwd_bufp++] = '/';
-	for (i = 0;  i < DIRSIZ && dir.d_name[i] != '\0';  i++)
-		getwd_buf[getwd_bufp++] = dir.d_name[i];
-	return;
-	fp = fopen("/etc/mnttab", "r");
-	if (fp == NULL)
-		FEerror("Can't get the current working directory.", 0);
-	setbuf(fp, buf);
-	for (;;) {
-		if (fread(&mnt, sizeof(struct mnttab), 1, fp) <= 0)
-			break;
-		if (mnt.mt_dev[0] != '/') {
-			strcpy(dev_name, "/dev/dsk/");
-			strcat(dev_name, mnt.mt_dev);
-			stat(dev_name, &dev_st);
-		} else
-			stat(mnt.mt_dev, &dev_st);
-		if (dev_st.st_rdev == st.st_dev)
-			goto DEV_FOUND;
-	}
-	fclose(fp);
-	getwd_bufp = 0;
-	return;
-	fclose(fp);
-	getwd_bufp = 0;
-	for (i = 0;  mnt.mt_filsys[i] != '\0';  i++)
-		getwd_buf[i] = mnt.mt_filsys[i];
-	/* BUG FIX by Grant J. Munsey */
-	if (i == 1 && *getwd_buf == '/')
-		i = 0;	/* don't add an empty directory name */
-	/* END OF BUG FIX */
-	getwd_bufp = i;
-#endif   /* not HAVE_GETCWD */
-#define MAXPATHLEN 512
-char *
-getwd(char *buffer) {
-#ifndef _WIN32    
-  char *getcwd(char *, size_t);
-  return(getcwd(buffer, MAXPATHLEN));
-#define pcopy(a_,b_,c_,d_) ({\
-      unsigned _c=c_,_d=d_;\
-      if (_c+_d>=MAXPATHLEN-16) FEerror("Can't expand pathname ~a",1,namestring);\
-      bcopy(a_,b_+_c,_d);\
-      b_[_c+_d]=0;\
-      })
 static object
 get_string(object x) {
   switch(type_of(x)) {
   case t_symbol:
   case t_string:
@@ -180,182 +55,110 @@ get_string(object x) {
     case smm_io:
       return get_string(x->sm.sm_object1);
     case smm_file_synonym:
-    case smm_synonym:
       return get_string(x->sm.sm_object0->s.s_dbind);
   return Cnil;
-coerce_to_filename(object pathname,char *p) {
+coerce_to_filename1(object spec, char *p,unsigned sz) {
-  object namestring=get_string(pathname);
-  unsigned e=namestring->st.st_fillp;
-  char *q=namestring->st.st_self,*qe=q+e;
+  object namestring=get_string(spec);
-  if (pathname==Cnil||namestring==Cnil)
-    FEerror ( "NIL argument.", 1, pathname ); 
-  if (*q=='~' && e) {
+  massert(namestring->st.st_fillp<sz);
+  memcpy(p,namestring->st.st_self,namestring->st.st_fillp);
+  p[namestring->st.st_fillp]=0;
-    unsigned m=0;
-    char *s=++q,*c;
+  FIX_FILENAME(spec,p);
-    for (;s<qe && *s!='/';s++);
-    if (s==q && (c=getenv("HOME")))
+DEFUN_NEW("UID-TO-NAME",object,fSuid_to_name,SI,1,1,NONE,OI,OO,OO,OO,(fixnum uid),"") {
+  struct passwd *pwent,pw;
+  long r;
-      pcopy(c,p,0,m=strlen(c));
-#if !defined(NO_PWD_H) && !defined(STATIC_LINKING)
-    else {
-#ifndef __STDC__
-      extern struct passwd *getpwuid();
-      extern struct passwd *getpwnam();
-      struct passwd *pwent;
-      if (s==q)
-	pwent=getpwuid(getuid());
-      else {
-	*s=0;
-	pwent=getpwnam(q);
-	*s='/';
-      }
-      if (!pwent)
-	FEerror("Can't expand pathname ~a",1,namestring);
-      pcopy(pwent->pw_dir,p,0,m=strlen(pwent->pw_dir));
-    }
+  massert((r=sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX))>=0);
+  massert(r<sizeof(FN1));
-    pcopy(s,p,m,qe-s);
-  } else
+  massert(!getpwuid_r(uid,&pw,FN1,r,&pwent));
+  RETURN1(make_simple_string(pwent->pw_name));
-    pcopy(q,p,0,e);
-  FIX_FILENAME(pathname,p);
-object sSAallow_gzipped_fileA;
+DEFUN_NEW("HOME-NAMESTRING",object,fShome_namestring,SI,1,1,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object nm),"") {
-file_exists(object file)
-	char filename[MAXPATHLEN];
-	struct stat filestatus;
+  struct passwd *pwent,pw;
+  long r;
-	coerce_to_filename(file, filename);
+  massert((r=sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX))>=0);
+  massert(r<sizeof(FN1));
-#ifdef __MINGW32__
-        {
-            char *p;
-            for (p = filename;  *p != '\0';  p++);
-            if ( (p > filename) &&
-                 ( ( *(p-1) == '/' ) || ( *(p-1) == '\\' ) ) ) {
-               *(p-1) = '\0'; 
-            }
-        }
-	if (stat(filename, &filestatus) >= 0 && !S_ISDIR(filestatus.st_mode))
-	  {
-#ifdef AIX
-	    /* if /tmp/foo is not a directory /tmp/foo/ should not exist */
-	    if (filename[strlen(filename)-1] == '/' &&
-		!( filestatus.st_mode & S_IFDIR))
-		return(FALSE);
-	    return TRUE;
-	  }
-	else
-	  if (sSAallow_gzipped_fileA->s.s_dbind != sLnil
-	      && (strcat(filename,".gz"),
-		  stat(filename, &filestatus) >= 0 && !S_ISDIR(filestatus.st_mode)))
-	      return TRUE;
+  if (nm->st.st_fillp==1)
-	else
-		return(FALSE);
+    if ((pw.pw_dir=getenv("HOME")))
+      pwent=&pw;
+    else
+      massert(!getpwuid_r(getuid(),&pw,FN1,r,&pwent) && pwent);
-fopen_not_dir(char *filename,char * option) {
+  else {
-  struct stat ss;
+    massert(nm->st.st_fillp<sizeof(FN2));
+    memcpy(FN2,nm->st.st_self+1,nm->st.st_fillp-1);
+    FN2[nm->st.st_fillp-1]=0;
-  if (!stat(filename,&ss) && S_ISDIR(ss.st_mode))
-    return NULL;
-  else
-    return fopen(filename,option);
+    massert(!getpwnam_r(FN2,&pw,FN1,r,&pwent) && pwent);
+  }
+  massert(strlen(pwent->pw_dir)+2<sizeof(FN3));
+  memcpy(FN3,pwent->pw_dir,strlen(pwent->pw_dir));
+  FN3[strlen(pwent->pw_dir)]='/';
+  FN3[strlen(pwent->pw_dir)+1]=0;
+  RETURN1(make_simple_string(FN3));
+#define FILE_EXISTS_P(a_,b_) !stat(a_,&b_) && S_ISREG(b_.st_mode)
+#define DIR_EXISTS_P(a_,b_) !stat(a_,&b_) && S_ISDIR(b_.st_mode)
-backup_fopen(char *filename, char *option)
-	char backupfilename[MAXPATHLEN];
-	char command[MAXPATHLEN * 2];
+fopen_not_dir(char *filename,char *option) {
+  struct stat ss;
+  return DIR_EXISTS_P(filename,ss) ? NULL : fopen(filename,option);
-	strcat(strcpy(backupfilename, filename), ".BAK");
-	sprintf(command, "mv %s %s", filename, backupfilename);
-	msystem(command);
-	return(fopen(filename, option));
-file_len(FILE *fp)
-	struct stat filestatus;
+file_len(FILE *fp) {/*FIXME dir*/
-	if (fstat(fileno(fp), &filestatus)==0) 
-	return(filestatus.st_size);
-	else return 0;
+  struct stat filestatus;
+  return fstat(fileno(fp), &filestatus) ? 0 : filestatus.st_size;
-/* export these for AXIOM */
-int gcl_putenv(char *s) {return putenv(s);}
-char *gcl_strncpy(char *d,const char *s,size_t z) {return strncpy(d,s,z);}
-char *gcl_strncpy_chk(size_t z) {char a[10],b[10];return strncpy(a,b,z);}/*compile in __strncpy_chk with FORTIFY_SOURCE*/
-#ifdef __MINGW32__ 
-#define uid_t int
-uid_t gcl_geteuid(void) {
-#ifndef __MINGW32__ 
-  return geteuid();
-  return 0;
-uid_t gcl_getegid(void) {
-#ifndef __MINGW32__ 
-  return getegid();
-  return 0;
-int gcl_dup2(int o,int n) {return dup2(o,n);}
-char *gcl_gets(char *s,int z) {return fgets(s,z,stdin);}
-int gcl_puts(const char *s) {int i=fputs(s,stdout);fflush(stdout);return i;}
+file_exists(object x) {
-int gcl_feof(void *v) {return feof(((FILE *)v));}
-int gcl_getc(void *v) {return getc(((FILE *)v));}
-int gcl_putc(int i,void *v) {return putc(i,((FILE *)v));}
+  struct stat ss;
+  coerce_to_filename(x,FN1);
+  return FILE_EXISTS_P(FN1,ss) ? TRUE : FALSE;
 DEFUNM_NEW("STAT",object,fSstat,SI,1,1,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object x),"") {
@@ -381,6 +184,31 @@ DEFUNM_NEW("STAT",object,fSstat,SI,1,1,N
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+DEFUN_NEW("READLINKAT",object,fSreadlinkat,SI,2,2,NONE,OI,OO,OO,OO,(fixnum d,object s),"") {
+  ssize_t l,z1;
+  check_type_string(&s);
+  /* l=s->st.st_hasfillp ? s->st.st_fillp : s->st.st_dim; */
+  z1=length(s);
+  massert(z1<sizeof(FN1));
+  memcpy(FN1,s->st.st_self,z1);
+  FN1[z1]=0;
+  massert((l=readlinkat(d ? dirfd((DIR *)d) : AT_FDCWD,FN1,FN2,sizeof(FN2)))>=0 && l<sizeof(FN2));
+  FN2[l]=0;
+  RETURN1(make_simple_string(FN2));
+DEFUN_NEW("GETCWD",object,fSgetcwd,SI,0,0,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(void),"") {
+  massert((getcwd(FN1,sizeof(FN1))));
+  RETURN1(make_simple_string(FN1));
 DEFUN_NEW("SETENV",object,fSsetenv,SI,2,2,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object variable,object value),"Set environment VARIABLE to VALUE")
@@ -407,13 +235,9 @@ DEFUN_NEW("SETENV",object,fSsetenv,SI,2,
 #include <dirent.h>
 DEFUN_NEW("OPENDIR",object,fSopendir,SI,1,1,NONE,IO,OO,OO,OO,(object x),"") {
-  DIR *d;
-  char filename[MAXPATHLEN];
-  memcpy(filename,x->st.st_self,x->st.st_fillp);
-  filename[x->st.st_fillp]=0;
-  d=opendir(filename);
-  return (object)d;
+  coerce_to_filename(x,FN1);
+  return (object)opendir(FN1);
 #ifdef HAVE_D_TYPE
@@ -430,19 +254,27 @@ DEFUN_NEW("D-TYPE-LIST",object,fSd_type_
+#define DT_UNKNOWN 0
 DEFUN_NEW("READDIR",object,fSreaddir,SI,3,3,NONE,OI,IO,OO,OO,(fixnum x,fixnum y,object s),"") {
   struct dirent *e;
   object z;
   long tl;
   size_t l;
   if (!x) RETURN1(Cnil);
   tl=telldir((DIR *)x);
-#ifdef HAVE_D_TYPE
-  for (;(e=readdir((DIR *)x)) && y!=DT_UNKNOWN && e->d_type!=y;);
+#ifndef HAVE_D_TYPE
+  for (;(e=readdir((DIR *)x)) && y!=DT_UNKNOWN && e->d_type!=y;);
   if (!e) RETURN1(Cnil);
   if (s==Cnil)
   else {
@@ -457,10 +289,13 @@ DEFUN_NEW("READDIR",object,fSreaddir,SI,
 #ifdef HAVE_D_TYPE
   if (y==DT_UNKNOWN) z=MMcons(z,make_fixnum(e->d_type));
 DEFUN_NEW("CLOSEDIR",object,fSclosedir,SI,1,1,NONE,OI,OO,OO,OO,(fixnum x),"") {
@@ -468,165 +303,174 @@ DEFUN_NEW("CLOSEDIR",object,fSclosedir,S
   return Cnil;
-DEFUN_NEW("MKDIR",object,fSmkdir,SI,1,1,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object x),"") {
-  char filename[MAXPATHLEN];
+DEFUN_NEW("RENAME",object,fSrename,SI,2,2,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object x,object y),"") {
+  check_type_string(&y);
-  memcpy(filename,x->st.st_self,x->st.st_fillp);
-  filename[x->st.st_fillp]=0;
-#ifdef __MINGW32__
-  if (mkdir(filename) < 0)
-  if (mkdir(filename,01777) < 0)
-    FEerror("Cannot make the directory ~S.", 1, vs_base[0]);
+  coerce_to_filename(x,FN1);
+  coerce_to_filename(y,FN2);
-  RETURN1(x);
+  RETURN1(rename(FN1,FN2) ? Cnil : Ct);
-DEFUN_NEW("RMDIR",object,fSrmdir,SI,1,1,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object x),"") {
+DEFUN_NEW("UNLINK",object,fSunlink,SI,1,1,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object x),"") {
-  RETURN1(rmdir(FN1) ? Cnil : Ct);
+  RETURN1(unlink(FN1) ? Cnil : Ct);
+DEFUN_NEW("CHDIR1",object,fSchdir1,SI,1,1,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object x),"") {
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
+  check_type_string(&x);
-DEFUN_NEW("READLINKAT",object,fSreadlinkat,SI,2,2,NONE,OI,OO,OO,OO,(fixnum d,object s),"") {
-  char *b1,*b2=NULL;
-  ssize_t l,z1,z2;
-  check_type_string(&s);
-  /* l=s->st.st_hasfillp ? s->st.st_fillp : s->st.st_dim; */
-  z1=length(s);
-  massert((b1=alloca(z1+1)));
-  memcpy(b1,s->st.st_self,z1);
-  b1[z1]=0;
-  for (l=z2=0;l>=z2;) {
-    memset(b2,0,z2);
-    z2+=z2+10;
-    massert((b2=alloca(z2)));
-    massert((l=readlinkat(d ? dirfd((DIR *)d) : AT_FDCWD,b1,b2,z2))>=0);
-  }
-  b2[l]=0;
-  s=make_simple_string(b2);
-  memset(b1,0,z1);
-  memset(b2,0,z2);
-  RETURN1(s);
+  coerce_to_filename(x,FN1);
-DEFUN_NEW("GETCWD",object,fSgetcwd,SI,0,0,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(void),"") {
-  char *b=NULL;
-  size_t z;
-  object s;
-  for (z=0;!(errno=0) && !getcwd(b,z) && errno==ERANGE;b=memset(b,0,z),z+=z+10,({massert((b=alloca(z)));}));
-  massert((b=getcwd(b,z)));
-  s=make_simple_string(b);
-  memset(b,0,z);
-  RETURN1(s);
+  RETURN1(chdir(FN1) ? Cnil : Ct);
-DEFUN_NEW("UID-TO-NAME",object,fSuid_to_name,SI,1,1,NONE,OI,OO,OO,OO,(fixnum uid),"") {
-  struct passwd *pwent,pw;
-  char *b;
-  long r;
+DEFUN_NEW("MKDIR",object,fSmkdir,SI,1,1,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object x),"") {
-  massert((r=sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX))>=0);
-  massert(b=alloca(r));
+  check_type_string(&x);
-  massert(!getpwuid_r(uid,&pw,b,r,&pwent));
+  coerce_to_filename(x,FN1);
-  RETURN1(make_simple_string(pwent->pw_name));
+  RETURN1(mkdir(FN1
+#ifndef __MINGW32__
+		,01777
+		) ? Cnil : Ct);
-DEFUN_NEW("HOME-NAMESTRING",object,fShome_namestring,SI,1,1,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object nm),"") {
+DEFUN_NEW("RMDIR",object,fSrmdir,SI,1,1,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object x),"") {
+  check_type_string(&x);
-  struct passwd *pwent,pw;
-  char *b;
-  long r;
+  coerce_to_filename(x,FN1);
-  massert((r=sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX))>=0);
-  massert(b=alloca(r));
+  RETURN1(rmdir(FN1) ? Cnil : Ct);
-  if (nm->st.st_fillp==1)
-    if ((pw.pw_dir=getenv("HOME")))
-      pwent=&pw;
-    else
-      massert(!getpwuid_r(getuid(),&pw,b,r,&pwent));
-  else {
+#ifdef _WIN32
-    char *name;
+void *
+get_mmap(FILE *fp,void **ve) {
-    massert(name=alloca(nm->st.st_fillp));
-    memcpy(name,nm->st.st_self+1,nm->st.st_fillp-1);
-    name[nm->st.st_fillp-1]=0;
+  int n;
+  void *st;
+  size_t sz;
+  HANDLE handle;
+  massert((sz=file_len(fp))>0);
+  if (sSAload_with_freadA->s.s_dbind==Cnil) {
+    n=fileno(fp);
+    massert((n=fileno(fp))>2);
+    massert(handle = CreateFileMapping((HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(n), NULL, PAGE_WRITECOPY, 0, 0, NULL));
+    massert(st=MapViewOfFile(handle,FILE_MAP_COPY,0,0,sz));
+    CloseHandle(handle);
+  } else {
+    massert(st=malloc(sz));
+    massert(fread(st,sz,1,fp)==1);
+  }
-    massert(!getpwnam_r(name,&pw,b,r,&pwent));
+  *ve=st+sz;
-  }
+  return st;
-  massert((b=alloca(strlen(pwent->pw_dir)+2)));
-  memcpy(b,pwent->pw_dir,strlen(pwent->pw_dir));
-  b[strlen(pwent->pw_dir)]='/';
-  b[strlen(pwent->pw_dir)+1]=0;
-  RETURN1(make_simple_string(b));
+un_mmap(void *v1,void *ve) {
+  if (sSAload_with_freadA->s.s_dbind==Cnil)
+    return UnmapViewOfFile(v1) ? 0 : -1;
+  else {
+    free(v1);
+    return 0;
+  }
-DEFUN_NEW("RENAME",object,fSrename,SI,2,2,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object x,object y),"") {
-  check_type_string(&x);
-  check_type_string(&y);
-  coerce_to_filename(x,FN1);
-  coerce_to_filename(y,FN2);
+#include <sys/mman.h>
-  RETURN1(rename(FN1,FN2) ? Cnil : Ct);
+void *
+get_mmap(FILE *fp,void **ve) {
+  int n;
+  void *v1;
+  struct stat ss;
+  massert((n=fileno(fp))>2);
+  massert(!fstat(n,&ss));
+  if (sSAload_with_freadA->s.s_dbind==Cnil) {
+    massert((v1=mmap(0,ss.st_size,PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_PRIVATE,n,0))!=(void *)-1);
+  } else {
+    massert(v1=malloc(ss.st_size));
+    massert(fread(v1,ss.st_size,1,fp)==1);
+  }
+  *ve=v1+ss.st_size;
+  return v1;
-DEFUN_NEW("UNLINK",object,fSunlink,SI,1,1,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object x),"") {
-  coerce_to_filename(x,FN1);
+un_mmap(void *v1,void *ve) {
-  RETURN1(unlink(FN1) ? Cnil : Ct);
+  if (sSAload_with_freadA->s.s_dbind==Cnil)
+    return munmap(v1,ve-v1);
+  else {
+    free(v1);
+    return 0;
+  }
-static void
-	char filename[MAXPATHLEN];
-	check_arg(1);
-	check_type_or_pathname_string_symbol_stream(&vs_base[0]);
-	coerce_to_filename(vs_base[0], filename);
-	if (chdir(filename) < 0)
-		FEerror("Can't change the current directory to ~S.",
-			1, vs_base[0]);
+/* export these for AXIOM */
+int gcl_putenv(char *s) {return putenv(s);}
+char *gcl_strncpy(char *d,const char *s,size_t z) {return strncpy(d,s,z);}
+char *gcl_strncpy_chk(size_t z) {char a[10],b[10];return strncpy(a,b,z);}/*compile in __strncpy_chk with FORTIFY_SOURCE*/
+#ifdef __MINGW32__
+#define uid_t int
+uid_t gcl_geteuid(void) {
+#ifndef __MINGW32__
+  return geteuid();
+  return 0;
+uid_t gcl_getegid(void) {
+#ifndef __MINGW32__
+  return getegid();
+  return 0;
+int gcl_dup2(int o,int n) {return dup2(o,n);}
+char *gcl_gets(char *s,int z) {return fgets(s,z,stdin);}
+int gcl_puts(const char *s) {int i=fputs(s,stdout);fflush(stdout);return i;}
+int gcl_feof(void *v) {return feof(((FILE *)v));}
+int gcl_getc(void *v) {return getc(((FILE *)v));}
+int gcl_putc(int i,void *v) {return putc(i,((FILE *)v));}
 gcl_init_unixfsys(void) {
-  make_si_function("CHDIR", siLchdir);
--- gcl-2.6.12.orig/o/unixsys.c
+++ gcl-2.6.12/o/unixsys.c
@@ -235,89 +235,6 @@ DEFUN_NEW("GETPID",object,fSgetpid,SI,0,
-#ifdef _WIN32
-void *
-get_mmap(FILE *fp,void **ve) {
-  int n;
-  void *st;
-  size_t sz;
-  HANDLE handle;
-  massert((sz=file_len(fp))>0);
-  if (sSAload_with_freadA->s.s_dbind==Cnil) {
-    n=fileno(fp);
-    massert((n=fileno(fp))>2);
-    massert(handle = CreateFileMapping((HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(n), NULL, PAGE_WRITECOPY, 0, 0, NULL));
-    massert(st=MapViewOfFile(handle,FILE_MAP_COPY,0,0,sz));
-    CloseHandle(handle);
-  } else {
-    massert(st=malloc(sz));
-    massert(fread(st,sz,1,fp)==1);
-  }
-  *ve=st+sz;
-  return st;
-un_mmap(void *v1,void *ve) {
-  if (sSAload_with_freadA->s.s_dbind==Cnil)
-    return UnmapViewOfFile(v1) ? 0 : -1;
-  else {
-    free(v1);
-    return 0;
-  }
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-void *
-get_mmap(FILE *fp,void **ve) {
-  int n;
-  void *v1;
-  struct stat ss;
-  massert((n=fileno(fp))>2);
-  massert(!fstat(n,&ss));
-  if (sSAload_with_freadA->s.s_dbind==Cnil) {
-    massert((v1=mmap(0,ss.st_size,PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_PRIVATE,n,0))!=(void *)-1);
-  } else {
-    massert(v1=malloc(ss.st_size));
-    massert(fread(v1,ss.st_size,1,fp)==1);
-  }
-  *ve=v1+ss.st_size;
-  return v1;
-un_mmap(void *v1,void *ve) {
-  if (sSAload_with_freadA->s.s_dbind==Cnil)
-    return munmap(v1,ve-v1);
-  else {
-    free(v1);
-    return 0;
-  }
 gcl_init_unixsys(void) {