Blob Blame History Raw
Description: <short summary of the patch>
 TODO: Put a short summary on the line above and replace this paragraph
 with a longer explanation of this change. Complete the meta-information
 with other relevant fields (see below for details). To make it easier, the
 information below has been extracted from the changelog. Adjust it or drop
 gcl (2.6.12-60) unstable; urgency=medium
   * list_order.18
Author: Camm Maguire <>

The information above should follow the Patch Tagging Guidelines, please
checkout to learn about the format. Here
are templates for supplementary fields that you might want to add:

Origin: <vendor|upstream|other>, <url of original patch>
Bug: <url in upstream bugtracker>
Forwarded: <no|not-needed|url proving that it has been forwarded>
Reviewed-By: <name and email of someone who approved the patch>
Last-Update: 2018-01-24

--- gcl-2.6.12.orig/lsp/gcl_mislib.lsp
+++ gcl-2.6.12/lsp/gcl_mislib.lsp
@@ -166,24 +166,45 @@
     (setq *load-path* nl))
-(defun default-symtab nil (concatenate 'string *tmp-dir* "gcl_symtab"))
 (defun gprof-output (symtab gmon)
      (s (format nil "|gprof -S '~a' '~a' '~a'" symtab (kcl-self) gmon))
      (copy-stream s *standard-output*)))
+(defun write-symtab (symtab start end &aux (*package* (find-package "KEYWORD")))
+  (with-open-file
+   (s symtab :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+   (format s "~16,'0x T ~a~%" start "GCL_MONSTART")
-(defun gprof-start (&optional (start 0 start-p) (end 0 end-p) (symtab (default-symtab)))
-  (unless end-p
-    (multiple-value-bind
-     (s e)
-     (gprof-addresses)
-     (setq start (if start-p start s) end e)))
-  (when (monstartup start end)
-    (write-symtab symtab start end)))
+   (dolist (p (list-all-packages))
+     (do-symbols (x p)
+      (when (and (eq (symbol-package x) p) (fboundp x))
+	(let* ((y (symbol-function x))
+	       (y (if (and (consp y) (eq 'macro (car y))) (cdr y) y))
+	       (y (if (compiled-function-p y) (function-start y) 0)))
+	  (when (<= start y end)
+	    (format s "~16,'0x T ~s~%" y x))))))
+   (let ((string-register ""))
+     (dotimes (i (ptable-alloc-length))
+       (multiple-value-bind
+	(x y) (ptable i string-register)
+	(when (<= start x end)
+	  (format s "~16,'0x T ~a~%" x y)))))
+   (format s "~16,'0x T ~a~%" end "GCL_MONEND"))
+  symtab)
+(defun gprof-start (&optional (symtab "gcl_symtab") (adrs (gprof-addresses))
+			      &aux (start (car adrs))(end (cdr adrs)))
+  (let ((symtab (write-symtab symtab start end)))
+    (when (monstartup start end)
+      symtab)))
-(defun gprof-quit (&optional (symtab (default-symtab)) &aux (gmon (mcleanup)))
+(defun gprof-quit (&optional (symtab "gcl_symtab") &aux (gmon (mcleanup)))
   (when gmon
     (gprof-output symtab gmon)))
--- gcl-2.6.12.orig/o/fat_string.c
+++ gcl-2.6.12/o/fat_string.c
@@ -59,17 +59,16 @@ DEFUN_NEW("PROFILE",object,fSprofile,SI
-       ,1,1,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object funobj),"")
-{/* 1 args */
- if(type_of(funobj)!=t_cfun
-    && type_of(funobj)!=t_sfun
-    && type_of(funobj)!=t_vfun
-    && type_of(funobj)!=t_afun
-    && type_of(funobj)!=t_gfun)
-    FEerror("not compiled function",0);
- funobj=make_fixnum((long) (funobj->cf.cf_self));
- RETURN1(funobj);
+DEFUN_NEW("FUNCTION-START",object,fSfunction_start,SI,1,1,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(object funobj),"") {
+  switch (type_of(funobj)) {
+  case t_cfun:case t_sfun:case t_vfun:case t_afun:case t_gfun:case t_closure:case t_cclosure:
+    return make_fixnum((long) (funobj->cf.cf_self));
+  default:
+    TYPE_ERROR(funobj,sLcompiled_function);
+    return Cnil;
+  }
 /* begin fasl stuff*/
--- gcl-2.6.12.orig/o/gprof.c
+++ gcl-2.6.12/o/gprof.c
@@ -12,13 +12,11 @@ DEFUN_NEW("MCLEANUP",object,fSmcleanup,S
   if (!gprof_on)
     return Cnil;
-  massert(getcwd(FN1,sizeof(FN1)));
-  massert(!chdir(P_tmpdir));
-  _mcleanup();
-  massert(!chdir(FN1));
+  massert((_mcleanup(),1));
-  massert(snprintf(FN1,sizeof(FN1),"%s/gmon.out",P_tmpdir)>0);
-  return make_simple_string(FN1);
+  return make_simple_string("gmon.out");
 static inline int
@@ -48,11 +46,10 @@ void
 gprof_cleanup(void) {
-  /*rename gmon?*/
-DEFUNM_NEW("GPROF-ADDRESSES",object,fSgprof_addresses,SI,0,0,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(void),"") {
+DEFUN_NEW("GPROF-ADDRESSES",object,fSgprof_addresses,SI,0,0,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(void),"") {
   void *min=heap_end,*max=data_start,*c;
   static void *mintext;
@@ -77,10 +74,8 @@ DEFUNM_NEW("GPROF-ADDRESSES",object,fSgp
 #ifdef GCL_GPROF
-    for (i=0;i<c_table.length;i++)
+    for (i=0;i<c_table.alloc_length;i++)
       mintext=(void *)c_table.ptable[i].address<mintext ? (void *)c_table.ptable[i].address : mintext;
-    for (i=0;i<c_table.local_length;i++)
-      mintext=(void *)c_table.local_ptable[i].address<mintext ? (void *)c_table.local_ptable[i].address : mintext;
@@ -88,7 +83,7 @@ DEFUNM_NEW("GPROF-ADDRESSES",object,fSgp
   if (mintext<data_start)
-  RETURN2(make_fixnum((fixnum)min),make_fixnum((fixnum)max));
+  return MMcons(make_fixnum((fixnum)min),make_fixnum((fixnum)max));
@@ -98,40 +93,14 @@ DEFUN_NEW("KCL-SELF",object,fSkcl_self,S
-     (object symtab,ufixnum start,ufixnum end),"") {
-  struct package *p;
-  object l,s,f,*b,*be;
-  FILE *pp;
-  ufixnum i;
-  coerce_to_filename(symtab,FN1);
-  pp=fopen(FN1,"w");
-  fprintf(pp,"%016lx T GCL_MONSTART\n",start);
-  for (p=pack_pointer;p;p=p->p_link)
-    for (i=0,b=p->p_internal,be=b+p->p_internal_size;b;
-	 b=i ? NULL : p->p_external,be=b+p->p_external_size,i=1)
-      for (;b<be;b++)
-	for (l=*b;consp(l);l=l->c.c_cdr)
-	  if ((f=(s=l->c.c_car)->s.s_gfdef)!=OBJNULL && s->s.s_hpack==(object)p)
-	    switch(type_of(f)) {
-	    case t_cfun:case t_sfun:case t_vfun:case t_afun:case t_gfun:
-	      if ((ufixnum)f->cf.cf_self>=start && (ufixnum)f->cf.cf_self<end)
-		fprintf(pp,"%016lx T %-.*s::%-.*s\n",
-			(ufixnum)f->cf.cf_self,
-			p->p_name->st.st_fillp,p->p_name->st.st_self,
-			s->st.st_fillp,s->st.st_self);
-	      break;
-	    }
-  fprintf(pp,"%016lx T GCL_MONEND\n",end);
-  for (i=0;i<c_table.length;i++)
-    fprintf(pp,"%016lx T %s\n",c_table.ptable[i].address,c_table.ptable[i].string);
-  for (i=0;i<c_table.local_length;i++)
-    fprintf(pp,"%016lx t %s\n",c_table.local_ptable[i].address,c_table.local_ptable[i].string);
-  fclose(pp);
-  return symtab;
+DEFUN_NEW("PTABLE-ALLOC-LENGTH",object,fSptable_alloc_length,SI,0,0,NONE,OO,OO,OO,OO,(void),"") {
+  return make_fixnum(c_table.alloc_length);
+DEFUNM_NEW("PTABLE",object,fSptable,SI,2,2,NONE,OI,OO,OO,OO,(ufixnum i,object s),"") {
+  check_type_string(&s);
+  massert(i<c_table.alloc_length);
+  s->st.st_self=(void *)c_table.ptable[i].string;
+  s->st.st_fillp=s->st.st_dim=strlen(s->st.st_self);
+  RETURN2(make_fixnum(c_table.ptable[i].address),s);