#2 Make vendored sources available for building tests
Closed 4 years ago by qulogic. Opened 5 years ago by skisela.
rpms/ skisela/git-lfs master  into  master

file modified
@@ -153,10 +153,12 @@ 


  %if 0%{?with_check}

  # Build test executables

+ %{?with_bundled:pushd src/%{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project}/%{repo}}

  for go in test/cmd/*.go; do

      %gobuild -o "bin/$(basename $go .go)" "$go"


  %gobuild -o "bin/git-lfs-test-server-api" test/git-lfs-test-server-api/*.go

+ %{?with_bundled:popd}




When building test executables without pushing
the vendored sources are not available.

rebased onto 941512b

5 years ago

@carlwgeorge seems like an EPEL thing for you.

Just to clarify. I tried building with check and with bundled.
I think the specfile could be ready for such combination :).

I don't understand why this is necessary. src/%{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project}/%{repo} is a symlink to the working directory. How does pushing into that directory change things for the test suite?

Why are you trying to build with both check and bundled? bundled is only used for EPEL7 where check is disabled.

Well that does not make sense to me either, but without it the vendored sources could not be found for some reason. Is it not the same case with https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/git-lfs/blob/master/f/git-lfs.spec#_226 ?

Here I am a bit curious about the reason of disabling the tests.

The test suite is disabled on RHEL because not all of the test suite build requirements are packaged for EPEL7. It didn't think to check if they were vendored. I'm fine with the spirit of this change, I'd just like to figure out the directory weirdness to best utilize the vendored dependencies for the test suite on RHEL.

rebased onto 67a0a57

5 years ago

This will need to target the el7 branch as master is using the new Go macros.

Pull-Request has been closed by qulogic

4 years ago