#1 Update to 3.22.11
Closed 4 years ago by nonamedotc. Opened 4 years ago by nonamedotc.
Unknown source master  into  master

file modified
+80 -25
@@ -1,40 +1,63 @@

  %global theme_name     Greybird


  Name:           greybird

- Version:        3.22.10

- Release:        2%{?dist}

+ Version:        3.22.11

+ Release:        1%{?dist}

  Summary:        A clean minimalistic theme for Xfce, GTK+ 2 and 3


  License:        GPLv2+ or CC-BY-SA

  URL:            http://shimmerproject.org/project/%{name}/ 

  Source0:        https://github.com/shimmerproject/%{theme_name}/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz


+ Patch0:         light_remove_unity.patch

+ Patch1:         dark_remove_unity.patch


+ BuildRequires:  gdk-pixbuf2-devel

+ BuildRequires:  librsvg2-devel

+ BuildRequires:  meson

+ BuildRequires:  sassc

+ BuildRequires:  rubygem-sass


+ Requires:       gtk2-murrine-engines


  BuildArch:      noarch


+ Obsoletes:      greybird-gtk2-theme < 3.22.11

+ Obsoletes:      greybird-gtk3-theme < 3.22.11

+ Obsoletes:      greybird-metacity-theme < 3.22.11

+ Obsoletes:      greybird-xfce4-notifyd-theme < 3.22.11

+ Obsoletes:      greybird-xfwm4-themes < 3.22.11


+ Provides:       greybird = %{name}-%{release}



  Greybird is a theme for GTK2/3 and xfwm4/metacity started out on the basis of

  Bluebird, but aims at reworking the intense blue tone to a more neutral

  grey-ish look that will be more pleasant to look at in everyday use.



- %package gtk2-theme

- Summary:        Greybird GTK+2 themes

- Requires:       gtk-murrine-engine >= gtk2-engines

+ %package dark-theme

+ Summary:        Greybird Dark themes


- %description gtk2-theme

- Themes for GTK+2 as part of the Greybird theme.

+ Requires:       gtk2-murrine-engines


+ Obsoletes:      greybird-gtk2-theme < 3.22.11

+ Obsoletes:      greybird-gtk3-theme < 3.22.11

+ Obsoletes:      greybird-metacity-theme < 3.22.11

+ Obsoletes:      greybird-xfce4-notifyd-theme < 3.22.11

+ Obsoletes:      greybird-xfwm4-themes < 3.22.11

+ Provides:       greybird-dark-theme = %{name}-%{release}


- %package gtk3-theme

- Summary:        Greybird GTK+3 themes


- %description gtk3-theme

- Themes for GTK+3 as part of the Greybird theme.

+ %description dark-theme

+ Dark Themes as part of the Greybird theme.



  %package metacity-theme

  Summary:        Greybird Metacity themes

  Requires:       metacity

+ Requires:       greybird

+ Requires:       greybird-dark


  %description metacity-theme

  Themes for Metacity as part of the Greybird theme.
@@ -43,6 +66,8 @@

  %package xfwm4-theme

  Summary:        Greybird Xfwm4 themes

  Requires:       xfwm4

+ Requires:       greybird

+ Requires:       greybird-dark


  %description xfwm4-theme

  Themes for Xfwm4 as part of the Greybird theme.
@@ -50,60 +75,90 @@

  %package xfce4-notifyd-theme

  Summary:        Greybird Xfce4 notifyd theme

  Requires:       xfce4-notifyd

+ Requires:       greybird


  %description xfce4-notifyd-theme

  Themes for Xfce4 notifyd as part of the Greybird theme.


+ %package plank

+ Summary:        Greybird plank themes

+ Requires:       plank

+ Requires:       greybird

+ Requires:       greybird-dark


+ %description plank

+ Themes for plank as part of the Greybird theme.




  %setup -q -n %{theme_name}-%{version}


  # Cleanup

  # Remove Unity theme

- rm -f gtk-3.0/apps/unity.css

- rm -f gtk-3.0/apps/lightdm-unity-greeter.css

+ rm -fr light/unity

+ rm -fr dark/unity


- sed -i '/unity\.css/d' gtk-3.0/gtk.css

- sed -i '/lightdm-unity-greeter\.css/d' gtk-3.0/gtk.css

+ %patch0 -p0

+ %patch1 -p0



- # Nothing to build

+ %meson


+ %meson_build



- mkdir -p -m755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}

- cp -pr gtk-2.0/ gtk-3.0/ metacity-1/ xfwm4/ xfwm4-a11y/ xfwm4-compact/ xfce-notify-4.0/ %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}

+ %meson_install


- %files gtk2-theme


+ %files


- %dir %{_datadir}/themes/Greybird/

+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}/index.theme

+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}/%{theme_name}.emerald

+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}/gnome-shell/


+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}/gtk-3.0/



- %files gtk3-theme

+ %files dark-theme


- %dir %{_datadir}/themes/Greybird/

- %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}/gtk-3.0/

+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}-dark/index.theme

+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}-dark/%{theme_name}-dark.emerald

+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}-dark/gnome-shell/

+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}-dark/gtk-2.0/

+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}-dark/gtk-3.0/



  %files metacity-theme


  %dir %{_datadir}/themes/Greybird/


+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}-dark/metacity-1/



  %files xfwm4-theme


  %dir %{_datadir}/themes/Greybird/

+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}-accessibility/xfwm4/

+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}-dark-accessibility/xfwm4/

+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}-dark/xfwm4/


- %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}/xfwm4-a11y/

- %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}/xfwm4-compact/

+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}-compact/xfwm4/


  %files xfce4-notifyd-theme


  %dir %{_datadir}/themes/Greybird/

+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}-bright/xfce-notify-4.0/



+ %files plank


+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}/plank/

+ %{_datadir}/themes/%{theme_name}-dark/plank/



+ * Sun Jan 05 2020 Mukundan Ragavan <nonamedotc@fedoraproject.org> = 3.22.11-1

+ - Update to 3.22.11


  * Thu Jul 25 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.22.10-2

  - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild


Due to the changes in how the themes are organized in 3.22.11, I think the changes below are necessary.

please review.

I forgot to include the patch. I will redo this PR.

Pull-Request has been closed by nonamedotc

4 years ago