# Sample configuration file to run Red Hat Linux or Fedora Core S/390 with the # the Hercules ESA/390 emulator CPUSERIAL 002623 # CPU serial number CPUMODEL 2064 # CPU model number: 3090, 7490, 2064 MAINSIZE 512 # Main storage size in megabytes NUMCPU 1 # Number of CPUs CNSLPORT 3270 # TCP port number to which consoles connect #HTTPPORT 8081 # enable a HTTP server on this port OSTAILOR LINUX # OS tailoring LOADPARM 0120.... # IPL parameter ARCHMODE ESAME # Architecture mode S/370, ESA/390 or ESAME TZOFFSET +0100 # Central Europe LDMOD hdt3088.so hdt3420.so hdt3505.so # .----------------- Device number # | .------------- Device type # | | .-------- File name and parameters # | | | # V V V #--- ---- -------------------- # card reader 000C 3505 kernel.img generic.prm initrd.img autopad # card punch #000D 3525 punch00d.txt ascii # line printer #000E 1403 print00e.txt crlf # local non-SNA 3270 TN3270 client connection #001F 3270 # CKD direct access storage device # initialize with: dasdinit -z /var/lib/hercules/linux.120 3390-3 lin000 0120 3390 /var/lib/hercules/linux.120 # local non-SNA 3270 TN3270 client connection #0200 3270 #0201 3270 # tape drives #0580 3420 /etc/hercules/tape.tdf #0581 3420 /dev/st0 #0582 3420 ickdsf.ipl # networking, channel-to-channel adapter 0600 3088 CTCI -n /dev/net/tun -t 1500 0601 3088 CTCI -n /dev/net/tun -t 1500 # networking, LCS adaptor #0700 3088 LCS -n /dev/net/tun -m 01:02:03:04:05:06