#1 Convert to new fonts packaging guidelines
Closed 4 years ago by nim. Opened 4 years ago by nim.
rpms/ nim/impallari-raleway-fonts master  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ 

+ <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

+ <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">

+ <!-- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT -->

+ <fontconfig>

+   <group>

+     <target>Raleway</target>

+     <family>Raleway-v4020</family>

+     <like>

+       <family>Raleway-v4013</family>

+       <family>Museo Sans Cyrillic</family>

+       <family>Apercu</family>

+       <family>Circular</family>

+       <family>Founders Grotesk</family>

+       <family>sans-serif</family>

+     </like>

+   </group>

+ </fontconfig>


@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ 

- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

- <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "../fonts.dtd">

- <fontconfig>

-   <!-- Generic name assignment -->

-   <alias>

-     <family>Raleway</family>

-     <default>

-       <family>sans-serif</family>

-     </default>

-   </alias>

-   <!-- Generic name aliasing -->

-   <alias>

-     <family>sans-serif</family>

-     <prefer>

-       <family>Raleway</family>

-     </prefer>

-   </alias>

- </fontconfig>

file modified
+46 -129
@@ -1,143 +1,60 @@ 

- %global fontname impallari-raleway

- %global fontconf 63-%{fontname}.conf


- # https://github.com/impallari/Raleway

- %global commit          6c67ab1f7aa65c442bd2745bb9d4ef1cd7bc01fa

- %global commit_date     20161116

- %global shortcommit     %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7})


- Name:           %{fontname}-fonts

- Version:        3.0

- Release:        8.git%{commit_date}.%{shortcommit}%{?dist}

- Summary:        Elegant sans-serif typeface family

- License:        OFL

- URL:            https://github.com/impallari/Raleway


- Source0:        %{url}/archive/%{commit}/%{fontname}-%{shortcommit}.tar.gz

- Source1:        %{name}.conf

- Source2:        %{fontname}.metainfo.xml


- BuildArch:      noarch


- BuildRequires:  fontpackages-devel

- BuildRequires:  libappstream-glib


- Requires:       fontpackages-filesystem



- %description

- Raleway is an elegant sans-serif typeface family.


- Initially designed by Matt McInerney as a single thin weight, it was

- expanded into a 9 weight family by Pablo Impallari and Rodrigo

- Fuenzalida in 2012 and iKerned by Igino Marini. In 2013 the Italics

- were added.


- It is a display face and the download features both old style and

- lining numerals, standard and discretionary ligatures, a pretty complete

- set of diacritics, as well as a stylistic alternate inspired by more

- geometric sans-serif typefaces than its neo-grotesque inspired default

- character set.


+ # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

+ %global forgeurl    https://github.com/impallari/Raleway/

+ %global commit      6c67ab1f7aa65c442bd2745bb9d4ef1cd7bc01fa

+ %forgemeta


+ Version: 4.020

+ Release: 2%{?dist}

+ URL:     %{forgeurl}


+ %global foundry           Impallari

+ %global fontlicense       OFL

+ %global fontlicenses      OFL.txt

+ %global fontdocs          *.txt *.md

+ %global fontdocsex        %{fontlicenses}


+ %global fontfamily        Raleway

+ %global fontsummary       Raleway, an elegant sans-serif font family

+ %global fonts             fonts/v4020/*otf

+ %global fontconfngs       %{SOURCE10}

+ %global fontdescription   %{expand:

+ Raleway is an elegant sans-serif font family intended for headings and other

+ large size usage.


+ Initially designed by Matt McInerney as a single thin weight, it was expanded

+ into a 9 weight family by Pablo Impallari and Rodrigo Fuenzalida in 2012 and

+ iKerned by Igino Marini. In 2013 the Italics were added.


+ It is a display face and the download features both old style and lining

+ numerals, standard and discretionary ligatures, a pretty complete set of

+ diacritics, as well as a stylistic alternate inspired by more geometric

+ sans-serif typefaces than its neo-grotesque inspired default character set.}


+ Source0:  %{forgesource}

+ Source10: 58-%{fontpkgname}.xml


+ %fontpkg



- %setup -q -n Raleway-%{commit}


+ %forgesetup

+ %linuxtext %{fontdocs} %{fontlicenses}

+ chmod 644 %{fontdocs} %{fontlicenses}




+ %fontbuild



- install -m 0755 -d %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}


- %global originals fonts/v3.000\ Fontlab/OTF


- # Raleway Black

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-Black-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-Black.otf

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-Black-Italic-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-Black-Italic.otf


- # Raleway Bold

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-Bold-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-Bold.otf

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-Bold-Italic-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-Bold-Italic.otf


- # Raleway ExtraBold

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-ExtraBold-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-ExtraBold.otf

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-ExtraBold-Italic-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-ExtraBold-Italic.otf


- # Raleway ExtraLight

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-ExtraLight-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-ExtraLight.otf

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-ExtraLight-Italic-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-ExtraLight-Italic.otf


- # Raleway Light

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-Light-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-Light.otf

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-Light-Italic-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-Light-Italic.otf


- # Raleway Medium

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-Medium-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-Medium.otf

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-Medium-Italic-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-Medium-Italic.otf


- # Raleway Regular

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-Regular-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-Regular.otf

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-Regular-Italic-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-Regular-Italic.otf


- # Raleway SemiBold

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-SemiBold-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-SemiBold.otf

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-SemiBold-Italic-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-SemiBold-Italic.otf


- # Raleway Thin

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-Thin-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-Thin.otf

- cp -pav '%{originals}/Raleway-Thin-Italic-Original.otf' %{buildroot}/%{_fontdir}/Raleway-Thin-Italic.otf



- install -m 0755 -d %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_templatedir} %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_confdir}

- install -m 0644 -p %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_templatedir}/%{fontconf}

- ln -s %{_fontconfig_templatedir}/%{fontconf} %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_confdir}/%{fontconf}



- # Add AppStream metadata

- mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/appdata

- cp -pav %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/appdata/%{fontname}.metainfo.xml


+ %fontinstall



- appstream-util validate-relax --nonet %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/appdata/%{fontname}.metainfo.xml



- %global fontnames Black,Black-Italic,Bold,Bold-Italic,ExtraBold,ExtraBold-Italic,ExtraLight,ExtraLight-Italic,Light,Light-Italic,Medium,Medium-Italic,Regular,Regular-Italic,SemiBold,SemiBold-Italic,Thin,Thin-Italic



- %_font_pkg -f %{fontconf} Raleway-{%{fontnames}}.otf


- %license OFL.txt


- %{_datadir}/appdata/%{fontname}.metainfo.xml

+ %fontcheck


+ %fontfiles



- * Wed Jan 29 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.0-8.git20161116.6c67ab1

- - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild


- * Thu Jul 25 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.0-7.git20161116.6c67ab1

- - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild


- * Fri Feb 01 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.0-6.git20161116.6c67ab1

- - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild


- * Fri Jul 13 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.0-5.git20161116.6c67ab1

- - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild


- * Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.0-4.git20161116.6c67ab1

- - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild


- * Sat Nov 11 2017 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@gmail.com> - 3.0-3.git20161116.6c67ab1

- - Fix SemiBold fonts installation.


- * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.0-2.git20161116.6c67ab1.1

- - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild


- * Sun Mar 12 2017 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@gmail.com> - 3.0-1.git20161116.6c67ab1.1

- - Added appstream metadata file.

+ * Sat Feb 22 2020 Nicolas Mailhot <nim@fedoraproject.org>

+ - 4.020-2

+ ✅ Convert to fonts-rpm-macros use


  * Sun Mar 12 2017 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@gmail.com> - 3.0-1.git20161116.6c67ab1

  - Initial package.


@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ 

- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

- <!-- Copyright 2017 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe AT fedoraproject DOT com> -->

- <component type="font">

-   <id>impallari-raleway</id>

-   <metadata_license>CC-BY-3.0</metadata_license>

-   <name>Raleway</name>

-   <project_license>OFL-1.1</project_license>

-   <summary>Elegant sans-serif typeface family</summary>

-   <description>

-     <p>

-         Raleway is an elegant sans-serif typeface family.

-     </p>

-     <p>

-         Initially designed by Matt McInerney as a single thin weight, it was

-         expanded into a 9 weight family by Pablo Impallari and Rodrigo

-         Fuenzalida in 2012 and iKerned by Igino Marini. In 2013 the Italics

-         were added.

-     </p>

-     <p>

-         It is a display face and the download features both old style and

-         lining numerals, standard and discretionary ligatures, a pretty complete

-         set of diacritics, as well as a stylistic alternate inspired by more

-         geometric sans-serif typefaces than its neo-grotesque inspired default

-         character set.

-     </p>

-   </description>

-   <updatecontact>decathorpe_AT_fedoraproject.com</updatecontact>

-   <url type="homepage">https://github.com/impallari/Raleway</url>

- </component>

Conversion to new packaging guidelines, addition of the fontconfig rules required by upstream state, and bump to 4.02

I'm not sure bumping to the 4.xxx releases is a good idea. They're marked as incomplete / work in progress by upstream ( but have not been touched for years).

4.xxx fixes the whole Cyrillic bloc.

I’m not fond of the incomplete part myself, but problem cyrillic in 3.xxx is not good either :(

Anyway, the PR can be changed to target 3.xx by changing the value of the
%fonts variable

and moving
<family>Raleway-v4020</family> inside the like block in the fontconfig file

(not saying 3.xx is the correct choice, just that’s it easy to change)

Since you’re the maintainer, just tell me what version you want to target, and I’ll adapt the PR

Thanks .

I should mention that I have orphaned this package today. I recently learned that none of my packages depend on it anymore. So thank you for working in updating it. But I won't do it myself. If somebody picks the package up, they can merge this PR

Ok, since I’ve done all this work, I suppose I may as well pick up the package for now.

Thank you for taking care of it all this time.

Before you completely move away: what would be your version choice if you were still maintaining it? (I do value your opinions, even when we disagree)

It was my only font package, and it didn't change in ages, so it wasn't much work at all ...

I have been thinking about updating it to the 4.xxx series though. So I would be fine with updating .

Ok, I'll move directly to the Alexeiva fork, since that’s where 4.xxx changes are coming from, and they seem better maintained.

Thanks for the advice!

Pull-Request has been closed by nim

4 years ago