a6c61be Renamed patches according to the convention

Authored and Committed by pmikova 4 years ago
    Renamed patches according to the convention
  • Build completed
    Built as java-latest-openjdk-1:
    4 years ago
file modified
+2 -2
jdk8231405-guarantee_d_nonequals_null_failed_null_dominator_info.patch jdk8231405_guarantee_d_nonequals_null_failed_null_dominator_info.patch
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file
jdk8231583-fix_register_clash_in_sbsa_resolve_forwarding_pointer_borrowing.patch jdk8231583_fix_register_clash_in_sbsa_resolve_forwarding_pointer_borrowing.patch
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file