Blob Blame History Raw

# Regenerate kfaenza-icon-theme tarball without misusing trademarks


# unpack the tarball
tar -xzf $name.tar.gz

# remove nonfree and unneeded icons
find $theme_name*/ -name '*flash*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*amazon*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*gmail*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*chromium*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*dropbox*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*evernote*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*facebook*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*firefox*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*google*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*twitter*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*gtwitter*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*launchpad*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*mandriva*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*mendeley*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*thunderbird*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*nixnote*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*ppa*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*rpmdrake*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*skype*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*softwarecenter*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*steam*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*susehelpcenter*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*twitux*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*ubuntu*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*wunderlist*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*Wunderlist*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*yahoo*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*start-here-archlinux-symbolic*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*start-here-debian-symbolic*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*start-here-frugalware-symbolic*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*start-here-gentoo-symbolic*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*start-here-linux-mint-symbolic*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*start-here-opensuse-symbolic*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
find $theme_name*/ -name '*start-here-slackware-symbolic*' -exec rm -rf {} ';'

# Delete dead icon symlinks
find -L . -type l -exec rm {} \;

# create new icon tarballs
tar -czf $name-clean.tar.gz $theme_name/

echo "tarball created"