#1 Reenable unit tests, skip problematic stacktrace_test
Merged a year ago by jonathanspw. Opened 3 years ago by pemensik.
rpms/ pemensik/kyua rawhide  into  rawhide

file modified
+5 -1
@@ -52,6 +52,10 @@ 




+ # Disable problematic test

+ # https://github.com/jmmv/kyua/issues/214

+ sed -e 's/name="stacktrace_test"/&,required_configs="enable_stacktrace"/' -i utils/Kyuafile



  %configure \

    --with-doxygen=no   \
@@ -64,7 +68,7 @@ 



  # Tests expect dumping core to file which is different from machine to machine

- HOME=$(pwd)/check %make_build check %{_make_args} || :

+ HOME=$(pwd)/check %make_build check %{_make_args}



  %license LICENSE

Enable again unit tests. The package is in pretty bad shape and always failing unit tests are partly responsible.

It seems just production rebuild is required to have kyua working.


Tried a new scratch build, passed all architectures. I am not sure how to retrigger scratch build in PR. Any news?

Was it tested? It seems this is sufficient. Current Fedora build is broken, according to my bind scratch-build: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=70645383

rebased onto 41e2bbb

2 years ago

@jmmv @ignatenkobrain Is this package still maintained? I would offer comaintaining it because my package use it. I would like to ensure it is in working state. Any progress yet?

rebased onto 1486809

2 years ago

Can it be considered to merge please?

Is the package not maintained? Is there any known problem with my proposal?

It got a new admin, who might not be aware of this pull request.

rebased onto 6a6e535

a year ago

It got a new admin, who might not be aware of this pull request.

Yep I had missed this when taking ownership of the package.

Is the package not maintained? Is there any known problem with my proposal?

Looks good to me. Would you like to be a co-maintainer?

Pull-Request has been merged by jonathanspw

a year ago

Can you please submit another PR to amend the changelog with your change and increment the release?

Yes, I would like to be co-maintainer. Even though new bind major version decided to not use kyua anymore. I still use it on f36 at least. Upstream seems dead, but I would contribute with minor fixes if I can.

Yes, I would like to be co-maintainer. Even though new bind major version decided to not use kyua anymore. I still use it on f36 at least. Upstream seems dead, but I would contribute with minor fixes if I can.

Added. Please feel free to update changelog and release and do the build(s).
