# LaTeX2HTML site specific configuration file # generated by config.pl # You may edit this file to get around deficiencies of the configuration # procedure, but you have to be sure of what you are doing! # If you think there are bugs in the configuration procedure, please report # them. See the BUGS file on how to do it. Your help is appreciated! package cfgcache; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(%cfg); $cfg{'BINDIR'} = q'/usr/bin'; $cfg{'CRAYOLAFILE'} = q'/usr/share/latex2html/styles/crayola.txt'; $cfg{'DVIPS'} = q'/usr/bin/dvips'; $cfg{'DVIPSOPT'} = q' -E'; $cfg{'GS'} = q'/usr/bin/gs'; $cfg{'GSALIASDEVICE'} = q'ppmraw'; $cfg{'GSDEVICE'} = q'pnmraw'; $cfg{'GSLANDSCAPE'} = q''; $cfg{'GS_LIB'} = q''; $cfg{'HASHBANG'} = q'1'; $cfg{'HTML_VALIDATOR'} = q''; $cfg{'ICONPATH'} = q'file:/usr/share/latex2html/icons'; $cfg{'ICONSTORAGE'} = q''; $cfg{'IMAGE_TYPES'} = q'png gif'; $cfg{'INITEX'} = q'/usr/bin/initex'; $cfg{'KPSEWHICH'} = q'/usr/bin/kpsewhich'; $cfg{'LATEX'} = q'/usr/bin/latex'; $cfg{'LATEX2HTMLDIR'} = q'/usr/share/latex2html'; $cfg{'LIBDIR'} = q'/usr/share/latex2html'; $cfg{'METADPI'} = q'0'; $cfg{'METAMODE'} = q''; $cfg{'MKTEXLSR'} = q'/usr/bin/mktexlsr'; $cfg{'NULLFILE'} = q'/dev/null'; $cfg{'PBMMAKE'} = q'/usr/bin/pbmmake'; $cfg{'PERL'} = q'/usr/bin/perl'; $cfg{'PERLFOOTER'} = q''; $cfg{'PERLHEADER'} = <<'EOQ'; #! /usr/bin/perl -w EOQ $cfg{'PERLSCRIPTDIR'} = q'/usr/bin'; $cfg{'PK_GENERATION'} = q'0'; $cfg{'PNMCAT'} = q'/usr/bin/pnmcat'; $cfg{'PNMCROP'} = q'/usr/bin/pnmcrop'; $cfg{'PNMFILE'} = q'/usr/bin/pnmfile'; $cfg{'PNMFLIP'} = q'/usr/bin/pnmflip'; $cfg{'PNMTOPNG'} = q'/usr/bin/pnmtopng'; $cfg{'PPMQUANT'} = q'/usr/bin/ppmquant'; $cfg{'PPMTOGIF'} = q'/usr/bin/ppmtogif'; $cfg{'PREFIX'} = q'/usr'; $cfg{'RGBCOLORFILE'} = q'/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt'; $cfg{'TEX'} = q'/usr/bin/tex'; $cfg{'TEXPATH'} = q'/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/html'; $cfg{'TMPSPACE'} = q'/tmp'; $cfg{'WEB2C'} = q'1'; $cfg{'dd'} = q'/'; $cfg{'distver'} = q'2K.1beta'; $cfg{'exec_extension'} = q''; $cfg{'gif_interlace'} = q'netpbm'; $cfg{'gif_trans'} = q'netpbm'; $cfg{'have_dvipsmode'} = q''; $cfg{'have_geometry'} = q'1'; $cfg{'have_images'} = q'1'; $cfg{'have_pstoimg'} = q'1'; $cfg{'perl_starter'} = q''; $cfg{'pipes'} = q'1'; $cfg{'plat'} = q'unix'; $cfg{'scriptdir'} = q'/usr/bin'; $cfg{'scriptext'} = q''; $cfg{'srcdir'} = q'/X/tetex/teTeX-1.0/latex2html-2K.1beta'; $cfg{'texlive'} = q'0'; $cfg{'wrapper'} = q'0'; 1; # must be last line