8ff5812 - Version bump to 0.4.1.

Authored and Committed by rishi 14 years ago
    - Version bump to 0.4.1.
    Added champlain_view_remove_layer.
    ChamplainSelectionLayer now has a "changed" signal.
    Added champlain_marker_get_highlighted_text_color,
        champlain_marker_set_highlighted_text_color and Added
    Fixed slowdowns with big caches.
    Don't emit invalid latitude and longitude notifications.
    Ensure map is displayed in Eye of GNOME's champlain plugin. (GNOME Bugzilla
    - Enabled GObject Introspection, and added 'Requires:
        gobject-introspection' and 'BuildRequires: gir-repository-devel'.
    - Explicitly disabled debug code.
    - RPaths fixed by upstream. Removed 'BuildRequires: chrpath'.
file modified
+1 -1
file modified
+45 -17
file modified
+1 -1