#1 Add CI tests using the standard test interface
Merged 6 years ago by landgraf. Opened 6 years ago by sturivny.
git://fedorapeople.org/~sturivny/nmap master  into  master

Add CI tests using the standard test interface
Serhii Turivnyi • 6 years ago  
file added
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@

+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ #

+ #   Makefile of /CoreOS/nmap/Sanity/ncat-protocol-sanity-test

+ #   Description: Test all supported protocols of ncat, like tcp, udp, ...

+ #   Author: Patrik Kis <pkis@redhat.com>

+ #

+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ #

+ #   Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.

+ #

+ #   This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing

+ #   to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms

+ #   and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.

+ #

+ #   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be

+ #   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied


+ #   PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

+ #

+ #   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public

+ #   License along with this program; if not, write to the Free

+ #   Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,

+ #   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

+ #

+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ export TEST=/CoreOS/nmap/Sanity/ncat-protocol-sanity-test

+ export TESTVERSION=1.0




+ FILES=$(METADATA) runtest.sh Makefile PURPOSE srv.exp clt.exp udpsrv.exp udpclt.exp tcpclt.exp tcpsrv.exp


+ .PHONY: all install download clean


+ run: $(FILES) build

+ 	./runtest.sh


+ build: $(BUILT_FILES)

+ 	test -x runtest.sh || chmod a+x runtest.sh


+ clean:

+ 	rm -f *~ $(BUILT_FILES)



+ include /usr/share/rhts/lib/rhts-make.include


+ $(METADATA): Makefile

+ 	@echo "Owner:           Patrik Kis <pkis@redhat.com>" > $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Name:            $(TEST)" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "TestVersion:     $(TESTVERSION)" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Path:            $(TEST_DIR)" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Description:     Test all supported protocols of ncat, like tcp, udp, ..." >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Type:            Sanity" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "TestTime:        5m" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "RunFor:          nmap" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Requires:        nmap tcpdump expect" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Releases:        -RHEL4 -RedHatEnterpriseLinuxClient5 -RedHatEnterpriseLinuxServer5" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Priority:        Normal" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "License:         GPLv2" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Confidential:    no" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Destructive:     no" >> $(METADATA)


+ 	rhts-lint $(METADATA)

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

+ PURPOSE of /CoreOS/nmap/Sanity/ncat-protocol-sanity-test

+ Description: Test all supported protocols of ncat, like tcp, udp, ...

+ Author: Patrik Kis <pkis@redhat.com>


+ sanity test for nmap listening on TCP, SCTP, UDP

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

+ #!/usr/bin/expect


+ set timeout 10


+ spawn ncat -4 --sctp localhost 6666


+ expect {

+     eof { exit 2 }

+     default { exit 1 }

+     "ServerSend\r" { sleep 1; send -- "ClientSend\r" }

+ }

+ sleep 1

+ exit 0

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@

+ #!/bin/bash

+ # vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k

+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ #

+ #   runtest.sh of /CoreOS/nmap/Sanity/ncat-protocol-sanity-test

+ #   Description: Test all supported protocols of ncat, like tcp, udp, ...

+ #   Author: Patrik Kis <pkis@redhat.com>

+ #

+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ #

+ #   Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.

+ #

+ #   This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing

+ #   to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms

+ #   and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.

+ #

+ #   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be

+ #   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied


+ #   PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

+ #

+ #   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public

+ #   License along with this program; if not, write to the Free

+ #   Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,

+ #   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

+ #

+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ # Include Beaker environment

+ . /usr/bin/rhts-environment.sh

+ . /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh


+ PACKAGE="nmap"


+ rlJournalStart

+     rlPhaseStartSetup

+         rlAssertRpm $PACKAGE

+         rlRun "modprobe sctp"

+         rlRun "TmpDir=\$(mktemp -d)" 0 "Creating tmp directory"

+         rlIsRHEL 4 5 && rlRun "chcon -t tmpfs_t $TmpDir" 0 \

+                 "Changing SELinux context to allow nmap to write to $TmpDir"

+         rlRun "cp *exp $TmpDir" 0 "Copying expect scripts to working directory"

+         rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"

+     rlPhaseEnd


+     rlPhaseStartTest "ncat acts as tcp server (Listen mode)"

+         rlRun "tcpdump -pnnli lo port 6666 > tcpdump-tcp.out &" 0 "Run tcpdump"


+         sleep 2

+         rlRun "./tcpsrv.exp > ncat-server-tcp.out &"

+         NCATPID=$!; echo NCATPID=$NCATPID

+         rlRun "rlWaitForSocket -p $NCATPID 6666 -d 0.5"

+         rlRun "./tcpclt.exp > ncat-client-tcp.out"

+         sleep 3

+         rlRun "kill -9 $NCATPID" 0,1 "Making sure the ncat is dead"

+         rlRun "kill -9 $TCPDUMPPID" 0,1 "Making sure the tcpdump is dead"

+         sleep 1

+         cat tcpdump-tcp.out

+         rlAssertGrep "*\[S" tcpdump-tcp.out

+         rlAssertGrep "*\[P" tcpdump-tcp.out

+         rlAssertGrep "*\[F" tcpdump-tcp.out

+         rlAssertEquals "Vefify that there were two PUSH packet sent" \

+                 2 `grep "*\[P" tcpdump-tcp.out |wc -l`

+         cat ncat-server-tcp.out

+         rlAssertGrep "ClientSend" ncat-server-tcp.out

+         cat ncat-client-tcp.out

+         rlAssertGrep "ServerSend" ncat-client-tcp.out

+     rlPhaseEnd


+     rlPhaseStartTest "ncat acts as SCTP server (Listen mode)"

+         # SCTP does not support half-open connection so it has to be tested with expect

+         # otherwise the parties initiate connection close immediately after all input read

+         rlRun "tcpdump -pnnli lo port 6666 > tcpdump-sctp.out &" 0 "Run tcpdump"


+         sleep 2

+         rlRun "./srv.exp > ncat-server-sctp.out &"

+         NCATPID=$!; echo NCATPID=$NCATPID

+         rlRun "rlWaitForSocket -p $NCATPID 6666 -d 0.5"

+         rlRun "./clt.exp > ncat-client-sctp.out"

+         sleep 3

+         rlRun "kill -9 $NCATPID" 0,1 "Making sure the ncat is dead"

+         rlRun "kill -9 $TCPDUMPPID" 0,1 "Making sure the tcpdump is dead"

+         sleep 1

+         cat tcpdump-sctp.out

+         rlAssertGrep "*sctp.*\[INIT" tcpdump-sctp.out

+         rlAssertGrep "*sctp.*\[COOKIE" tcpdump-sctp.out

+         rlAssertGrep "*sctp.*\[SHUTDOWN" tcpdump-sctp.out

+         rlAssertEquals "Vefify that there were two DATA sctp packet sent" \

+                 2 `grep "*sctp.*\[DATA\]" tcpdump-sctp.out |wc -l`

+         cat ncat-server-sctp.out

+         rlAssertGrep "ClientSend" ncat-server-sctp.out

+         cat ncat-client-sctp.out

+         rlAssertGrep "ServerSend" ncat-client-sctp.out

+     rlPhaseEnd


+     rlPhaseStartTest "ncat acts as UDP server (Listen mode)"

+         rlRun "tcpdump -pnnli lo port 6666 > tcpdump-udp.out &" 0 "Run tcpdump"


+         sleep 2

+         rlRun "./udpsrv.exp >ncat-server-udp.out &"

+         NCATPID=$!; echo NCATPID=$NCATPID

+         sleep 2

+         rlRun "./udpclt.exp >ncat-client-udp.out &"


+         sleep 2

+         rlRun "kill -9 $NCATPID $NCATCLNTPID" 0,1 "Making sure the ncat is dead"

+         rlRun "kill -9 $TCPDUMPPID" 0,1 "Making sure the tcpdump is dead"

+         sleep 2

+         cat tcpdump-udp.out

+         rlAssertGrep "*>.**UDP" tcpdump-udp.out

+         rlAssertGrep "*>.**UDP" tcpdump-udp.out

+         rlAssertEquals "Vefify that there were two UDP packet sent" \

+                 2 `wc -l tcpdump-udp.out`

+         cat ncat-server-udp.out

+         rlAssertGrep "ClientSend" ncat-server-udp.out

+         cat ncat-client-udp.out

+         rlAssertGrep "ServerSend" ncat-client-udp.out

+     rlPhaseEnd


+     rlPhaseStartCleanup

+         rlRun "popd"

+         rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"

+     rlPhaseEnd

+ rlJournalPrintText

+ rlJournalEnd

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@

+ #!/usr/bin/expect


+ set timeout 10


+ spawn ncat -vl --sctp 6666


+ expect {

+     eof { exit 2 }

+     default { exit 1 }

+     "Ncat: Connection from" { sleep 1; send -- "ServerSend\r" }

+ }

+ expect {

+     eof { exit 2 }

+     default { exit 1 }

+     "ClientSend\r"

+ }

+ expect {

+     eof { exit 0 }

+     default { exit 1 }

+ }

+ exit 3


file added
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

+ #!/usr/bin/expect


+ set timeout 10


+ spawn ncat -4 localhost 6666


+ expect {

+     eof { exit 2 }

+     default { exit 1 }

+     "ServerSend\r" { sleep 1; send -- "ClientSend\r" }

+ }

+ sleep 1

+ exit 0

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@

+ #!/usr/bin/expect


+ set timeout 10


+ spawn ncat -vl 6666


+ expect {

+     eof { exit 2 }

+     default { exit 1 }

+     "Ncat: Connection from" { sleep 1; send -- "ServerSend\r" }

+ }

+ expect {

+     eof { exit 2 }

+     default { exit 1 }

+     "ClientSend\r"

+ }

+ expect {

+     eof { exit 0 }

+     default { exit 1 }

+ }

+ exit 3


file added
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@

+ #!/usr/bin/expect


+ set timeout 10


+ spawn ncat -4 --udp localhost 6666


+ send -- "ClientSend\r"

+ expect {

+     eof { exit 2 }

+     default { exit 1 }

+     "ServerSend\r"

+ }

+ sleep 1

+ exit 0

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

+ #!/usr/bin/expect


+ set timeout 10


+ spawn ncat -vl --udp 6666


+ expect {

+     eof { exit 2 }

+     default { exit 1 }

+     "ClientSend\r" { send -- "ServerSend\r" }

+ }

+ sleep 1

+ exit 0

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@

+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ #

+ #   Makefile of /CoreOS/nmap/Sanity/simple-functionality-test

+ #   Description: Simple functionality test, local port scanning.

+ #   Author: Karel Srot <ksrot@redhat.com>

+ #

+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ #

+ #   Copyright (c) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.

+ #

+ #   This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing

+ #   to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms

+ #   and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.

+ #

+ #   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be

+ #   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied


+ #   PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

+ #

+ #   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public

+ #   License along with this program; if not, write to the Free

+ #   Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,

+ #   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

+ #

+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ export TEST=/CoreOS/nmap/Sanity/simple-functionality-test

+ export TESTVERSION=1.0




+ FILES=$(METADATA) runtest.sh Makefile PURPOSE


+ .PHONY: all install download clean


+ run: $(FILES) build

+ 	./runtest.sh


+ build: $(BUILT_FILES)

+ 	chmod a+x runtest.sh


+ clean:

+ 	rm -f *~ $(BUILT_FILES)



+ include /usr/share/rhts/lib/rhts-make.include


+ $(METADATA): Makefile

+ 	@echo "Owner:           Karel Srot <ksrot@redhat.com>" > $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Name:            $(TEST)" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "TestVersion:     $(TESTVERSION)" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Path:            $(TEST_DIR)" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Description:     Simple functionality test, local port scanning." >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Type:            Sanity" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "TestTime:        5m" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "RunFor:          nmap" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Requires:        nmap lsof" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Priority:        Normal" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "License:         GPLv2" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Confidential:    no" >> $(METADATA)

+ 	@echo "Destructive:     no" >> $(METADATA)


+ 	rhts-lint $(METADATA)

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

+ PURPOSE of /CoreOS/nmap/Sanity/simple-functionality-test

+ Description: Simple functionality test, local port scanning.

+ Author: Karel Srot <ksrot@redhat.com>


+ sanity testing local port scanning

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@

+ #!/bin/bash

+ # vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k

+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ #

+ #   runtest.sh of /CoreOS/nmap/Sanity/simple-functionality-test

+ #   Description: Simple functionality test, local port scanning.

+ #   Author: Karel Srot <ksrot@redhat.com>

+ #

+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ #

+ #   Copyright (c) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.

+ #

+ #   This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing

+ #   to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms

+ #   and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.

+ #

+ #   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be

+ #   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied


+ #   PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

+ #

+ #   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public

+ #   License along with this program; if not, write to the Free

+ #   Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,

+ #   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

+ #

+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ # Include rhts environment

+ . /usr/bin/rhts-environment.sh

+ . /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh


+ PACKAGE="nmap"


+ rlJournalStart

+     rlPhaseStartSetup

+         rlAssertRpm $PACKAGE

+         rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"

+ 	rlIsRHEL 4 5 && rlRun "chcon -t tmpfs_t $TmpDir" 0 "Changing SELinux context to allow nmap to write to $TmpDir"

+         rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"

+     rlPhaseEnd


+     rlPhaseStartTest

+         rlRun "nmap localhost -p- 2>&1 > myscan.nmap" 0 "Perform nmap scan"

+         rlAssertExists "myscan.nmap"

+ 	rlRun "lsof -i4 -P | grep '(LISTEN)' > lsof.out" 0 "Checking open ports with lsof -i4"

+ 	if grep -q ':22 (LISTEN)' lsof.out; then

+ 		rlRun "egrep '22/tcp\\W+open\\W+ssh' myscan.nmap" 0 "Checking if ssh has been found"

+ 	fi

+ 	if grep -q ':25 (LISTEN)' lsof.out; then

+ 		rlRun "egrep '25/tcp\\W+open\\W+smtp' myscan.nmap" 0 "Checking if smtp daemon has been found"

+ 	fi

+ 	if grep -q ':631 (LISTEN)' lsof.out; then

+ 		rlRun "egrep '631/tcp\\W+open\\W+ipp' myscan.nmap" 0 "Checking if cups/ipp has been found"

+ 	fi


+ 	if grep -q ':111 (LISTEN)' lsof.out; then

+ 		rlRun "egrep '111/tcp\\W+open\\W+rpcbind' myscan.nmap" 0 "Checking if portmap/rpcbind has been found"

+ 	fi

+     rlPhaseEnd


+     rlPhaseStartCleanup

+         rlRun "popd"

+         rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"

+     rlPhaseEnd

+ rlJournalPrintText

+ rlJournalEnd

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@

+ ---

+ # Tests that run in all contexts

+ - hosts: localhost

+   roles:

+   - role: standard-test-beakerlib

+     tags:

+     - classic

+     tests:

+     - ncat-protocol-sanity-test

+     - simple-functionality-test

+     required_packages:

+     - kernel-modules    # Required to run ncat-protocol-sanity-test

+     - nmap              # Required to run simple-functionality-test

+     - lsof              # Required to run simple-functionality-test

+     - tcpdump           # Required to run ncat-protocol-sanity-test

+     - expect            # Required to run ncat-protocol-sanity-test

no initial comment


Adds tests according to the CI wiki specifically the standard test interface in the spec.

The playbook includes Tier1 level test cases that have been tested in the following contexts and is passing reliably: Classic and Container. Test logs are stored in the artifacts directory.

The following steps are used to execute the tests using the standard test interface:

Test enveronment

Make sure you have installed packages from the spec

$ rpm -q ansible python2-dnf libselinux-python standard-test-roles

Clone tests to you PC

$ git clone git://fedorapeople.org/~sturivny/nmap
$ cd nmap/

Run tests for Classic

All test should be run under the root

$ cd tests/
$ sudo ansible-playbook --tags classic tests.yml

Snip of the example test run:

TASK [standard-test-beakerlib : Execute beakerlib tests] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost] => (item=ncat-protocol-sanity-test)
changed: [localhost] => (item=simple-functionality-test)

TASK [standard-test-beakerlib : Make the master test summary log artifact] ******************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost] => (item=ncat-protocol-sanity-test)
changed: [localhost] => (item=simple-functionality-test)

TASK [standard-test-beakerlib : Pull out the logs] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [standard-test-beakerlib : Check the results] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=18   changed=11   unreachable=0    failed=0  


Tests will be enabled in CI, yet gating is currently disabled, so nothing will change. Tests will run on each dist-git commit, they are not triggered by koji builds and if you are using FMN, it should notify you of failures normally.

The RH QE maintainer contact in case you have questions: sturivny @redhat.com
The idea is that these tests become yours just as you're maintaining the package, there will, of course, be people around if you have questions or troubles.

Commit be1eabc fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by landgraf

6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by landgraf

6 years ago