Blob Blame History Raw
# Patterns have zone configuration and they are shared by one or more zones.
# pattern:
	# name by which the pattern is referred to
	#name: "myzones"
	# the zonefile for the zones that use this pattern.
	# if relative then from the zonesdir (inside the chroot).
	# the name is processed: %s - zone name (as appears in zone:name).
	# %1 - first character of zone name, %2 second, %3 third.
	# %z - topleveldomain label of zone, %y, %x next labels in name.
	# if label or character does not exist you get a dot '.'.
	# for example "" or "zones/%1/%2/%3/%s" or "secondary/%z/%s"
	#zonefile: ""
	# If no master and slave access control elements are provided,
	# this zone will not be served to/from other servers.

	# A master zone needs notify: and provide-xfr: lists.  A slave
	# may also allow zone transfer (for debug or other secondaries).
	# notify these slaves when the master zone changes, address TSIG|NOKEY
	# IP can be ipv4 and ipv6, with @port for a nondefault port number.
	#notify: NOKEY
	# allow these IPs and TSIG to transfer zones, addr TSIG|NOKEY|BLOCKED
	# address range,,
	#provide-xfr: my_tsig_key_name
	# set the number of retries for notify.
	#notify-retry: 5

	# uncomment to provide AXFR to all the world
	# provide-xfr: NOKEY
	# provide-xfr: ::0/0 NOKEY

	# A slave zone needs allow-notify: and request-xfr: lists.
	#allow-notify: 2001:db8::0/64 my_tsig_key_name
	# By default, a slave will request a zone transfer with IXFR/TCP.
	# If you want to make use of IXFR/UDP use: UDP addr tsigkey
	# for a master that only speaks AXFR (like NSD) use AXFR addr tsigkey
	#request-xfr: the_tsig_key_name
	# Attention: You cannot use UDP and AXFR together. AXFR is always over 
	# TCP. If you use UDP, we higly recommend you to deploy TSIG.
	# Allow AXFR fallback if the master does not support IXFR. Default
	# is yes.
	#allow-axfr-fallback: yes
	# set local interface for sending zone transfer requests.
	# default is let the OS choose.

	# if compiled with --enable-zone-stats, give name of stat block for
	# this zone (or group of zones).  Output from nsd-control stats.
	# zonestats: "%s"

	# if you give another pattern name here, at this point the settings
	# from that pattern are inserted into this one (as if it were a 
	# macro).  The statement can be given in between other statements,
	# because the order of access control elements can make a difference
	# (which master to request from first, which slave to notify first).
	#include-pattern: "common-masters"