%global         forgeurl https://github.com/osbuild/osbuild
%global         selinuxtype targeted
Packit 4df4f0c
Version:        85
%global         pypi_name osbuild
%global         pkgdir %{_prefix}/lib/%{pypi_name}
Name:           %{pypi_name}
Packit Service 25b19c2
Release:        1%{?dist}
Packit 782a9b1
License:        Apache-2.0
URL:            %{forgeurl}
Source0:        %{forgesource}
BuildArch:      noarch
Summary:        A build system for OS images
BuildRequires:  make
BuildRequires:  python3-devel
BuildRequires:  python3-docutils
Packit Service ff8eba7
BuildRequires:  systemd
Requires:       bash
Requires:       bubblewrap
Requires:       coreutils
Requires:       curl
Requires:       dnf
Requires:       e2fsprogs
Requires:       glibc
Requires:       policycoreutils
Requires:       qemu-img
Requires:       systemd
Packit eed3274
Requires:       skopeo
Requires:       tar
Requires:       util-linux
Requires:       python3-%{pypi_name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       (%{name}-selinux if selinux-policy-%{selinuxtype})
# Turn off dependency generators for runners. The reason is that runners are
# tailored to the platform, e.g. on RHEL they are using platform-python. We
# don't want to pick up those dependencies on other platform.
%global __requires_exclude_from ^%{pkgdir}/(runners)/.*$
# Turn off shebang mangling on RHEL. brp-mangle-shebangs (from package
# redhat-rpm-config) is run on all executables in a package after the `install`
# section runs. The below macro turns this behavior off for:
#   - runners, because they already have the correct shebang for the platform
#     they're meant for, and
#   - stages and assemblers, because they are run within osbuild build roots,
#     which are not required to contain the same OS as the host and might thus
#     have a different notion of "platform-python".
# RHEL NB: Since assemblers and stages are not excluded from the dependency
# generator, this also means that an additional dependency on /usr/bin/python3
# will be added. This is intended and needed, so that in the host build root
# /usr/bin/python3 is present so stages and assemblers can be run.
%global __brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude_from ^%{pkgdir}/(assemblers|runners|stages)/.*$
A build system for OS images
%package -n     python3-%{pypi_name}
Summary:        %{summary}
%{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-%{pypi_name}}
%description -n python3-%{pypi_name}
A build system for OS images
Packit Service ff8eba7
%package        lvm2
Packit Service ff8eba7
Summary:        LVM2 support
Packit Service ff8eba7
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Packit Service ff8eba7
Requires:       lvm2
Packit Service ff8eba7
Packit Service ff8eba7
%description lvm2
Packit Service ff8eba7
Contains the necessary stages and device host
Packit Service ff8eba7
services to build LVM2 based images.
Packit Service ff8eba7
Packit Service ff8eba7
%package        luks2
Packit Service ff8eba7
Summary:        LUKS2 support
Packit Service ff8eba7
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Packit Service ff8eba7
Requires:       cryptsetup
Packit Service ff8eba7
Packit Service ff8eba7
%description luks2
Packit Service ff8eba7
Contains the necessary stages and device host
Packit Service ff8eba7
services to build LUKS2 encrypted images.
Packit Service ff8eba7
%package        ostree
Summary:        OSTree support
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       ostree
Requires:       rpm-ostree
%description ostree
Contains the necessary stages, assembler and source
to build OSTree based images.
%package        selinux
Summary:        SELinux policies
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Packit 40f4a30
Requires:       selinux-policy-%{selinuxtype}
Packit 40f4a30
Requires(post): selinux-policy-%{selinuxtype}
BuildRequires:  selinux-policy-devel
%description    selinux
Contains the necessary SELinux policies that allows
osbuild to use labels unknown to the host inside the
containers it uses to build OS artifacts.
%package        tools
Summary:        Extra tools and utilities
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Packit Service ec12d3d
Requires:       python3-pyyaml
%description    tools
Contains additional tools and utilities for development of
manifests and osbuild.
make man
# SELinux
make -f /usr/share/selinux/devel/Makefile osbuild.pp
bzip2 -9 osbuild.pp
Packit 40f4a30
%pre selinux
%selinux_relabel_pre -s %{selinuxtype}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/stages
install -p -m 0755 $(find stages -type f) %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/stages/
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/assemblers
install -p -m 0755 $(find assemblers -type f) %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/assemblers/
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/runners
install -p -m 0755 $(find runners -type f -or -type l) %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/runners
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/sources
install -p -m 0755 $(find sources -type f) %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/sources
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/devices
install -p -m 0755 $(find devices -type f) %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/devices
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/inputs
install -p -m 0755 $(find inputs -type f) %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/inputs
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/mounts
install -p -m 0755 $(find mounts -type f) %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/mounts
# mount point for bind mounting the osbuild library
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/osbuild
# schemata
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/osbuild/schemas
install -p -m 0644 $(find schemas/*.json) %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/osbuild/schemas
ln -s %{_datadir}/osbuild/schemas %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/schemas
# documentation
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man5
install -p -m 0644 -t %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/ docs/*.1
install -p -m 0644 -t %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man5/ docs/*.5
# SELinux
install -D -m 0644 -t %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/selinux/packages/%{selinuxtype} %{name}.pp.bz2
install -D -m 0644 -t %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8 selinux/%{name}_selinux.8
Packit 40f4a30
install -D -p -m 0644 selinux/osbuild.if %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/selinux/devel/include/distributed/%{name}.if
Packit Service ff8eba7
# Udev rules
Packit Service ff8eba7
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_udevrulesdir}
Packit Service ff8eba7
install -p -m 0755 data/10-osbuild-inhibitor.rules %{buildroot}%{_udevrulesdir}
Packit Service ff8eba7
exit 0
# We have some integration tests, but those require running a VM, so that would
# be an overkill for RPM check script.
%license LICENSE
Packit Service ff8eba7
Packit Service ff8eba7
# the following files are in the lvm2 sub-package
Packit Service ff8eba7
%exclude %{pkgdir}/devices/org.osbuild.lvm2*
Packit Service ff8eba7
%exclude %{pkgdir}/stages/org.osbuild.lvm2*
Packit Service ff8eba7
# the following files are in the luks2 sub-package
Packit Service ff8eba7
%exclude %{pkgdir}/devices/org.osbuild.luks2*
Packit Service ff8eba7
%exclude %{pkgdir}/stages/org.osbuild.crypttab
Packit Service ff8eba7
%exclude %{pkgdir}/stages/org.osbuild.luks2*
# the following files are in the ostree sub-package
%exclude %{pkgdir}/assemblers/org.osbuild.ostree*
%exclude %{pkgdir}/inputs/org.osbuild.ostree*
%exclude %{pkgdir}/sources/org.osbuild.ostree*
%exclude %{pkgdir}/stages/org.osbuild.ostree*
%exclude %{pkgdir}/stages/org.osbuild.rpm-ostree
%files -n       python3-%{pypi_name}
%license LICENSE
Packit Service 1ea227d
%doc README.md
Packit Service ff8eba7
%files lvm2
Packit Service ff8eba7
Packit Service ff8eba7
Packit Service ff8eba7
Packit Service ff8eba7
%files luks2
Packit Service ff8eba7
Packit Service ff8eba7
Packit Service ff8eba7
Packit Service ff8eba7
%files ostree
%files selinux
Packit 40f4a30
Packit 40f4a30
%ghost %verify(not md5 size mode mtime) %{_sharedstatedir}/selinux/%{selinuxtype}/active/modules/200/%{name}
%post selinux
%selinux_modules_install -s %{selinuxtype} %{_datadir}/selinux/packages/%{selinuxtype}/%{name}.pp.bz2
%postun selinux
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
    %selinux_modules_uninstall -s %{selinuxtype} %{name}
%posttrans selinux
%selinux_relabel_post -s %{selinuxtype}
%files tools
Packit 4df4f0c
* Wed May 10 2023 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 85-1
Packit 4df4f0c
Changes with 85
Packit 4df4f0c
Packit 4df4f0c
  * COMPOSER-1959: Start building osbuild on RHEL 8.9 and 9.3 nightly (#1300)
Packit 4df4f0c
  * Python 3.6 compatibility fixes (#1294)
Packit 4df4f0c
  * Update terraform SHA (#1299)
Packit 4df4f0c
  * Update test runners for 8.8 & 9.2 nightly (#1162)
Packit 4df4f0c
  * Various fixes (#1295)
Packit 4df4f0c
  * loop: use LOOP_CONFIGURE when available (#1253)
Packit 4df4f0c
  * stages/org.osbuild.ovf: support older python3 versions (#1306)
Packit 4df4f0c
  * stages/yum.repo: add `sslverify` field (#1298)
Packit 4df4f0c
Packit 4df4f0c
Contributions from: Alexander Todorov, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Sanne Raymaekers, Thomas Lavocat, Tomáš Hozza
Packit 4df4f0c
Packit 4df4f0c
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-05-10
Packit 4df4f0c
Packit 4df4f0c
Packit 857da7d
* Thu Apr 27 2023 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 84-1
Packit 857da7d
Changes with 84
Packit 857da7d
Packit 857da7d
  * CI tests cleanup and maintenance (#1282)
Packit 857da7d
  * Remove SSH keys of people who left the team (#1290)
Packit 857da7d
  * Test: skip test cases if the tested filesystem is not supported on the platform (#1287)
Packit 857da7d
  * lint: provide bandit configuration (#1265)
Packit 857da7d
  * mockbuild.sh: use dnf to install local package, not rpm (#1292)
Packit 857da7d
  * stages/lorax-script: minor schema adjustments (#1257)
Packit 857da7d
Packit 857da7d
Contributions from: Ondřej Budai, Simon de Vlieger, Tomáš Hozza
Packit 857da7d
Packit 857da7d
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-04-26
Packit 857da7d
Packit 857da7d
Packit 87a8adc
* Wed Apr 12 2023 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 83-1
Packit 87a8adc
Changes with 83
Packit 87a8adc
Packit 87a8adc
  * .gitlab-ci: drop fedora-35 (#1281)
Packit 87a8adc
  * .gitlab-ci: remove RHEL 8.6/9.0 ga runners (#1279)
Packit 87a8adc
  * Preserve manifest list digest when embedding containers (#1252)
Packit 87a8adc
  * WSL conf stage (#1278)
Packit 87a8adc
  * ci: remove codecov (#1271)
Packit 87a8adc
  * schutzfile: update manifest-db ref 2023-03-20 (#1260)
Packit 87a8adc
  * stage/systemd: be able to write a preset file (#1269)
Packit 87a8adc
  * stages/org.osbuild.ovf: support older python3 versions (#1276)
Packit 87a8adc
Packit 87a8adc
Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Sanne Raymaekers, SchutzBot, Simon de Vlieger
Packit 87a8adc
Packit 87a8adc
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-04-12
Packit 87a8adc
Packit 87a8adc
Packit eed3274
* Wed Mar 29 2023 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 82-1
Packit eed3274
Changes with 82
Packit eed3274
Packit eed3274
  * CI: update fedora-38 images (#1273)
Packit eed3274
  * ci: update manifest tests (#1242)
Packit eed3274
  * rpmbuild: build on fedora-38 (#1268)
Packit eed3274
  * stages: add ovf stage (#1266)
Packit eed3274
  * test: this test requires to be able to bindmount (#1261)
Packit eed3274
Packit eed3274
Contributions from: Jakub Rusz, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon de Vlieger, Thomas Lavocat
Packit eed3274
Packit eed3274
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-03-29
Packit eed3274
Packit eed3274
Packit 769d7dc
* Mon Feb 27 2023 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 81-1
Packit 769d7dc
Changes with 81
Packit 769d7dc
Packit 769d7dc
  * stages/ignition: support multi kargs in network kcmdline (#1249)
Packit 769d7dc
Packit 769d7dc
Contributions from: Antonio Murdaca, Thomas Lavocat
Packit 769d7dc
Packit 769d7dc
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-02-27
Packit 769d7dc
Packit 769d7dc
Packit 882eeff
* Mon Feb 20 2023 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 80-1
Packit 882eeff
Changes with 80
Packit 882eeff
Packit 882eeff
  * stages/copy: add option to remove destination before copying (#1241)
Packit 882eeff
  * stages/shell.init: add pattern for env var names (#1239)
Packit 882eeff
Packit 882eeff
Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Tomáš Hozza
Packit 882eeff
Packit 882eeff
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-02-20
Packit 882eeff
Packit 882eeff
Packit 219e8ca
* Wed Feb 15 2023 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 79-1
Packit 219e8ca
Changes with 79
Packit 219e8ca
Packit 219e8ca
  * New stage: org.osbuild.shell.init (#1234)
Packit 219e8ca
  * mounts: add the norecovery option for xfs and ext4 (#1238)
Packit 219e8ca
Packit 219e8ca
Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Thomas Lavocat
Packit 219e8ca
Packit 219e8ca
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-02-15
Packit 219e8ca
Packit 219e8ca
Packit 48d3d8c
* Tue Feb 07 2023 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 78-1
Packit 48d3d8c
Changes with 78
Packit 48d3d8c
Packit 48d3d8c
  * Add org.osbuild.chown stage  (#1228)
Packit 48d3d8c
  * mounts: accept a wider set of mount options (#1229)
Packit 48d3d8c
Packit 48d3d8c
Contributions from: Thomas Lavocat, Tomáš Hozza
Packit 48d3d8c
Packit 48d3d8c
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-02-07
Packit 48d3d8c
Packit 48d3d8c
Packit f8cecee
* Fri Jan 20 2023 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 77-1
Packit f8cecee
Changes with 77
Packit f8cecee
Packit f8cecee
  * CI deploy script and SSH keys cleanup (#1225)
Packit f8cecee
  * stages/mkdir: revert explicitly setting mode using `os.chmod` (#1227)
Packit f8cecee
Packit f8cecee
Contributions from: Tomáš Hozza
Packit f8cecee
Packit f8cecee
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-01-20
Packit f8cecee
Packit f8cecee
Packit 782a9b1
* Thu Jan 19 2023 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 76-1
Packit 782a9b1
Changes with 76
Packit 782a9b1
Packit 782a9b1
  * sources/ostree: fix quotation marks in mTLS remote options (#1222)
Packit 782a9b1
  * stages/mkdir: explicitly set mode using `chmod` and support handling of existing directories (#1224)
Packit 782a9b1
Packit 782a9b1
Contributions from: Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomáš Hozza
Packit 782a9b1
Packit 782a9b1
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-01-18
Packit 782a9b1
Packit 782a9b1
Packit bf36bac
* Wed Jan 04 2023 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 75-1
Packit bf36bac
Changes with 75
Packit bf36bac
Packit bf36bac
  * runners: add Fedora Asahi runner (#1216)
Packit bf36bac
  * stages/rhsm.facts: create facts file in /etc (#1220)
Packit bf36bac
  * test/objectstore: use os.stat instead Path.stat (#1217)
Packit bf36bac
Packit bf36bac
Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Christian Kellner, Eric Curtin
Packit bf36bac
Packit bf36bac
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-01-04
Packit bf36bac
Packit bf36bac
Packit bf36bac
Packit a1ed31a
* Wed Dec 21 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 74-1
Packit a1ed31a
Changes with 74
Packit a1ed31a
Packit a1ed31a
  * Clamp mtime to `source-epoch` if specified (#1207)
Packit a1ed31a
  * New `ostree.encapsulate` for "native ostree containers" (#1091)
Packit a1ed31a
  * [v2] util/fscache: introduce versioning (#1198)
Packit a1ed31a
  * fscache: post-merge improvements (#1211)
Packit a1ed31a
  * ostree.config: add aboot (Android) bootloader config option (#1204)
Packit a1ed31a
  * runners: add AutoSD runner (#1210)
Packit a1ed31a
  * schutzbot: set the cache size for the correct store (#1199)
Packit a1ed31a
  * stages/users: accept identical uid for existing users (#1188)
Packit a1ed31a
  * test/fscache: drop PathLike annotation (#1196)
Packit a1ed31a
  * test/stages/users: ignore non-deterministic files (#1197)
Packit a1ed31a
  * test: convert objectstore test to pytest (#1201)
Packit a1ed31a
  * util/fscache: add cachedir-tag support (#1212)
Packit a1ed31a
  * util: fix typo in get_consumer_secrets (#1200)
Packit a1ed31a
  * 🗄Write and read metadata from the store and integrate `FsCache` into `ObjectStore` (#1187)
Packit a1ed31a
Packit a1ed31a
Contributions from: Christian Kellner, David Rheinsberg, Eric Curtin, Sanne Raymaekers
Packit a1ed31a
Packit a1ed31a
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-12-21
Packit a1ed31a
Packit a1ed31a
Packit a1ed31a
Packit eee2c3c
* Wed Dec 07 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 73-1
Packit eee2c3c
Changes with 73
Packit eee2c3c
Packit eee2c3c
  * cache: provide FsCache utility for concurrent caches (#1130)
Packit eee2c3c
  * ci: use the latest terraform to fix missing images (#1185)
Packit eee2c3c
  * mounts: use the options object for mountopts (#1182)
Packit eee2c3c
  * schutzfile: update manifest-db ref 2022-12-05 (#1194)
Packit eee2c3c
Packit eee2c3c
Contributions from: David Rheinsberg, SchutzBot, Thomas Lavocat
Packit eee2c3c
Packit eee2c3c
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-12-07
Packit eee2c3c
Packit eee2c3c
Packit eee2c3c
Packit d3e01e2
* Wed Nov 23 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 72-1
Packit d3e01e2
Changes with 72
Packit d3e01e2
Packit d3e01e2
  * UKI: Add support for building unified kernel images (#1167)
Packit d3e01e2
  * Update snapshots to 20221115 (#1177)
Packit d3e01e2
  * `objectstore`: use direct path input/output for `Object` (#1179)
Packit d3e01e2
  * `stages/containers.storage.conf`: ability to specify a base file  (#1173)
Packit d3e01e2
  * devices: tolerate existing device nodes (#1181)
Packit d3e01e2
  * grub2.iso: add timeout option (#1175)
Packit d3e01e2
  * ignition: fix ignition_network_kcmdline (#1172)
Packit d3e01e2
  * test/data: persist the journal for ostree images (#1178)
Packit d3e01e2
  * ❌ 🐮 Remove copy-on-write support for `Object` (no-cow) (#1169)
Packit d3e01e2
Packit d3e01e2
Contributions from: Antonio Murdaca, Christian Kellner, Thomas Lavocat, schutzbot
Packit d3e01e2
Packit d3e01e2
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-11-23
Packit d3e01e2
Packit d3e01e2
Packit d3e01e2
Packit e8d6698
* Wed Nov 09 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 71-1
Packit e8d6698
Changes with 71
Packit e8d6698
Packit e8d6698
  * Extend firewall stage to add sources (continues from PR #1137) (#1157)
Packit e8d6698
  * Update snapshots to 20221025 (#1159)
Packit e8d6698
  * Update snapshots to 20221028 (#1161)
Packit e8d6698
  * ci(lint): add shell linter - Differential ShellCheck (#1147)
Packit e8d6698
  * ci: update to containers/privdocker@552e30c (#1166)
Packit e8d6698
  * ci: upgrade to actions/checkout@v3 (#1165)
Packit e8d6698
  * osbuild-dev: a new tool to help with manifests (#1152)
Packit e8d6698
  * osbuild-mpp: recognize manifest without mediaType and with manifests fields as a list (#1168)
Packit e8d6698
  * stages/ostree.preptree: link to rpm-ostree code (#1151)
Packit e8d6698
  * stages: add new cpio.out stage (#1164)
Packit e8d6698
Contributions from: Antonio Murdaca, Christian Kellner, Colin Walters, David Rheinsberg, Irene Diez, Jan Macku, Simon de Vlieger, Ygal Blum, schutzbot
Packit e8d6698
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-11-09
Packit e8d6698
Packit e8d6698
Packit e8d6698
Packit d3e01e2
Packit d3e01e2
Packit ce38e1b
* Wed Oct 26 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 70-1
Packit ce38e1b
Changes with 70
Packit ce38e1b
Packit ce38e1b
  * Build rpms on RHEL 8.8 and 9.2 (#1141)
Packit ce38e1b
  * packit: Replace deprecated config options (#1145)
Packit ce38e1b
  * schutzbot/mockbuild: stop running mock as root (#1148)
Packit ce38e1b
  * schutzfile: update manifest-db ref 2022-10-20 (#1155)
Packit ce38e1b
  * sources/ostree: set contenturl when pulling from remote (#1140)
Packit ce38e1b
  * stages/keymap: add font option (#1158)
Packit ce38e1b
  * stages/logind-systemd: add `ReserveVT` option (#1156)
Packit ce38e1b
  * stages/rpm: make the fake machine-id newline-terminated (#1150)
Packit ce38e1b
  * stages: add systemd-journald stage (#1143)
Packit ce38e1b
  * test: add README.md on how to make tests for stages (#1149)
Packit ce38e1b
Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Irene Diez, Jakub Rusz, Jan Macku, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, SchutzBot
Packit ce38e1b
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-10-26
Packit ce38e1b
Packit ce38e1b
Packit ce38e1b
Packit e8d6698
Packit e8d6698
Packit 09defe3
* Wed Oct 12 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 69-1
Packit 09defe3
Changes with 69
Packit 09defe3
Packit 09defe3
  * runners: auto detection based on best matching distro+version (#996)
Packit 09defe3
  * sources/ostree: pull from remote using rhsm mTLS certs (#1138)
Packit 09defe3
  * stages: fix ostree config stage (#1129)
Packit 09defe3
Contributions from: Antonio Murdaca, Christian Kellner, Sanne Raymaekers
Packit 09defe3
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-10-12
Packit 09defe3
Packit 09defe3
Packit 09defe3
Packit ce38e1b
Packit ce38e1b
Packit 40f4a30
* Wed Sep 28 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 68-1
Packit 40f4a30
Changes with 68
Packit 40f4a30
Packit 40f4a30
  * manifest-db: propage the osbuild SHA on manifest-db (#1124)
Packit 40f4a30
  * packit: Enable Bodhi updates for unstable Fedoras (#1128)
Packit 40f4a30
  * packit: add epel-9 to copr_build (#1118)
Packit 40f4a30
  * selinux: Update based on latest packaging guide (#1127)
Packit 40f4a30
  * stages/greenboot: avoid new pylint suppressions (#1114)
Packit 40f4a30
  * test/src: improve file enumeration (#1106)
Packit 40f4a30
Contributions from: David Rheinsberg, Ondřej Budai, Simon Steinbeiss, Thomas Lavocat, Vit Mojzis
Packit 40f4a30
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-09-28
Packit 40f4a30
Packit 40f4a30
Packit 40f4a30
Packit 09defe3
Packit 09defe3
Packit 3e43f1e
* Wed Sep 14 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 67-1
Packit 3e43f1e
Changes with 67
Packit 3e43f1e
Packit 3e43f1e
  * Quote URL paths before downloading in curl source (#1100)
Packit 3e43f1e
  * Use isort to sort all imports (#1087)
Packit 3e43f1e
  * ci: remove the composer image test (#1110)
Packit 3e43f1e
  * org.osbuild.oci-archive: Support setting Entrypoint (#1103)
Packit 3e43f1e
  * osbuild-mpp: Add url option to mpp-embed (#1104)
Packit 3e43f1e
  * osbuild-mpp: fix minor issues and coding-style (#1112)
Packit 3e43f1e
  * osbuild: explicit encodings for `open()` (#1108)
Packit 3e43f1e
  * osbuild: pylint version fixes (#1094)
Packit 3e43f1e
  * osbuild: share terminal formats between files (#1072)
Packit 3e43f1e
  * packit: Enable Bodhi updates workflow (#1102)
Packit 3e43f1e
  * rpmbuild: add fedora-37 (#1101)
Packit 3e43f1e
  * test: run mypy in test-src not in GH actions (#1093)
Packit 3e43f1e
  * tree: fix newer pylint warnings (#1107)
Packit 3e43f1e
Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Larsson, David Rheinsberg, Simon Steinbeiss, Simon de Vlieger, Thomas Lavocat, Ygal Blum
Packit 3e43f1e
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-09-14
Packit 3e43f1e
Packit 3e43f1e
Packit 3e43f1e
Packit 40f4a30
Packit 40f4a30
Packit 1e1beb5
* Wed Aug 31 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 66-1
Packit 1e1beb5
Changes with 66
Packit 1e1beb5
Packit 1e1beb5
  * test: manifests testing on each PR (#1052)
Packit 1e1beb5
Contributions from: Thomas Lavocat
Packit 1e1beb5
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-08-31
Packit 1e1beb5
Packit 1e1beb5
Packit 1e1beb5
Packit 3e43f1e
Packit 3e43f1e
Packit a8061fc
* Fri Aug 26 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 65-1
Packit a8061fc
Changes with 65
Packit a8061fc
Packit a8061fc
  * Add greenboot configuration management via osbuild (#1086)
Packit a8061fc
  * Add new properties to ostree.remotes stage: gpgkeypath and contenturl (#1097)
Packit a8061fc
  * pipeline: include mounts in stage checksum (#1098)
Packit a8061fc
  * runners: add fedora38 (#1092)
Packit a8061fc
Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Christian Kellner, Ondřej Budai, Sayan Paul
Packit a8061fc
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-08-26
Packit a8061fc
Packit a8061fc
Packit a8061fc
Packit 1e1beb5
Packit 1e1beb5
Packit e55a8f3
* Wed Aug 17 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 64-1
Packit e55a8f3
Changes with 64
Packit e55a8f3
Packit e55a8f3
  * Ability to mark installation as `ostree-booted` (#1085)
Packit e55a8f3
  * Add org.osbuild.gcp.guest-agent.conf stage (#1080)
Packit e55a8f3
  * Check source via `autopep8` (#1083)
Packit e55a8f3
  * `stages/gcp.guest-agent.conf`: various small fixes (#1081)
Packit e55a8f3
  * osbuild-mpp: Allow use of mpp-* operations for stages (#1084)
Packit e55a8f3
  * stages/rpm: allow setting the dbpath (#666)
Packit e55a8f3
Contributions from: Alexander Larsson, Christian Kellner, fkolwa
Packit e55a8f3
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-08-17
Packit e55a8f3
Packit e55a8f3
Packit e55a8f3
Packit a8061fc
Packit a8061fc
Packit c0e1c19
* Wed Aug 03 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 63-1
Packit c0e1c19
Changes with 63
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
  * stage: add an rhsm.facts stage (#1060)
Packit c0e1c19
Contributions from: Simon de Vlieger
Packit c0e1c19
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-08-03
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit e55a8f3
Packit e55a8f3
Packit fad8c12
* Wed Jul 27 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 62-1
Packit fad8c12
Changes with 62
Packit fad8c12
Packit fad8c12
  * COMPOSER-1622: Enable Fedora 36 testing (#1061)
Packit fad8c12
  * `stages/container.storage.conf`: fix `filename` property lookup (#1077)
Packit fad8c12
  * mounts: minor fixes with no functional changes (#1076)
Packit fad8c12
  * schema: assorted fixes for schema formatting and handling (#1079)
Packit fad8c12
  * stages/containers.storage.conf: support pytoml (#1078)
Packit fad8c12
  * stages/users: support a dot inside a username (#1075)
Packit fad8c12
Contributions from: Alexander Todorov, Christian Kellner, David Rheinsberg, Ondřej Budai
Packit fad8c12
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-07-27
Packit fad8c12
Packit fad8c12
Packit fad8c12
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit 15699ad
* Wed Jul 20 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 61-1
Packit 15699ad
Changes with 61
Packit 15699ad
Packit 15699ad
  * Add new `containers.storage.conf` stage to edit `containers-storage.conf(5)` files (#1069)
Packit 15699ad
  * docs: update osbuild(1) (#1068)
Packit 15699ad
  * osbuild: fix current partial type annotations (#1067)
Packit 15699ad
  * source/skopeo: use subprocess.check_output (#1071)
Packit 15699ad
  * stages/skopeo: use extra intermediate download dir (#1074)
Packit 15699ad
  * tests: Run tests on RHEL 9.1 and 8.7 nightly (#1051)
Packit 15699ad
Contributions from: Christian Kellner, David Rheinsberg, Jakub Rusz, Simon de Vlieger
Packit 15699ad
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-07-20
Packit 15699ad
Packit 15699ad
Packit 15699ad
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c12286c
* Wed Jul 06 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 60-1
Packit c12286c
Changes with 60
Packit c12286c
Packit c12286c
  * Add `_install langs` support (#1064)
Packit c12286c
  * Add a Vagrant libvirt stage (#947)
Packit c12286c
  * `stages/dnf.config`: ability to configure rpm transaction flags (#1063)
Packit c12286c
  * `stages/oci-archive`: small cleanups (#1062)
Packit c12286c
  * ci: push tags to gitlab (#1058)
Packit c12286c
  * git: ignore common virtual env locations (#1066)
Packit c12286c
  * main: add a --version argument (#1039)
Packit c12286c
  * osbuild-mpp: small python cleanups (#1056)
Packit c12286c
  * rpmbuild: add fedora-36 (#1053)
Packit c12286c
  * stages: OpenSCAP remediation at build time (#1059)
Packit c12286c
  * stages: add new org.osbuild.rpmkeys.import stage (#1057)
Packit c12286c
Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Jelle van der Waa, Simon de Vlieger
Packit c12286c
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-07-06
Packit c12286c
Packit c12286c
Packit c12286c
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit 06223ab
* Wed Jun 22 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 59-1
Packit 06223ab
Changes with 59
Packit 06223ab
Packit 06223ab
  * Remove `options` from the v1 result (#1044)
Packit 06223ab
  * Run rpmbuild on new nightlies. (#1049)
Packit 06223ab
  * Support calling curl with --insecure (#1047)
Packit 06223ab
  * ci: Adjust release schedule timer (#1045)
Packit 06223ab
  * stages/mkfs.fat: pass `-I` command line option (#1050)
Packit 06223ab
  * stages/qemu: expose vpc options (#1046)
Packit 06223ab
  * store: various code cleanups (#1032)
Packit 06223ab
Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Simon Steinbeiss
Packit 06223ab
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-06-22
Packit 06223ab
Packit 06223ab
Packit 06223ab
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c901340
* Wed Jun 08 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 58-1
Packit c901340
Changes with 58
Packit c901340
Packit c901340
  * COMPOSER-1576: rpmbuild on 8.6 and 9.0 ga (#1043)
Packit c901340
  * `grub2.legacy`: stricter schema, replace `architecture` with `bios.platform`  (#1035)
Packit c901340
  * `stages/grub2.legacy`: small schema fixes (#1034)
Packit c901340
  * stages: add OpenSCAP first boot remediation (#1033)
Packit c901340
  * tests: handle `-` in the sfdisk version test (#1037)
Packit c901340
Contributions from: Alexander Todorov, Christian Kellner, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Simon de Vlieger
Packit c901340
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-06-08
Packit c901340
Packit c901340
Packit c901340
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit 308e832
* Wed May 25 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 57-1
Packit 308e832
Changes with 57
Packit 308e832
Packit 308e832
  * meta: show stage name when schema is missing (#1022)
Packit 308e832
  * sources: curl max_workers 2 * num_cpus (#1024)
Packit 308e832
  * stages/ostree.passwd: fix subid source path (#1027)
Packit 308e832
  * stages/udev.rules: use correct separator (#1026)
Packit 308e832
  * stages: add new sgdisk stage (#1029)
Packit 308e832
Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Simon de Vlieger
Packit 308e832
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-05-25
Packit 308e832
Packit 308e832
Packit 308e832
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit 2e4cb04
* Wed May 11 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 56-1
Packit 2e4cb04
Changes with 56
Packit 2e4cb04
Packit 2e4cb04
  * Re-enable pylint warning W0201 (attribute-defined-outside-init) (#1019)
Packit 2e4cb04
  * Restrict capabilities is stages (#1010)
Packit 2e4cb04
  * org.osbuild.luks2.format: Support dm-integrity (#1015)
Packit 2e4cb04
  * packit: Enable Koji build integration (#1021)
Packit 2e4cb04
  * sources: refactor the SourceService class (#998)
Packit 2e4cb04
  * stage/ostree.passwd: also merge /etc/sub{u,g}id (#1013)
Packit 2e4cb04
  * stages: add new org.osbuild.udev.rules stage (#1018)
Packit 2e4cb04
  * test: remove old `pipelines` contents & directory (#1011)
Packit 2e4cb04
Contributions from: Alexander Larsson, Christian Kellner, Simon Steinbeiss, Thomas Lavocat
Packit 2e4cb04
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-05-11
Packit 2e4cb04
Packit 2e4cb04
Packit 2e4cb04
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit 0f92d53
* Thu Apr 28 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 53.1-1
Packit 0f92d53
Packit 0f92d53
Packit 0f92d53
 * devices/lvm2.lv: add support for lvm devices files (#1009)
Packit 0f92d53
Contributions from: Christian Kellner
Packit 0f92d53
— Liberec, 2022-04-28
Packit 0f92d53
Packit 0f92d53
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit 525b7a0
* Wed Apr 27 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 55-1
Packit 525b7a0
Changes with 55
Packit 525b7a0
Packit 525b7a0
  * Support specifying multiple devices in all mkfs versions (like xfs) (#1004)
Packit 525b7a0
  * buildroot: don't explicitly add `CAP_MAC_ADMIN` (#1008)
Packit 525b7a0
  * devices/lvm2.lv: add support for lvm devices files (#1009)
Packit 525b7a0
  * inputs/org.osbuild.tree: fix typo (#1006)
Packit 525b7a0
  * inputs: support array of objects references (#1003)
Packit 525b7a0
  * workflows/trigger-gitlab: run Gitlab CI in new image-builder project (#1002)
Packit 525b7a0
Contributions from: Alexander Larsson, Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Jelle van der Waa
Packit 525b7a0
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-04-27
Packit 525b7a0
Packit 525b7a0
Packit 525b7a0
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit d859043
* Wed Apr 13 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 54-1
Packit d859043
Changes with 54
Packit d859043
Packit d859043
  * Allow specifying subformat for the `vmdk` type in `org.osbuild.qemu` stage (#999)
Packit d859043
  * Pin rpmrepo snapshots for CI runners + use them in mockbuild + ci improvements (#1001)
Packit d859043
  * Support VMDK subformat in qemu assembler (#1000)
Packit d859043
Contributions from: Jakub Rusz, Tomas Hozza
Packit d859043
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-04-13
Packit d859043
Packit d859043
Packit d859043
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit Service 4b6e520
* Thu Mar 24 2022 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 53-1
Packit Service 4b6e520
Packit Service 4b6e520
Packit Service 4b6e520
  * stages/sfdisk: support changing GPT partition attribute bits (#966)
Packit Service 4b6e520
  * Enable scheduled upstream releases (#997)
Packit Service 4b6e520
  * stages/rpm: don't verify package or header signatures when installing (#995)
Packit Service 4b6e520
  * stages/selinux: directly call setfilecon (#993)
Packit Service 4b6e520
  * stages/selinux: directly call setfilecon (#993)
Packit Service 4b6e520
  * stages/selinux: directly call setfilecon (#993)
Packit Service 4b6e520
  * stages/selinux: directly call setfilecon (#993)
Packit Service 4b6e520
  * sources/curl: don't limit total download time (#990)
Packit Service 4b6e520
  * Packit: build SRPMs in Copr (#987)
Packit Service 4b6e520
Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Enric Balletbo i Serra, Laura Barcziova, Simon Steinbeiss, Tom Gundersen, Tomas Hozza
Packit Service 4b6e520
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-03-24
Packit Service 4b6e520
Packit Service 4b6e520
Packit Service 4b6e520
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit Service c6393f3
* Fri Mar 04 2022 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 52-1
Packit Service c6393f3
Packit Service c6393f3
Packit Service c6393f3
  * `stages/grub2`: write GRUB_DEFAULT on saved_entry (#981)
Packit Service c6393f3
  * `stages/firewall`: fix fail when setting only the default zone (#984)
Packit Service c6393f3
  * `stages/rpm`: option to import gpg keys from tree (#985)
Packit Service c6393f3
  * LVM2: separate stderr, stdout (#982)
Packit Service c6393f3
  * Extend firewall stage to set the default zone (#980)
Packit Service c6393f3
  * runners: add org.osbuild.fedora37 (#983)
Packit Service c6393f3
  * ci/deploy: use public EPEL-9 (#979)
Packit Service c6393f3
Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Tomas Hozza, Thomas
Packit Service c6393f3
Packit Service c6393f3
— Wien, 2022-03-04
Packit Service c6393f3
Packit Service c6393f3
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit Service 795c83a
* Wed Mar 02 2022 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 51-1
Packit Service 795c83a
Packit Service 795c83a
Packit Service 795c83a
  * stages: add the ability to configure pacman repos (#955)
Packit Service 795c83a
Contributions from: Jelle van der Waa, Simon Steinbeiß
Packit Service 795c83a
Grenoble Location, 2022-03-02
Packit Service 795c83a
Packit Service 795c83a
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit Service deefd5f
* Sun Feb 27 2022 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 50-1
Packit Service deefd5f
Packit Service deefd5f
Packit Service deefd5f
  * util/udev: fix path for udev device inhibitor (#976)
Packit Service deefd5f
  * Add RHEL-9.1 runner (#975)
Packit Service deefd5f
Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Tomas Hozza
Packit Service deefd5f
— Vöcklabruck, 2022-02-27
Packit Service deefd5f
Packit Service deefd5f
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit Service 90cbe21
* Wed Feb 23 2022 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 49-1
Packit Service 90cbe21
Packit Service 90cbe21
Packit Service 90cbe21
  * `stages/fdo`: add new stage (#857)
Packit Service 90cbe21
  * `stages/clevis-luks-bind`, `stages/luks-remove-key`: add new stages (#967)
Packit Service 90cbe21
  * `stages/oci-archive`: fix creation time format (#973)
Packit Service 90cbe21
  * rpmbuild: run on centos-9 (#974)
Packit Service 90cbe21
  * Host.Service: add signals (#969)
Packit Service 90cbe21
Contributions from: Antonio Murdaca, Christian Kellner, Chloe Kaubisch, Jakub Rusz,
Packit Service 90cbe21
                    Thomas Lavocat
Packit Service 90cbe21
— Vöcklabruck, 2022-02-23
Packit Service 90cbe21
Packit Service 90cbe21
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit Service 36323ee
* Wed Feb 16 2022 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 48-1
Packit Service 36323ee
Packit Service 36323ee
Packit Service 36323ee
  * skopeo stage: remove overlay/backingFsBlockDev file after install (#970)
Packit Service 36323ee
  * Add support for embedding containers in images (#952)
Packit Service 36323ee
  * Initial work on more reproducible builds (#962)
Packit Service 36323ee
  * Bootiso: add the option to compress using lz4 (#951)
Packit Service 36323ee
  * runners: add rhel-87 (#963)
Packit Service 36323ee
Contributions from: Alexander Larsson, Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Ondřej Budai, Roy Golan, Thomas Lavocat, jkozol
Packit Service 36323ee
— Berlin, 2022-02-16
Packit Service 36323ee
Packit Service 36323ee
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit Service 25b19c2
* Wed Feb 02 2022 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 47-1
Packit Service 25b19c2
CHANGES WITH 47:       ----------------   * `util/linux`: fix BLK_IOC_FLSBUF on ppc64le (osbuild#954)   * ci: make jobs interruptible (osbuild#902)   * `test/ci`: fix sonarqube run on main (osbuild#950)   * Enable Sonarqube scan (osbuild#898)
Packit Service 25b19c2
Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Simon Steinbeiss
Packit Service 25b19c2
— Berlin, 2022-02-02
Packit Service 25b19c2
Packit Service 25b19c2
Packit c0e1c19
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 46-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild
Packit Service cb0cf0b
* Wed Jan 19 2022 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 46-1
Packit Service cb0cf0b
Packit Service cb0cf0b
Packit Service cb0cf0b
  * Add the option of compressing using lz4 (#946)
Packit Service cb0cf0b
Contributions from: Thomas Lavocat, Tomáš Hozza
Packit Service cb0cf0b
— Vöcklabruck, 2022-01-19
Packit Service cb0cf0b
Packit Service cb0cf0b
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit Service 1f03cd9
* Fri Jan 07 2022 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 45-1
Packit Service 1f03cd9
Packit Service 1f03cd9
Packit Service 1f03cd9
  * `stages/grub2`: ability to not write kernel cmdline (#939)
Packit Service 1f03cd9
  * Arch legacy grub compatibility (#941)
Packit Service 1f03cd9
  * org.osbuild.kickstart adjustments (#943)
Packit Service 1f03cd9
  * Fix typo in tar stage schema option enum (#940)
Packit Service 1f03cd9
  * Add mkinitcpio stage (#937)
Packit Service 1f03cd9
  * stages: allow using sysconfig stage multiple times. (#938)
Packit Service 1f03cd9
  * objectstore: don't store objects by their treesum (#861)
Packit Service 1f03cd9
Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Jelle van der Waa, Ondřej Budai, Tom Gundersen, Tomáš Hozza, Simon Steinbeiss
Packit Service 1f03cd9
— Drásov (Brno-venkov), 2022-01-07
Packit Service 1f03cd9
Packit Service 1f03cd9
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit Service ff8eba7
* Thu Dec 16 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 44-1
Packit Service ff8eba7
Packit Service ff8eba7
Packit Service ff8eba7
  * LUKS (v2) support (#879)
Packit Service ff8eba7
  * osbuild-mpp: Add support for a pacman resolver (#911)
Packit Service ff8eba7
  * `stages/dnf-automatic`: add new stage for configuring DNF Automatic (#936)
Packit Service ff8eba7
  * `stages/yum.repos`: add new stage for creating YUM / DNF repo files (#932)
Packit Service ff8eba7
  * `stages/users`: explicitly create a home directory (#929)
Packit Service ff8eba7
  * `stages/dnf`: edit /etc/dnf/dnf.conf (#928)
Packit Service ff8eba7
  * `stages/sshd`: support PermitRootLogin option (#917)
Packit Service ff8eba7
  * build root: isolate container environment from the host and set `CONTAINER` (#926)
Packit Service ff8eba7
  * Small fix for `mounts/ostree.deployment` and an order check for `depsolve` (#915)
Packit Service ff8eba7
  * Added poll() with a time out of 10 minutes for building images (#888, #918)
Packit Service ff8eba7
  * Apply autopep8 to osbuild-mpp and resolve Constructor is undefined (#914)
Packit Service ff8eba7
  * Support for on demand pipeline building (#855)
Packit Service ff8eba7
  * util/rmrf: handle broken symlinks (#913)
Packit Service ff8eba7
Contributions from: Aaron Hetherington, Achilleas Koutsou, Christian Kellner, Jelle van der Waa,
Packit Service ff8eba7
                    Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon Steinbeiss, Tomas Hozza
Packit Service ff8eba7
— Vöcklabruck, 2021-12-16
Packit Service ff8eba7
Packit Service ff8eba7
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit Service ec12d3d
* Wed Dec 01 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 43-1
Packit Service ec12d3d
Packit Service ec12d3d
Packit Service ec12d3d
  * Buildroot: mask `/proc/cmdline` (#895)
Packit Service ec12d3d
  * stages/grub2.inst: Make grub-mkimage binary configurable (#905)
Packit Service ec12d3d
  * tests: enable testing on aarch64 RHEL (#844)
Packit Service ec12d3d
  * gitignore: Ignore generated man pages (#903)
Packit Service ec12d3d
  * stages/ostree.fillvar: fill the correct var (#904)
Packit Service ec12d3d
  * osbuild-mpp: Allow importing multiple pipelines from a manifest (#900)
Packit Service ec12d3d
  * ci: switch to rhel-9 runners (#901)
Packit Service ec12d3d
  * spec: require python3-pyyaml for osbuild-tools (#899)
Packit Service ec12d3d
  * osbuild-mpp: Support loading yaml as well as json files (#893)
Packit Service ec12d3d
  * CI: update the osbuild-ci container (#896)
Packit Service ec12d3d
  * osbuild: Add org.osbuild.gunzip stage (#886)
Packit Service ec12d3d
  * osbuild-mpp: Report the path of the json file when parsing fails (#890)
Packit Service ec12d3d
  * packit: enable copr builds for CS9 on main (#894)
Packit Service ec12d3d
  * tools/osbuild-mpp: add ability to embed files (#859)
Packit Service ec12d3d
  * osbuild-mpp: Add mpp-if feature (#885)
Packit Service ec12d3d
Contributions from: Alexander Larsson, Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Jelle van der Waa, Ondřej Budai, kingsleyzissou
Packit Service ec12d3d
— Berlin, 2021-12-01
Packit Service ec12d3d
Packit Service ec12d3d
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit Service 27dc04a
* Thu Nov 18 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 42-1
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
  * packit: enable copr build for CS9 (#887)
Packit Service 27dc04a
  * test/lvm2: use LoopControl.loop_for_fd (#884)
Packit Service 27dc04a
  * packit: Use upstream github release description (#880)
Packit Service 27dc04a
Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Ondřej Budai, Simon Steinbeiss
Packit Service 27dc04a
— Cork, 2021-11-17
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit Service 27dc04a
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit Service 56b71b7
* Wed Nov 17 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 42-1
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
  * packit: enable copr build for CS9 (#887)
Packit Service 56b71b7
  * test/lvm2: use LoopControl.loop_for_fd (#884)
Packit Service 56b71b7
  * packit: Use upstream github release description (#880)
Packit Service 56b71b7
Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Ondřej Budai, Simon Steinbeiss
Packit Service 56b71b7
— Cork, 2021-11-17
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit Service 56b71b7
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit c0e1c19
Packit Service cd15fec
* Mon Nov 08 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 41-1
Packit Service cd15fec
- stages/authconfig: run authconfig (Tom Gundersen)
Packit Service cd15fec
- stages/yum.config: add an option to configure langpacks plugin (Ondřej Budai)
Packit Service cd15fec
- formats/v2: fix describe for mount without source (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service cd15fec
- stages/selinux: ability to force an auto-relabel (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service cd15fec
- stages/pwquality.conf: set pwquality configuration (Tom Gundersen)
Packit Service cd15fec
- stages/rhsm: add support to configure yum plugins (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service cd15fec
- stages/rhsm: extract plugins defintion (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service cd15fec
- Add new `org.osbuild.yum.config` stage (Tomas Hozza)
Packit Service cd15fec
- test/cloud-init: add new options to stage test (Achilleas Koutsou)
Packit Service cd15fec
- stages/cloud-init: disable default_flow_style when writing configs (Achilleas Koutsou)
Packit Service cd15fec
- stages/cloud-init: add support for configuring output logging (Achilleas Koutsou)
Packit Service cd15fec
- stages/cloud-init: add support for configuring reporting handlers (Achilleas Koutsou)
Packit Service cd15fec
- stages/cloud-init: add support for configuring Azure datasource (Achilleas Koutsou)
Packit Service cd15fec
- stages: add new org.osbuild.cron.script stage (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service cd15fec
- stages/grub2: add support for terminal, serial and timeout config (Ondřej Budai)
Packit Service cd15fec
- stages/waagent.conf: set WALinuxAgent configuration (Tom Gundersen)
Packit Service cd15fec
- stages/sshd.config: set sshd configuration (Tom Gundersen)
Packit Service cd15fec
- Support 'install' command in org.osbuild.modprobe stage (Tomas Hozza)
Packit Service cd15fec
- Post release version bump (msehnout)
Packit Service cd15fec
Packit Service 1ea227d
* Wed Nov 03 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 40-1
Packit Service 1ea227d
- stages/lvm2.create: fix 'size' and add 'extents' (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- Let schutzbot do the post-release version bump (Simon Steinbeiss)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- test/data: use ostree.deployment in fedora image (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- mounts: add new ostree.deployment service (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- mounts: include tree directory in arguments (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- mounts: allow empty returns from service (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- mounts: separate file system mount service (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- meta: allow mounts for all stages (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- schema/v2: make mount source and target optional (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- mounts: change schema meta information (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- mounts: introduce new mount manager class (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- devices: add device path helper functions (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- devices: introduce new device manager class (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- test/data: add RHEL 7 manifests (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- test/stages: add check for `parted` stage (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- runners: add rhel7 runner (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- stages/grub2.legacy: new stage for non-bls config (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- stages/parted: new stage to partition a device (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- pipeline: don't bind-mount /boot from the host (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- buildroot: make mounting /boot optional (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- setup.cfg: increase max-statements to 75 (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- runners: add new centos9 runner (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- ci: remove 8.5 nightly testing (Ondřej Budai)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- mpp: fix long options (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- osbuild-mpp: Set the "arch" variable to the current rpm arch (Alexander Larsson)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- osbuild-mpp: Better handling of variable defaults and propagation (Alexander Larsson)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- osbuild-mpp: Better handling of -D overrides (Alexander Larsson)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- osbuild-mpp: Allow using formating in depsolver node (Alexander Larsson)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- osbuild-mpp: Add mpp-join (Alexander Larsson)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- osbuild-mpp: Add mpp-eval (Alexander Larsson)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- Fix GitHub Action tag pattern (Simon Steinbeiss)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- mockbuild: reuse mock repos from the system ones (Ondřej Budai)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- mockbuild: rotate a variable name (Ondřej Budai)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- gitlab: don't save journal (Ondřej Budai)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- deploy: update to the latest composer commit (Ondřej Budai)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- ci: don't register the runners (Ondřej Budai)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- trigger-gitlab: do not interpret the fetch_pulls outputs (Ondřej Budai)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- Bump version numbers ahead of release (Simon Steinbeiss)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- Switch to simple upstream releases (Simon Steinbeiss)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- stages/grub2.inst: ensure /var/tmp exists (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- devices/loopback: remove extra "'" from print (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- tests/ci: Switch to testing on 8.4 GA (Jakub Rusz)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- tests: enable testing on RHEl-8.5 and RHEL-9.0 (Jakub Rusz)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- .github: Write PR data to a file first in trigger-gitlab (Sanne Raymaekers)
Packit Service 1ea227d
- README: Add a link to our developer guide (Simon Steinbeiss)
Packit Service 1ea227d
Packit Service 87a8506
* Wed Oct 06 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 39-1
Packit Service 87a8506
- 39 (Thomas Lavocat)
Packit Service 87a8506
- packit: enable builds on ppc64le (Tomas Hozza)
Packit Service 87a8506
- CI: rename rhel-8.5 runners to rhel-8.5-nightly (Achilleas Koutsou)
Packit Service 87a8506
- mockbuild: add RHEL 8.6 (Achilleas Koutsou)
Packit Service 87a8506
- docs: document osbuild and selinux integration (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 87a8506
- ci: trigger gitlab from checks not tests (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 87a8506
- ci: split out checks from tests (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 87a8506
- .github: Get PR number from sha (Sanne Raymaekers)
Packit Service 87a8506
- .github: Use the workflow_run event data in trigger-gitlab (Sanne Raymaekers)
Packit Service 87a8506
- ci: trigger gitlab ci via workflow run event (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service 87a8506
Packit Service ef09dca
* Mon Sep 27 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 38-1
Packit Service ef09dca
- 38 (Simon Steinbeiss)
Packit Service ef09dca
- Copy the local_vars dictionary to avoid eval modifying it (Pierre-Yves Chibon)
Packit Service ef09dca
- Add support for defining variables from other variables or basic expression (Pierre-Yves Chibon)
Packit Service ef09dca
- test/host: checks for invalid fd handling (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service ef09dca
- host: check reply_fds before sending them (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service ef09dca
- host: raise a protocol error for empty messages (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service ef09dca
- sources: pass items via temporary file (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service ef09dca
- test/host: add check for call with fds (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service ef09dca
- host: properly clean up passed fds (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service ef09dca
- stages/qemu: fix 'compat' option (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service ef09dca
Packit Service fcb0b8d
* Wed Sep 22 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 37-1
Packit Service fcb0b8d
- 37 (Martin Sehnoutka)
Packit Service fcb0b8d
- sources: port to host services (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service fcb0b8d
- org.osbuild.curl: Don't load secrets if not needed (Alexander Larsson)
Packit Service fcb0b8d
- pipeline: split out downloading from building (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service fcb0b8d
- Fix the assert as `.sort()`  returns None (Pierre-Yves Chibon)
Packit Service fcb0b8d
- schutzbot: Update terraform sha (Sanne Raymaekers)
Packit Service fcb0b8d
- packit: Propose PRs to all Fedoras (Simon Steinbeiss)
Packit Service fcb0b8d
- stages: pam_limits.conf → pam.limits.conf (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service fcb0b8d
- Add a new stage for configuring `pam_limits` module (Tomas Hozza)
Packit Service fcb0b8d
- ostree.config: add `bootloader` config option (Christian Kellner)
Packit Service fcb0b8d
- Add a new stage for setting kernel parameters via sysctl.d (Tomas Hozza)
Packit Service fcb0b8d
Packit Service f44e71e
* Wed Sep 08 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 36-1
Packit Service f44e71e
- 36 (Diaa Sami)
Packit Service f44e71e
- Add a new stage `org.osbuild.tmpfilesd` for configuring tmpfiles.d (Tomas Hozza)
Packit Service f44e71e
- Add a new stage for configuring SELinux state on the system (Tomas Hozza)
Packit Service f44e71e
- Add a new `org.osbuild.dnf.config` stage for configuring DNF (Tomas Hozza)
Packit Service f44e71e
- Add new `org.osbuild.tuned` stage for setting active TuneD profile (Tomas Hozza)
Packit Service f44e71e
- util/rhsm: Check if repositories is None before iterating (Sanne Raymaekers)
Packit Service f44e71e
- stages/kickstart: set passwords with --iscrypted (Achilleas Koutsou)
Packit Service f44e71e
Packit Service 8344d84
* Sun Aug 29 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 35-1
Packit Service 8344d84
- 35 (Tom Gundersen)
Packit Service 8344d84
- stages/kickstart: quote ssh-key (Christian Kellner)
* Mon Aug 19 2019 Miro Hrončok <mhroncok@redhat.com> - 1-3
- Rebuilt for Python 3.8
* Mon Jul 29 2019 Martin Sehnoutka <msehnout@redhat.com> - 1-2
- update upstream URL to the new Github organization
* Wed Jul 17 2019 Martin Sehnoutka <msehnout@redhat.com> - 1-1
- Initial package